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A revision of the small snakes of the family Anomalepididae (Reptilia: Squamata: Serpentes), using high resolution computerized tomography

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Previous issue date: 2018-03-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / A fam?lia Anomalepididae atualmente ? constitu?da por 18 esp?cies de cobras,
conhecidas como ?cobras-cegas?, fossoriais e de distribui??o geogr?fica restrita ? regi?o
Neotropical. Praticamente, n?o h? informa??es a respeito da hist?ria de vida dos
Anomalepididae, pois s?o animais de dif?cil coleta e a manuten??o em cativeiro para
estudos com biologia ? bastante dif?cil. As informa??es dispon?veis a respeito de cobras
Anomalepididae est?o concentradas em estudos anat?micos, principalmente osteologia
do cr?nio, taxonomia e filogenia a n?vel de fam?lias dentro de Serpentes. Mas, desde a
descri??o de Anomalepididae por Taylor em 1939, n?o houve uma revis?o taxon?mica
abrangente dentro da fam?lia ou alguma infer?ncia filogen?tica com novos arranjos
taxon?micos. Em rela??o ? taxonomia do grupo, a literatura ? restrita ? descri??o de
novas esp?cies e revis?es taxon?micas de dois g?neros (Anomalepis e Liotyphlops). O
objetivo prim?rio deste estudo foi a revis?o taxon?mica da fam?lia Anomalepididae e,
para isto, foi utilizado toda a amostragem poss?vel de esp?cies e esp?cimes na aquisi??o
de dados morfol?gicos, al?m do emprego da t?cnica High-Resolution X-ray Computed
Tomography (HRXCT). O objetivo secund?rio foi inferir uma hip?tese filogen?tica para
as esp?cies dentro de Anomalepididae com base nos caracteres anat?micos obtidos do
exame de esp?cimes. Este trabalho resultou em um novo arranjo taxon?mico para
Anomalepididae, com 19 esp?cies v?lidas, descri??o de duas novas esp?cies de
Liotyphlops para o Brasil, sendo uma para o estado de Mato Grosso e outra para o
estado de Santa Catarina e a recondu??o de Liotyphlops beui para a sinon?mia de
Liotyphlops ternetzii. Al?m disto, a an?lise de parcim?nia com base em caracteres do
cr?nio e da morfologia externa recuperou Anomalepididae como um t?xon monofil?tico
dentro de Scolecophidia. / The family Anomalepididae currently consists of 18 species known as "blind
snakes", fossorial in habit and with geographical distribution restricted to the
Neotropical region. Practically, there is no information about the life history of the
Anomalepididae, because they are difficult to collect and the maintenance in captivity
for biology studies is quite difficult. The information available regarding
Anomalepididae snakes is concentrated on anatomical studies, mainly osteology of the
skull, taxonomy, and phylogeny at the level of families within Serpentes. But since the
description of Anomalepididae by Taylor in 1939, there has been no comprehensive
taxonomic review within the family or some phylogenetic inference with new
taxonomic arrangements. In relation to the taxonomy of the group, the literature is
restricted to the description of new species and taxonomic revisions of two genera
(Anomalepis and Liotyphlops). The primary objective of this study was the taxonomic
revision of the Anomalepididae and, for this, all possible sampling of species and
specimens were used in the acquisition of morphological data, besides the use of the
High-resolution X-Ray Computed Tomography (HRXCT) technique. The secondary
objective was to infer a phylogenetic hypothesis for the species within Anomalepididae
based on the anatomical characters obtained from the specimen examination. This work
resulted in a new taxonomic arrangment for Anomalepididae, with 19 valid species,
description of two new species of Liotyphlops from Brazil, being one for the state of
Mato Grosso and the other for the state of Santa Catarina, and the re-conduction of
Liotyphlops beui to the synonymy of Liotyphlops ternetzii. In addition, the parsimony
analysis based on characters from the skull and external morphology recovered
Anomalepididae as a monophyletic taxon within Scolecophidia.
Date22 March 2018
CreatorsSantos, Fid?lis J?nio Marra
ContributorsReis, Roberto Esser dos
PublisherPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s Gradua??o em Zoologia, PUCRS, Brasil, Escola de Ci?ncias
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS
Relation-6482652380601267558, 500, 600, 2075167498588264571

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