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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gera??o autom?tica de hardware apartir de especifica??es formais: estendendo uma abordagem de tradu??o

Medeiros Junior, Ivan Soares de 27 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:48:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IvanSMJ_DISSERT.pdf: 2894212 bytes, checksum: 3acb921ac87239ee36be60cb2e15b0e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-27 / A remo??o de inconsist?ncias em um projeto ? menos custosa quando realizadas nas etapas iniciais da sua concep??o. A utiliza??o de M?todos Formais melhora a compreens?o dos sistemas al?m de possuir diversas t?cnicas, como a especifica??o e verifica??o formal, para identificar essas inconsist?ncias nas etapas iniciais de um projeto. Por?m, a transforma??o de uma especifica??o formal para uma linguagem de programa??o ? uma tarefa n?o trivial. Quando feita manualmente, ? uma tarefa pass?vel da inser??o de erros. O uso de ferramentas que auxiliem esta etapa pode proporcionar grandes benef?cios ao produto final a ser desenvolvido. Este trabalho prop?e a extens?o de uma ferramenta cujo foco ? a tradu??o autom?tica de especifica??es em CSPm para Handel-C. CSP ? uma linguagem de descri??o formal adequada para trabalhar com sistemas concorrentes. Handel-C ? uma linguagem de programa??o cujo resultado pode ser compilado diretamente para FPGA's. A extens?o consiste no aumento no n?mero de operadores CSPm aceitos pela ferramenta, permitindo ao usu?rio definir processos locais, renomear canais e utilizar guarda booleana em escolhas externas. Al?m disto, propomos tamb?m a implementa??o de um protocolo de comunica??o que elimina algumas restri??es da composi??o paralela de processos na tradu??o para Handel-C, permitindo que a comunica??o entre m?ltiplos processos possa ser mapeada de maneira consistente e que a mesma somente ocorra quando for autorizada.

