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The Teflon degree: a Batesonian-cybernetic study of love in learning.Hungerford, Guy, Social Sciences & International Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Because the first year of university education is for students a concentrated point of turbulence (in the form of failing, dropping out, changing courses or degrees, making changes in future plans and present priorities, and suffering anxieties about the same), it has been the focus of much study by education specialists, along the lines of "What are we doing wrong?" and "How can we do better?" "The teflon degree" is a metaphor derived from the image of a mess-preventing armour plating. The assumption that turbulence in the first year is naturally a bad thing fits by extension with an idea that turbulence, mess, and so on are to be avoided. Better than avoidance would be the construction of a system which would make it impossible for such things to happen. "The teflon degree" is a fantasy of a program of study that one can embark on, knowing what one will do and how one will do it, and then slide through, essentially unchanged, "augmented" by the acquisition of skills and qualifications. This thesis is a critique of the conceptual underpinnings of such an ideal. It is also an evocation of the qualities in university education which are obscured or harmed by the pursuit of such an ideal, foremost among them being love. I argue that love is not a sentimental afterthought, but an essential component of all genuine learning. This critique is carried out through the conceptual framework established by the work of Gregory Bateson in cybernetics. The empirical component of the thesis is drawn from interviews with individual students; these are intended both to illustrate and to make concrete the theoretical concerns which are its primary focus. With Bateson, both an anthropologist and a philosopher, as my central theorist, I have drawn on both anthropological and philosophical texts in the development of my argument, including Buber, Durkheim, Gaita, Hegel, Murdoch, Sartre, Serres, Simmel, and Weber.
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'To see a world in a grain of sand...': thinking universality and specificity for a feminist politics of differenceHinton, Peta, Social Sciences & International Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Sexual difference has emerged in the last three decades as an enduring question for feminism. Drawing attention to the embodied nature of subjectivity, it enables feminists to counter the more insidious presumptions of universality and the phallocentric economy of knowledge production, and makes possible feminine expressions of subjectivity. At the same time, engaging the nature of difference has opened the way to a more detailed interrogation of identity, specifically the identity of ' woman' and 'the feminine' as categories of feminist analysis. However, tensions have emerged within this field over the concept of community, and how to motivate for political change on the basis of a common identity when the identity of woman is itself contested. In tracing these arguments, this thesis raises a number of considerations about the way difference is understood. It finds that a conceptual commitment to the specificity of the body as properly constitutive of the political can run the risk of sidelining, denigrating and presuming to excise what appears as universal, masculine, or phallocentric. In doing so, it potentially leaves aside a full political engagement with the generative and implicated nature of these terms in the formation of all identity. Consequently, questions around thought, universality, virtuality, and disembodiment may not be given full consideration, with the outcome that feminism may be foreclosing its political domain from important formative concerns. The primary aim of this thesis is to open these categories of analysis to question, to understand how they have been constructed in debates around difference, and to bring to light some of the assumptions which remain axiological to what properly constitutes feminist politics. Engaging Luce Irigaray's reading of divinity for community and identity, this thesis argues that if the implicated nature of identity is taken seriously then the organising categories fundamental to notions of political action and community become a general field of difference which exceeds the reach of feminist politics as it currently stands.
