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Islamic psychology : metatheoretical issues and implicationsLong, Wahbie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Before one can articulate the theory and practice of Islamic psychology, or speak of
its relationship to, or integration with, secular psychology, it is imperative that its
metatheoretical underpinnings be articulated and understood from the outset. It is
argued that this is especially important for the reader steeped in the Western scientific
tradition, since its secular metatheory has proved insufficient in accommodating the
Islamic worldview. Psychology in Islam is preoccupied with the afterlife - as a result,
the subjects of mental disorder and psychotherapy are heavily invested with religious
and moral significance. Mental disorder refers to such traits as lead to personal
destruction in the hereafter, while psychotherapy entails both the observance of all
(external) religious obligations as well as the (internal) purification of the self This
paper demonstrates firstly that Islamic psychology is a legitimate intellectual domain.
That, secondly, from an Islamic perspective, psychological theory is useless and
dangerous without a pious practitioner, and, thirdly, that the methodological hierarchy
that yields psychological theory is the opposite of its secular version. Lastly, it is
argued that while Sunni Islam dismisses the notion of free will, this in no way
diminishes the relevance ofIslamic psychology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voordat die teorie en praktyk van 'n Islamitiese sielkunde uiteengesit kan word, en
voordat daar sprake kan wees van die verwantskap of integrasie hiervan met sekulêre
sielkunde, is dit noodsaaklik dat die metateoretiese onderbou daarvan uiteengesit en
begryp moet word. Dit word aangevoer dat dit veral belangrik is vir die leser wat
geweek is in die Westerse wetenskaplike tradisie aangesien die sekulêre metateorie
van laasgenoemde nie voldoende is om die Islamitiese wêreld beskouing te
akkomodeer nie. Sielkunde binne Islam is behep met die lewe in die hiernamaals met
die gevolg dat die onderwerpe van geestesversteuring en psigoterapie swaar gelaai is
met godsdienstige en morele oorwegings. Geestesversteurings verwys na sodanige
eienskappe wat tot vernietiging in die hiernamaals sal lei, terwyl psigoterapie die
nakoming van alle eksterne godsdienstige verpligtinge sowel as die interne reiniging
van die self veronderstel. Hierdie tesis demonstreer, eerstens, dat Islamitiese
sielkunde wel 'n legitieme veld van intellektuele ondersoek is. Tweedens, word daar,
uit 'n Islamitiese perspektief, aangedui dat sielkundige teorie gevaarlik en nutteloos is sonder 'n godsdienstige praktisyn, en derdens dat die metodologiese hiërargie wat
sielkundige teorie lewer die teenoorgestelde is van sy sekulêre weergawe. Laastens
word daar geargumenteer dat terwyl Sunni Islam die begrip van vrye wilontsê, word
die relevansie van 'n Islamitiese sielkunde nie daardeur ondermyn nie.
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Il tema dell’unità/unificazione della scienza è radicato nella storia e nella teoria dell’epistemologia del XX secolo. Il presente lavoro riprende tale tema e lo applica alla psicologia in generale e alla psicologia clinica in particolare, con un approccio sia teorico sia empirico. In particolare, la discussione sulla frammentazione della psicologia ha radici nella riflessione filosofica relativa all’unità o pluralità del metodo scientifico e a temi contigui, quali il linguaggio scientifico, le leggi e gli oggetti d’indagine della scienza. In questa cornice di riferimento, viene analizzato dettagliatamente il fenomeno della frammentazione della psicologia tramite l’esposizione critica delle proposte avanzate nella letteratura per la sua unificazione. Quindi, vengono evidenziati alcuni problemi centrali che riguardano diversi livelli di analisi, da quello socio-istituzionale a quello metodologico, in riferimento alla psicologia generale e alla psicologia clinica. E’ entro questo scenario che si situa la ricerca empirica, realizzata al fine di esplorare la rappresentazione emozionale della disciplina, in quanto scienza e professione, da parte degli psicologi italiani. La comparazione tra la disamina teorica e i risultati della ricerca empirica portano a concludere che per la psicologia è fondamentale riappropriarsi di quegli strumenti concettuali che possano meglio coordinare i rapporti tra dati, teorie e applicazioni pratiche. / The issue of the unity/unification of science has its roots in the history and theory of 20th Century epistemology. The present research addresses this issue and implements it in psychology and in clinical psychology, with both a theoretical and empirical approach. In particular, the topic of the fragmentation of psychology is connected to the philosophical reflection regarding the unity or plurality of the scientific method and to contiguous issue as the scientific language, the laws and science’s objects of interest. Within such a framework, the phenomenon of psychology’s fragmentation is examined in detail through the critical analysis of the proposals proposed in the unification literature. Then, some key problems regarding different levels of analysis, from socio-institutional to methodological, are highlighted, with regards to general psychology and clinical psychology. In this scenario, the empirical research is aimed to explore the emotional representations of Italian psychologist about their own discipline, as a science and as a profession. The comparison between the theoretical examination and the outcomes of the empirical research lead to the conclusion that is crucial for psychology to manage those conceptual tools which are able to better coordinate the relationships between data, theories and practical applications.