An extension of a tool for the formal support for component-based development

Pereira, Dalay Israel de Almeida 18 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-11-01T21:17:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DalayIsraelDeAlmeidaPereira_DISSERT.pdf: 1298858 bytes, checksum: 8ff640d45df0332e0a20a3f4476198ce (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-07T19:51:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DalayIsraelDeAlmeidaPereira_DISSERT.pdf: 1298858 bytes, checksum: 8ff640d45df0332e0a20a3f4476198ce (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-07T19:51:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DalayIsraelDeAlmeidaPereira_DISSERT.pdf: 1298858 bytes, checksum: 8ff640d45df0332e0a20a3f4476198ce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-18 / Utilizando a abordagem de desenvolvimento baseado em componentes, a complexidade dos sistemas ? reduzida e a sua manuten??o ? facilitada, trazendo mais seguran?a e reuso dos componentes. Por?m, a composi??o dos componentes (e suas intera??es) ainda ? uma grande fonte de problemas e requer uma an?lise mais detalhada. Esse problema ? ainda mais relevante quando lidamos com aplica??es cr?ticas. Uma abordagem para especificar esse tipo de aplica??o ? o uso de M?todos Formais, uma metodologia precisa para a especifica??o de sistemas, que possui uma base matem?tica forte e que traz, entre outros benef?cios, mais seguran?a. Como exemplo, o m?todo formal CSP permite a especifica??o de sistemas concorrentes e a verifica??o de propriedades inerentes a esses sistemas. CSP disp?e de um conjunto de ferramentas para a sua verifica??o, como, por exemplo, FDR. Usando CSP ? poss?vel indentificar e resolver problemas como deadlock e livelock em um sistema, muito embora isso possa ser custoso em termos de tempo gasto em verifica??es. Nesse contexto, BRIC surge como uma abordagem baseada em CSP para o desenvolvimento de sistemas baseados em componentes, garantindo a aus?ncia de deadlock e livelock por constru??o. Essa abordagem usa CSP para especificar restri??es e intera??es entre componentes de maneira a permitir uma verifica??o formal do sistema. Uma extens?o de BRIC, BRICK , prop?e adicionar metadados aos componentes a fim de diminuir a complexidade e a quantidade das verifica??es feitas quando componentes s?o compostos. Por?m, a aplica??o pr?tica dessa abordagem pode se tornar muito complexa e cansativa se feita manualmente. Com o objetivo de automatizar o uso da abordagem BRICK , foi desenvolvida anteriormente uma ferramenta (BTS - BRICK Tool Support) que automatiza as verifica??es das composi??es dos componentes gerando e verificando automaticamente as condi??es impostas pela abordagem utilizando FDR. Por?m, devido ao n?mero e ? complexidade das verifica??es feitas em FDR, a ferramenta pode levar ainda muito tempo nesse processo. Esta disserta??o apresenta uma extens?o ? BTS que melhora o modo como s?o feitas as verifica??es, substituindo o FDR utilizado na ferramenta pela sua mais recente vers?o e adicionando um provador SMT que, concorrentemente, verifica algumas das propriedades da aplica??o. N?s tamb?m adaptamos a ferramenta para ser usada na especifica??o de um maior n?mero de sistemas e avaliamos a ferramenta estendida com dois estudos de caso, comparando as verifica??es feitas na vers?o anterior da ferramenta com a nossa nova abordagem de verifica??o. / Using the component-based development approach, the system complexity is reduced and its maintenance is facilitated, bringing more reliability and reuse of components. However, the composition of components (and their interactions) is still a significant source of problems and requires a more detailed analysis. This problem is even more relevant when dealing with safety-critical applications. An approach for specifying this kind of applications is using Formal Methods, which are a precise methodology for system specification that has strong mathematical background which brings, among other benefits, more safety. As an example, the formal method CSP allows the specification of concurrent systems and the verification of properties inherent to such systems. CSP has a set of tools for verification, like, for instance, FDR. Using CSP, one can detect and solve problems like deadlock and livelock in a system, although it can be costly in terms of the time spent in verifications. In this context, BRICK has emerged as a CSP based approach for developing componentbased systems, which guarantees deadlock and livelock freedom by construction. This approach uses CSP to specify the constraints and interactions between the components to allow a formal verification of the system. An extension to BRIC, BRICK , makes use of metadata as part of the components in order to decrease the complexity and the quantity of verifications made when composing components. However, the practical use of this approach can be too complex and cumbersome. In order to automate the use of the BRICK approach a tool has been previously developed (BTS - BRICK Tool Support), which automates the verifications of component compositions by automatically generating and checking the side conditions imposed by the approach using FDR. Nevertheless, due to the number and complexity of the verifications made in FDR, the tool can still take too much time in this process. In this dissertation, we present an extension to BTS that improves the way how it make verifications by replacing the FDR used inside the tool by its most recent version and adding a SMT-solver, that, concurrently, checks some properties of the specification. We also adapted the tool in order to be used for the specification of a greater number of systems and we evaluated the extended tool with two case studies, comparing the verifications made in the older version of the tool with this new approach of verification.

Amélioration des propriétés radiatives des récepteurs solaires surfaciques haute température par microstructuration / Radiative properties improvement of high temperature solar surfacic receiver by microstructuration

