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Conduta dos enfermeiros na preven??o de queda em idosos em institui??es hospitalares

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Previous issue date: 2017-02-21 / O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a conduta dos enfermeiros na preven??o de queda em idosos internados em institui??es p?blicas hospitalares, no munic?pio de Natal-RN. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo descritivo e explorat?rio, realizado em Hospitais P?blicos do munic?pio de Natal, RN, atrav?s de uma amostra observacional descritiva com 130 enfermeiros assistenciais dos setores de cl?nica m?dia e cir?rgica, nos meses de dezembro de 2016 a janeiro de 2017. A coleta de dados teve in?cio,ap?staprova??o pelo Comit? de ?tica e Pesquisa, sob o n? 1.850.668, seguida da testagem do instrumento. O tratamento dos dados ocorreu em planilha para realiza??o das tabelas descritivas e aplica??o de testes estat?sticos utilizou-se o software Statistica SPSS 20.0, vers?o livre tempor?ria. Quanto ? caracteriza??o dos participantes, os resultados indicaram que a maioria s?o do sexo feminino (87,6%), com idade entre 31-40 anos (49,2%), casadas (51,5%), admitidas no servi?o h? 4anos (46,9%), lotados no setor de cl?nica m?dica (76,1%), trabalhando no turno da manh? (49,2%), com apenas um v?nculo (57,6) e exercendo cargo assistencial (96,9%). Com rela??o ? ocorr?ncia do evento queda nos idosos internados, a minoria(26,9%) dos enfermeiros afirmam saber da ocorr?ncia de queda em idosos na institui??o, enquanto que a maioria (73,0%), afirmam n?o ter conhecimento do evento na institui??o. Entre os principais fatores da institui??o, capazes de aumentar a ocorr?ncia de quedas destacaram-se: a aus?ncia de acompanhante (70,77%), leitos sem grades (51,54%), banheiro sem barras de apoio e piso antiderrapante (41,54%), aus?ncia de alarmes (39,23%), piso escorregadio (35,38%) e luminosidade diminu?da (33,85%). Conforme an?lise comparativa, atrav?s de teste X2, algumas vari?veis como: tipo de institui??o (universit?ria, local de estudo), tempo de gradua??o, admiss?o na institui??o, somente um v?nculo empregat?cio, al?m de maior qualifica??o profissional, apresentaram signific?ncia estat?stica, em rela??o ao uso ou ades?o, do protocolo de seguran?a para o evento quedas na institui??o universit?ria. Observou-se que as afirmativas dos enfermeiros no uso do diagn?stico de enfermagem para nortear as interven??es de quedas, se comparadas entre a faixa et?ria e a institui??o, obtiveram diferen?a significativa (0,0014) e, ao tipo de institui??o (0,000), pelo Teste de Fisher. Concluiu-se ao final, a import?ncia da utiliza??o dos instrumentos de notifica??o de quedas em idosos pelas institui??es e controle das ocorr?ncias e elabora??o de medidas preventivas realmente eficazes. Observa-se a necessidade do estimulo a cultura de seguran?a que permitir? discutir junto ? equipe de enfermagem, estrat?gias de preven??o que auxiliem a seguran?a do paciente nas institui??es de sa?de. / The objective of this study was to analyze nurses' behavior in the prevention of falls in elderly people hospitalized in public hospitals, in the Eastern Sanitary District, in the city of Natal-RN. This is a descriptive and Exploratory study carried out in Public Hospitals of the Eastern Sanitary District of the city of Natal, through a descriptive observational sample with 130 nursing assistants from the medium and surgical clinic sectors, from December 2016 to January 2017. Data collection Beginning after obtaining letters of agreement from the institutions and approval by the Ethics and Research Committee, under No. 1,850,668, followed by the testing of the instrument. The data processing was performed in Excel spreadsheet, version 2010, for the accomplishment of the descriptive tables and application of statistical tests. Statistica SPSS 20.0, temporary free version software was used. About the results, the majority of the participants were female (87.6%), the majority were young adults between 31-40 years old (49.2%), married (51.5%) and admitted for 4 years ( 46.9%), who worked in the medical clinic (76.1%), working in the morning shift (49.2%), with only one link (57.6) and having a care position (96.9%). . Regarding the occurrence of the fall in hospitalized elderly, the results showed that (26.9%) of the nurses know of the occurrence of falls in the elderly in the institution, although the majority (73.0%) affirm that they do not know about the event in the institution. Among the main factors of the institution, which were able to increase the occurrence of falls were: absence of companion (70.77%), beds without grids (51.54%), bathroom without grab bars and non-slip floor (41, 54%), absence of alarms (39.23%), slippery floor (35.38%) and reduced luminosity (33.85%). According to a comparative analysis, by means of the X2 test, some variables such as: type of institution (university, place of study), graduation time, admission to the institution, only an employment relationship, besides higher professional qualification, presented statistical significance, Use or adhesion of the security protocol for the event falls in the university institution. It was observed that nurses' affirmations in the use of the nursing diagnosis to guide falls interventions, when compared to the age group and the institution, obtained a significant difference (0.0014) and, at the type of institution (0.000), by the Fisher's test. In conclusion, the importance of the use of instruments for reporting adverse events by institutions and control of occurrences and for the preparation of really effective preventive measures was concluded. It is observed the need to stimulate the safety culture that will allow discussing with the nursing team, prevention strategies that ensure patient safety in health institutions.
Date21 February 2017
CreatorsMoreira, Patricia Naiara de Oliveira
Contributors17599750444,, Bosco Filho, Jo?o, 90467345449,, Martino, Milva Maria Figueiredo de, 58771212868,, Pinto, Erika Simone Galv?o, Menezes, Rejane Maria Paiva de
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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