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運用民力協助警察勤務機構執行勤務之調查研究報告 / Using public power enhance the police duties

現今正面臨警界大退休潮,約有近1萬多名警察將於民國106年前退休,以警專及特考班、警大畢業生,自民國101年起,一年2700人左右遞補,亦恐緩不濟急,以本人所服務之芳苑分局為例,民國103年度總編制名額為280名員警,目前僅剩247員額,民國100至103年退休名額30餘人至今仍無法獲得補足,再以芳苑分局偏遠派出所為例,如漢寶、永安、路上派出所編制員額才10名,總而言之,就整整少掉3個派出所警力,必須抽調其它繁重派出所警力暫時補充,以利調度,長期以來,若無法迅速獲得補齊,將對治安形成相當大的隱憂,芳苑分局所轄含二林鎮、竹塘鄉、芳苑鄉、大城鄉(82村里分居於12個分駐(派出)所,轄區面積有294.15平方公里,人口數12萬4328人,如何在警力未補齊之際,運用現有民力,如義警、民防、社區巡守隊協助警察共同維護轄區治安,實為當務之急。常言道警力有限,民力無窮,隨著社會結構的變遷,警察機關必須重新設定與變革化的制度,以適應新的時代的潮流與社會環境需求,而協勤民力運用已是西方先進國家防治犯罪政策的趨勢。本研究為瞭解運用協勤民力協助警察機關之執勤成效,而針對協勤民力人員與警察人員對於協勤認知、相互間認知的差異及執行成效的成果來進行研討分析,藉以發現問題與提出解決策略,俾供政府部門今後運用民力的施政參考,有助警察機關高階領導人決策制定及整體策略前瞻性思維。且協勤民力參與警察勤務執行不但能協助警察處理各項煩瑣的問題,且有助於社會治安與秩序的改善移風易俗及提升擴大警察對民眾服務面向,同時也是人力資源的充分開發,就協勤民力個人而言,也是個人人生最意義的追求,能促使社會變遷的力量是一種善的循環,實現公平正義的社會理想,進而追求世界大同的終極目標。 / Recently, the police force is seeing a wave of retirement. More than 10,000 police officers are about to be retired before 2017. From 2012, about 2700 graduates from Taiwan Police College and Central Police University and special test class replenish into the police force each year. However, supply does not meet demands. Take the FangYuan precinct which I served in for example: there should be 280 policemen in 2012, however, there are only 247 policemen. The 30 retirees during 2011 to 2014 have yet to be replaced. Remote police stations such as HanBao, YongAn and RuShang police station each have only 10 policemen. In other words, a shortage of 30 policemen is equivalent to losing three police stations. This shortage of officers has forced the precinct to deploy police force from busier police stations to replenish those in remote areas. If these vacancies remain unfilled for a long time, it will cause difficulties in fighting crime. The jurisdiction of FangYuan precint includes Erlin, ZhuTang, FangYuan, DaCheng. 12 police stations are distributed in a total of 82 villages. The area of jurisdiction is 294.15km2 and the population is 124K. How to use the existing resources (Volunteered police, community patrol team, civil defence) to help maintain the public safety during the time of shortage in police force is a priority. Police force is limited, but the civil power is infinite. With the changes in the social structure, police need to reassess and fix their rigid system in order to adapt to new social needs and the trend of times. How to use the civil power is the trend of western advanced countries’ crime prevention policy. The purpose of this research is to understand the effect of using the civil power in helping police.
The different views towards helping with police tasks posed by the civil power and police will be analyzed to find problems and develop solutions. The research will serve for future reference for the government and aid leaders of the government and leaders of the police to establish policies. The participation of civil power not only can help police handle the business but also contribute to the public safety maintenance and expand the service of police. It is also an effective use of human resources. For people contributing to civil power, it is the pursuit of the meaning of life, because to promote social change is a cycle of goodness and realization of ideals of social justice. It is a step towards the ultimate goal of universal brotherhood. / 摘要 i
Subject ii
謝誌 iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 研究的範圍與限制 8
第四節 研究章節安排與架構 9
第五節 研究流程 10
第二章 協勤民力理論基礎與文獻探討 11
第一節 志願服務 11
第二節 公民參與 17
第三節 公部門運用志願服務組織相關理論 19
第四節 國外協勤民力協勤現況 30
第五節 彰化縣警察局協勤民力組織概述及協勤成效 32
第三章 研究方法 46
第一節 研究架構 46
第二節 研究對象 49
第三節 研究工具 54
第四章 研究結果與分析 64
第一節 警察人員基本資料分析 64
第二節 協勤民力人員基本資料分析 68
第三節 警察人員對於協勤民力工作看法分析 74
第四節 協勤民力人員對於協勤工作的看法分析 79
第五節 警察人員及協勤民力人員特性差異分析 84
第六節 警察人員及協勤民力人員對民力協勤的認知差異分析 103
第五章 結論與建議 107
第一節 研究結論 107
第二節 建議 116
第三節 文獻回顧及研究貢獻 122
參考文獻 124
Date January 1900
Creators吳世偉, Shin-Wei Wu
Contributors林原勗, Yuan-Hsu Lin
Publisher明道大學, 管理研究所
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
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