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Entre religión y política en la Argelia socialista (1962/1989): el estatuto jurídico de las mujeres en el seno de la familia

Esta tesis comienza con el seguimiento de la historia de Argelia desde su independencia, el 5 de julio de 1962, empezando por la construcción de un Estado libre e independiente. Este Estado tendrá como fundamento una identidad nacional árabe y musulmana en todos sus aspectos (etnológico, político, económico, social y religioso) que adoptará la forma de un sistema político basado en el socialismo. Dicha opción política influirá directamente en la forma de vida y la organización social, en particular sobre el núcleo esencial, es decir, la familia. Al llegar a este punto, la tesis analiza el papel asignado a la mujer por los textos constitucionales de 1963 y 1976, así como su desarrollo legislativo mediante el "Code de Famille". Los fundamentos políticos y religiosos tuvieron un impacto directo sobre la vida social y particularmente su núcleo, la familia. Según el artículo 65 de la Constitución Argerlina de 1976 « La famille est la cellule de base de la société . Elle bénéficie de la protection de l'Etat et de la société. » La familia es el núcleo de la sociedad. En Argelia , el tipo de familia ¿se distinguiría evolutivo de patriarcal a moderna? ¿o siempre patriarcal? La familia patriarcal obedece a valores tradicionales y religiosos. La mujer es el miembro de la familia quien desempeña un papel y un estatuto doble . El papel de la mujer en la sociedad argelina es primordial. Es doble: al exterior y al interior del domicilio familiar. Primero, la mujer en el espacio público le permite una igualdad en todos los dominios jurídicos. Los textos Constitucionales de 1963 y de 1976 no mencionan ninguna diferencia entre hombre y mujer y al contrario expresan una igualdad entre los sexos para la construcción de un Estado argelino, la participación de todos es decir el pueblo incluyendo hombre y mujer. Segundo, la mujer argelina en el espacio privado desempeña un papel de esposa, madre y hija. Su estatuto de persona en el seno de la familia es de una menor durante toda su vida. Los derechos de las mujeres se determinan en un texto de ley, El Código de la Familia. Este comporta artículos de ley inspirados en la ley islámica « La Shari'a Islamiya » a fin de inscribir la mujer dentro de una dinámica reduciendo sus elecciones personales sobre el noviazgo, el matrimonio, el divorcio, la custodia y el testamento. El derecho femenino en su vida privada está relacionada directamente a la interpretación del texto musulmán en el Código de la Familia. / BETWEEN RELIGION AND POLITICS IN ALGERIA SOCIALIST (1962/1989): THE JURIDICAL STATUS OF WOMEN IN THE FAMILLY. TEXT: At the independance of Algeria, on 5th July 1962, the construction of the algerian state was the first step in this country . This thesis talks about the followed of the history of this country starting with the contruction of a free and independent state. This Algerian state will have of foundation an identities : etnologic , political , economical , social and religious established by the algerian law inclusive in the Constitution . The elaboration of the constrution of a state will start with the first president of the Republic Ahmed Ben Bella and followed by his successor Houari Boumédiène . The foundations of this establishment express itself for a national algerian identity in all Constitutions ( Constitution of the Algerian Republic of 1963 and Constitution of Algerian Republic of 1976 ) underlined an arabic and muslim identity of State . The identity arabic and muslim will be determining for an union with arabics States and a no integration of those for common projects permit diplomatic and solidarity relations . More than relation of all Arabics States , it's more about a way to be : a consideration of a fraternal relation . The etnologic and religious similarities between all countries offered a sufficient reason for an union and a long relation . The option of an arabic and muslim identity will be too nessary pillar for the aplication of a political system socialist . The socialism in Algeria will determine a way of life of people with always an evocation of the direct and immediate implication of this in all properties for realizing this constitutionnal project of a country with strong foundations . This algerian politics according to Ahmed Ben Bella will be made up of the nacionalization of a lot of properties like banks , mines , petroleum , agriculture . But other problems will appear in the new State like unemployment , shortage produced an instability . The decline of the gestion of the country will stop the overthrow the 19th june 1965 . The second president of Algerian Republic, Houari Boumédiène will take the mandate of the country for his country for its funtioning under the same political system but with a new personality at the government. Chadli Bendjedid, the third algerian president will succeed to Boumédiène after his death in December 1978. The presidence of this third government will face dificulties in a lot of properties political, economic and social. The accumulation of problems was expressed by a popular and violent reaction the 05th october 1988. Chadli Bendjedid reacted immediatly when he decided to celebrate a referendum for an adoption of a new Constitution the 23rd February 1989 for giving a different orientation to the functioning of the country. The socialism will stand out the Algerian politics between 1962 and 1989 and it will be presented in both Constitutions (Constitution of 1963 and Constitution of 1976) so that the State gets closer to the people with the device of the political party, FLN, «The revolution by the people and for the people» and put last at the explotation of man by the man. This new identity will be situated in an official writing and put on practice. The respect of this norms and the application of orientations will depende on their leaders because the first Algerian Constitution return to 1963 signed by Ahmed Ben Bella and the second Constitution signed by Houari Boumédiène and will be in vigour until 1989 to give place to another orientation political, economic and social. The foundation, political and religious had a direct impact on the society and in particular his nucleus, the family . The article 65 of the Algerian Constitution of 1976 «La famille est la cellule de base de la société. Elle bénéficie de la protection de l'Etat et de la société». The family is the nucleus of the society. In Algeria, the kind of family could distinguish an evolution to patriarchal to modern? or always patriarchal? The patriarchal family respects traditionals and religious values. The woman is the member of the family who has a role and a double status. The role of the woman in the algerian society is vital. It's double: outside and inside the family's home. First, the woman in the public space give it an equality in all properties legal. The Constitutional texts of 1963 and 1976 don't mentionary difference between man and woman and at contrary they express an equality between sexes for the construction of an Algerian State, the participation of all the people included man and woman. Second, the algerian woman in the private space has role of wife, mother, daughter. Her status of person in the family is a minor all her life. The women rights were determined in texte of laws, "The family law". This includes articles of law inspired by the islamic law « Shari'a Islamiya » to introduce the woman in a dynamic reducing her personal elections in the engagement, the marriage, the divorce ,the custody, the testament. The woman rights in his private life have a direct relation with the interpretation of muslim text in "The Family law" .
Date13 June 2005
CreatorsDjafri, Fawzia
ContributorsCasassas, Jordi, 1948-, Universitat de Barcelona. Departament d'Història Contemporània
PublisherUniversitat de Barcelona
Source SetsUniversitat de Barcelona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Rightsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess, ADVERTIMENT. L'accés als continguts d'aquesta tesi doctoral i la seva utilització ha de respectar els drets de la persona autora. Pot ser utilitzada per a consulta o estudi personal, així com en activitats o materials d'investigació i docència en els termes establerts a l'art. 32 del Text Refós de la Llei de Propietat Intel·lectual (RDL 1/1996). Per altres utilitzacions es requereix l'autorització prèvia i expressa de la persona autora. En qualsevol cas, en la utilització dels seus continguts caldrà indicar de forma clara el nom i cognoms de la persona autora i el títol de la tesi doctoral. No s'autoritza la seva reproducció o altres formes d'explotació efectuades amb finalitats de lucre ni la seva comunicació pública des d'un lloc aliè al servei TDX. Tampoc s'autoritza la presentació del seu contingut en una finestra o marc aliè a TDX (framing). Aquesta reserva de drets afecta tant als continguts de la tesi com als seus resums i índexs.

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