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Psychology and humanistic psychotherapy / Psicología y psicoterapia humanísticaAmorós, Víctor 25 September 2017 (has links)
The article is about the origins of rhe humanistic and psychological orientation, its principal characteristics like our capacity to choose and modify our vital situation, to be orienred to the action of the values that give us identity and permit us unroll an active ego that in spite of rhe conditionant influence elaborare a self evolution. Ir analyses the concept of self realization and the way that psychorerapy process takes place. / El artículo trata sobre los orígenes del enfoque humanístico psicológico, sus características principales por ejemplo nuestra capacidad de elegir y modificar nuestra situación vital, el estar orientados hacia la realización de valores que nos otorgan identidad y nos permiten desarrollar un yo activo que pese a los influjos condicionantes, elabora su propia evolución. Se analiza el concepto de autorrealización y la manera cómo se lleva a cabo el proceso psicoterapéutico.
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Taking the psychology of pregnancy seriously : implications for intervention : a review of the psychoanalytic literatureBurke, Elspeth January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Pregnancy has evolved from being predominantly understood as a medical phenomenon
to what psychoanalytic theorists would regard as a holistic experience encompassing both
physiological and psychological changes. According to psychoanalytic theorists,
pregnancy is a transitional phase and a time of susceptibility and flux for most women.
This often results in psychic turmoil where boundaries between conscious and
unconscious process become more permeable. The pregnant woman's dreams and
fantasies create an inner working model of relationships and this in tum provides a
template of how her relationship with her baby will be experienced and conducted. This
link to the unconscious increases insight into the process occurring between the woman
and her evolving relationship with the fetus and provides the health professional with
clues for early intervention. However care should be taken by health-care professionals
to communicate the psychological processes during pregnancy within the cultural
framework of the pregnancy mother for positive outcomes to be achieved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wyse waarop swangerskap verstaan word het ontwikkel vanaf grotendeels mediese
verskynsel na wat die psigoanalitiese teoretici sal beskou as 'n holistiese ervaring wat
beide die fisiologiese en die sielkundige veranderinge insluit. Die psigoanalitiese
teoretici beskou swangerskap as 'n oorgangs fase en 'n periode van vatbaarheid en
veranderlikheid vir die meeste vroue. Dit gee dikwels aanleiding tot psigiese wanorde
waar die grense tussen bewustelike en onbewustelike prosesse meer deurdringbaar word.
Die swanger vrou se drome en fantasië skep 'n innerlike werkende model van
verhoudings en op sy beurt voorsien dit templet van hoe haar verhouding met haar baba
ervaar en hanteer sal word. Hierdie band met die onbewustelike verleen insig in die
proses wat tussen die vrou en haar ontwikkelende verhouding met die fetus voorkom en
voorsien die gesondheids werker van leidrade vir vroeë intervensie. Die gesondheids
werker moet egter versigtig wees om die sielkundige prosesse gedurende swangerskap
binne die kulturele raamwerk van die swanger moeder te interpreteer om sodoende
positiewe uitkomste verkry.
