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Forma??o de professores de hist?ria, pr?ticas e discursos de si

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Previous issue date: 2013-01-08 / The main objective of this study is to analyze the training process of undergraduate students of History in a university center of Rio Grande do Sul, particularly with respect to how supervised internship is understood and performed. We aim to seek, through the internship reports, the subjects speeches among every kind of circumstance the students are submitted to along this process. The methodology used was qualitative and quantitative in nature and, at first, it was identified and analyzed everything the students believe in and carry with them as truths about the profession, their desires and goals as professionals in the education field and, more specifically, as future History teachers. After that, it was carried out the identification and analysis of speeches which contrast the ideal of the career with the reality experienced in elementary schools. Finally, we highlight the speeches that seek to resize the educational practice after having performed the internship, realigning the desire to become teachers in face of the adversities found along the training process. We believe that the Supervised Internships are the initial teaching experience by excellence. They are also places of paradoxes, where joys and sorrows, perseverance and difficulties are found in different situations of the school environment, and can be interpreted considering the different paths taken along the training years. If there are pre-conditions, yet a whole series of issues relating to the universe prior to the initial training and to the university environment is part of the understanding about education and about graduating as History teachers. Conjuncture issues, as well as specific aspects related to space/time experienced by interns, are significant to the understanding of what they tell about their experiences in schools. In this sense, we recognize that it will not be possible to move forward and overcome the symptoms of malaise in teaching until we have a resizing of the initial training of future education professionals. To fully comply with their formative function, higher education institutions must be able to simultaneously meet the needs of students regarding their specific area of expertise, combining it with a greater emphasis on teaching, through educational programs that train teachers in the fullness. The revaluation of the teaching profession must be initiated in Higher Education Institutions. It is there where future teachers will be trained. It is there where the profound gaps between theory and practice are identified. Far from being seen as a smooth process without trauma, initiation into teaching is presented by the interns as a place of doubts and difficulties. However, they reaffirm the belief in education as the primary means of personal growth and transformation of society. Unaware of instruments capable of reorganizing and giving new meanings to the understanding of what undergraduate students themselves identify as what is "real" in their profession, they come back to the founding speech of a redemptive education. In this resuming or reaffirmation process of ideals and beliefs, the students seek and are able to join essential forces to rethink about themselves and give meaning to the work they develop, building a positive self-image among the antinomies of the training process. / O presente estudo tem como objetivo central analisar o processo formativo de estudantes do Curso de Licenciatura em Hist?ria de um centro universit?rio do Rio Grande do Sul, especialmente a forma como s?o entendidas e realizadas as disciplinas de Est?gio Supervisionado. Interessa-nos buscar, atrav?s dos relat?rios de est?gio, a fala dos sujeitos em meio a todo o tipo de circunst?ncia a que s?o submetidos ao longo deste processo. A metodologia empregada foi de car?ter qualiquantitativo e, num primeiro momento, identificamos e analisamos tudo aquilo que acreditam e carregam consigo como verdades a respeito da profiss?o, seus desejos e objetivos enquanto profissionais da ?rea do ensino e, mais especificamente, como futuros professores de Hist?ria. Posteriormente, damos in?cio ao trabalho de identifica??o e an?lise dos discursos que contrastam o ideal da profiss?o frente ? realidade experienciada nas escolas de Educa??o B?sica. Finalmente, destacamos as falas que buscam redimensionar o ato educativo p?s-experi?ncia de Est?gio Supervisionado, realinhando o desejo de tornarem-se professores diante das adversidades encontradas ao longo do processo de forma??o. Acreditamos que as disciplinas de Est?gio Supervisionado s?o por excel?ncia o local de inicia??o na doc?ncia. S?o tamb?m locais de paradoxos, onde as alegrias e tristezas, a perseveran?a e as dificuldades s?o encontradas quando das diferentes situa??es relativas ao ambiente escolar, podendo ser interpretadas levando-se em considera??o os diferentes caminhos percorridos no decorrer dos anos de forma??o. Se existem pr?-condi??es, ainda assim, participa do entendimento que fazem a respeito da educa??o e do formar-se professor de Hist?ria, toda uma s?rie de quest?es relativas ao universo que antecede a forma??o inicial e ao ambiente universit?rio. Quest?es conjunturais, assim como aspectos pontuais relativos ao espa?o/tempo experienciado pelos professorandos, s?o significativas para que possamos compreender aquilo que narram a respeito das suas experi?ncias nas escolas. Neste sentido, identificamos que n?o ser? poss?vel avan?armos e superarmos os sintomas de mal-estar na doc?ncia at? que tenhamos um redimensionamento da forma??o inicial dos futuros profissionais da educa??o. Para que cumpra plenamente com sua fun??o formativa, as Institui??es de Ensino Superior devem ser capazes de, ao mesmo tempo suprir as necessidades dos estudantes em rela??o ? ?rea espec?fica de atua??o, conciliando a isso uma maior ?nfase na doc?ncia, atrav?s de programas de ensino que formem o professor em sua plenitude. ? nas IES que deve ser dado in?cio a revaloriza??o da profiss?o docente. ? nela que ser?o formados os futuros quadros do magist?rio. E ? nela que s?o identificadas as profundas defasagens na rela??o teoria X pr?tica. Longe de ser entendido como um processo tranquilo e livre de traumas, a inicia??o na doc?ncia nos ? apresentada pelos estagi?rios como sendo um local de d?vidas e dificuldades. Ainda assim, reafirmam a cren?a na educa??o como sendo o principal meio de crescimento pessoal e de transforma??o da sociedade. Alijados de instrumentos capazes de reorganizar e dar novos sentidos ao entendimento daquilo que por eles mesmos ? identificado como o real da profiss?o, retornam ao discurso fundante de uma educa??o redentora. Neste processo de retomada ou reafirma??o de ideais e convic??es, buscam e conseguem unir as for?as necess?rias para repensarem a si mesmos e darem sentido ao trabalho desenvolvido, construindo uma autoimagem positiva em meio ?s antinomias do processo formativo.
Date08 January 2013
CreatorsSim?es, Rodrigo Lemos
ContributorsMorosini, Mar?lia Costa
PublisherPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, PUCRS, BR, Faculdade de Educa?
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS
Relation-8451285793228477937, 500, 600, 7024413195758546274

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