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品牌與代工分割之宣告效果研究呂堃瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,在PC產業成長動能減弱、國內租稅獎勵不如新興國家、勞力成本增加與研發人才供給不足等狀況下,國內資訊電子產業面臨獲利能力下降與轉型之壓力,逐漸由我國廠商逐漸從原廠設備製造 (Original Equipment Manufacture, OEM)開始發展自有品牌,朝原廠品牌製造(Original Brand Manufacture, OBM)發展。但在企業多元化營運之時,亦產生企業內不同事業間之衝突。近年來,台灣資訊電子產業廠商逐漸面臨品牌與代工衝突之問題,企業藉由分割分離品牌與代工部門不失為一解決之道。
1. 於事件窗口W=(-1,0)時有顯著之正向累計異常報酬率為3.3435%,推測其原因為市場之訊息有提前揭露反應之現象
2. 於事件窗口W=(1,2)、(1,5)、(1,10)皆有顯著之負向累計異常異常報酬率,分別為-4.4433%、-8.1763%、-14.7925%,推測其原因為投資人對於公司分割訊息不了解,對未來企業經營品牌之獲利能力有疑慮之故。
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不同的經營環境下,現金政策如何影響企業價值?陳彥安 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國大陸上市公司海內外併購事件宣告效果之分析 / The Announcement Effects of Mainland China Listed Companies’ M&A Events白楊, Bai, Yang Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣證券市場財務危機與異常報酬之關係-以總資產成長率投資策略為例 / Anomalies and financial distress in Taiwan stocl market- Asset growth strategy郭政翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究實證後發現,從2000年到2009年不同信用風險與資產規模的分類群組,可藉由此交易策略得到顯著的異常報酬。主要的原因可推論為「過度投資」與「投資不足」的情形,而特定信用風險的分類,對於公司取得資金的難易也會有所影響,當資金取得容易且管理階層存在代理問題時,異常報酬就會顯著,譬如說低度風險中型公司,其容易取得資金進行過度投資,與公司未來的股價報酬呈現負向關係;又譬如說低度風險大型公司,資產規模龐大,可以視為各產業前幾大公司,雖然資金取得容易,但完善的內控制度使該分類下的交易策略,無法得到顯著的異常報酬。我們可以推論利用資產規模與信用風險進行分類,在某些特定群組下,總資產成長率的交易策略可以得到顯著的異常報酬。 / The research use credit rating index and asset size to classify our sample and set up variety of investment portfolios. In each portfolio, we use asset growth rate to be our investment strategy. Asset growth rate could be known as a good indicator to measure the company growth in the future. By means of forming hedged portfolio, we want to exam the anomalies in credit rating category combined with asset size. We find statistical significance exist in different investment portfolios.
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私募定價與公司價值之探討-以臺灣上市上櫃公司為例 / Pricing and frim value for private placements - evidence from Taiwan's public corporations陳以姍 Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻指出,美國之私募平均以折價發行,且有顯著正的宣告股價效果。針對不同樣本之特性,Wruck(1989)、Hertzel and Smith(1993)和Barclay, Holderness and Sheehan(2007)分別提出監督假說(monitoring hypothesis)、資訊不對稱假說(information asymmetry hypothesis)和自利假說(entrenchment hypothesis)解釋之。雖然我國之私募制度多參照美國而訂定,但法律架構和私募流程仍有相當程度的差異。因此,本研究將以上述三大假說為基礎,藉由樣本敘述統計和線性迴歸分析,探討我國上市上櫃公司私募之定價與宣告股價效果。
至於宣告股價效果,我國私募董事會和股東會皆不顯著為正,且宣告股價效果的迴歸解釋力也偏低,只有股價淨值較具顯著性。探究其原因,可能是因為我國私募制度不同所致。依證交法之規定,私募股權需先經由董事會和股東會同意後,始得募集。然而,最後私募成功與否常與市況和發行公司能否找到適當投資人等密切相關。既然兩事件日都不能保證私募可以如期完成,我們也就無法預期投資人會對私募有明確迅速的反應。 / In the beginning of 2000, Taiwan’s Securities Transaction Law was amended to introduce the new way of financing- private placements. Since then public corporations are allowed to issue new securities either by public offerings and private placements. According to statistics, after 2005 private placements have become one of the most important funding sources for corporations, especially for those who are disqualified for public offerings. Although the average proceed of private placements is still relatively small, the number of private placements has already surpassed that of public offerings in recent years. This manifests the important role of private placements in building a sound financial market.
Private placements in the U.S., despite selling at discounts, are associated with significant positive abnormal returns on the announcement date. With different sample characteristics, Wruck (1989), Hertzel and Smith (1993) and Barclay, Holderness and Sheehan (2007) suggest monitoring hypothesis, information asymmetry hypothesis and entrenchment hypothesis respectively. Our study is based with these three most accepted hypotheses and aims to give an insight in Taiwan’s private placement of equities for public corporations.
