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盈餘反應係數綜合性探討與台灣股市之實證研究 / A Synthesis of Earnings Response Coefficient and Taiwan Stock Market Evidence陳永和, Chen, Yung Ho Unknown Date (has links)
自Ball & Brown研究盈餘報酬關係以來,諸位學者亦探討其關係之相關性,因此引進ERC之決定因素來增強盈餘報酬關係,在此類研究無論在決定因素之取捨與方法論改良,均有許多學者加入探討,而在臺灣僅有陳志愷君有類似的研究。本研究大致遵循Collins & Kothari之研究,採關聯性研究,以逆迴歸來建立盈餘報酬之模型,並以ARIMA(1,1)來分離恆常所得與暫時性所得以經濟成長機會、無風險利率、系統風險、殖利率、恆常係數為決定因素。本研究探討三項主題:一、傳統盈餘報酬之關係二、探討ERC之決定因素在盈餘報酬模型中的關係三、探討考慮ERC之決定因素與未考慮時之比較。本研究之結論為一、傳統盈餘報酬模型中並未有顯著關係二、決定因素大致與預期符號相符險且有經濟成長機會、系統風險、殖利率呈顯著關係三、考慮決定因素之前後並未有顯著差異。
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不同資本市場氣候下資訊內涵差異之研究陳重光, Chen, Chung-Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果支持上述假說。首先,我們發現投資組合系統的風險係數受到市場氣候的影響,且空頭市場氣候下的 值大於多頭市場氣候下的 。其次,實證結果亦顯示,多頭市場氣候下的盈餘反應係數大於空頭市場氣候下的盈餘反應係數。最後,我們亦發現,在多頭市場氣候下提高股票股利且降低現金股利的公司與在空頭市場氣候下降低股票股利且提高現金股利的公司,在事件期中皆能獲得正向超額報酬。 / This study reports the results that how differential market climates affect information content. We theoretically derive analytical models and empirically develop testable hypotheses.
The hypotheses are as follows:
a.Market climates will affect the systematic risk of the
b.The earnings response coefficients in bull markets will be
larger than in bear markets.
c.The dividend policy will be affected by market climates and
will signal differential information content.
The empirical evidence provides support for the above hypotheses. First, we find the systematic risk coefficient (beta) will be smaller in bull markets than in bear markets. Second, the earnings response coefficients in bull markets will be larger than in bear markets. Finally, both of those companies that increase stock dividends and decrease cash dividends in bull markets and those companies that increase cash dividends and decrease stock dividends in bear markets will obtain positive abcdrmal return in event periods. These empirical results indicate that the decision-making of dividend policy should consider the effect of market climates.
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氣候相關變數與盈餘反應係數關聯性之跨國研究呂倩如 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在探討當天氣(雲量及氣溫)、日照小時數以及會影響人們生理週期(如睡眠型態的改變)的日光節約制等外在環境因素引發投資人情緒變化時,是否會影響各國投資人對公司會計盈餘宣告資訊之解讀與反應,且是否會因為公司盈餘宣告所傳遞的為好消息或壞消息而不同。此外,本文亦進一步檢視在不同國家層級的機制背景所塑造出的不同資訊環境(例如財務透明度高低以及成文法系或不成文法系)下,上述氣候效應是否存在差異性。 / 由於心理學文獻指出,一些外在環境因素會引發投資人的情緒反應,而投資人情緒又會影響其對資訊的處理過程以及風險趨避程度,另一方面,行為財務學文獻則指出投資人情緒會影響其對公司資訊之解讀,因此本文以跨洲及跨緯度共25國於1990年至2006年間共169,177筆的公司季盈餘宣告為樣本分析此現象。整體而言,本研究發現氣候等外在環境因素所引發的投資人情緒確實會影響其對公司盈餘宣告資訊之解讀;且當公司盈餘宣告傳遞的為好消息時,投資人因雲量較少、氣溫較低、日照小時數較長或未受到日光節約制影響而心情比較好時,會促使對未來較為樂觀且對資訊的處理較為隨意,故對於好消息的反應更為正面,但若處於較差的心情時,則對未來比較悲觀且處理資訊相對嚴謹,因此會比較保守地看待好消息而減少原本對好消息應有的正向反應。相對地,上述外在環境因素對公司盈餘宣告壞消息的影響則相反。 / 最後,由於本研究未發現任何外在環境因素所引發的投資人情緒對公司盈餘宣告資訊的反應存在明顯的緯度或地區等地理上的趨勢,因而嘗試由制度環境面加以解釋上述現象,亦即探討資訊環境的完善度是否會影響氣候效應的差異性。本文發現當國家層級的法律制度等機制背景使得其股市發展程度較高且財務資訊較多較可靠時,投資人更能透過公司的資訊揭露取得瞭解公司經營狀況的真實資訊,其所要考量的投資決策之複雜性、風險及未來不確定性確實較低,因此資訊環境較完善(高財務透明度或為不成文法系)的國家,其投資人對公司盈餘資訊宣告的反應受氣候等相關因素影響之程度較小。
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準強制性會計師輪調與盈餘反應係數之關聯性研究賴盈真 Unknown Date (has links)
