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Parent-youth associations of physical activity and the influence of family and neighbourhood social factorsGandhi, Sima 12 1900 (has links)
Objectif: Examiner le lien entre la participation des parents aux activités physiques (AP) de leur enfant et les habitudes de vie et le statut pondéral de ces derniers.
Méthode: Les données proviennent de l’Enquête Sociale et Santé des Enfants et des Adolescent Québécois (1999), comprenant des échantillons représentatifs de jeunes de 9, 13 et 16 ans (n=2511). L’implication des parents est définie par aucun, 1 seul, ou 2 parents faisant de l’AP avec leur enfant ≥1/semaine. Un rappel 7 jours a servi à classer les jeunes selon leur niveau d’AP, soit faible, modéré ou élevé. Le temps d’écran a été défini par: ≤14 vs. >14 heures/semaine. Le statut pondéral a été défini selon les critères de Cole.
Résultats: Lorsque les deux parents participent aux AP du jeune, le niveau d’AP des adolescents de 13 (OR 3.89, IC 95%: 1.85-8.18) et 16 ans (OR 3.45, IC 95%: 1.32-9.01) est davantage élevé, et le temps d’écran moindre (OR 2.36, IC 95%: 1.30-4.25) chez ceux de 13 ans. Des analyses secondaires montrent que le lien entre l’implication des parents et le niveau d’AP des jeunes est présent chez les familles biparentales seulement; le lien avec le temps d’écran est présent dans les quartiers sécuritaires seulement. Aucune association n’est observée pour le statut pondéral.
Conclusion: Les stratégies de promotion de la santé ciblant la participation des parents aux AP de leurs enfants pourraient réduire le fardeau des maladies chroniques, étant donné l’association favorable entre leur implication et les habitudes de vie des jeunes. / Objective: To examine the association between parental involvement in their child’s physical activity (PA) and child lifestyle behaviours and weight status.
Methods: Data were from the 1999 Quebec Child and Adolescent Health and Social Survey, comprising representative samples of youth aged 9, 13, and 16 years. Parental involvement in PA with their child was assessed and measured as both, one, or neither parent engaging in PA with their child ≥once/week, based on parent reports. A 7-day PA recall was used to categorize youth as inactive, moderately-active, or highly-active. Screen time was classified as ≤14 and >14 hours of TV and video viewing/week. Overweight status was defined according to Cole’s sex- and age-specific BMI cut-points.
Results: Participants (n=2511) with both parents engaging in PA with them ≥once/week (vs. neither parent) were more likely to be highly-active at ages 13 (OR 3.89, 95% CI: 1.85-8.18) and 16 (OR 3.45, 95% CI: 1.32-9.01), and to report ≤14 hours/week of screen time at age 13 (OR 2.36, 95% CI: 1.30-4.25). No associations were observed for weight status. We examined effect modification in post-hoc analyses; the association between parental involvement and youth PA was present in two-parent households only, while the association between parental involvement and screen time was only present in neighbourhoods perceived to be safe by parents.
Conclusion: Health promotion strategies targeting parental involvement in youth PA may reduce the future burden of chronic disease, given the favorable association of parental involvement with several youth lifestyle behaviours.
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Performance Analysis of a Light Weight Packet ScannerGandhi, Paras 05 December 2008 (has links)
The growth of networks around the world has also given rise to threats like viruses and Trojans. This rise in threats has resulted in counter measures for these threats. These counter measures are in the form of applications called firewalls or IDS. The incorporation of these applications in the network results in some delay in communications. The aim of the experiment in this thesis is to measure the delay introduced by such a firewall in the best case and compare it with the communication done on a network without such an application. These experiments are done using a special miniature computer called the net4801 with an embedded operating system and the packet scanning application (firewall or IDS) executing on it.
