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Jeg ved jo godt, at de ikke tror jeg findes – Et kvalitativt interviewstudie om queerpersoner i fertilitetsbehandling

Et kvalitativt interviewstudie som undersøger queer- og LGBTQ+ personers møde med det danske sundhedssystem i forbindelse med fertilitetsbehandling. Eksamensprojekt i sexologi 30 højskolepoint. Malmø Universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för sexologistudier, 2019.De seneste 20 år har området for reproduktive rettigheder til LGBTQ+ personer undergået en rivende udvikling, og varierede udgaver af LGBTQ+ familier er en familieform i stigning i Danmark. Samtidig tegner LGBTQ+ personer sig som helhed for en høj grad af ulighed i sundhed. De fleste LGBTQ+ personer modtager fertilitetsbehandling når de skal danne familie, men alligevel er der meget begrænset med forskning i hvordan den brede LGBTQ+ gruppe oplever mødet med sundhedssystemet i forbindelse med reproduktion og familiedannelse. Resultaterne viser en overvægt af svære og udfordrende oplevelser på både strukturel og individuel plan. Dette indebærer bl.a. at deltagerne oplever at de skal være eksperter på egen behandling, at de oplever sig forkerte, og henholdsvis meget synlige eller usynlige. Deltagerne har en skeptisk eller negativ forventning til at skulle i behandling grundet tidligere erfaringer med sundhedsvæsenet. Omvendt har deltagerne tillid til det faglige niveau i behandlingen. På trods heraf viser resultaterne adskillige tilfælde af kritisabel behandling. Det konkluderes, at sundhedspersonalet har behov for yderligere viden og kompetencer for at kunne yde queerfamilier en faglig kompetent behandling. Ligeledes efterlyses der yderligere skandinavisk forskning fra et normkritisk og sexologisk perspektiv. / The field of reproductive rights for LGBTQ+ individuals has undergone a substantial development during the last twenty years. Different editions of LGBTQ+ families have appeared and steadily rise in numbers. At the same time, LGBTQ+ individuals are disadvantaged when it comes to health issues. Most LGBTQ+ undergo fertility treatment when they form a family, but despite this fact, the research looking at their experience with the health care system in relation to reproduction and family creation, is very limited. By applying the concept of biopower by Michel Foucault this project explores how the current discourse around reproduction and family manifests itself in the fertility treatment of LGBTQ+ persons.The results show a magnitude of challenging experiences on both structural and individual levels. As a result of this, the participants in this study experience a necessity to become experts of their own treatment; they feel out of place and at the same time very visible and invisible in a heteronormative system. The participants are sceptical or have negative expectations to the meeting with the health care professionals, which are founded in previous negative encounters with the health care system. On the other hand, the participants have high expectations to the professional medical level of the health care professionals. The conclusion is that health care professionals in Denmark need additional knowledge and skill sets to provide LGBTQ+ persons the appropriate professional treatment. This calls out for additional Scandinavian research in fertility treatment from a critical and sexological perspective.
Date January 2019
CreatorsTved, Camilla
PublisherMalmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Malmö universitet/Hälsa och samhälle
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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