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'n Bestekopname van die Afrikaanse roman 1934-1939 in terugblik vanuit die negentigerjare. / A survey of the Afrikaans novel from the period 1934-1939 from a nineties perspective

Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie is 'n herskepping van die wereld van die Afrikaanse roman van 1934-1939. Al die
romans is bekom en gelees. Die beskikbaarheid van hierdie romans word aangedui. 'n Sketsmatige
beeld van elke roman word gegee, waarin die aard daarvan aangetoon word ten opsigte van die
volgende aspekte: milieu, tema en konflik (moreel, religieus, maatskaplik, polities). Die lotgevalle
van hierdie romans is nagegaan aan die hand van tydgenootlike resepsiegeskiedenis, sowel as die
van die literatuurgeskiedskrywing tot op hede. Hieruit het dit geblyk dat sekere romans aanvanklik
hoog aangeslaan is, maar nie in die kanon opgeneem is nie. Moontlike redes hiervoor word
ondersoek. Na my oordeel verdien Die loutering van Petrus deur Ella Fischer en Die jare daarna
deur Aletta Steyn 'n herbesoek. Albei romans is boeiend en interessant, die karakters "lewe" en dit
wat hul beleef en ervaar, spreek steeds tot die leser van die negentigerjare / This study is a recreation of the world of the Afrikaans novel of 1934-1939. All the novels were
obtained and read. The availability of these novels is indicated. A schematic account of each novel
is given, in which the nature of each is explicated in respect of the following aspects: milieu, theme
and conflict (moral, religious, social and political). The fate of these novels was researched in the
context of their contemporary reception history and that of literary historiography to date. From
the study it appears that certain novels were initially highly acclaimed, but were not included in the
canon. Possible reasons for this are investigated. It is my opinion that Die loutering van Petrus by
Ella Fischer and Die }are daarna by Aletta Steyn need to be re-evaluated. Both novels are
absorbing and interesting, the characters are lifelike and their life experiences are still relevant to
the reader of the nineties / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)
Date11 1900
CreatorsHoward, Elsabé Loïs
ContributorsBotha, E.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format208 leaves

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