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Texto y contexto en Cadaques. Historia, teoria y práctica de la arquitectura de un pueblo singular

Se pretende conocer su desarrollo arquitectónico a lo largo de su historia y se plantea la relación texto-contexto como básica para el estudio de una población con características muy marcadas; el proyecto arquitectónico, decimos, que puede ser sin representación gráfica en el caso de la arquitectura popu1ar, 1ee el contexto, propone y edifica un texto y el lugar deviene luego de la construcción de un nuevo lugar, un contexto diferente al anterior, a pesar de esto se produce una continuidad ofrecida por el trabajo tipológico de la arquitectura popular y bruscamente interrumpida por las "discontinuidades", el aparecimiento de nuevas tipologías. / ABASTRACTThere are many publications of various types, which mention Cadaqués architecture; those however are in most cases romantic and enthu¬siastic lectures of his architecture.The matter, the author says, is more complicated, it is produced by a series of interactive relationships between the Cadaqués citizens, the economical and political power, the rules, laws and customs that this power produces, and his architecture is a result of this relationship.In history, the economical development, his macro economy and his system, has periods with maximums and minimums, corresponding with the welfare and crisis moments, opposed them in the time also, in which ones, the architecture that has its own independence and autonomy, lost these qualities or there are not the determinants, the economical ones are the determinants in these moments.These periods called "discontinuities" produce new architectonical types, the collective conscious and unconscious works in the direction of welfare and prosperity, the society in his totality works producing more and better, the economical resources contribute to produce bigger and better architectural objects, those ones, are the new types introduced in Cadaqués, like an example, and those built by sensitive artists could mean critical and avant-garde objects.There are others which have not the same kind of work, their authors do not have the same sensibility, and those ones, inside a continued typological work are easily detectable, the do not understand all the architectonic tradition, and their work can not be considered as well integrated.The architectural education should not forget this matter, the history must be present, and the types can be a way to introduce the students to the historical relationship without forgetting our modern culture, our XXth century belonging, and the future of our civilization, the science and technological progress, without loosing our collective memory, our legacy.
Date29 June 1989
CreatorsVivanco Riofrío, Enrique
ContributorsSaura i Carulla, Magda, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona
PublisherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Source SetsUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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