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Modélisation à base de Composants de Systèmes Temps réel Hétérogènes en BIP

We present the BIP component framework for component-based construction of real-time systems from heterogeneous components. BIP stands for Behavior, Interaction and Priority, the three main elements for building components. It considers that systems can be obtained by composition of 3-layered components, where the lowest layer represents behavior as a set of transitions with triggers and actions; the intermediate level is the set of the interactions between the transitions of the behavior level, and the upper level is a set of dynamic priority rules. BIP has a rigorous formal semantics, and supports a system construction methodology based on a parameterized composition operator on components. The use of a layered composition operator allows incremental construction. The system construction process can be viewed as a sequence of transformations in a three-dimensional space of Behavior X Interaction X Priority, and provides a basis for the study of property preserving transformations between subclasses of systems such as untimed/timed, asynchronous/synchronous. We also provide a distributed semantics for systems in BIP, using a partial state model, and show the use of an auxiliary predicate called Oracle to preserve observational equivalence with respect to the centralized semantics. We present an implementation of BIP as a tool chain that allows modeling, static analysis and execution of BIP descriptions on a dedicated engine. Three different implementations for the engine have been provided, a centralized enumerative engine, a centralized symbolic engine and a distributed engine. We illustrate the use of the tool chain for two major application domains, Software Componentization, and Modeling mixed hw/sw systems.
Date15 December 2008
CreatorsBasu, Ananda
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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