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Beyond the restitution narrativeAlder, Suzanne Alvilda, University of Western Sydney, College of Social and Health Sciences, School of Applied Social and Human Sciences January 2003 (has links)
The term ‘restitution narrative’ describes the hope we all have when illness or accidental impairment befalls us to be returned to a pre-morbid condition of health as soon as possible, and in modern Western society we expect the miracle of restitutions to be mediated by medical science. Medicine is still unable to cure a wide range of illness and disability. For these people the restitution narrative fails. This study attempts to create space between health and illness, the space of the failed patient, within which to explore the iatrogenic and disabling effects on bodies and minds living in a society that has come to expect not to suffer when illness or disability is incurable and chronic. Through the medium of a purpose built website, people who are chronically ill and disabled discussed the ‘wicked issues’ that make lives already challenged unnecessarily difficult. Application of the findings of research in psychobiology is applied to speculate whether health may be worsened by being a failed patient in a culture for which health has become the ultimate good. Ideas of social fuzziology are brought into play to help imagine ways in which the dualities of health and illness, normal and abnormal, are broken down and the normalizing ideologies of medicine resisted. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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I just want to melt away : 'treatment' of women with eating issues : a critical feminist informed view of art therapy and the exploration of an alternative approachEdwards, Claire, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences January 2005 (has links)
This thesis, which includes a dual case study, explores the clinical use of art therapy with women with eating issues from a feminist perspective. It provides a critique of the existing art therapy literature, and suggests alternative approaches which may be incorporated into an art therapy intervention, to increase its relevance to this client group. It demonstrates the need for flexibility and creativity on the part of the art therapist, particularly with regard to the provision of structure and containment. It offers an example of qualitative research methods which were easily incorporated into clinical practice, as a means to introducing clients’ voices into art therapy narratives as well as evaluating practice. These research methods are suggested for future art therapy research projects. This study found that a short term feminist informed art therapy intervention was able to meet its goals of increasing clients’ self awareness and insight into their eating issues. The use of art therapy was found to be one of the strategies which contributed to the success of this intervention. Other important aspects included: the adoption of a feminist model; the use of journalling; a flexible approach; a concern with what lay beneath the eating issue; and a focus on self-care and nurture. / Master of Arts (Hons) (Art Therapy)
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Progressing towards conservatism : a gramscian challenge to the conceptualisation of class, agency, corruption and reform in 'progressive' analyses of policingKennedy, Michael H., University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences January 2004 (has links)
This thesis about rank and file police takes place from within a class framework with its foundations in the works of Marx, Engels and Gramsci who theorised that revolution is the result of the contradictions in class society reaching breaking point. This thesis contends that ‘progressive’ intellectuals, journalists and politicians act, as Gramsci theorised, as the ‘subalterns’ of the state by creating a ‘moral panic’ about police corruption. They ignore the wider spread of corruption within a criminal justice system that is shaped and reinforced by a highly politicised criminal justice establishment. The supporting data of the argument is provided in open ended, semi structured interviews with operational police. This is integrated with material from media sources, parliamentary inquiries, commissions of inquiry, legal transcripts and various published data from journals, newspaper articles, personal diaries, conference papers, Internet publications and policy documents. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Paradise planned : community formation and the master planned estateGwyther, Gabrielle Mary, University of Western Sydney, College of Social and Health Sciences, School of Applied Social and Human Sciences January 2004 (has links)
The focus of this study is the formation of 'community' in contemporary greenfield master planned estates.The project is cast against the historical backdrop of modern utopian place-making, and the idea that a particular permutation of urban design, infrastructure and social programs can produce an ideal of community: of connectivity, social support and social identity. A further ambition of contemporay urban design is the marketable idea of securing a physical and social space. The thesis comprises four parts. Part I presents the theoretical framework of the thesis, a task which incorporates a review of theoretical concepts and of the relevant literature. Part II discusses methodological issues, the research design and research process, before providing background information needed to support the following empirical chapters. Part III comprises these empirical chapters and sets about detailing and analysing data captured through the comparative case study of Harrington Park and Garden Gates. The final section of the thesis provides an interpretation of the empirical and research data. It draws conclusions as to the character of the Master Planned Community (MPC)and the dynamics which contribute to its contemporary character. It concludes by attempting a tentative theory of the MPC. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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The perception of taste and taste-odour mixtures by humansMarshall, Katrina, University of Western Sydney, College of Social and Health Sciences, School of Applied Social and Human Sciences January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of the research conducted in this thesis was two-fold. First, it was to examine the impact of temporal processing on the capability of participants to determine the order of perception and the identity of components in mixtures of three tastants. Secondly, it was to determine if interaction occurs between the two modalities of taste and olfaction, and to determine the capacity of humans to identify the components of taste-odour mixtures. Overall, the results of the studies provide new information about the capacity of humans to analyse chemosensory mixtures, which can be applied in studies of the impact of real food components. / Master of Science (Hons)
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A study of social change in Saharawi refugee camps: democracy, education and women??s rightsArmstrong, Karen, Social Sciences & International Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Refugee studies often focus on the devastating effects forced migration can have on a refugee population, both mentally and physically. This research investigates the case of Saharawis living in refugee camps in south-west Algeria and the social change experienced over 30 years. The method was a case study with qualitative interviews supported with secondary data. The Saharawis went through a period of positive social change, to some a revolution, while living in the refugee camps. The empirical study identifies three theme areas; Education, Women??s rights and Democracy. These circumstances are unlike many other refugee studies, thus providing what may be a unique case of positive social change. The case demonstrates how forced migration of a population may not just be a destructive process, but instead has the potential to reconstruct a society. Theories of social change and unanticipated outcomes are explored. Utilising the theories of Bourdieu and Merton, it is proposed that the Saharawi refugee experience is the unanticipated outcome of forced migration. This thesis explores commonalities and differences between Bourdieu??s study of the Kabyle population, and whether his theory of habitus is applicable. Bourdieu??s theories, heavily criticised for being too structuralist, show their limitations when dealing with positive social change. Bourdieu??s approach can suggest that it is inevitable for refugee populations to spiral into despair. The Saharawi case challenges these presumptions and highlights that neither sociologists nor populations should exclude the possibility of unexpected outcomes. Unanticipated outcomes are an acknowledgement of social change and the fact that at its heart no one can predict the future.
