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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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資產重估價資訊環境理論之研究 / The Research of Asset Revaluation Envirnment

趙雅儀, Chao, Ya Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討資產重估價之資訊內涵,以及其所處之資訊環境。資產重估價可讓財務報表的表達較趨近於現實價值,亦有稅負優勢,然不顯著。在理性預期環境中,投資者若以為公司現實價值為重要資訊,則其應會以極快速度將其所知現值反應於股價上。然文獻中顯示,我國上市公司在發布資產重估價資訊時,股價會具正面的異常反應,顯然與理性預期理論所預測者相矛盾。所以本研究結論,不是公司現值的資訊無用處,便是另有原因。本研究深入研究探討發現,股價異常行為大多可歸因於,資產重估價可厚實資本公積轉增資的基礎,而未來的資本公積轉增資具填權效果。此為投資者所以為的資產重估價利基之所在。然而,資本公積轉增資僅屬會計科目重分類,所以無具經濟實質意義。   於此,資產重估價資訊產生一個矛盾現象,若從投資者的未來現金衡量角度來看,資產重估價具經濟實質意義。若從公司經濟實質來看,資產重估價不具經濟實質意義。這個結果意味著投資者所支付因資產重估價所導致的股價高於公司經濟實質。本研究證明,在沒有資訊或資訊結構無效確實不知情投資者會因資產重估價支付高價,而將其財富移轉與知情投資者。因此股價的形成雖為均衡,然係不具效率的資源配置。   觀諸我國股市環境,缺乏專業分析師從事分析與解釋具專業化程度的財務報表,因此結果與沒有資訊或資訊結構無效率的條件相若。亦即與第三章所證明的結果相彷彿。在資產重估價資訊下,不知情投資者會支付高價並將高價的財富移轉與知情投資者。所以,我國股市中,股價雖為均衡的結果,然不具效率性。   要解決我國股市資訊環境不良,可創造一資訊蒐集成本為零的股市環境。亦即創造一競爭有效的專業財務分析產業,讓每個投資者分攤極低的財務專業分析與解釋的共同成本。如此便可消除如資產重估價效應的無效率解。此為本研究所稱「資產重估價資訊環境理論」。


蔣瑤馨, Chiang, Yao Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國經濟快速發展,許多中國企業選擇海外上市以因應全球化的潮流,雖然海外上市必須遵守當地交易所設定之規範與要求,但也讓企業享受到外部融資、提高股票流動性、增加知名度、改善公司治理水準等好處。本文則以上市地點之資訊環境作為判斷指標,探討中國企業以香港、美國、新加坡作為海外上市地點是否由於當地擁有良好的資訊環境。樣本期間為2007年,將分析師預測盈餘報導數量及盈餘預測誤差當作資訊環境的代理變數,分別用來衡量資訊環境之數量與質量,以OLS迴歸模型進行分析,本文所欲探討之議題之一為海外上市是否能改善企業的資訊環境,另一議題則是分析各海外上市地點的資訊環境有無差異。 實證結果顯示:一、以分析師預測數量作為代理變數,於香港、美國、新加坡三地上市皆能改善資訊環境,且香港及美國之間不存在差異,但兩地均優於新加坡;二、以預測誤差作為代理變數,只有當企業於美國上市時預測誤差顯著降低,於新加坡上市則預測誤差反而增加,顯示該地資訊環境品質不佳;三、公司規模愈大、盈餘波動愈小,則企業所獲得的報導數量較多,且預測誤差亦降低。