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by beta-amyloid (Aβ) aggregation/oligomerization, biometal dyshomeostasis, oxidative stress, and neuroinflammation. The multifactorial nature of AD may indicate the therapeutic potential of multifunctional ligands that tackle various risk factors simultaneously as effective AD-modifying agents. This notion is further supported by the fact that while numerous AD-modifying agents targeting one single risk factor have been developed and a number of them entered clinical trials, none of them has been successfully approved by the FDA. Furthermore, neuronal cell membrane/lipid rafts (CM/LR) have been demonstrated to associate with all the indicated risk factors, indicating that this relationship can be exploited therapeutically to design strategically distinct multifunctional ligands by incorporating CM/LR anchorage into molecular design. With the long-term goal of developing multifunctional ligands to slow or stop the progression of AD, recently we have embarked on the development of bivalent multifunctional Aβ oligomerization inhibitors (BMOIs) as potential AD-modifying agents. These BMAOIs contain curcumin as the multifunctional moiety and cholesterol as the CM/LR anchorage moiety linked by a spacer to co-target AβOs, CM/LR, and oxidative stress. The hypothesis of the BMAOI strategy is that BMAOIs will anchor/target the multifunctional AβO inhibitor moiety inside, or in the vicinity of, CM/LR in which Aβ oligomerization, Aβ/biometal interaction and oxidative stress occur to efficiently interfere with these processes. In support of this hypothesis, proof-of-concept of the BMAOIs strategy has been reached through our preliminary studies. Our results demonstrated that: 1) BMAOIs containing curcumin as the multifunctional AβO inhibitor and cholesterol as CM/LR anchor primarily localize to CM/LR while curcumin does not; 2) BMAOIs with optimal spacer length efficiently inhibit the production of intracellular AβOs and protect MC65 cells from AβO-induced cell death (EC50~3 µM) while curcumin exhibits no significant activity; 3) these active BMAOIs retain curcumin’s antioxidant and metal complexation properties. Our preliminary studies also demonstrated the critical roles of spacer length and connectivity in the molecular design of BMAOIs and one lead compound was identified for further structural modification and optimization. Furthermore, this lead compound was shown to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in a preliminary in vivo study as well as bind to Aβ plaques. Taken together, these results clearly reach the proof-of-concept of BMAOIs and confirm the rationale of designing BMAOIs to develop potential AD-modifying agents. In this thesis, we continued the exploration and validation of the BMAOI strategy by designing and biological characterizing a series of BMAOIs containing cholesterylamine as the CM/LR anchorage moiety and curcumin as the multifunctional moiety. Ten BMAOIs with the spacer length of 15, 17, 19, 21, and 23 atoms were designed and synthesized. Initially, these BMAOIs were tested for the neuroprotective activity against the AβO-induced cytotoxicity in human neuroblastoma MC65 cells. Then, Western blot analysis was performed for active BMAOIs to confirm the association of neuroprotection and suppression of AβOs. Furthermore, active BMAOIs were examined for antioxidant and metal complexation properties. Finally, Aβ plaque binding was examined using transgenic AD mice brain sections. Our results demonstrated that the same spacer length but different connectivity are preferred in this new series of BMAOIs for neuroprotective activity as that of the lead compound from cholesterol series. Moreover, the neuroprotection activity is closely associated with the inhibition of AβOs as demonstrated by Western blot analysis. In addition, the active BMAOIs retain the antioxidant and biometal binding properties of curcumin. More importantly, the binding affinity to the Aβ plaques was again confirmed for the new BMAOIs containing cholesterylamine. In summary, the design and characterization of the new series BMAOIs further confirmed the rationale of BMAOI strategy and their potential to lead to a new direction in development of effective AD-modifying and treatment agents.
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Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) is the cofactor for over 140 vitamin B6 (PLP)-dependent enzymes that are involved in various metabolic and biosynthetic pathways. Pyridoxal kinase (PL kinase) and pyridoxine 5’-phosphate oxidase (PNP oxidase) are the two key enzymes that metabolize nutritional forms of vitamin B6, including pyridoxal (PL), pyridoxine (PN), and pyridoxamine (PM) to the active cofactor form, PLP. Disruption of the PLP metabolic pathway due to mutations in PNP oxidase or PL kinase result in PLP deficiency, which is implicated in several neurological pathologies. Several ingested compounds are also known to result in PLP deficiency with concomitant neurotoxic effects. How these mutations and compounds affect B6 metabolism is not clearly understood. On the other hand, an emerging health problem is the intake of too much vitamin B6 as high doses of the reactive PLP in the cell exhibits toxic effects, including sensory and motor neuropathies. The overall aim of this research is to understand the catalytic function of PL kinase and the regulatory pathway of PLP metabolism. Using site-directed mutagenesis (Asp235Asn, Asp235Ala), kinetic and structural studies, we have shown that Asp235 may play a catalytic role in PL kinase phosphorylation activity. We also show that human PL kinase binds its substrates, PL and MgATP synergistically, and that the enzyme requires Na+ (or K+) and Mg2+ for its activity. Using kinetic study, we show severe induced MgATP substrate inhibition of PL kinase in the presence of its product, PLP, and we postulate this to be due to the formation of a non-productive ternary complex (Enzyme•PLP•MgATP). Consistently, our crystal structure of human PL kinase (2.1 Å) co-crystallized with MgATP and PLP showed both MgATP and PLP trapped at the active site. Our hypothesis is that this abortive ternary complex might be a physiological process, and that PL kinase uses this mechanism to self-regulate its activity. Our inhibition studies show theophylline, a bronchodilator as a mixed competitive inhibitor of human PL kinase with Ki of 71 μM. Our structural study (2.1 Å) shows theophylline bound at the substrate, PL binding site of human PL kinase. We also identified several potential PL kinase inhibitors from the DrugBank Chemical Compound database. Some of these compounds, including enprofylline, theobromine, caffeine, and lamotrigine, which incidentally exhibit similar neurotoxic effects as theophylline, show significant inhibitory effect on human PL kinase. Further studies are also planned to investigate the effect of these drugs on vitamin B6 metabolism in vivo.
