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Does approach vs. avoidance framing influence rumination cued by unresolved goals?Edwards, Leyanne January 2017 (has links)
Objective: Control theory predicts that the detection of goal discrepancies results in ruminative self-focus (Martin & Tesser, 1996). Previous research has tested this, cueing unresolved vs resolved goals in participants (Roberts et al., 2013). This study aims to build upon research by Roberts et al. (2013) by considering the additional effects of goal type (approach vs avoidance) on state rumination. It was hypothesised that cueing an unresolved goal framed in an avoidance focus would result in increased rumination compared to framing in an approach focus. Methods: In the present study, student participants were randomly assigned to an unresolved approach goal framing (n = 38) or unresolved avoidance goal framing (n= 37) condition, prior to completing a rumination task, followed by the sustained attention to response task. Results: No difference was found on number of ruminative thoughts or task performance between conditions, following the manipulation of goal and state rumination. Both conditions demonstrated reductions in levels of sadness, from pre-to-post manipulation and both reported increased levels of tension from pre-to-post. Conclusion: The absence of a difference in self-reported rumination throughout the task suggests that framing unresolved goals as either approach or avoidance has no effect on rumination.
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The association between traumatic brain injury, behavioural factors and facial emotion recognition skills in delinquent youthCook, Sarah January 2014 (has links)
Objectives: To examine the association between traumatic brain injury (TBI) in delinquent youth and facial emotion recognition (FER) abilities, offending, behavioural difficulties, aggression, empathic sadness and parenting. Participants & Setting: Forty-eight delinquent youth, aged 14 to 19 years, recruited from Youth Offending Teams and Targeted Youth Support. Main Measures: A cross sectional case-control design compared individuals in a TBI versus a non-TBI group on a forced-choice, FER paradigm assessing recognition accuracy to six basic emotions. Self-reported measures of TBI, behavioural difficulties, experience of parenting, reactive and proactive aggression, and empathic sadness. Results: History of TBI was reported by 68.7% of the sample, with 94% including a loss of consciousness. No significant differences were found between TBI and non-TBI groups on FER accuracy. Participants in the TBI group self-reported significantly higher proactive and reactive aggression and lower levels of parental supervision as compared to the non-TBI group. Tendency to incorrectly give ‘anger’ as a response on the FER task was strongly positively associated with proactive and reactive aggression. Conclusions: Future research requires larger samples recruited across settings to further investigate the association between FER abilities and TBI in this population. Findings highlight the need for TBI to be appropriately assessed and managed in delinquent youth, and highlights important aggression differences.
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Facilitators views on victim empathy work in sex offender treatment and its impact on therapeutic allianceNorton, Russell January 2013 (has links)
Participants on sex offender treatment programmes (SOTPs) seem to value victim empathy (VE) training exercises, despite there being little evidence to suggest that these reduce risk of reoffending. Participants also appear to value their therapeutic relationships. There has been very little research into SOTP facilitators’ views on treatment. This study explores whether facilitators also feel VE training is a useful part of treatment and if seeing empathy develop in offenders strengthens therapeutic alliance. 12 prison SOTP facilitators were interviewed. The transcripts were analysed using content and thematic analysis, there were six main findings. Facilitators were concerned that the perceived impact of VE was superficial compliance and the particular emotional aspect of VE training may help facilitators to empathise with difficult group members. This study contributes a facilitator perspective to the debate on including VE training in SOTPs, and suggests further research be completed into empathy constructs and how these apply to facilitators work.
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Approach motivation, goal pursuit, and reward-related neural responses : a combined experience-sampling and fMRI approachBloodworth, Natasha Louise January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines potential associations between trait approach motivation and related measures, the everyday experience of affect and goal pursuit, and reward-related neural responses. The Behavioural Activation System (BAS) is a core motivational system, subserved by the neural reward circuitry, eliciting approach-type behaviour and positive emotion when activated by appetitive stimuli. Deficits in BAS sensitivity are thought to underlie the lack of motivation and positive affect (PA) that characterise anhedonia, whilst hyperactivation of the BAS has been linked to the increased goal-directed behaviour and positive affectivity associated with hypomania. In order to explore relationships between BAS sensitivity, goal pursuit, and reward processing, young participants, recruited from the student population (N = 65), and older participants, from the community (N = 63), underwent a 7-day period of experience sampling (ESM) to provide a naturalistic measure of momentary affect and goal-focused motivation. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI; in a subset of n = 28 and n = 31 respectively) was then used to investigate individual differences in sensitivity of brain reward-related systems to various social and non-social rewards. Limited support was found for the relationship between BAS traits and the more motivational aspects of goal pursuit and reward processing, whilst anhedonia seemed to pertain more to reward consumption, with few links to everyday goal pursuit. This would indicate that anhedonia might not be as closely related to BAS sensitivity as was initially anticipated. Finally, in order to examine real-world correlates of neural activation, the data from the naturalistic measure were correlated with reward-related activation. Everyday PA correlated with striatal activation when viewing pleasant images, but no other associations emerged. This would suggest that the basic measures of brain function in relation to the particular reward-related stimuli used might be of limited relevance to everyday affective experience and goal pursuit.
