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Mikroalger för hållbar energiproduktion - Chlorella vulgaris i en kretsloppsanpassad alg-biogasprocess

Odling av mikroalger för framställning av biogas är ett relativt outforskat område. Den forskning som hittills utförts har påvisat lovande resultat tack vare möjligheten att utnyttja resurser som idag går till spillo, eller till och med utgör miljöproblem; mikroalgerna kan rena både näringsrikt vatten (exv. avloppsvatten) och koldioxidutsläpp (rökgaser från industrin) då de tar upp föreningar innehållande kväve, fosfor och kol från dessa källor. Den producerade biogasen kan ersätta fossila bränslen. Dessutom skapas en rötrest som kan återföras till odlingsmarker vilket sluter näringskretsloppet. Mikroalgen Chlorella vulgaris undersöks gällande dess egenskaper i alg-biogasprocessen för att aktuella flöden ska kunna sammanlänkas genom industriell symbios. Mikroalger kan skapa unika möjligheter till kretsloppsanpassad energiproduktion bland annat tack vare att vissa av dem har potential att fungera både som växt och som djur. För att energiproduktionen ska kunna kretsloppsanpassas måste de olika systemen i alg-biogasprocessen lokaliseras strategiskt med avseende på dess flöden. / The area of microalgae cultivation for the production of biogas is quite uninvestigated. Research has shown promising results due to the possibility to make use of resources that are unused or even cause negative environmental impact: the microalgae can purify nutrient rich water (waste water) as well as exhausts rich in carbon dioxide (flue gas) as they take up compounds containing carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from these sources. The produced biogas can replace fossil fuels. In addition, a digest is produced which can be returned to cropland which closes the nutrient loop. The microalgae Chlorella vulgaris is studied regarding its traits in the algae-to-biogas process in order to evaluate if the flows present can be interlinked through industrial symbiosis. Microalgae can create unique possibilities for loop adapted energy production partly thanks to their potential to function both as plant and as animal. For a loop adapted energy production the different systems in the algae-biogas process need to be located strategically with regards to the flows in the process. / The area of microalgae cultivation for the production of biogas is quite uninvestigated.Research has shown promising results due to the possibility to make use of resources that areunused or even cause negative environmental impact: the microalgae can purify nutrient rich water(waste water) as well as exhausts rich in carbon dioxide (flue gas) as they take up compoundscontaining carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from these sources. The produced biogas can replacefossil fuels. In addition, a digest is produced which can be returned to cropland which closes thenutrient loop. The microalgae Chlorella vulgaris is studied regarding its traits in the algae-to-biogasprocess in order to evaluate if the flows present can be interlinked through industrial symbiosis.Microalgae can create unique possibilities for loop adapted energy production partly thanks to theirpotential to function both as plant and as animal. For a loop adapted energy production the differentsystems in the algae-biogas process need to be located strategically with regards to the flows in theprocess
Date January 2010
CreatorsHedenfelt, Eva
PublisherMalmö högskola, Teknik och samhälle (TS), Malmö högskola/Centrum för teknikstudier
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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