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A morada do pensamento: um encontro com Plat?o na busca da natureza do sentido em Frege

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Previous issue date: 2008-10-30 / The ontological investigation of sense, from German philosopher Gottlob Frege s point of view, has, as its foundation, the understanding of reference, representation, thought and sense s categories. According to Frege s writings, On Sense and Reference, and Thoughts Logical Investigations, sense carries itself the solution for the problem of identity s relation.
Sense gives us the knowledge s increment that identity doesn t give. But still there is a problem: the definition of sense's nature. Sense couldn t have its nature strictly defined because, in this case, it would be reduced to reference s category and thus, sense would be
identified with the own extra-linguistic object, and this is a misconception. But Frege said that thought must be considered as the sense of the sentence. So, with this close relationship between sense and thought, a new goal in this investigation is putt in focus: thought. To
Frege, thought is not a simple subjective performance of thinking, it is not a subjective representation, but it is an objective content that is real, eternal, and that exists by itself in a third realm . Thought exists in a realm beyond the world of subjective representations and
beyond the world of sensible perception. From this point, the present investigation went back to Plato s World of Ideas. So, the platonic thinking was included in this debate about the metaphysic of the third realm in Frege, trying to clarify the original concepts of knowledge,
reality and truth. To achieve this objective, the following dialogues had been included in our research: Theaetetus, Republic and Phaedo. And the following fregean questions had been brought to Plato's scope: how happens the new knowledge? What is the third realm s reality?
What is the relation between truth and thought? Doing that we could see as much some of the platonic origins of Frege's approach, as some differences between this two philosophers / A investiga??o ontol?gica do sentido, a partir do ponto de vista do fil?sofo alem?o Gottlob Frege, tem por base o entendimento das categorias da refer?ncia, das representa??es, do pensamento e do pr?prio sentido. Em Frege, conforme seus textos Sobre o Sentido e a
Refer?ncia, e O Pensamento uma investiga??o l?gica, o sentido imp?e-se como solu??o para o problema trazido pela rela??o de identidade. Com o sentido ele busca o acr?scimo de conhecimento que a identidade n?o produz. Mas aqui surge um problema: a defini??o da sua
natureza. O sentido n?o pode ter sua natureza definida estritamente, pois assim seria reduzido ? categoria da refer?ncia, e com isso poderia ser confundido com o pr?prio objeto extraling??stico. Mas Frege diz que o pensamento ? o sentido de uma frase. Assim, nesse
estreitar de rela??es entre o sentido e o pensamento, a presente investiga??o passa a focalizar o pensamento. Para Frege, o pensamento n?o ? o simples ato de pensar do sujeito, n?o ? sua subjetividade em forma de representa??es, mas ? sim uma coisa objetiva, real, eterna, e que existe em si num terceiro reino . O pensamento existe num reino para al?m do mundo das
representa??es do sujeito e do mundo percebido pelos sentidos, e isso tamb?m leva esta investiga??o para o mundo das Id?ias em Plat?o. Assim, o pensamento plat?nico foi inclu?do no debate sobre a metaf?sica do terceiro reino em Frege, na tentativa de melhor esclarecer as origens dos conceitos conhecimento, realidade e verdade, fundamentais na abordagem fregeana. Para isso foram pesquisados os di?logos: Teeteto, A Rep?blica e F?don. E, para o ?mbito de Frege foram trazidas as quest?es: como ocorre o conhecimento novo? Qual ? a
realidade do terceiro reino? Qual ? a rela??o entre verdade e pensamento? E estas investiga??es evidenciaram tanto as origens plat?nicas da abordagem fregeana, quanto certas diferen?as de pensamento entre os dois fil?sofos
Date30 October 2008
CreatorsFalc?o, Jeziel Cordeiro
ContributorsCPF:10911885803,, Costa, Claudio Ferreira, CPF:44547544700,, Ara?jo J?nior, Anast?cio Borges de, CPF:38216752415,, Alves, Daniel Durante Pereira
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Filosofia, UFRN, BR, Metaf?sica
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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