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Successfully Reaching Prospective Students: Analysis of Recruitment Techniques in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Southern Illinois University Carbondale

The purpose of this study was to estimate the effects of recruitment efforts used in the College of Agricultural Sciences (COAS) on students enrolled in the College. The study focused on different attributes of why students enrolled in the agriculture programs at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC). University of Illinois, Western Illinois University, and Illinois State University data was also included in this study. The data used in this study were obtained from current students in the agriculture programs at SIUC and the data for enrollment, tuition and fees, and degrees conferred was obtained from Illinois Board of Higher Education. Graphs and tables were used to organize the data to show significant changes and trends among the universities and student responses to surveys. A least squares regression model was also used to analyze effects of different factors on COAS enrollment. It was found that recruitment efforts at the COAS need to be evaluated to better focus recruitment spending. Analysis of a mass mailing effort shows that over $26,819.13 has been spent in two years with minimal increases to enrollment of the COAS. Other results show the top three factors surveyed from freshman enrolled in the COAS on why they enrolled were programs, cost, and location. Compared to enrollment and degrees conferred of other agriculture programs in the state, the COAS should be capable of substantially increasing enrollment.
Date01 January 2008
CreatorsBarczewski, Amanda
Source SetsSouthern Illinois University Carbondale
Detected LanguageEnglish

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