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Riding for the disabled: an analysis of the experiences and perceptions of riders and their parentsDinning, Brooke Louise, Social Sciences & International Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The benefits of horse riding for people with disabilities have been recognised for centuries, however, there has been very little research that explores the significance and meaning of Riding for the Disabled (RDA) for riders and there are no studies of parents of riders. This thesis is based upon ethnography and interviews with riders and riders' parents at a Riding for the Disabled Centre in Sydney, Australia. It explores the perceptions and experiences of riders and also analyses the role of parents in influencing their child's experience of the RDA. It examines parents' experiences of the RDA and the impact that it has had on them and their family. This thesis is premised on three research questions. The three questions are; 'how do riders perceive and experience the RDA and how and why do these perceptions differ?', 'how do parents perceive the RDA and its impact on their child with an impairment' and 'how do parents perceive the RDA's impact on their family and themselves?' The study draws on a feminist framework and utilises the work of feminist theorists working in Disability Studies to 'broaden' the social model of disability. This framework facilitates the exploration of personal experiences of riding as it privileges the voice of the participants and also acknowledges the diversity of RDA experiences that exist amongst them. It also allows room for the physical, bodily experience of riding to be investigated. Furthermore, this research responds to Shakespeare's (2006) call for further research on the 'social relations of disability' - it investigates the relationships between volunteers who do not have an impairment, and the riders who have an impairment. The central argument that emerges is that Riding for the Disabled is a unique individual experience that holds varied meanings for riders. For some Riding for the Disabled is a central feature of their lives and has altered their world. For others, it is one activity among many and its impact is limited. The type of impairment an individual rider had was often a key determinant of how they experienced the RDA. For parents of riders the RDA exposes them to parents with similar experiences and enables practical knowledge and information to be exchanged.
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Attraction, affiliation and disenchantment in a new religious movement: a study of individuals?? experiences in a Siddha Yoga practiceHealy, John Paul, Social Sciences & International Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores thirty-two individuals?? experiences of involvement in Siddha Yoga. Such groups have often been labelled as cults and accused of ??brainwashing?? their followers. The conceptualisation of affiliation as brainwashing has been influential within the helping professions, including psychology, counselling and social work. However, this conceptualisation is not supported by empirical research on cults, or what have become known as New Religious Movements (NRMs). The research problem which this thesis addresses therefore is: ??If a brainwashing model of affiliation does not give an adequate explanation for cult/NRM involvement how else might it be understood??? A primary objective of this study was to inform the helping professions, in particular social work. A secondary objective was to add to knowledge about Siddha Yoga Practice in Australia, which no other study had addressed, and thereby to add to the growing understanding of NRMs in Australia. The study applied a qualitative research framework, informed by grounded theory, ethnography and phenomenology and used a purposive sampling technique. Materials were collected by semi-structured in-depth interviews, participant observations and field notes, and analysed with the assistance of NVivo data analysis computer software. This study found that the conceptualisation of affiliation as brainwashing fails to account for the variety of individuals?? experiences of involvement in Siddha Yoga. Moreover, the findings highlight that involvement in regard to attraction, affiliation and disenchantment is not helpfully understood by adopting a ??brainwashing?? model and could be better understood through the lens of the sociology of religion, including studies of the experiences of those in mainstream religions. One implication of the findings for social work and other helping professions is that existing approaches to interpersonal helping could be used with individuals who seek assistance after leaving a NRM. For social work, this thesis also adds to the growing knowledge of the diverse religious orientations in the wider community. Such knowledge can enhance social work education, practice and theory in relation to social work??s diverse client population.
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