我國行動通訊系統業者在第三代行動通訊服務市場經營策略之研究 / The Managerial Strategies of Operators in 3G mobile service market of Taiwan

通訊與網路的發展使得整個產業價值鏈分工趨向專業並緊密聯盟,而且沒有一家企業能總括所有的產業區隔;另外,第三代行動通訊服務市場在技術與服務的本質上可說是一項新事業,因此競標團隊在此新事業的發展上相當強調「綜效的追求」,策略作為將走向利用本身資源累積的移轉以提高經營的門檻,以及以行動通訊匯聚、整合旗下所有的產業區隔,以發揮整體作戰優勢與開創新利基市場。另外,伴隨行動通訊全球漫遊的發展,系統業者勢必跟隨全球化腳步跨國發展;所以,除了在國內市場建立厚實基礎,累積核心能耐與競爭優勢以增強議價力外,並要結合國際一流廠商的資源和品牌優勢,利用文化障礙與華文內容發展的經驗和know-how,深耕華文市場。 / The key issue of corporate developing and creating new area is strategic planning. Meanwhile, good strategic planning helps business clarify the viewpoint in the complex environment. Both mobile communication and Internet are mainstream of the telecommunication industry. And 3G will integrate mobility and Internet. I hope to discuss the managerial strategies of operators in the mobile service market.
This research adopts 「Case Study Research」. After deciding the research theme and range, I began to gather up related references and analyze them according to research frame. Next, I deeply interviewed with top managers of seven companies. And then, my conclusions were infirmed by them.
Operators, which provide all kinds of services, need a mechanism that do whole network planning and design contents and services. The operating rule is that appeal to customers, create the contents and services by revenue, adjust the module of platform to reduce the customers’ cost of transaction, and increase the efficiency of network. Most important is to do customers' services management well. The strategy to win the customers is creating value-added services, meanwhile personalized product and value.
We can discuss the synergy from two dimensions: economy of core competence sharing and complementary of all businesses corporation. Operators will develop the「defense」and「attack」strategies from two dimensions. Besides, it is “Giant Game” in the mobile service market. Operators in Taiwan can stand on the local market. Next, they can increase competitive advantages and follow first tier to explore the operating boundary with Chinese content.

Creators盧建安, Lu, Chien-An
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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