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PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO / Mediante avaliação experimental comparativa, foi
estabelecido que os processos de tratamento eletrolítico
de precipitação química são adequados para
o tratamento primário de chorume gerado em aterro de
resíduo sólido urbano. Foi também comprovado
experimentalmente ser o stripping uma operação indicada
para a remoção da amônia presente no chorume.
O trabalho teve início com a caracterização do chorume
através de parâmetros sanitários convencionais e também
análise instrumental visando a determinação das
orgânicas presentes. Nesta caracterização foi dada
ênfase ao chorume do aterro metropolitano do Rio de
A caracterização do chorume indicou altas concentrações
sais dissolvidos, amônia e matéria orgânica,
características de chorume velho. Os resultados são
compatíveis com os obtidos com amostras de chorume
de aterros de mesmo porte de outros países. No chorume
bruto a concentração de amônia ficou normalmente cerca de
500 vezes acima do limite de lançamento. A
amônia apresenta alta toxidade aos peixes, o que torna a
sua remoção justificada e necessária. Por outro lado, as
análises instrumentais utilizando a técnica de
cromatografia gasosa com espectrometria de massa (GC/MS),
permitiram a identificação, ainda inédita, de substâncias
orgânicas oriundas da biodegradação e/ou decomposição dos
resíduos sólidos urbanos, bem como de produtos químicos
dispostos no aterro ou contidos em embalagens.
Foi também conduzido um programa experimental, em escala
bancada, para avaliar a aplicação dos processos
eletrolíticos e de precipitação química ao
tratamento do chorume. Foram investigados diversos
parâmetros, tais como:adição de produtos químicos,
de energia, quantidade e características do
lodo gerado e qualidade do chorume tratado em relação a
diversos parâmetros sanitários. O chorume tratado também
foi submetido a análise cromatográfica, de
modo a determinar alterações qualitativas na sua
química durante o tratamento. O processo eletrolítico
mostrou-se bastante indicado para a remoção
de compostos orgânicos do chorume, porém não adequado
a remoção de amônia. A precipitação química mostrou-se
para a remoção de orgânicos e propiciadora da remoção de
amônia, sem ser, no entanto, a melhor opção do ponto
de vista de otimização de custos. A melhor solução
encontrada, sob todos os aspectos, consiste na combinação
desses dois processos.
Foi então conduzida uma série de experimentos voltados
a remoção da amônia por stripping, após a etapa de
precipitação química com hidróxido de cálcio (cal).
Investigou -se a influência de parâmetros tais como pH e
temperatura na eficiência de remoção de amônia, tendo
obtidas eficiências de remoção da ordem de 90 % nas
condições de pH na faixa de 10 a 12,5 na temperatura
ambiente. Estes resultados experimentais indicaram que os
processos físicoquímicos estudados são a alternativa mais
vantajosa para a remoção das altas concentrações de
nitrogênio amoniacal encontradas no chorume. A remoção
dessas grandes quantidades de N-NH3 também foi vantajosa,
tanto operacional como economicamente, considerando-se a
etapa subseqüente de tratamento biológico. Verificou-se
também que a quantidade de amônia removida do
chorume de Gramacho através do stripping aponta para a
possibilidade de sua recuperação para fins econômicos,
a forma de sulfato de amônio. / Following an experimental examination of available
techniques, it was established that electrolytic treatment
and chemical precipitation are most
adequate for the primary treatment of leachates generated
in municipal solid waste landfills. It was also determined
experimentally that an air stripping operation is
indicated for removal of ammonia present in the leachate.
