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Viol?ncia infantil : evid?ncias em crimes sexuais contra crian?as

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Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / Child sexual abuse has its own characteristics and its assessment by the authorities becomes complex due to multiple factors such as the absence of witnesses and the limitation of physical traces. This dissertation addresses sexual violence against minors, through the presentation of two studies. The first study presents the characteristics of sexual abuse allegations involving 117 children under this type of crime. Was performed documentary research and retrospective information contained in expert reports, having been raised the characteristics of the alleged victims, notifyers and suspects. Were also analyzed the steps between reporting the facts and the offering of the complaint by the Minist?rio P?blico and/or court decision at first instance. The results of this study showed that the alleged victims were predominantly female and that the abuse was intrafamilial in most cases, being the mother the main accuser. The physical expertise showed absence of physical traces in most of the analyzed cases. The psychic expertise was performed on 45 children, occurring in two stages: the investigative interview and the clinical evaluation. In most cases there was a revelation of an abusive situation by the alleged victims and were also identified signs of psychological distress. The follow up processes showed the predominance of cases filed in Promotoria C?vel due to the protection of the child by their own family or by measures of overthrow of family power. About a third of the cases reported by Promotoria Criminal showed a judicial outcome in the first instance. It was observed that the authorities have used various evidences inserted in the context of the criminal event to base their decisions on the analysis of sexual offenses against children. Considering the complexity of these crimes, the second study presents a survey on the opinion of the authorities regarding the criteria for the assessment of evidence on the investigative and procedural phases. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 participants, nine of the investigative phase (Police Marshal) and nine on the procedural stage (five Prosecutors and four Judges with experience in the area of Children and Youth). The authorities expressed their opinion on the analysis of the following evidence: the word of the victim, the physical traces, other evidence (witnesses, school reports, reports of health and psychosocial) and the confession of the suspect. Most participants mentioned that the absence of witnesses, the limitation of physical evidence and the secrecy surrounding the intrafamily abuse are difficulties in assessing these crimes. These difficulties cause delays in the final outcome of cases, prolonging the psychological distress of the victims, family members and technical staff involved in the investigation, complaint and judicial decision. However, the interviewees felt that progress have been made in order to preserve the main evidence in sexual abuse: the word of the victim. It was observed in these studies, the knowledge of the peculiarities of child sexual abuse, standardization of procedures and scientific advancement regarding the collection of evidence are required for full protection of the victims of these types of crimes to actually occur. / O abuso sexual infantil apresenta caracter?sticas pr?prias e sua avalia??o por parte das autoridades torna-se complexa, devido a m?ltiplos fatores, tais como a aus?ncia de testemunhas e a limita??o de vest?gios f?sicos. A presente disserta??o aborda a viol?ncia sexual contra menores, atrav?s da apresenta??o de dois estudos. O primeiro estudo apresenta as caracter?sticas do abuso sexual envolvendo 117 crian?as com alega??es deste tipo de crime. Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental e retrospectiva de informa??es contidas em laudos periciais, tendo sido levantadas as caracter?sticas das supostas v?timas, notificadores e suspeitos. Tamb?m foram analisadas as etapas compreendidas entre a notifica??o dos fatos e o oferecimento da den?ncia pelo Minist?rio P?blico e/ou decis?o judicial em primeira inst?ncia. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que as supostas v?timas eram predominantemente do sexo feminino e que o abuso foi intrafamiliar na maioria dos casos, sendo a figura materna a principal denunciante. A per?cia f?sica apresentou aus?ncia de vest?gios f?sicos na maioria dos casos analisados. A per?cia ps?quica foi realizada por 45 crian?as, ocorrendo em duas etapas: a entrevista investigativa e a avalia??o cl?nica. Na maioria dos casos houve a revela??o de uma situa??o abusiva pelas supostas v?timas e tamb?m foram identificados sinais de sofrimento ps?quico. O acompanhamento dos processos mostrou a predomin?ncia de casos arquivados na Promotoria C?vel devido ? prote??o da crian?a pela pr?pria fam?lia ou por medidas de destitui??o do poder familiar. Cerca de um ter?o dos casos denunciados pela Promotoria Criminal apresentaram um desfecho judicial em primeira inst?ncia. Observou-se que as autoridades utilizaram diversos elementos probat?rios inseridos no contexto do evento delituoso para embasar suas decis?es na an?lise dos crimes sexuais contra crian?as. Considerando a complexidade destes crimes, o segundo estudo apresenta um levantamento da opini?o das autoridades a respeito dos crit?rios de avalia??o das evid?ncias nas fases investigativa e processual. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-dirigidas com 18 participantes, sendo nove da fase investigativa (Delegados de Pol?cia) e nove da fase processual (cinco Promotores de Justi?a e quatro Ju?zes de Direito com atua??o na ?rea da Inf?ncia e Juventude). As autoridades manifestaram suas opini?es sobre a an?lise das seguintes evid?ncias: a palavra da v?tima, os vest?gios f?sicos, outros elementos probat?rios (testemunhas, pareceres escolares, relat?rios de profissionais da sa?de e psicossociais) e a confiss?o do suspeito. A maioria dos participantes mencionou que a aus?ncia de testemunhas, a limita??o de provas f?sicas e o segredo que envolve o abuso intrafamiliar s?o dificuldades encontradas na avalia??o destes crimes. Estas dificuldades causam morosidade no desfecho final dos casos, prolongando o sofrimento ps?quico das v?timas, familiares e equipes t?cnicas envolvidas na investiga??o, den?ncia e decis?o judicial. Entretanto, os entrevistados consideraram que houve avan?os na forma de preservar a principal evid?ncia no abuso sexual: a palavra da v?tima. Observou-se, nestes estudos, que o conhecimento das particularidades do abuso sexual infantil, a padroniza??o de procedimentos e o avan?o cient?fico quanto ? coleta de evid?ncias s?o necess?rios para que efetivamente ocorra a prote??o integral das v?timas destes tipos de crimes.
Date24 February 2014
CreatorsRios, Angelita Maria Ferreira Machado
ContributorsStein, Lilian Milnitsky
PublisherPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Psicologia, PUCRS, BR, Faculdade de Psicologia
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS
Relation2588426296948062698, 500, 600, 2599381623216554467

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