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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林啟龢 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 對於體質佳之大陸企業而言,藉由中國股市籌集所需資金,並不是一個明智的選擇,然而還有什麼籌資管道可供大陸企業使用呢?近幾年來,有愈來愈多的大陸企業選擇透過國際籌資的方式募集其所需資金。本文將歷年來大陸企業國際籌資的方式做一整理,並特別就海外上市這一部分,做進一步之分析研究。本文以個案天目湖度假中心為例,整理過往大陸企業海外上市之經驗,並以天目湖休閒度假中心為個案,探討其如何透過海外上市,成功募集其企業發展所需資金。針對天目湖個案,探討分析以下幾個問題:天目湖度假中心海外上市之動機為何?其應選擇那個海外市場對其最有利?何種海外上市模式較適合它?最後並根據其本身之個別情況並配合大陸之前的海外上市經驗,給予天目湖度假中心一些建議以提升其海外上市成功之機率。 個案分析發現,香港創業板由於上市條件較為寬鬆,而且與大陸同文同種,較易被投資人所接受,因此天目湖度假中心宜選擇於香港創業板上市,而其在創業板是否能成功上市之關鍵有二:第一個在於其是否能聘用適任之保荐人,輔導其在香港創業板上市;另一個則是在於其管理層、股東各方利益是否能順利協調成功,由於天目湖休閒度假區之營運資金除一部分來自於原股東外,政府亦有出資,另外有一部分資金來自於招商引資,因此其股東結構有點複雜,如何令各方意見就海外上市之相關議題趨於一致,亦是天目湖海外發行上市能否成功之關鍵。


蔣瑤馨, Chiang, Yao Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國經濟快速發展,許多中國企業選擇海外上市以因應全球化的潮流,雖然海外上市必須遵守當地交易所設定之規範與要求,但也讓企業享受到外部融資、提高股票流動性、增加知名度、改善公司治理水準等好處。本文則以上市地點之資訊環境作為判斷指標,探討中國企業以香港、美國、新加坡作為海外上市地點是否由於當地擁有良好的資訊環境。樣本期間為2007年,將分析師預測盈餘報導數量及盈餘預測誤差當作資訊環境的代理變數,分別用來衡量資訊環境之數量與質量,以OLS迴歸模型進行分析,本文所欲探討之議題之一為海外上市是否能改善企業的資訊環境,另一議題則是分析各海外上市地點的資訊環境有無差異。 實證結果顯示:一、以分析師預測數量作為代理變數,於香港、美國、新加坡三地上市皆能改善資訊環境,且香港及美國之間不存在差異,但兩地均優於新加坡;二、以預測誤差作為代理變數,只有當企業於美國上市時預測誤差顯著降低,於新加坡上市則預測誤差反而增加,顯示該地資訊環境品質不佳;三、公司規模愈大、盈餘波動愈小,則企業所獲得的報導數量較多,且預測誤差亦降低。


劉怡成 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟全球化的時代來臨,國與國之間的界線漸趨模糊,全球的產業及資源都不斷地加速整合,本研究嘗試以不同角度出發,分別以「全球化浪潮下之現代集團公司」、「境外控股公司的靈活機制」及「以股權規劃為中心的思考模式」三大核心為主題,先從全球佈局的觀點來定位企業,取代傳統緩慢演變逐漸拓展的方式,選擇在企業創立的最初,就以全球化的眼光來設計企業的組成架構,跳脫國界的藩籬;再經由比較英屬維京群島、開曼群島以及美國德拉瓦州設立境外公司的相關規定,闡述境外控股公司的各種優勢與操作機制;接著探討企業從設立到赴國際資本市場上市的籌資過程中,如何以股權規劃為中心,運用靈活的持股架構及特別股的概念,就公司的股東結構、董事會結構與組織制度,以及員工認股權各面向做出細緻的設計,來募集所需資金並鞏固未來發展。 最後,本研究以中芯國際集成電路有限公司與富士康國際控股有限公司兩家赴香港上市之台資企業個案,討論其上市前之集團架構、歷次資本形成與股權規劃等過程,一方面與本研究之分析作對照,另一方面亦闡述香港資本市場躋身國際資本市場之原因,並對台灣目前資本市場的法令與政策提出期許。 / In the coming era of globalization, boundaries between countries are blurring, and the global integration of industries and resources speeds up. This thesis tries to look into the phenomenon from three perspectives: group companies under the globalization trends, the flexible mechanism of offshore holding companies, and equity planning-centered thinking model for modern enterprises. By pointing out that, instead of expanding gradually, modern enterprises tend to arrange its organization from a global viewpoint on the first day it is established, this thesis interprets group companies with a new angle; second, it presents the respective criteria for setting up offshore companies in British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and the State of Delaware along with the advantages and flexibilities of using offshore holding companies; and third, it introduces the concept of equity planning during the developing course of an enterprise from startup to listing company, including the formation of its capital structure, shareholder structure, board of directors, organization, and employee incentive plans in order to raise enough funding and secure the basis of future prosperity. At last, this thesis takes two Taiwan-based, Hong Kong listed companies, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation and Foxconn International Holdings Limited, as examples and studies their respective pre-IPO group structure, the capital formation and the equity planning course to reflect the analysis contained herein on the one hand, and also discuss the reasons why Hong Kong can become one of the most-favored international capital markets and finally proposes suggestions to the laws, regulations as well as policies with respect to the current capital market of Taiwan.

