Mem?ria prospectiva em pacientes com epilepsia no lobo frontal

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Previous issue date: 2012-03-28 / Introduction: Patients with Frontal Lobe Epilepsy (FLE), although they generally show a good performance in traditional memory tests, they are very forgetful in daily life, which affects their academic, professional and social life. Such forgetfulness is related to Prospective Memory (PM), which consists in recalling, at the appropriate time, an intention to be performed in the future.
Objective: This study investigated PM in patients with frontal epilepsy, analyzing the interference of the lesion, laterality and location of the epileptogenic focus in PM performance, as well as its correlation with other memory and executive function tests.
Methodology: We conducted a case-control study to evaluate the PM, being comprised of 27 adult patients with frontal lobe epilepsy, confirmed by EEG (electroencephalography), VEEG (video electroencephalography), or MRI (cerebral magnetic resonance imaging). Out of this group, 16 showed lesion on the frontal region and 11 did not show any lesion. A group of 16 adults with no epilepsy formed the control group. All subjects underwent a neuropsychological evaluation, consisting of manual dominance tests, IQ (intelligence quotient) estimated test, verbal memory tests, (immediate and delayed) visual test, PM test, attention, verbal fluency and other executive function tests. They also answered a questionnaire for memory selfevaluation and a scale to identify psychiatric comorbidities. PM was assessed by a test that simulates daily life tasks.
Results: The case group (10.3?4.2) showed a significantly lower mean than the control group (15.7?2.1) in the PM test. When comparing the group with lesion to the group with no lesion, they were not significantly different in PM performance. Regarding the lateralization of the epileptogenic focus, the group with bilateral focus had a worse performance in the PM than the group with the focus on the right, though it did not differ significantly from the group with the focus on the left.
Conclusion: Patients with frontal lobe epilepsy had a worse prospective memory performance than the control group. The presence or absence of injury did not affect PM performance. Patients with bilateral focus had the worst PM performance. Regarding focus laterality (right or left), there was no difference in PM. PM performance was connected to attention and delayed visual memory. / Introdu??o: Pacientes com Epilepsia do Lobo Frontal (ELF), embora geralmente demonstrem um bom desempenho nos testes tradicionais de mem?ria, apresentam muitos esquecimentos na vida di?ria, comprometendo sua vida acad?mica, profissional e social. Tais esquecimentos referem-se ? Mem?ria Prospectiva (MP), que consiste em recordar, no momento adequado uma inten??o a desempenhar no futuro.
Objetivo: Este estudo buscou investigar a MP nos pacientes com epilepsia frontal, analisando a interfer?ncia da presen?a de les?o, da lateralidade e da localiza??o do foco epileptog?nico no desempenho da MP, assim como sua correla??o com outros testes de mem?ria e de fun??es executivas.
Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo de caso-controle para avalia??o da MP, sendo constitu?do de 27 pacientes adultos com epilepsia de lobo frontal, confirmada por EEG (eletroencefalografia), VEEG (v?deo-eletroencefalografia) ou RM (resson?ncia magn?tica cerebral). Desse grupo, 16 apresentavam les?o em regi?o frontal e 11 n?o apresentavam nenhuma les?o. Um grupo de 16 adultos sem epilepsia constituiu o grupo controle. Todos os sujeitos realizaram avalia??o neuropsicol?gica, constitu?da de testes de domin?ncia manual, teste estimado de QI (Coeficiente de Intelig?ncia), testes de mem?ria verbal, visual (imediata e tardia), teste de MP, aten??o, flu?ncia verbal e demais testes de fun??o executiva. Tamb?m responderam a um Question?rio de auto-avalia??o da mem?ria e uma escala para identificar comorbidades psiqui?tricas. A MP foi avaliada atrav?s de um teste que simula tarefas da vida di?ria.
Resultados: O grupo de casos (10,3?4,2) apresentou m?dia significativamente menor que o grupo controle (15,7?2,1) no teste de MP. Ao comparar o grupo com les?o e sem les?o, estes n?o se mostraram significativamente diferentes quanto ao desempenho na MP. Em rela??o ? lateraliza??o do foco epileptog?nico, o grupo com foco bilateral obteve pior desempenho na MP que o grupo ? direita, embora n?o tenha diferido de forma significativa do grupo ? esquerda.
Conclus?o: Os pacientes com epilepsia frontal tiveram pior desempenho da mem?ria prospectiva do que o grupo controle; a presen?a ou n?o de les?o n?o
interferiu no desempenho da MP; os pacientes com foco bilateral tiveram pior desempenho da MP. Em rela??o ? lateralidade do foco (direita ou esquerda) n?o houve diferen?a na MP. O desempenho da MP correlacionou-se com a aten??o e com a mem?ria visual tardia.
Date28 March 2012
CreatorsVasques, Adriana Machado
ContributorsCosta, Jaderson Costa da
PublisherPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Medicina e Ci?ncias da Sa?de, PUCRS, BR, Faculdade de Medicina
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS
Relation7620745074616285884, 500, 600, -8624664729441623247

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