Larrouturou, Florent 16 November 2015 (has links)
La filière solaire thermodynamique, et plus précisément la technologie des centrales à tour, est l'une des ressources d'énergies renouvelables les plus prometteuses. Le travail de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre général de l’augmentation des rendements de centrales solaires à tour où l’augmentation de l'efficacité et de la température du récepteur joue un rôle clé. L’originalité de la thèse réside dans l’étude du rôle des sélectivités spectrale et directionnelle sur le rendement de récepteurs surfaciques à haute température. L’objectif poursuivit a été d’améliorer simultanément la géométrie, le matériau, la rugosité et la microstructuration des récepteurs surfaciques pour créer une sélectivité permettant l’augmentation des rendements. La première étape a consisté à l’élaboration d’un modèle approché d’une centrale solaire pour quantifier l’influence du rendement du récepteur sur le rendement de la centrale. Dans un second temps, un modèle de récepteur détaillé incluant la résolution précise des transferts radiatifs (grâce à la méthode Monte Carlo) a été développé pour déterminer le gain en rendement que l’on peut obtenir grâce à la sélectivité spectrale et directionnelle. Ensuite, la modification des propriétés radiatives des surfaces par des microstructures unipériodiques et bipériodiques a été étudiée dans l'objectif d'augmenter la sélectivité spectrale du récepteur. Cette étape a nécessité la résolution des équations de Maxwell par la méthode RCWA. La microstructure retenue et qui offre le meilleur potentiel possède un relief pyramidal bipériodique. L’optimisation de la période et de la hauteur de ce relief permet d’obtenir une absorptivité solaire maximale égale à 0,98. / Concentrated solar power (CSP) technology is an alternative for renewable thermal energy generation and a promising source of energy. Managing the optical properties of a cavity solar receiver to create spectral and directional selectivities is a solution to improve receiver and solar power plant efficiencies in order to reduce cost. The two main steps of the development are to quantify the potential gain that may result from theoretical selectivities and then the optimization of microstructuration to increase as possible the spectral selectivity. At first, a calculation code was built in order to quantify the influence of receiver on the global solar power plant efficiency. Then a parametric study which takes into account thegeometry, the material, the roughness and the microstructure of the receiver was conducted. At last, an optimization of microstructuration with uniperiodic and biperiodic structures was studied. As a conclusion the best structure is a biperiodic pyramidal relief which offers a huge gain of absorptivity.

Evaluation de la ressource solaire pour la gestion optimisée de centrales CSP

Chauvin, Remi 22 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet européen visant à améliorer la compétitivité des centrales solaires à concentration. Parmi les différents défis soulevés par ce projet, l’évaluation en temps réel de la disponibilité et de la variabilité de la ressource solaire est un point clé puisqu’elle permettrait une gestion optimisée du champ solaire et, par conséquent, une hausse de la productivité de la centrale. L’objectif de ce travail est donc de développer un outil d’évaluation de la ressource solaire destiné à la gestion de centrales CSP. Pour y parvenir, une étude approfondie des interactions entre le rayonnement solaire et l’atmosphère est tout d’abord menée. Cette étude révèle entre autres que l’éclairement normal direct (DNI) peut se scinder en deux composantes : le DNI par ciel clair et l’indice ciel clair. Le premier représente l’éclairement normal direct reçu au niveau du sol, lorsqu’aucun nuage ne vient occulter le Soleil. Le second traduit l’influence des nuages sur ce rayonnement par ciel clair. Évaluer ces deux composantes est essentiel pour l’opérateur de la centrale car elles lui permettent de connaître les marges de manoeuvre dont il dispose. D’une part, un modèle ciel clair permettant d’estimer et prévoir le DNI par ciel clair en temps réel est donc développé. Il permet de maintenir l’erreur quadratique moyenne sur l’estimation du DNI par ciel clair aux alentours de 30W/m². D’autre part, une caméra hémisphérique a été installée sur le site du laboratoire PROMES-CNRS afin de détecter les nuages et leur mouvement dans le but d’appréhender la variabilité de l’indice ciel clair. Ce système est notamment capable de fournir des images à haute dynamique, permettant de mesurer simultanément des informations dans la zone circumsolaire et dans les zones les plus sombres du ciel. Sur la base du modèle ciel clair et des images fournies par la caméra, un modèle de prévision du DNI pour tout type de conditions a été mis au point. Il permet de maintenir l’erreur quadratique moyenne sur la prévision du DNI aux alentours de 180 W/m², pour des horizons inférieurs à 30 min. En partenariat avec Acciona, l’outil développé est d’ores et déjà opérationnel sur la centrale solaire Palma del Rio II, en Espagne. / This thesis is part of a European research project which aims at improving the solar power plant efficiency. Among the different challenges pointed out by this project, the solar resource assessment and forecasting are essential tasks since they would allow a better real-time management of the solar field, and thus reduce the maintenance activities, while improving the expected benefits. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to develop a solar resource forecasting tool in order to improve the CSP plants management. An extensive review of the interactions between solar radiation and the atmosphere is firstly conducted. It reveals, among other things, that the direct normal irradiance (DNI) can be divided into two components : the clear sky DNI and the clear sky index. The former represents the direct normal irradiance received at ground level, when no clouds are occulting the sun. The latter reflects the influence of clouds on the clear sky DNI. Estimating these two quantities is essential for the plant operator, since it allows a better management of the solar field. As a consequence, a clear sky model able to estimate and forecast the clear sky DNI has been developed. The root mean squared error of the forecast is around 30 W/m². On the other hand, a sky imager has been installed at the PROMES-CNRS laboratory in order to detect clouds and their motion. The system is able to provide high dynamic range images, allowing the measurement of information both into the circumsolar area and into the darkest parts of the sky. Based on the clear sky model and the images provided by the sky imager, a DNI forecasting model is proposed. The root mean square error on the forecast is around 30 W/m², for 30 min forecasting horizon. One system is now operational at a solar power plant located in Palma del Rio II, Spain.