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Physical activity and mood in bipolar disorderBlowers, Helena January 2016 (has links)
Systematic review Background: Bipolar disorder is associated with a higher rate of physical health problems and lower levels of physical activity than other clinical and general populations. Despite the potential benefits of physical activity to people with bipolar disorder, little research has been published around this and no recent review of this topic is available. Due to the clinical utility of summarising the available research evidence on this topic, this review aimed to answer the question “Is physical activity associated with manic and depressive symptoms in people with bipolar disorder?”. Methods: Seven electronic databases were searched using a range of search terms to reflect physical activity and bipolar disorder variables. Results: Ten studies were identified that reported associations between physical activity and mood symptoms of bipolar disorder. There were inconsistent findings on the relationship between physical activity and mood, in particular with relation to manic symptoms, with reports of physical activity being both helpful and harmful to manic symptoms. Findings were more consistent with regards to the association between physical activity and depressive symptoms, with most showing that higher levels of physical activity are associated with lower depressive symptoms. Limitations: Many studies had small sample sizes and very few manipulated physical activity and included a control group. Measures and diagnosis method were heterogeneous. Four studies lacked a direct measure of manic symptoms. Conclusions: Results showed inconsistent findings with regards to the relationship between physical activity and mood symptoms and further research is needed to inform any guidelines developed for this client group. Empirical paper: Background: Despite the published evidence for the benefits of physical activity on mood in the general population and in people with mental illness, there is a lack of research into the associations between physical activity and mood in people with bipolar disorder. The current study therefore aimed to investigate the relationship between symptoms of mania and depression and different intensities, regularity, and total duration of physical activity per day and across the week. Methods: People with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder (N = 29) completed daily diaries on physical activity and manic and depressive symptoms over 14 days. Analysis included multilevel modelling, t-tests and correlation analysis. Results: No association was found between manic symptoms and physical activity, either at the within- or the between-person level. An association was found at the within-person level between higher duration of physical activity and lower depression symptoms, however no association was found at the between-person level. Limitations: The small sample size was adequate only to detect large-sized effects for between-person hypotheses. Participants were highly active and may not be representative of the wider BD population. Physical activity levels were assessed via self-report. Conclusions: The relationship between physical activity and manic symptoms in BD remains inconclusive, but a significant within-person association indicates that physical activity may reduce depressive symptoms in the short term. Given previous research on physical activity and manic symptoms, people with BD and professionals working with them may need to remain cautious, modifying any PA engagement depending on mood state.