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Learn by Doing Psychology / Att lära genom att göra psykologiJonsson, Simon January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to review material from the scientific field of psychology and where appropriate adapt it to experiential and active learning classroom experiences. The study is conducted in order to meet the Swedish curriculum for gymnasium and the courses Psychology 1 and 2. The review includes scientific material in a range of forms, such as training programs, personal- and school intervention programs, psychometrics and experimental psychology. The study suggests classroom activities on the topics: cognitive-behavioral therapy, stress coping, positive psychology, emotional intelligence, psychometrics, cultural competency and cognitive bias. / Syftet med denna studie är att gå igenom material från det vetenskapliga fältet psykologi och där det är lämpligt anpassa det till klassrumsövningar som använder sig av upplevelsebaserat och aktivt lärande. Studien genomfördes med syftet att uppfylla den svenska läroplanen för gymnasiet och kurserna Psykologi 1 och 2. Undersökningen byggde på vetenskapligt material i olika former inkluderat träningsprogram, åtgärdsprogram för individer och skolor, psykometri och experimentell psykologi. Studien föreslår klassrumsövningar i ämnena: kognitiv beteendeterapi, stresshantering, positiv psykologi, emotionell intelligens, psykometri, kulturell kompetens och kognitiv bias.
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Klinische Psychologie und Verhaltenstherapie - zwischen Aufstieg und Erosion / Clinical Psychology and Behavior Therapy - between Rise and ErosionWittchen, Hans-Ulrich 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Der Beitrag diskutiert Probleme der raschen Weiterentwicklung von Klinischer Psychologie und der Verhaltenstherapie im besonderen. Dabei werden drei Perspektiven angesprochen: (a) Binnenbeziehungen innerhalb des Fachs Klinische Psychologie sowie zu Nachbardisziplinen, (b) Transferprobleme wissen-schaftlicher Erkenntnisse von der Forschung zur Praxis und (c) Probleme der Fort– und Weiterbildung sowie der Qualitätssicherung in der Verhaltenstherapie. Als Beispiele von Fortschritt und Erosion werden diskutiert: (a) die Verhaltensmedizin, als Muster für gut abgestimmte und in die Klinische Psychologie als Fach integrierte Entwicklung, (b) die Gesundheitspsychologie für eine schlechte Interaktionskultur mit mangelhaftem gegen-seitigem Informatiûnstransfer und (c) die Psychotherapieszene als Beispiel für Erosionsprozesse in Forschung, Praxis sowie vor allem Fort– und Weiterbildung. Der Beitrag fordert eine wesentliche Stärkung des Fachs Klinische Psychologie als fachliche und organisatorische Klammer zwischen den auseinanderdriftenden Entwicklungen. Eine erfolgreiche Übernahme dieser universitär verankerten Koordinations- und Integrationsaufgabe erfordert allerdings gleichzeitig auch eine erhebliche Ausweitung personeller Ressourcen und fachlicher Kompetenzen. Eine zentrale neue Herausforderung für klinisch-psychologische Universitätsinstitute besteht auch in der Entwicklung von Qualitätssicherungsmaβnahmen. Der Beitrag empfiehlt in diesem Zusammenhang, vor allem in der Fort– und Weiterbildung den verstärkten Einsatz von Therapiemanualen sowie die Institutionalisierung von regelmäβigen Konsensuskonferenzen mit Empfehlungen zur Therapiedurchführung. / This paper discusses progress and erosion aspects of c1inical psychology and behavior therapy in Germany from three interrelated perspectives: (a) the relationship of behavior therapy and c1inical psychology to other basic and applied psychological disciplines as weIl as neighboring disciplines, (b) the transfer problems from the scientific fields to practice, and (c) the problem of quality assurance in practice and postgraduate education. Specific emphasis is laid on a discussion of the field of behavioral medicine, as an example for well-integrated and coordinated research and practice activities; health psychology as an example for deficient communication patterns with clinical psychology and behavior therapy, and psychotherapy as an example for erosion in research, education and practice. The paper strongly recommends a more dominant steering role of clinical psychology as the most comprehensive scientific discipline. This steering role, however, would also require a considerably expanded infrastructure of clinical psychology departments in universities together with several mechanisms (competence enhancement, consensus conferences, development of postgraduate education guidelines, quality assurance activities, coordination) to be able to fulfill this mission. The paper also suggests the more frequent use of standardized treatment manuals in postgraduate courses.
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