Toward Fully Renewable Power Systems in Regions with HighSolar Irradiation: Long-Term Planning and Operations

Alraddadi, Musfer January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Intégration d'un procédé de stockage thermochimique à une centrale solaire thermodynamique : de l'expérimentation à l'échelle matériau aux performances énergétiques à l'échelle système / Integration of a thermochemical storage process in a concentrated solar power plant : from experiments at material scale to energy performances at process scale

Boulnois, Gabriel 28 April 2016 (has links)
Les procédés de stockage de chaleur haute température par voie thermochimique solide/gaz présentent un grand intérêt pour des applications à des centrales solaires thermodynamiques. Le couple réactif CaO/Ca(OH)2 est adapté à cette application pour des déstockages entre 350 et 550°C sous des pressions de vapeur entre 0,2 et 2bar. Les paramètres de transferts de chaleur et de masse de lits de Ca(OH)2+GNE ont été évalués au travers de corrélations et d'expérimentations. Des expérimentations ont permis d'atteindre des puissances en réaction de déstockage supérieures à 200kW.m-3 pour des durées compatibles avec les centrales solaires (1 à 15h). Un modèle 2D a été développé, validé et exploité afin d'étudier les influences couplées des différents paramètres sur les performances du TCS. Enfin, l'intérêt de différentes configurations d'intégration du TCS dans la centrale solaire ont été mis en évidence en termes de performances et de puissances thermiques échangées avec les sources et puits. / High-temperature heat storage processes using thermochemical solid/gas reaction exhibit great interest for applications in solar thermodynamic power plants. The reactive pair CaO/Ca(OH)2 is suitable for this recovery step application ranging from 350 to 550°C within steam pressures from 0.2 to 2 bar. Heat and mass transfer Ca(OH)2+GNE beds parameters were evaluated through correlations and experimentations. Experiments achieved recovery reaction powers above 200kW.m-3 for compatible durations with solar power plants (1 to 15 hours). A 2D model was developed, validated and exploited to study the coupled influences of different parameters on the performance of TCS. Finally, the benefit of different configurations of TCS integration within the solar power plant have been highlighted in terms of thermal performances and sources and sinks power exchanges.