企業赴海外上市之動機、地點選擇及效益之探討(以台商為例) / Motives,Selection and Impacts of Enterprise Go Listing Abroad--A Case Study of Taiwan Enterprises

譚家典, Tan, Chia Tien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對企業赴海外上市決策面的三個構面進行探討並以台商為例,首先是探討企業赴海外上市前的動機為何,其次是企業如何選擇海外上市的地點,最後探討這些企業赴海外上市後的效益,也就是企業在海外上市的前、中、後三個不同階段所可能遭遇到的問題進行實務的探討,並以多重個案分析與類型比對的方式,以及一些台商上市現況的統計數字,希望以過去文獻中曾探討的議題來加以研究。 由於過去的研究偏重於台灣、香港、中國大陸三地市場,為了將層面擴大,特別從台商目前赴海外投資最最多的前十名的國家當中,挑出較為重要的六個國家,分別是香港、中國大陸、新加坡、美國、越南、泰國,並研究當地的已上市台商的現況,從當地上市台商所屬產業家數最多者,挑出具代表性的公司,進行個案研究及比較分析。 從個案研究發現,企業赴海外上市的動機,結果是“有利於開拓海外市場”及“易招募優秀人才”的營運面動機較多;企業海外上市地點的選擇,多半因為“市場流動性及規模及本益比”及“資金運用限制”;至於企業赴海外上市後的效益,結果是“提高公司聲譽”及“有助於產品銷售”另外,並發現香港及大陸上市後股東財富增加顯著。 最後,建議企業未來在選擇海外上市地點時,應多方面考量及評估,並非單純僅就幾個因素就決定企業海外的上市地點,應從各利害關係人的角度,去仔細思考在何處上市將是對企業最有利的。 / The research discusses three perspectives on the decision of enterprise go listing abroad and takes Taiwan enterprise as an example. Firstly, to study what are the motives of enterprises go listing abroad. Secondly, to research how enterprises choose listing place abroad. Finally, to discuss the benefits of these enterprises after go listing abroad. That is to say, to discuss the practiced issue that enterprise might encounter with the problems in the three different stages which before, in, after they go listing abroad, and analyze by way of pattern match, and the statistics of present status of some listed Taiwan enterprises with multiple cases, hope to research on the subjects has been discussed in the literature in the past. Because similar researches emphasize three stock markets in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China in the past, in order to expand the scope, especially from the top ten area invested by Taiwan enterprise at present, choosing six comparatively important area, including Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, U.S.A., Vietnam, Thailand, and study the present situation of the already locally listed Taiwan enterprises, find the most ones from the local listed Taiwan enterprise's affiliated industry, choose the representative company, proceed with case study and comparative analysis. Find from case study, the motives of enterprises go listing abroad are " Contribute to exploit the overseas market " and " It is apt to recruit outstanding talents " the operation motives are more; the choices of enterprises’ overseas listing places, mostly because "Liquidity and scale and p/e ratio of stock market" and " Restriction on funding usage " ; and the benefits after listing abroad as for enterprises are " Improve company's reputation " and " Contribute to the product’s selling " In addition, the research shows shareholder's wealth increased apparently after listed in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Finally, the research suggests enterprises while choosing the listing place abroad in the future, it is considered and evaluated that should be in many aspects, not to determine the overseas listing place of enterprises alone simply rely on some factors, should think carefully in where to go listing is the most favorable to enterprise itself in terms of every interested party.

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