就事務所間輪調與事務所內輪調之效果而言,本研究的實證結果指出投資人認為在應輪調年度採行會計師所間輪調較所內輪調更能提昇審計品質,但結果亦不顯著。至於在所間輪調下,事務所規模是否會影響審計品質之問題探討,根據所間輪調樣本的營運狀況與財務比率,本研究發現選擇將查核會計師由非四大會計師事務所更換至四大會計師事務所的公司擁有較佳的營運狀況與財務體質,與大眾直覺及預期相符。 / This study is mainly discussing the association between quasi-mandatory auditor rotation system in Taiwan and the audit quality (use earnings response coefficient, ERC, as proxy) of company by examining the ERC of companies that do not rotate their audit-partner versus companies that rotate their audit-partner under this system, analyzing the change of ERC in the follow-up years after audit-partner rotation, and comparing the difference of ERC between audit-firm rotation and audit-partner rotation.
The empirical results indicate that, although insignificant, investors perceive the audit quality of companies which rotate their audit-partner is better than the audit quality of the companies that do not rotate. This means, in investors’ thought, the quasi-mandatory auditor rotation system doesn’t work in audit quality promotion. For the change of the audit quality in the years after audit-partner rotation, this study finds out the audit quality the market perceived will go down in the first and the second year after audit-partner rotation due to the successors’ unfamiliarity with their clients. Furthermore, the result insignificantly points out that the public think audit-firm rotation is more useful in audit quality improving than audit-partner rotation.
As to the question that whether the scale of audit firm influence audit quality, the evidence from the operation data and financial ratio of audit-firm rotated sample in this study suggests that the companies which rotate their audit-partner from non-Big4 to Big4 have superior operational performance and sounder financial condition than companies rotate their audit-partner in other ways. This result is consistent with the intuition of the public and the expectation of this study.
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審計品質與盈餘反應係數之研究 / Perceived Auditor Quality and the Earnings Response Coefficient李秀霞, Lee, Hsiu Hsia Unknown Date (has links)
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匯率避險、公司治理與盈餘資訊內涵關聯性之研究 / A study on the association among foreign exchange rate exposure hedging, corporate governance, and information content of earnings朱全斌, Chu, Chuan-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的結果發現,操作衍生性金融商品係有助於規避外匯風險;而公司治理中的董事能力及董事會的獨立性則對我國企業在是否選擇操作衍生性金融商品避險時,有重大影響力。基於外匯暴露是我國企業普遍面臨的風險,上述結果應有助於我國企業在面對外匯風險時,決定是否採用衍生性金融商品規避外匯風險上,有一定的助益。本研究並發現企業操作衍生性金融商品避險是具有盈餘資訊內涵的,此對文獻中較少針對企業面對風險的避險決策是否對股票報酬有所影響的議題,可作為該領域研究方向及結果的補強。 / Due to an extremely high level of dependence on international trade, the macroeconomic environment in Taiwan is affected by international economic variables deeply. Particularly, the change of foreign exchange rates is one of the most direct and significant factors for the international trade of Taiwan. Further, the internationalization of local enterprises by actively expanding their investment internationally and setting up overseas subsidiaries makes these enterprises suffer more from the exposure of foreign exchange rate fluctuations.
