City of Patterson Sustainability Plan

This Master’s Thesis / Professional Project is a Sustainability Plan developed for the City of Patterson, California. The Patterson Sustainability Plan (PSP) was developed concurrently with the General Plan Update, and will be presented to the City for adoption within a year. The Sustainability Plan will help inform decision-making by way of its Goals and Actions for implementation to improve community sustainability. Before the plan was developed, background research was conducted that included a Best Practices Review to assess what other cities are doing to address sustainability, a Needs Assessment to evaluate existing conditions in Patterson and determine its unique strengths and challenges to improving sustainability, and a Policy Audit which includes an inventory and analysis of existing General Plan goals, objectives, policies, and programs supporting sustainability.
Date01 June 2009
CreatorsClarke, Colin Brian
Source SetsCalifornia Polytechnic State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceMaster's Theses

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