
就事務所間輪調與事務所內輪調之效果而言,本研究的實證結果指出投資人認為在應輪調年度採行會計師所間輪調較所內輪調更能提昇審計品質,但結果亦不顯著。至於在所間輪調下,事務所規模是否會影響審計品質之問題探討,根據所間輪調樣本的營運狀況與財務比率,本研究發現選擇將查核會計師由非四大會計師事務所更換至四大會計師事務所的公司擁有較佳的營運狀況與財務體質,與大眾直覺及預期相符。 / This study is mainly discussing the association between quasi-mandatory auditor rotation system in Taiwan and the audit quality (use earnings response coefficient, ERC, as proxy) of company by examining the ERC of companies that do not rotate their audit-partner versus companies that rotate their audit-partner under this system, analyzing the change of ERC in the follow-up years after audit-partner rotation, and comparing the difference of ERC between audit-firm rotation and audit-partner rotation.
The empirical results indicate that, although insignificant, investors perceive the audit quality of companies which rotate their audit-partner is better than the audit quality of the companies that do not rotate. This means, in investors’ thought, the quasi-mandatory auditor rotation system doesn’t work in audit quality promotion. For the change of the audit quality in the years after audit-partner rotation, this study finds out the audit quality the market perceived will go down in the first and the second year after audit-partner rotation due to the successors’ unfamiliarity with their clients. Furthermore, the result insignificantly points out that the public think audit-firm rotation is more useful in audit quality improving than audit-partner rotation.
As to the question that whether the scale of audit firm influence audit quality, the evidence from the operation data and financial ratio of audit-firm rotated sample in this study suggests that the companies which rotate their audit-partner from non-Big4 to Big4 have superior operational performance and sounder financial condition than companies rotate their audit-partner in other ways. This result is consistent with the intuition of the public and the expectation of this study.

Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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