This study therefore investigates the following issues:
1. The association between hedging foreign exchange rate fluctuation by derivatives and the foreign exchange rate exposure.
2. The impact of corporate governance on the hedging decisions of the management.
3. Is there any information content of the hedging against foreign exchange rate exposure?
The results of this study show that: (1) The hedging against foreign exchange rate fluctuation by derivatives decreases the foreign exchange rate exposure; (2) Two of corporate governance factors namely finance expertise and independence of the board of directors have significant effects on the hedging decisions; and (3) Hedging against the foreign exchange rate fluctuation by derivatives provides information content of earnings.
This study contributes to the practice and the academics in the following ways: (1) As an aid for the management to decide whether to hedge against foreign exchange rate fluctuation by derivatives when facing foreign exchange rate exposure; (2) As an extension of the literature on the association between hedging decisions and the stock returns.
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兩岸財務資訊特性及有用性之比較研究 / The comparative information content of earnings in Taiwan and China stock markets陳珮琦, Cheng, Pei-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在比較研究中國大陸與台灣股市,其上市公司的財務資訊特性,以及這些財務資訊在這兩個股市中的有用性。大陸股市迄今年齡尚輕,僅七歲。唯大陸股市的法規,散戶多,同文同種等與台灣股市相近;不同之處在於,例如國家對上市公司所持有的股份仍佔一定比例、法人極少(中國大陸自五月份始方開放共同基金的發行)、股市分為 A、B 及 H 股等。因此在不同的股市特性及股市環境下,到底公開資訊被使用的情形如何?這種比較分析可令我們深入瞭解,在不同股市特性及股市環境(包括證劵管理環境)下,投資者使用公開財資訊的深度與廣度。因此本研究以公開財務報表為例,探討並比較台灣股市與中國大陸間資訊有用性及有用程度。
本研究採用傳統盈餘/股價關係的研究設計來探討其間的關係,根據 Easton and Harris(1991)及 Lev(1989)的建議,在傳統的盈餘反應係數模式中加入二個與盈餘相關變數,一為「當期盈餘水準除以期初股價」的盈餘水準變數;另一為「當期盈餘變動除以期初股價」的未預期盈餘變數,以此二盈餘變數實證比較兩岸股市,其相對盈餘資訊內涵。其次,依據 Lipe(1986)的建議及其所建立的實證模式,本研究測試盈餘組成分子是否具備增額資訊內涵,並比較兩岸盈餘組成分子增額資訊內涵是否顯著不同。最後,本研究借用 ERC 模式,並依據 Collins and kothari(1989)加入 ERC 決定因素如公司系統風險、盈餘持續度、公司成長機會等,來增進盈餘/股會間關係的解釋能力,以期在最具解釋力的模式下,比較兩盈餘資訊內涵。本研究台灣方面以台灣證劵交所股票上市公司為對象,研究期間自民國 77 年至 85 年止,共計 9 年為樣本期間,大陸則以在上海、深圳交易所上市的股票上市公司樣本,研究期間則為 1994 年至 1996 年研究結果顯示:
4.考慮 ERC 模式後可增加模式之解釋力。 / This study mainly applies ERC (Earnings Response Coefficient) model to compare the information contents of earnings in Taiwan and China stock markets. In addition, this study investigates the disclosure rules of these two markets in order to develop related hypotheses.
This study includes four hypotheses:
(1) information environment hypothesis,
(2) earning level hypothesis,
(3) earnings components hypothesis, and
(4) ERC determinants hypothesis. The samples strategically select from.
listed companies in Taiwan and China to facilitate our comparisons.
The findings can be summarized as follows.
1. In the Taiwan stock market, the firm size is not a significant factor for determining optimal return window; but in the China stock market, the response of larger firms is earlier than smaller firms to the earnings announcement (information environment hypothesis).
2. The Easton-Harris earnings level variable can significantly increase the explanatory power of ERC in the Taiwan stock market; but it cannot significantly increase the explanatory power of ERC in the China stock market (earnings level hypothesis).
