Kommunikation och delaktighet för elever som använder AKK : En fallstudie på en grundsärskola / Communication and participation for students who use AAC : A case study on a compulsory school for intellectual disablity

The aim of the study is to investigate how students in compulsory school for intellectual disability who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) get the possibility to communicate and how it can contribute to increased participation. The theoretical framework is a communicative relationship-based perspective (KoRP) which assumes that schools at all levels should collaborate on the concept of participation, communication and learning. Therefore a case study was conducted where one school´s work to achieve communication and participation for students who use AAC was studied. Two methods were used: stimulated recall with one special educator, where her work to increase participation through communication was studied, and also an interview with the principal to explore her view of communication, participation and working methods. The result shows that AAC-tools are adapted both in form and content based on the individual student´s needs, that the special educator uses the student´s AAC-tools as a role model and that all the students are involved in decisions on the content and implementation by small details. The principal emphasize that the collegial learning is important to develop working methods, competence and collaborations regarding to communication and participation. This is coherent with what previous research indicate. Research also advocates communication through including activities and heterogeneous groups, which is not exemplified in the case study.

Date January 2015
CreatorsJohansson, Karin
PublisherKarlstads universitet, Fakulteten för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap (from 2013)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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