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Mind wandering and anhedonia : a systematic review ; An experience sampling study : does mind wandering mediate the link between depression and anhedonia?Pitt, Joanna Diana (Jodi) January 2016 (has links)
Background: There is increasing theoretical interest in the idea that a greater tendency for the mind to wander may reduce positive emotion experience, with specific interest in clinical conditions such as depression that are characterised by reduced pleasure experience (anhedonia). However, it is unclear to what degree these claims are empirically supported. Objective: A systematic review was conducted to examine the evidence regarding the association between mind wandering and positive emotion experience. Method: The Cochrane library, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Web of Knowledge databases were searched. A narrative discussion considered both the pattern of findings and the methodological approaches utilised in this literature. Results: 879 studies were identified and 21 relevant papers were fully reviewed, consisting of cross-sectional, prospective and manipulation studies. Conclusions: Fourteen out of 15 cross-sectional studies supported the claim that increased mind wandering was related to decreased pleasure experience. One prospective study indicated that mind wandering generally preceded but was not subsequent to reductions in positive mood. There were six studies that manipulated mind wandering experimentally, four of which found that inducing greater mind wandering led to reduced positive affect and two of which found null results. Overall, this literature supports the claim that greater mind wandering is related to reduced positive affect. However, very few studies examined this relationship in the context of depression and therefore it remains to be established if these findings generalise to clinical populations. Empiricial Paper: Previous research has established that greater levels of mind wandering are associated with reduced positive affect (PA) in the general population. The present study aims to examine whether this mechanism may mediate the relationship between depression and reduced PA (anhedonia). A community sample (N = 69) with differing levels of depression severity took part. Using experience sampling methodology, we measured mind wandering and PA during everyday life and when completing a few scheduled positive activities. To examine if mind wandering specifically influenced PA or emotion experience more generally, we additionally measured levels of negative affect (NA). Across both contexts, both greater mind wandering and greater depression severity were independently associated with reduced PA and increased NA. Greater depression severity was associated with increasing levels of mind wandering in everyday life, but not during scheduled positive activities. Mind wandering did not mediate the link between depression and reduced PA/increased NA. Exploratory analyses did however reveal that a greater tendency for the mind wander to negative rather than positive themes did mediate the link between depression and reduced PA in everyday life. We replicated previous findings that increased mind wandering is related to reduced PA and increased NA but there was no evidence that this mediated the relationship between depression and altered affective experience. However, the greater tendency for the mind to wander to negative themes may mediate the link between depression and affect. If depression treatment approaches are to target mind wandering this suggests they should therefore focus on mind wandering valence in addition to extent.
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An investigation into the relationship between depressive symptoms, approach-related affect, cognitive appraisals and striving behaviourWingfield Digby, Kerry Frances January 2013 (has links)
Theories of emotion see affective processes as important in guiding behaviour, and social/cognitive theories have implicated cognitive appraisals in a motivational context. The control-value theory combines these approaches, predicting that high levels of expectancy and control lead to associated levels of anticipatory affect in those approaching a goal. This theory, combined with literature on approach motivation in depression, led to the proposed model of the effect of depression on behavioural striving, and subsequent levels of depression. The current study aimed to test this model. Sixty participants completed measures of depression, approach-related affect, cognitive appraisals and striving behaviour in relation to their own personal goals, with follow-up measures of depression and striving behaviour completed two weeks later. They also participated in an experimental manipulation of approach-related cognitive appraisals. The model received mixed support, with strongest evidence for the proposed pathway from depression to anticipatory affect via cognitive appraisals, especially for those who were at least mildly depressed. However contrary to the model, depression was not found to be associated to striving, and no variables other than depression predicted future depression. The study was conducted with a non-clinical population, there was reduced power at follow-up, and the experimental manipulation may have been unsuccessful. This study provided preliminary support for the new model, and although findings were mixed, future research may be more conclusive. Findings suggest that therapy specifically tapping into approach-related cognitive appraisals, as well as approach-related affect, may be therapeutically beneficial in working with depression.
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Lessons Learned: Assessing Pre-service Teachers’ DispositionsSharp, L. Kathryn, Moberly, D. C. 01 February 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Pre-service Teachers’ Dispositions: What If They Don’t Have the ‘right Stuff’?Sharp, L. Kathryn, Moberly, D. C. 01 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Dominance motivation, goal pursuit and mania in bipolar disorderMoakes, Hannah January 2016 (has links)
The study aimed to test how progress on achievement and power goals, and perceptions of power, fluctuate with mania symptoms in Bipolar Disorder (BD), testing the Dominance Behavioural System (DBS) model. The DBS includes biological, psychological, and behavioural components that serve the goal of control over social and material resources needed for survival and reproduction (Johnson, Leedom, & Muhtadie, 2012c). Daily diary methodology was employed, with 29 individuals meeting the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria for BD I or II as verified by the Structured Clinical Interview [SCID-I-RV] (First, Spitzer, Gibbon & Williams, 2002). Baseline measures of dominance motivation and ambitious goal setting were taken. Over fourteen days, participants reported daily on their goal progress, symptoms of mania, power, and anger. It was hypothesised there would be a positive relationship between symptoms of mania and dominance motivation. It was also hypothesised that for power but not achievement goals, ii) goal progress would be associated with perceptions of power, iii) symptoms of mania, and iv) that goal frustration would be associated with anger. Pearson’s correlations and multilevel modelling analyses found largely null results with the exception of a positive relationship between progress towards power goals and perceptions of power. Thus, the results did not provide support for the DBS model predictions for relationships between power goals and manic symptoms. Future studies could utilise further measures of dominance motivation and power, and study goal pursuit over a more protracted duration, including comparisons between BD, depressed groups, and healthy controls.
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