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Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Architecture and Origin of Deep-water, Basin-floor Deposits: Middle and Upper Kaza Group, Windermere Supergroup, B.C., Canada

Ancient basin-floor strata are exceptionally well exposed in the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup in the southern Canadian Cordillera. Data from the Castle Creek outcrop, where strata of the upper Kaza Group crop out, and the Mt. Quanstrom outcrop, where the middle Kaza is exposed, form the main dataset for this study. The aim of this study is to describe and interpret the strata starting at the bed scale, followed by stratal element scale, lobe scale and ultimately fan scale.
Strata of the Kaza Group comprise six sedimentary facies representing deposition from a variety of fluid and cohesive sediment gravity flows. These, in turn, populate seven stratal elements that are defined by their basal contact, cross-sectional geometry and internal facies distribution. The lithological characteristics of stratal elements vary little from proximal to more distal settings, but their relative abundance and stacking pattern do, which, then, forms the basis for modeling the internal architecture of lobes.
Lobes typically comprise an assemblage of stratal elements, which then are systematically and predictably arranged in both space (along a single depositional transect) and time (stratigraphically upward). Lobes typically became initiated by channel avulsion. In the proximal part of the system scours up to several meters deep, several tens of meters wide are interpreted to have formed by erosion downflow of the avulsion node. Erosion also charged the flow with fine-grained sediment and on the lateral margins and downflow avulsion splays were deposited. Later flows then exploited the basin-floor topography and on the proximal basin-floor carved a feeder channel, which then fed a downflow depositional lobe. At the mouths of feeder channels flows became dispersed through a network of distributary channels that further downflow shallow and widen until eventually merging laterally in sandstone-rich terminal splays. During the lifespan of a single lobe the feeder channel remains fixed, but the distributary channel network and its associated terminal splays wander, causing them to stack and be intercalated laterally and vertically. Eventually an upstream avulsion terminates local sediment supply, causing a new lobe to be initiated elsewhere on the fan, and the process repeats.
Date January 2014
CreatorsTerlaky, Viktor
ContributorsArnott, Robert
PublisherUniversité d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Source SetsUniversité d’Ottawa
Detected LanguageEnglish

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