I search the Market Observation Post System for all private placements from 2002 to July of 2009, and obtain a sample of 398 private equities with complete data. Empirical evidence shows that Taiwan’s private equities are selling at discounts as well and “proceeds of private equity”, “placement fraction” and “corporate size” are the three significant explanatory variables for discounts. However, all the results seem not to fully support any hypothesis as mentioned above.
On the other hand, the announcement stock price effects on the board and shareholders’ meeting are insignificantly positive in Taiwan. The regressions on the announcement stock price returns also indicate low explanatory power with only “Tobin’s Q” variable being significant overall. This may be attributed to the legislation differences between U.S. and Taiwan. According to Taiwan’s Securities Transaction Law, private equities should be first approved by the board and shareholders’ meeting, but might not be a successful private equity placement due to market condition, lack of proper investors and others. As a result, we can’t expect investors would instantly, correctly respond to this resolution information on those announcement dates.
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產業創新條例租稅優惠對資本市場之影響 / The effect of tax incentives for the industrial innovation act on capital market陳劉羽, Chen, Liu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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IFRS導入之市場反應 / Market reaction to the adoption of IFRS in Taiwan林育正, Lin, Yu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討我國行政院金融監督管理委員會於2009年5月14日宣布台灣將於2013年全面接軌國際會計準則(IFRS)之市場反應,本文分別從導入IFRS對企業之淨效益以及財務報表使用者之資訊環境兩個觀點檢視資本市場之反應。實證結果顯示整體而言市場認為我國接軌國際會計準則是一項好消息,且金融業受益程度亦高於一般之產業。進一步的迴歸分析則顯示,越有增額吸引外資潛力(以一減外資持股比率衡量)、成長機會(以股東權益市價淨值比衡量)以及增資記錄(過去三年有增資記錄衡量)等因素之企業,股票市場對此事件的正向反應越強。此外,在財務報表使用者資訊環境方面,本研究發現異常應計數越高、應計品質越差與交易者間資訊越不對稱的公司,股票市場則對此事件正向反應較弱,其原因可能為以原則基礎導向之國際會計準則後,使得一般投資者運用財務報表需要的解讀能力與公司可能進行盈餘管理的空間也均提高,造成公司價值的變化與這些因素有關。具體而言,本文證據支持與主管機關對於導入國際會計準則的預期:造成促進國際資金流入以及降低資金取得成本。然而,本文的實證結果也同時顯示,股票市場對於國際會計準則係以原則基礎而非規則基礎之潛在疑慮。 / This study examines market reaction to the announcement of the IFRS adoption in Taiwan by 2003, and finds relationship between abnormal returns and both net benefits of enterprises and information environments of investors. The empirical results show that the announcement is a positive message to capital markets, especially financial services companies. Furthermore, this study finds incrementally positive reaction to enterprises which have one of the following characteristics may proxy of higher net benefit: more potential to gain foreign capital, growth opportunity and recent capital raising record; but companies with worse information environments indicate by higher abnormal accrual, lower accrual quality and higher information symmetry between investors exhibit lower abnormal returns in event periods. Conclusively, our empirical results are consistent with expectations of competent authority which enlarge foreign capital inflow and lower capital-raising cost, but it is worth to note the principle-based accounting standard faces potential concerns by stock markets.
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資本市場對導入IFRSs之反應葉于禎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討我國自2009年5月14日行政院金融監督管理委員會宣布正式採用IFRSs當日,對於某些受IFRSs影響較大的金融、百貨、航空、營建以及保險這些產業,資本市場是否有顯著之反應。而正式宣布採用IFRSs後,與IFRSs相關的重要訊息,例如有企業提前適用IFRSs,投資性不動產因公允價值估價後使公司淨值大為提升,是否會讓資本市場對於其他帳上擁有較多不動產、廠房及設備與投資性不動產之公司產生顯著影響;金管會對於不動產、廠房及設備和投資性不動產與無形資產後續衡量限採成本模式之規定是否也會讓資本市場有顯著反應等。研究發現我國金管會宣布正式採用IFRSs當日,金融、百貨以及航空業者因顧客忠誠度計畫必須估列部分收入遞延,對於此項訊息市場給予負面反應。在與IFRSs有關的重要訊息上,新版租賃會計草案使市場對於海運及航空業者有負面反應;提前適用IFRSs使公司淨值提升對擁有較多不動產、廠房及設備與投資性不動產之企業有正向影響;金管會對於不動產、廠房及設備和投資性不動產與無形資產入帳及衡量的保守態度讓市場產生負面反應。對於我國導入IFRSs,投資人、企業及主管機關等充滿了期待及關注,也多持有正向的看法,但2013年後正式採用的狀況為何,仍有待密切注意。 / This study examines the market reaction to finance, general merchandise, airline, construction, and insurance these industries at the announcement of IFRSs adoption in Taiwan on May 14th, 2009. Furthermore, it also examines how the market reacts to relative and important news about IFRSs after the announcement of IFRSs adoption. It finds a negative reaction to financial, general merchandise and airline industries at the announcement of IFRSs adoption. It also finds a negative reaction to shipping and airline industries when a new lease draft gives out. In addition, firms with more plants, properties and equipments, investment properties and intangible assets have a positive reaction when news reports there is a company adopts IFRSs previously, but have a negative reaction due to the conservative attitude of Financial Supervisory Commission to the way of the measurement of properties.