3. The earnings components can increase the explanatory power of earnings/return relationship in both Taiwan and China stock markets.
In addition, the non-operating components have better explanatory power than operating components in earnings (earnings components hypothesis).
4. The determinants of ERC can increase the explanatory power of earnings/return relationship; but the determinants of ERC have negative effects of the explanatory power of earnings/return relationship.
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股票報酬決定因素及股票報酬與盈餘間關係之研究 / The Determinants of Stock Returns and the Relationship between Stock Returns and Earnings彭火樹, Peng, Huo-Shu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分析民國71年7月至85年5月股票上市公司資料(排除金融、保險、及變更交易方式的公司)。因民國79年股價指數從2月的最高點12,495急遽下滑至10月的2,560,故分析上將79年度予以排除。在71年7月至78年12月的時段中,整體市場因素(RM-RF)不能解釋股票報酬的變異。此點發現與台灣早期研究的結論一致。其他變數顯著者僅有與規模有關的因素(SZSMB),或與負債比率有關的因素(DEHML),其中以 SZSMB的解釋能力最強。在民國80年1月至85年5月的時段中,所有模式中整體市場因素( RM-RF)的係數皆顯著,並且是所有因素中最顯著者。這點發現與前時段(71年7月至78年12月)的結果有很大的不同。其他的變數顯著者,有代表成長機會的BMHML(與淨值市價比有關的因素)、EPHML(與益本比有關的因素)、或CPHML(與營運現金市價比有關的因素),及代表利率結構有關的風險因素TERM(與利率期間結構有關的風險溢酬)、或DFT(與利率違約風險有關的風險溢酬)。其中以(RM-RF)、EPHML、CPHML及TERM的風險組合最能解釋股票報酬的變異。
再者,關於成長機會與ERC關係之測試,經以公司成長機會大小為虛擬變數放迴歸式中,結果顯示,代表成長機會的虛擬變數之系數時而為正,時而為負,且大都不顯著,故成長機會大的公司之ERC大於成長機會小的公司之ERC的假說,未獲得實證的支持。 / Earlier studies (Chen 1990; Chiu 1990; and Wang 1992) found that systematic risk (β) could not explain the variance of stock returns in Taiwan. The findings were inconsistent with the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). One of the major purposes of this paper is to examine the factors that have higher explanatory power of stock returns.
To test the hypotheses, this study uses the data of Taiwanese listed companies covering the period from July 1982 to may 1996. The 1990 data are excluded because the stock market index climbed to a record high of 12,495 in February 1990 and then fell sharply to allow level of 2,560 in October 1990. The "crash" might cause structural changes in stock market, so the analyses are conducted separately for the periods before and after the crash, namely the prior-crash period (from July 1982 to December 1989) and the post-crash period (from January 1991 to May 1996).
The empirical results show that for the prior-crash period the overall market factor (market returns minus risk free rate, RM-RF) can not explain the variance of stock returns. The findings are consistent with those of previous studies. However, we find that the factor-related to size (SZSMB) and the factor related to debt/equity ratio (DEHML) have significant association with stock returns. Furthermore, SZSMB has higher explanatory power. In contrast, the overall market factor is the most significant factor for the post-crash period. Other factors that are significant consisted of (1) proxies for growth opportunities, including book-to-market equity (BMHML), earnings/price ratio (EPHML), and cash flow/price ratio (CPHML), and (2) the factors related to interest structure, including term structure (TERM) and default risk (DFT). Among these factors, the set of RM-RF, EPHML, CPHML, and TERM explains the variance of stock returns most.
Another purpose of this paper is to use the aforementioned findings to study the relationship between stock returns and earnings. The results show that the earnings response coefficients based on the most explanatory factor portfolio of each period are positive and significant, and are greater than those based on the traditional systematic risk (β).
The tests for earnings quality hypothesis indicate that the coefficients of the dummy variable proxies for big companies are insignificant. The earnings quality hypothesis is not supported.
The tests regarding the relationship between growth opportunities and earnings response coefficients show that the coefficients of the dummy variable proxies for high growth companies are unstable. The hypothesis that the earnings response coefficients of high growth companies are greater than those of low growth companies is not supported by empirical evidence.
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