A hist,,ria da psiquiatria vem despertando maior interesse nos ...ltimos anos. Contudo, ainda h+ grande escassez de informaEUROEes a respeito da hist,,ria desta +rea da medicina, o que , fundamental para uma melhor compreenso das transformaEUROEes do pensamento m,dico-psiqui+trico em nosso meio. O conhecimento profundo dos conceitos relativos <s tradiEUROEes, mudanEURas e perman?ncias do passado , essencial para o adequado entendimento do presente e progn,,stico do futuro da especialidade. Torna-se relevante, para nos situarmos nos dias atuais, conhecer a hist,,ria dos conceitos e da pr+tica m,dica da psiquiatria no Brasil, focando o contexto hist,,rico, os movimentos pol?ticos e poss?veis influ?ncias externas < nossa cultura que interferiram, ao longo do tempo, para que a psiquiatria se apresentasse como tal nos dias atuais. O presente trabalho objetivou delinear a concepEURo m,dico-psiqui+trica entre as d,cadas de 1920 a 1950 sobre os transtornos mentais e seus tratamentos no estado de So Paulo, al,m de enfatizar sua poss?vel influ?ncia sobre o pensamento m,dico-psiqui+trico atual. Foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa, integrando duas +reas diferentes do conhecimento, a Psiquiatria e a Hist,,ria. Trata-se de m,todo adequado, por incorporar significados e intenEUROEes aos atos, <s relaEUROEes e <s estruturas sociais. A produEURo dos dados se deu atrav,s do levantamento e an+lise de documentos hist,,ricos, produzidos entre as d,cadas de 1920 a 1950, acerca da formaEURo da disciplina e c+tedra de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de So Paulo (FMUSP), da formaEURo da Liga Paulista de Higiene Mental, subordinada < Liga Brasileira de Higiene Mental (LBHM), da formaEURo e atuaEURo da InstituiEURo de Assist?ncia Social ao Psicopata do Estado de So Paulo, da vida institucional do Hospital do Juquery, e da concepEURo e in?cio das atividades do Instituto de Psiquiatria (IPq) do Hospital das Cl?nicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de So Paulo. Conclui-se que o pensamento acerca da saúde mental em São Paulo, no período delimitado pelo estudo, se constituiu a partir de grande influência de outras áreas do conhecimento, determinando os rumos da psiquiatria como especialidade médica em nosso meio / The history of psychiatry has been arising higher interest in the last years. However, there is still a great scarcity of information regarding the history of this field of medicine, which is fundamental for a better understanding of the transformations of the psychiatric medical thought in our milieu. It is essential a profound knowledge of the concepts related to the traditions, changes and permanences of the past for the adequate understanding of the specialty\'s present and the prognosis for its future. It is relevant, in order to be situated in the current days, to know psychiatry\'s history of concepts and medical practice in Brazil, by focusing the historical context, the political movements and the possible influences that are external to our culture, which have interfered, along the time, for psychiatry to present as such in the current days. The current work aimed at delineating the medical-psychiatric conception between the decades of 1920 and 1950 about the mental disorders and their treatments in the state of So Paulo, besides emphasizing its possible influences over the medical-psychiatric thought of our days. It was used the qualitative methodology, by integrating two different areas of knowledge, Psychiatry and History. It is an appropriate method to incorporating meanings and intentions to social acts, relations and structures. The data production was accomplished by the survey and analysis of historical documents produced in the decades of 1920 up to 1950 about the formation of the discipline and the cathedra of Psychiatry of the Medical School of the University of So Paulo (FMUSP), the formation of the So Paulo League of Mental Hygiene, subordinated to the Brazilian League of Mental Hygiene (LBHM), of the formation and action of the Institution of Social Assistance to Psychopaths of the State of So Paulo, of the institutional life of the Juquery Hospital, and of the conception and beginning of the activities of the Institute of Psychiatry (IPq) of the Clinical Hospital of the Medical School of the University of So Paulo. We conclude that the thought about mental health in São Paulo, within the period delimited by the study, was constituted based on great influence of other fields of knowledge determining the directions of psychiatry as a medical specialty in our milieu
Identifer | oai:union.ndltd.org:usp.br/oai:teses.usp.br:tde-03092012-092731 |
Date | 08 August 2012 |
Creators | Seixas, Andre Augusto Anderson |
Contributors | Zilberman, Monica Levit |
Publisher | Biblioteca Digitais de Teses e Dissertações da USP |
Source Sets | Universidade de São Paulo |
Language | Portuguese |
Detected Language | English |
Type | Dissertação de Mestrado |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Liberar o conteúdo para acesso público. |
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