具自律學習機制之英語字彙學習APP對於學習成效的影響研究 / The Effects of English Vocabulary Learning APP with Self-regulated Learning Mechanism on Learning Performance

自律學習(Self-regulated Learning)、學習成效(Learning Performance)、認知風格(Cognitive Style)、英語字彙學習(English Vocabulary Learning) / English is currently the commonest international language. English competence has become the basic competence of each student. English vocabulary learning is a primary basis to learn English well. How to help students learn English well therefore becomes more important.
Following the changeable development of information technology, computer assisted language learning has become a development trend. Research on utilizing self-regulatory mechanisms for e-learning proved that self-regulatory mechanism could enhance learning performance. Nonetheless, there is little research on the application of self-regulatory learning mechanism to English learning, particularly to English vocabulary learning. For this reason, a “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” is developed in this study, allowing learners monitoring and reminding themselves of the preset English vocabulary self-regulatory learning goal. It is expected to promote learners’ English vocabulary learning performance by urging learners to achieve the preset self-regulatory learning goal and enhance students learning with trial time. To verify that the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” could enhance English vocabulary learning performance, two classes of G6 students are randomly selected as the research subjects. A class is randomly assigned as the experiment group with the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP”, and the other class is the control group without the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” for the three-week English vocabulary learning. The experiment findings show that
(1) Learners in the experiment group present significantly better learning performance and learning motivation than those in the control group.
(2) Site-dependent learners in the experiment group show remarkably better learning performance and learning motivation than those in the control group.
(3) Male learners in the experiment group reveal notably better learning performance and learning motivation than male learners in the control group.
(4) Female learners in the experiment group appear significantly beter learning performance and learning motivation than femal learners in the control group.
(5) Learners in the experiment group remarkably enhance the learning performance and learning motivation after the self-regulatory learning.
(6) Femal learners in the experiment group reveal better learning performance and learning attitudes than male learners in the experiment group.
Summing up the research results, it is suggested that the future experiment time could be extended and the self-regulatory scaffolding could be removed to understand whether students would cultivate the self-regulatory learning ability. According to the students’ responses, it is further expected that the APP could show the function of leisure. In this case, the gamification of learning could be studied in the future.

Keywords:Self-regulated Learning, Learning Performance, Cognitive Style, English Vocabulary Learning

Creators楊舜閔, Yang,Shun Min
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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