The initial stages of this present work concerned the
characterization of leachate in accordance with
conventional sanitary parameters, together with
analytically determined organics contents. In making such
characterizations, use was made of the leachate emanating
from the metropolitan landfill of Rio de
Janeiro (Gramacho). This leachate exhibited high
concentrations of dissolved salts, ammonia and organic
material - typical of old established landfills. Such
results are comparable with those obtained from similar
landfills in other countries. The concentration of ammonia
in the raw leachate was frequently at least 500 times the
permissible limit. Ammonia is highly toxic towards fish and
its removal is accordingly justified on these grounds alone.
Furthermore, the analyses were carried out using the
techniques of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry
(GC/MC), which permitted the identification, previously
unreported, of organic substances, originated from the
biodegradation and/or decomposition of municipal solid
wastes, and of the chemical products found in the landfill
itself or in deposited containers.
An experimental programme was, at the same time, conducted
in the laboratory to evaluate the application of the
electrolytic and chemical precipitation
processes for the treatment of leachate. A number of
diverse parameters were investigated, such as: usage of
chemicals, energy consumptions, quantity and
characteristics of sludge generated, and the quality of
treated leachate, in terms of diverse sanitary parameters.
The treated leachate was also submitted to
chromatographic analysis in order to determine changes in
its chemical composition during treatment.
The electrolytic process was shown to be well suited to the
removal of organic materials from the leachate but was not
effective in the removal of ammonia. Chemical precipitation
was found to be a suitable means of removal of
both organics and ammonia, although it does not feature
highly in terms of its cost effectiveness. A better
solution, in the overall sense, is considered to be that
which comprises a combination of these two processes.
A series of experiments was also undertaken designed to
investigate the removal of ammonia by air stripping, after
the chemical precipitation stage with calcium hydroxide.
During these experiments, the influence on the efficiency of
removal of ammonia of parameters such as pH and temperature
was determined.
Removal efficiencies of the order of 90% were obtained at
pH levels between 10 and 12.5, at ambient temperature.
These experimental results indicate that the
physico-chemical processes studied represent the optimum
alternative for removal of high concentrations of
ammoniacal nitrogen encountered in leachate.
The removal of large quantities of N - NH3 is furthermore
considered to be economically attractive when followed by
biological treatment. It was also established that the
quantity of ammonia, which could be removed from the
Gramacho leachate, utilizing the stripping process, is such
as to present economic possibilities for its recovery as
ammonium sulphate.
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A frequency synthesizer for a 2.4 GHz spread spectrum communications applicationGandhi, Hanoz January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-106). / by Hanoz Gandhi. / M.Eng.
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Roles in Retinoid Signaling in the Lower Urinary TractGandhi, Devangini January 2012 (has links)
Retinoic acid (RA)-signaling is involved in a broad spectrum of cellular processes, including formation of most embryonic tissues, epithelial differentiation, and is a critical regulator of stem cell differentiation in vitro. Studies from our lab have focused on the role of RA-signaling in the urinary tract, where we find that it plays multiple roles. By inducing expression of a floxed dominant-negative mutant Rar receptor, termed RaraDN, in the bladder, we find that RA-receptor signaling from the bladder epithelium plays distinct roles during urinary tract development; it is required for establishing mature ureter-bladder connections and for differentiation of the bladder epithelia. Congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) characterize a range of lower urinary tract defects such as kidney and ureter agenesis, hydronephrosis, and vesicoureteral reflux. Development of the lower urinary tract, which consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, is crucial for removal of toxic substances from the blood and depends on patent connections between the ureter and the bladder. Impaired vitamin A signaling, either by maternal vitamin A deficiency in mice, or deleting RA-synthesizing enzymes and RA-receptors, leads to syndromic urinary tract abnormalities similar to those seen in humans. Our previous studies have suggested that proper ureter-bladder connections depend on signals derived from the bladder. By selectively inhibiting RA-signaling in the bladder epithelium, we show that RA-receptor signaling from the bladder is required for nephric duct (ND) insertion into the cloacal epithelium, CND maturation, and late-stage ureteral apoptosis in part through Ret. In addition, we find that RA acts independently of Ret where it regulates bladder growth and epithelial differentiation. The bladder epithelium, or urothelium, is a stratified epithelium that lines the major portion of the lower urinary tract and provides a crucial barrier between urine and blood. It contains basal, intermediate, and umbrella cells that synthesize and traffic uroplakin proteins to its apical surface. Vitamin A has been shown to be necessary for preventing keratinization of the bladder epithelia, and in vitro, it can induce the differentiation of endodermal ES cells into populations of cells that express markers of the urothelium. Recent studies suggest that Shh-expressing population in the adult bladder contains progenitors that can repopulate the urothelium after damage. Here we report that RA-receptor-dependent signaling temporally regulates Shh-expressing urothelial progenitors and is required for formation of intermediate and umbrella cells during early development. Furthermore, we find that in the absence of RA-signaling, Shh-progenitors undergo a fate change, down-regulating uroplakins and up-regulating squamous markers, suggesting that RA is normally required for either positively regulating urothelial differentiation or negatively suppressing squamous differentiation.