IFRS導入之市場反應 / Market reaction to the adoption of IFRS in Taiwan

林育正, Lin, Yu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討我國行政院金融監督管理委員會於2009年5月14日宣布台灣將於2013年全面接軌國際會計準則(IFRS)之市場反應,本文分別從導入IFRS對企業之淨效益以及財務報表使用者之資訊環境兩個觀點檢視資本市場之反應。實證結果顯示整體而言市場認為我國接軌國際會計準則是一項好消息,且金融業受益程度亦高於一般之產業。進一步的迴歸分析則顯示,越有增額吸引外資潛力(以一減外資持股比率衡量)、成長機會(以股東權益市價淨值比衡量)以及增資記錄(過去三年有增資記錄衡量)等因素之企業,股票市場對此事件的正向反應越強。此外,在財務報表使用者資訊環境方面,本研究發現異常應計數越高、應計品質越差與交易者間資訊越不對稱的公司,股票市場則對此事件正向反應較弱,其原因可能為以原則基礎導向之國際會計準則後,使得一般投資者運用財務報表需要的解讀能力與公司可能進行盈餘管理的空間也均提高,造成公司價值的變化與這些因素有關。具體而言,本文證據支持與主管機關對於導入國際會計準則的預期:造成促進國際資金流入以及降低資金取得成本。然而,本文的實證結果也同時顯示,股票市場對於國際會計準則係以原則基礎而非規則基礎之潛在疑慮。 / This study examines market reaction to the announcement of the IFRS adoption in Taiwan by 2003, and finds relationship between abnormal returns and both net benefits of enterprises and information environments of investors. The empirical results show that the announcement is a positive message to capital markets, especially financial services companies. Furthermore, this study finds incrementally positive reaction to enterprises which have one of the following characteristics may proxy of higher net benefit: more potential to gain foreign capital, growth opportunity and recent capital raising record; but companies with worse information environments indicate by higher abnormal accrual, lower accrual quality and higher information symmetry between investors exhibit lower abnormal returns in event periods. Conclusively, our empirical results are consistent with expectations of competent authority which enlarge foreign capital inflow and lower capital-raising cost, but it is worth to note the principle-based accounting standard faces potential concerns by stock markets.


徐嘉僑, Hsu, Chia-Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
在數位化的進程及環境中,圖書館已由對大眾一視同仁的服務演變成重視個體不同需求的服務,圖書館的服務也不再是齊頭式平等的服務。讀者個人的喜好及需求已漸融入到圖書館建置的各種服務項目中,也就是必須因人而異,以滿足使用者的資訊需求,就如同商業市場的機制一樣,唯有行銷與競爭才能使圖書館更具有持續力。 個人化為導向的資訊管理與資訊服務,正逐漸被人們所重視。為了真正滿足使用者的資訊需求,創造出實用的資訊價值,個人化資訊的服務系統強調「因人而異,各取所需」的資訊服務系統,而圖書館也從傳統大眾化式的服務走向分別式、個別化差異的服務模式。 本研究為了要能瞭解醫事人員,對於圖書館所提供的服務需求內容及需求程度,以文獻分析及網站內容分析以及問卷調查的方法對台北榮民總醫院醫事人員的基本背景資訊、網路使用行為,以及對圖書館的網站使用行為與個人化服務需求做一問卷調查。並利用交叉分析的方法,探討醫事人員身份、年齡、學歷與個人化服務需求相關度問題,歸納研究結果重點如下: 一、醫學圖書館在網站上建置個人化服務需求首先應重視個人化資訊環境的建立。 二、國外圖書館網站內容之分析是提供國內醫學圖書館個人化服務項目的參考指標。 三、醫事族群中因不同的身份、年齡、學歷對個人化資訊服務需求有所影響。 四、醫事人員應加強個人興趣檔的建置觀念,以強化醫學圖書館個人化服務功能的提昇。 五、圖書館在個人化服務系統中應規劃隱私權政策。 六、醫學圖書館對整體個人化資訊環境及資訊服務的需求有其必要性且是非常肯定的。 對研究結果提出建議如下: 國內醫學圖書館應儘快整合共同發展個人化服務的機制;對於個人化服務中群體屬性的差異要能持續的注意及改進;對使用者的調查研究由完全量的統計進展到質與量的交叉運用調查研究;圖書館應協助醫事人員建立正確的興趣檔觀念以強化個人化服務的功能;隱私權政策的制訂應多加宣導並於圖書館資訊政策時明訂;個人化服務應多加推廣與宣傳。 / In the progress and environment of digitalization, the library has transformed its service mode from satisfying general needs into catering for different individuals. The library is no longer a one-for-all service. The users' personal interests and needs have been integrated into all the services the library provided; that is, the service differs from person to person so as to meet the users' needs for information. Just like the commercial world, only with marketing and competition will the library last. The individual-oriented information management and service is gradually getting people's attention. To really satisfy the users' information needs and create practical information value, the individualized information service system emphasizes providing "tailor-made" service for different users. And such is a trend the modern library follows. This research is carried out to understand what the users of the medical library need and to what extent they need it, regarding the service the library offers. This research uses literature review, Internet content analysis, and questionnaire survey of the basic background information, Internet usage behavior, the library Internet usage behavior and the needs for personalized service of the medical staff of Taipei Veteran General Hospital. Meanwhile, it uses cross-analysis to find out the relationships between the medical staff's positions, ages, education, and the needs for personalized service. The results of the research are as follows: 1. The personalized service of the medical library on its website should put major emphasis on the establishment of personalized information environment. 2. The analysis of oversea library websites can provide the benchmark for the personalized service of our country's medical libraries. 3. There exists influence from the medical staff's positions, ages, education on the needs for personalized service. 4. Medical people should strengthen their concept of establishing personal interest profile to enhance the personalized service in the medical library. 5. Privacy policy should be taken into consideration in setting up the personalized service system. 6. The personalized information environment and service is essential to the medical library. The implications of the research: The local medical libraries should cooperate to develop the personalized service as soon as possible; they should pay attention to the differences among different groups of users; when doing the survey of users, quality research coupled with quantity research should be conducted instead of completely using quantitative statistics; the library should assist the medical people to establish correct concept of interest profiles to enhance personalized service; the privacy policy should be established and implemented; and finally, the users should be familiarized with the personalized service.

