An American History Curriculum for Eighth Grade Gifted Students

The curriculum developed in this project was designed to meet the requirements of the Clay County gifted program. It provides a comprehensive American history curriculum, discovery through the Civil War, to promote mastery of the content area, increase involvement and interest of students in learning through the reduction of irrelevant and redundant material, and encourage individual initiative for one/sown investigations.
The program consists of a series of independent studies in which the teacher is a facilitator who sets the stage and encourages students' endeavors. The study units developed for this project include objectives representing all levels in Bloom/s Taxonomy.
The curriculum was evaluated by pilot-testing and surveying the students involved, as well as by surveying a team of teachers of the gifted and a university faculty member in social studies education.
Date01 January 1987
CreatorsParrish, Donna North
PublisherUNF Digital Commons
Source SetsUniversity of North Florida
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceUNF Theses and Dissertations

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