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[pt] Mediante avaliação experimental comparativa, foi
estabelecido que os processos de tratamento eletrolítico
de precipitação química são adequados para
o tratamento primário de chorume gerado em aterro de
resíduo sólido urbano. Foi também comprovado
experimentalmente ser o stripping uma operação indicada
para a remoção da amônia presente no chorume.
O trabalho teve início com a caracterização do chorume
através de parâmetros sanitários convencionais e também
análise instrumental visando a determinação das
orgânicas presentes. Nesta caracterização foi dada
ênfase ao chorume do aterro metropolitano do Rio de
A caracterização do chorume indicou altas concentrações
sais dissolvidos, amônia e matéria orgânica,
características de chorume velho. Os resultados são
compatíveis com os obtidos com amostras de chorume
de aterros de mesmo porte de outros países. No chorume
bruto a concentração de amônia ficou normalmente cerca de
500 vezes acima do limite de lançamento. A
amônia apresenta alta toxidade aos peixes, o que torna a
sua remoção justificada e necessária. Por outro lado, as
análises instrumentais utilizando a técnica de
cromatografia gasosa com espectrometria de massa (GC/MS),
permitiram a identificação, ainda inédita, de substâncias
orgânicas oriundas da biodegradação e/ou decomposição dos
resíduos sólidos urbanos, bem como de produtos químicos
dispostos no aterro ou contidos em embalagens.
Foi também conduzido um programa experimental, em escala
bancada, para avaliar a aplicação dos processos
eletrolíticos e de precipitação química ao
tratamento do chorume. Foram investigados diversos
parâmetros, tais como:adição de produtos químicos,
de energia, quantidade e características do
lodo gerado e qualidade do chorume tratado em relação a
diversos parâmetros sanitários. O chorume tratado também
foi submetido a análise cromatográfica, de
modo a determinar alterações qualitativas na sua
química durante o tratamento. O processo eletrolítico
mostrou-se bastante indicado para a remoção
de compostos orgânicos do chorume, porém não adequado
a remoção de amônia. A precipitação química mostrou-se
para a remoção de orgânicos e propiciadora da remoção de
amônia, sem ser, no entanto, a melhor opção do ponto
de vista de otimização de custos. A melhor solução
encontrada, sob todos os aspectos, consiste na combinação
desses dois processos.
Foi então conduzida uma série de experimentos voltados
a remoção da amônia por stripping, após a etapa de
precipitação química com hidróxido de cálcio (cal).
Investigou -se a influência de parâmetros tais como pH e
temperatura na eficiência de remoção de amônia, tendo
obtidas eficiências de remoção da ordem de 90 % nas
condições de pH na faixa de 10 a 12,5 na temperatura
ambiente. Estes resultados experimentais indicaram que os
processos físicoquímicos estudados são a alternativa mais
vantajosa para a remoção das altas concentrações de
nitrogênio amoniacal encontradas no chorume. A remoção
dessas grandes quantidades de N-NH3 também foi vantajosa,
tanto operacional como economicamente, considerando-se a
etapa subseqüente de tratamento biológico. Verificou-se
também que a quantidade de amônia removida do
chorume de Gramacho através do stripping aponta para a
possibilidade de sua recuperação para fins econômicos,
a forma de sulfato de amônio. / [en] Following an experimental examination of available
techniques, it was established that electrolytic treatment
and chemical precipitation are most
adequate for the primary treatment of leachates generated
in municipal solid waste landfills. It was also determined
experimentally that an air stripping operation is
indicated for removal of ammonia present in the leachate.