兩岸財務資訊特性及有用性之比較研究 / The comparative information content of earnings in Taiwan and China stock markets

陳珮琦, Cheng, Pei-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在比較研究中國大陸與台灣股市,其上市公司的財務資訊特性,以及這些財務資訊在這兩個股市中的有用性。大陸股市迄今年齡尚輕,僅七歲。唯大陸股市的法規,散戶多,同文同種等與台灣股市相近;不同之處在於,例如國家對上市公司所持有的股份仍佔一定比例、法人極少(中國大陸自五月份始方開放共同基金的發行)、股市分為 A、B 及 H 股等。因此在不同的股市特性及股市環境下,到底公開資訊被使用的情形如何?這種比較分析可令我們深入瞭解,在不同股市特性及股市環境(包括證劵管理環境)下,投資者使用公開財資訊的深度與廣度。因此本研究以公開財務報表為例,探討並比較台灣股市與中國大陸間資訊有用性及有用程度。 本研究採用傳統盈餘/股價關係的研究設計來探討其間的關係,根據 Easton and Harris(1991)及 Lev(1989)的建議,在傳統的盈餘反應係數模式中加入二個與盈餘相關變數,一為「當期盈餘水準除以期初股價」的盈餘水準變數;另一為「當期盈餘變動除以期初股價」的未預期盈餘變數,以此二盈餘變數實證比較兩岸股市,其相對盈餘資訊內涵。其次,依據 Lipe(1986)的建議及其所建立的實證模式,本研究測試盈餘組成分子是否具備增額資訊內涵,並比較兩岸盈餘組成分子增額資訊內涵是否顯著不同。最後,本研究借用 ERC 模式,並依據 Collins and kothari(1989)加入 ERC 決定因素如公司系統風險、盈餘持續度、公司成長機會等,來增進盈餘/股會間關係的解釋能力,以期在最具解釋力的模式下,比較兩盈餘資訊內涵。本研究台灣方面以台灣證劵交所股票上市公司為對象,研究期間自民國 77 年至 85 年止,共計 9 年為樣本期間,大陸則以在上海、深圳交易所上市的股票上市公司樣本,研究期間則為 1994 年至 1996 年研究結果顯示: 1.兩岸之資訊環境存在顯著差異性。 2.兩岸之盈餘資訊皆具有用性。 3.盈餘組成項目均具增額資訊內涵。 4.考慮 ERC 模式後可增加模式之解釋力。 / This study mainly applies ERC (Earnings Response Coefficient) model to compare the information contents of earnings in Taiwan and China stock markets. In addition, this study investigates the disclosure rules of these two markets in order to develop related hypotheses. This study includes four hypotheses: (1) information environment hypothesis, (2) earning level hypothesis, (3) earnings components hypothesis, and (4) ERC determinants hypothesis. The samples strategically select from. listed companies in Taiwan and China to facilitate our comparisons. The findings can be summarized as follows. 1. In the Taiwan stock market, the firm size is not a significant factor for determining optimal return window; but in the China stock market, the response of larger firms is earlier than smaller firms to the earnings announcement (information environment hypothesis). 2. The Easton-Harris earnings level variable can significantly increase the explanatory power of ERC in the Taiwan stock market; but it cannot significantly increase the explanatory power of ERC in the China stock market (earnings level hypothesis). 3. The earnings components can increase the explanatory power of earnings/return relationship in both Taiwan and China stock markets. In addition, the non-operating components have better explanatory power than operating components in earnings (earnings components hypothesis). 4. The determinants of ERC can increase the explanatory power of earnings/return relationship; but the determinants of ERC have negative effects of the explanatory power of earnings/return relationship.

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