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Previous issue date: 2013-08-05 / This research aims to study the differences between the cardiovascular indicators (SBP, DBP, HR, RR, BMI and girth) with regular physical exercise with active elderly participants and not participants of the supervised program of regular exercise, relating their perception of quality of life, health and lifestyle modification. Thus, it is essential to promote healthy aging or asset, maintenance and improvement of functional capacity, disease prevention, and improve the quality of life for seniors. The physical exercise corresponds to non-pharmacological strategy used in the treatment and control of cardiovascular indicators, as well as improvement in the quality of life of seniors. This study focuses on the role of exercise in controlling cardiovascular and predictors of these perceptions, under the qualitative point of view of these seniors. In this method was applied a quantitative and qualitative longitudinal study at an exploratory and descriptive level that was realized with the participation of elderly, greater than or equal to 60 years old, participants of elderly groups from FEFID-PUCRS and CEUVF-PUCRS ambulatory, in the period from March 2011 to January 2012. Analyzes were performed using Student's t test, from Mann Whitney, chi-square test from Pearson and Fisher's exact test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson's correlation with a significance of 5%. One hundred and eight participants were investigated, distributed evenly among the groups who exercise regularly (n = 54) and those who do not exercise (n = 54). After interviews and a content analysis, it was observed that the non-practicing group did not exercise regularly because of lack of orientation and time, and the presence of disease was also detected as a relevant factor. On the other hand, the practicing group exercised because of their health and in order to have better quality of life. Female sex was predominant in the groups, and less schooled non-practitioners had smaller monthly income than the practitioners (p<0.001). It was significant among the practitioners: the circumference of (p<0.01); hip perimeter, (p<0.05); PAS averages (final: p≤0.001), and PAD (final: p<0.001). The non-practitioners showed: average weight (p<0.05), higher IMC (p<0.001), subscapular measure (p<0.01) FR (final: p≤0.05) and FC (final: p≤0.05), where final averages demonstrated to be higher than the initial ones. Related to the domains by Whoqol Breff between the groups, it was significant the physical domain among the practitioners p<0.05); in Whoqol Old, in the group of practitioners domains PPF, PS, and AUT were significant; however, in the non-practicing group they were FS and MM (p<0.001). We conclude that the practice of regular exercise plays an important role in controlling cardiovascular indicators in elderly, providing them with better quality of life, and psychosocial activities improve self-esteem in older adults who do not exercise regularly / A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar as diferen?as entre os indicadores cardiovasculares (PAS, PAD, FR, FC, IMC e per?metros) com a pr?tica de exerc?cios f?sicos regulares com idosos ativos participantes de programa supervisionado de exerc?cios f?sicos regulares e n?o participantes, relacionando a sua percep??o de qualidade de vida, sa?de e modifica??o de estilo de vida. Assim, ? fundamental a promo??o do envelhecimento saud?vel ou ativo, a manuten??o e a melhoria da capacidade funcional, a preven??o de doen?as, al?m de melhorar a qualidade de vida dos idosos. A pr?tica de exerc?cios f?sicos corresponde ? estrat?gia n?o farmacol?gica utilizada no tratamento e controle de indicadores cardiovasculares, bem como na melhora na qualidade de vida de idosos. Este estudo foca o papel dos exerc?cios no controle destes preditores cardiovasculares e suas percep??es, sob o ponto de vista qualitativo nestes idosos. No m?todo foi aplicado o estudo quantiqualitativo longitudinal, em n?vel explorat?rio-descritivo, realizado com a participa??o de idosos, com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, participantes do grupo de idosos da FEFID-PUCRS e do Ambulat?rio CEUVF-PUCRS, no per?odo de mar?o/2011 ? janeiro/2012. Foram realizadas an?lises utilizando teste t-Student, de Mann Whitney, testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson e Exato de Fisher, an?lise de vari?ncia (ANOVA) e correla??o de Pearson com signific?ncia de 5%. Participaram dessa pesquisa cento e oito investigados, distribu?dos de forma homog?nea entre os grupos que praticam exerc?cios regularmente (n=54) e os que n?o praticam atividade f?sica (n=54). Ap?s entrevistas e an?lise de conte?do, observou-se que o grupo n?o praticante n?o se exercita regularmente em fun??o da falta de tempo e de orienta??o e a presen?a de doen?a tamb?m ? um fator relevante. J? o grupo de praticantes se exercita em fun??o da sa?de e para ter uma qualidade de vida melhor. Predominou o sexo feminino nos grupos, os n?o praticantes menos escolarizados tinham menor renda mensal que os praticantes (p<0,001). Entre os praticantes foi significativo: circunfer?ncia da (p<0,01); per?metro do quadril, (p<0,05); as m?dias de PAS (final: p≤0,001), e PAD (final: p<0,001). Os n?o praticantes apresentaram: peso m?dio (p<0,05), IMC mais elevados (p<0,001), medida subescapular (p<0,01) FR (final: p≤0,05) e FC (final: p≤0,05), onde as m?dias finais mostraram-se maiores que as iniciais. Quanto aos dom?nios do Whoqol Breff entre os grupos, foi significativo o dom?nio f?sico entre os praticantes p<0,05); no Whoqol Old, no grupo de praticantes foram significativos os dom?nios PPF, PS, e AUT; j? no grupo n?o praticante foram FS e MM (p<0,001). Conclui-se que a pr?tica de exerc?cios f?sicos regulares desempenha importante papel no controle de indicadores cardiovasculares em idosos, proporcionando-lhes melhor qualidade de vida, bem como a realiza??o de atividades psicossociais melhora a autoestima em idosos que n?o se exercitam regularmente
Identifer | |
Date | 05 August 2013 |
Creators | Oliveira, Janaisa Gomes Dias de |
Contributors | Stob?us, Claus Dieter |
Publisher | Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Gerontologia Biom?dica, PUCRS, BR, Instituto de Geriatria e Gerontologia |
Source Sets | IBICT Brazilian ETDs |
Language | Portuguese |
Detected Language | English |
Type | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS |
Rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
Relation | 4438661476953179033, 500, 600, 2296420844541114010 |
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