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以股價與交易量預估政治事件結果:以台灣證券市場為例 / The forecast on political events with stock prices and trading volumes: Evidence from Taiwan Stock Exchange洪敏豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,在政治事件發生前六十日內,大部分政治相關的個股交易量皆顯著異於前一年之交易量。與勝選相關的股票在事件前60日至31日有顯著的正累積異常報酬。相較之下,與敗選相關的股票中,僅有和候選人有緊密政治連結的股票有顯著負累積異常報酬,政策相關的股票並無顯著負累計異常報酬。最後,在現行交易制度下,正異常報酬伴隨著正異常交易量,而負異常報酬卻因放空限制等因素,無顯著正異常交易量。 / This paper analyzes the last four political events, which includes KMT's Taipei Mayoral Primary, Taipei Mayor Election, KMT Presidential Candidate Replacement and Taiwan Presidential Election. We use trading volume to detect whether investors join the market due to potential political investment opportunity. Then we examine the CAR tendency with the political event results to identify its forecast ability. Last, we detect CAR within 5 days later to find if investor overreact or underreact before the event day.
We find that the CAR meets voters’ political anticipation before the event window. Investors believe they can time the market through these events and gain profit. Furthermore, stocks relevant to those elects experience positive CAR. In contrast, stocks relevant to those also-rans do not experience significant returns. The only fortuneteller is the company, which has close relationship to the defeated candidate, telling with negative CAR. Because of short-sale constrains, the trading volume are not larger than before even it is a good chance to gain profit in the political events.
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社會責任指數之加入與剔除對股東財富之影響 / The shareholder effects of social index addition or deletion郭懿萱, Kuo, Calista Unknown Date (has links)
自1990年代中期,隨著環保、消費者權利、童工…等這些議題被廣泛檢討,越來越多人同意各別公司與整個社會是價值共享且相互依存的,若要達到共存共榮的理想,則公司必定要將社會責任融入其自身追求競爭力和商業策略的核心架構中。企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility)並無公認標準,但一般泛指企業除了追求股東的利益極大化外,還必須兼顧員工、顧客、供應商、合作夥伴、社區團體、環境…等。
道瓊永續性指數(Dow Jones Sustainability Index)為現今資本市場衡量企業社會責任的標竿指數,而企業名列在被大眾認可的永續性指數上,就是企業可以傳達給利益相關者(stakeholders),表明他們注重企業社會責任的訊號之一。藉由研究企業被涵蓋在聲譽卓著的永續性指數之內是否能為股東創造價值,本論文將探討企業永續發展和企業價值之間的複雜關係。
本研究利用傾向分數配對法(Propensity Score Matching),降低進入與退出道瓊永續性指數這兩組公司間的異質性,以求得出的結果較不受公司規模、財務槓桿、產業等外在其他因素干擾。將2002至2009年間的樣本數配對後,以道瓊永續性指數作為企業社會責任之代理變數,以累積異常報酬率(Cumulative abnormal return)代表為股東創造之財富,我們追蹤資本市場對於企業進入和退出道瓊永續性指數的反應,來探討股東是否認同公司參與企業社會責任是創造價值之行為。
本研究結果顯示如下: 第一、當企業被加入道瓊永續性指數時,該企業之股東將獲得正向且顯著性的累積異常報酬率,這代表名列著名的的永續性指數是一個股東認可,且企業應追尋的目標。第二、當企業被道瓊永續性指數剔除時,該企業之股東將獲得負向但不顯著的累積異常報酬率。因此我們至少可以推論,從事企業社會責任活動,並不會破壞企業整體之價值。 / Corporate social responsibility (CSR) gradually becomes an important corporate strategy to every company in the worldwide economy. The social performance of a firm can shape the images to key stakeholders, no matter they are employees, suppliers, customers or investors, and influence decision making and relationships with the firm in the later stage. While corporations are busy engaging and enhancing CSR practices, there are few established empirical research on CSR effects and relevance in the capital markets. Hence, my thesis explores the relationship between corporate sustainability and firm value by asking whether membership on a recognized sustainability index is value generating. As stakeholders are urging that firms demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, one signal that companies can send to stakeholders to indicate that they are sustainable is membership on a recognized sustainability index. My research investigates this issue by tracing the market reaction to corporate entries and exits from Dow Jones Sustainability Index, recognized as a CSR benchmark, between 2002 and 2009. Instead of using regression models, I employ a propensity score matching (PSM) pairs design to overcome heterogeneity between different firms. My thesis highlights two main findings: a significant share price rising trend in cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) of the samples under the addition situation, suggesting that inclusion on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) is a goal that firms should pursue. Another is an insignificant negative stock market reaction while firms are removed from the DJSI, and I can draw from the results that, at the very least, adopting CSR doesn’t deteriorate the value of the firms. Our results suggest that the benefits of being included on the DJSI outweigh or equal to the costs associated with applying a membership on DJSI.
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