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A conceptual framework of critical success factors for organisations to consider as they move towards full-scale B2B e-commerce

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Corporate alliances have never been stronger than in the current environment. The more people that have access to the organisation’s products and services the better. Success is achieved through alliances with partners, direct contact with customers and collaboration with competitors. Today the focus is on identifying customer demands and integrating those demands across all business processes. Based on the above statements it is clearly evident that forward thinking organisations must develop deeper relationships with strategically identified customers. For organisations in general (buyers and suppliers) B2B e-commerce potentially offer the solution to strengthened customer relationships.
The main aim of the study is to provide organisations entering the world of B2B collaborative commerce with a high level business orientated framework of the many and varied factors that influence a B2B journey. The study provides an understanding of global themes influencing e-business development such as globalisation, innovation and increased customer demands and relates these themes to current technology trends facing the buyers and suppliers of goods or services. Without such high level indicators organisations would lack a “compass” by which to navigate the treacherous waters of a B2B e-commerce journey.
To create a deeper understanding of the B2B environment the study project discusses a concept coined by Oracle Corporation that breaks B2B relationships into four functional domains, modes or “sides”. They are the buy and sell sides, inside-common and infrastructure. The concept focuses on application functions, interfaces, and technical architecture and design. This is followed by an assessment of B2B operating models, a definition of B2B e-commerce and its association with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
Risk management is an ongoing issue in the e-landscape. Understanding e-business risks and creating trading environments that limit these risk factors are key considerations. Developing e-trust principles, information management and a security framework are the topics under discussion in chapter four.
The Chapter five starts with a comparative review of a study indicating that most organisations go through four stages prior to reaching the Internet endgame. Organisations keen to develop B2B e-commerce solutions should have a thorough understanding of where in the e-lifecycle the organisation is. This is followed by a discussion on how a KPMG Consulting methodology can chart organisational NetReadiness. The NetReadiness Score Card is a tool utilised to test four parameters within the organisation, namely leadership, governance, organizational competencies and technology. The analysis of the parameters provides prescriptive recommendations that can easily be practically applied. The writer is of the opinion that with clear indications of major growth in B2B e-commerce volumes and the substantial resources that organisation are investing in the e-business environment, the study’s relevance is unquestionable. Given the current environment, the study forms the foundation for explorative, qualitative research in the field of B2B e-commerce. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Korporatiewe alliansies was nog nooit so sterk soos in die huidige omgewing nie. Hoe meer mense toegang tot ‘n organisasie se produkte en dienste het, hoe beter. Sukses word bewerkstellig deur alliansies met vennote, regstreekse kontak met kliënte en samewerking met mededingers. Vandag is die fokus op die identifisering van kliëntevereistes en die integrasie van daardie vereistes oor alle sakeprosesse heen. Gegrond op bogenoemde stellings is dit duidelik dat progressiewe organisasies sterker verhoudings met strategies geïdentifiseerde kliënte moet ontwikkel. Vir organisasies oor die algemeen (kopers en verskaffers) bied besigheid-tot-besigheid-e-handel potensieel die oplossing tot sterker kliënteverhoudings.
Die hoofdoel van die studie is om organisasies wat die wêreld van besigheid-tot-besigheid medewerkende handel betree ‘n hoëvlakbesigheidsgerigte raamwerk te bied van die talle verskillende faktore wat ‘n besigheid-tot-besigheid-proses beïnvloed. Die studie verskaf ‘n begrip van internasionale temas, soos globalisering, innovasie en groter kliëntevereistes, wat die ontwikkeling van e-handel beïnvloed, en bring hierdie temas in verband met huidige tegnologietendense waarmee die kopers en verskaffers van goedere en dienste te kampe het. Sonder sulke hoëvlakaanwysers sal organisasies nie ‘n “kompas” hê waarmee hulle die gevaarlike waters van ‘n besigheid-tot-besigheid-e-handelsreis kan aandurf nie.
Ten einde ‘n beter begrip van die besigheid-tot-besigheid-omgewing te bewerkstellig, word ‘n begrip bespreek wat deur Oracle Corporation geskep is en wat besigheid-tot-besigheid-verhoudings in vier funksionele domeine, modusse of “kante” opdeel, naamlik die koop- en verkoopkante, interne gemeenskaplike domein en infrastruktuur. Die begrip fokus op toepassingsfunksies, koppelvlakke en tegniese argitektuur en ontwerp. Dit word gevolg deur ‘n evaluering van besigheid-tot-besigheid-bedryfsmodelle, ‘n omskrywing van besigheid-tot-besigheid-e-handel en die verbinding daarmee met Elektroniese Data-uitruiling (EDI) en Elektroniese Fondsoorplasing (EFT).
Risikobestuur is ‘n deurlopende vraagstuk in die e-omgewing. ‘n Begrip van e-handels-risiko’s en die skepping van handelsomgewings wat hierdie risikofaktore beperk, is belangrike oorwegings. Die ontwikkeling van e-vertrouensbeginsels, inligtingsbestuur en ‘n sekuriteitsraamwerk is die onderwerpe wat in Hoofstuk 4 bespreek word.
Hoofstuk 5 begin met ‘n vergelykende oorsig van ‘n studie wat aantoon dat die meeste organisasies deur vier stadiums gaan voordat die Internet-eindspel bereik word. Organisasie wat gretig is om besigheid-tot-besigheid-e-handelsoplossings te ontwikkel, behoort ‘n deeglike begrip te hê van waar in die e-lewensiklus die organisasie is. Dit word gevolg deur ‘n bespreking oor hoe ‘n KPMG-konsultasiemetodologie organisatoriese NetGereedheid kan bepaal. Die NetGereedheidstelkaart is ‘n instrument wat gebruik word om vier parameters binne die organisasie, naamlik leierskap, regering, organisasiebevoegdhede en tegnologie, te toets. Die ontleding van die parameters verskaf voorskriftelike aanbevelings wat maklik in die praktyk toegepas kan word. Die skrywer is van mening dat met duidelike aanduidings van sterk groei in besigheid-tot-besigheid-e-handelsvolumes en die aansienlike hulpbronne wat organisasies in die e-handelsomgewing belê, die relevansie van die studie onbetwisbaar is. Gegewe die huidige omgewing vorm die studie die fondament vir ondersoekende, kwalitatiewe navorsing op die gebied van besigheid-tot-besigheid-e-handel.
Date03 1900
CreatorsVosloo, Gideon John
ContributorsGevers, Wim, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format78 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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