The initial stages of this present work concerned the
characterization of leachate in accordance with
conventional sanitary parameters, together with
analytically determined organics contents. In making such
characterizations, use was made of the leachate emanating
from the metropolitan landfill of Rio de
Janeiro (Gramacho). This leachate exhibited high
concentrations of dissolved salts, ammonia and organic
material - typical of old established landfills. Such
results are comparable with those obtained from similar
landfills in other countries. The concentration of ammonia
in the raw leachate was frequently at least 500 times the
permissible limit. Ammonia is highly toxic towards fish and
its removal is accordingly justified on these grounds alone.
Furthermore, the analyses were carried out using the
techniques of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry
(GC/MC), which permitted the identification, previously
unreported, of organic substances, originated from the
biodegradation and/or decomposition of municipal solid
wastes, and of the chemical products found in the landfill
itself or in deposited containers.
An experimental programme was, at the same time, conducted
in the laboratory to evaluate the application of the
electrolytic and chemical precipitation
processes for the treatment of leachate. A number of
diverse parameters were investigated, such as: usage of
chemicals, energy consumptions, quantity and
characteristics of sludge generated, and the quality of
treated leachate, in terms of diverse sanitary parameters.
The treated leachate was also submitted to
chromatographic analysis in order to determine changes in
its chemical composition during treatment.
The electrolytic process was shown to be well suited to the
removal of organic materials from the leachate but was not
effective in the removal of ammonia. Chemical precipitation
was found to be a suitable means of removal of
both organics and ammonia, although it does not feature
highly in terms of its cost effectiveness. A better
solution, in the overall sense, is considered to be that
which comprises a combination of these two processes.
A series of experiments was also undertaken designed to
investigate the removal of ammonia by air stripping, after
the chemical precipitation stage with calcium hydroxide.
During these experiments, the influence on the efficiency of
removal of ammonia of parameters such as pH and temperature
was determined.
Removal efficiencies of the order of 90% were obtained at
pH levels between 10 and 12.5, at ambient temperature.
These experimental results indicate that the
physico-chemical processes studied represent the optimum
alternative for removal of high concentrations of
ammoniacal nitrogen encountered in leachate.
The removal of large quantities of N - NH3 is furthermore
considered to be economically attractive when followed by
biological treatment. It was also established that the
quantity of ammonia, which could be removed from the
Gramacho leachate, utilizing the stripping process, is such
as to present economic possibilities for its recovery as
ammonium sulphate.
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State (under)development, transnational activism, and tribal resistance in India's Narmada valleyGandhi, Ajay. January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Automata and game theoretic models of computationGandhi, Aniruddh January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we investigate two finite state models of computation: automata and games on graphs. First we investigate the state complexity of finite word and tree automata from two directions. One direction is to study the interplay between non-deterministic automata (NFA) and deterministic automata (DFA) state complexity. In particular, we show that the exponential gap of the state explosion caused by the subset construction and the complementation of NFA may be filled. Another direction is to investigate the DFA state complexity of natural subclasses of regular languages. We focus on finite word and tree languages and provide improved upper bounds on the state complexity of union and intersection of such languages. Secondly we generalize finite automata by introducing automata over arbitrary algebraic structures. For a structure S, we use the term S-automata for the class of automata operating over S. An S-automaton has a fixed number of registers and processes finite sequences of elements from the (possibly infinite) domain of S. At every stage, it may test the input against the values in the registers using the relations of S and then based on the outcome of this test, move to another state after applying some operations from S to the registers. We investigate certain natural problems such as the validation problem and the emptiness problem and show that they may become decidable or undecidable if we change the underlying structure or the structure of the automaton in various natural ways. Lastly we investigate the problem of solving Bu��chi and parity games on trees with back-edges. We present an efficient algorithm that solves a Bu��chi game played on trees with back-edges and then apply our analysis to parity games. We then present experimental evidence which shows that our algorithm for Bu��chi games performs asymptotically better than the classical algorithm in many cases. Also we present a concrete class of Bu��chi games for which the classical algorithm has a quadratic running time and our algorithm has linear running time.
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