Modélisation dynamique et régulation des centrales solaires thermodynamiques linéaires à génération directe de vapeur / Dynamic modeling and control of line-focus concentrated solar plants using direct steam generation

Aurousseau, Antoine 27 April 2016 (has links)
Les Centrales Solaires Thermodynamiques à génération directe de vapeur utilisent la concentration optique du rayonnement solaire direct pour produire de la vapeur d'eau à haute pression et haute température. La vapeur d'eau est ensuite utilisée directement comme fluide de travail d'un cycle thermodynamique type Rankine, pour la propulsion d'un couple turbine-génératrice et assurer ainsi une production électrique. La conjonction de la variabilité naturelle de l'ensoleillement, qu'elle soit lente et déterministe (cycle jour/nuit, cycle saisonnier, dégradation des performances optiques), ou rapide et non déterministe (passages nuageux), et de la présence d'un écoulement diphasique eau/vapeur dans les tubes horizontaux, provoque un comportement fortement dynamique du système de génération de vapeur. Par ailleurs, les turbines à vapeur étant très sensibles aux fluctuations de la température d'admission de vapeur, il convient donc de réguler le plus efficacement possible la production de vapeur. Les temps de séjour de fluide dans les champs solaires linéaires pouvant être relativement longs, les stratégies de contrôle conventionnelles se révèlent moins adaptées et peu efficaces. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier, par la réalisation de modèles et de leur utilisation en simulation, le fonctionnement dynamique du système de génération de vapeur. Des modèles dynamiques de centrales linéaires de Fresnel et cylindro-parabolique sont réalisés, et des données expérimentales issues d'un prototype cylindro-parabolique sont utilisées pour la validation. Les modèles permettent ensuite l'étude de stratégies de régulation, permettant un contrôle de la vapeur sortant du champ solaire soumis à des transitoires. L'étude de l'utilisation de méthodes de prédiction de l'ensoleillement direct à court terme est abordée à la fin de ce travail, afin d'évaluer la possibilité d'intégrer ces méthodes dans les stratégies de régulation. / Direct steam generation concentrated solar power plants use the optical concentration of solar direct irradiation to generate high pressure and high temperature steam in the absorber tubes. Steam is used as the working fluid of a Rankine-type thermodynamic cycle for the propelling of a steam turbine and an electric generator. The conjunction of the natural transient condition of solar irradiation and the presence of a two-phase flow inside the absorber tubes leads to a strong dynamic behavior of the steam generation system. Moreover, steam turbines being very sensitive to inlet temperature transients, the control of steam generation has to be achieved with the best possible efficiency. Because of the large time constants of the flow in the solar field (among other reasons), basic control strategies are poorly efficient and not well suited. The aim of this thesis work is the study, through modeling and simulation, of the dynamic behavior of the steam generation system. Dynamic modeling of linear Fresnel and parabolic-trough solar plants is carried out, and experimental data from a parabolic-trough prototype are used for validation. The models are used for the study of advanced control strategies, for a better control of steam conditions at the solar field outlet, under irradiation transients. Short-term irradiation prediction methods are evaluated for a use in the control strategies.

Performance Calculations and Optimization of a Fresnel Direct Steam Generation CSP Plant with Heat Storage

Schlaifer, Perrine January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the performance calculations of a 9MW linear Fresnel CSP plant withdirect steam generation built by the Solar Division of the CNIM Company. The aim was to calculate theannual electricity production taking into account the weather conditions as well as some steam storage.At first, a steam accumulator model was developed with Excel, in order to estimate the pressureevolution in the tanks during the charging, storage and discharging processes. The data obtained withthis model was then integrated to the thermodynamic cycle model, programmed with Excel, whichcalculated the electrical power production knowing the thermal power available in the solar field. Theelectricity production calculations were made every 600 seconds during one year.To improve the results accuracy, the influence of the plant location slope was estimated, calculating theequivalent azimuth and elevation angles in a new spherical coordinates system. For an average slope of4.21° at the plant location, the annual thermal energy gain is 14.4% (with a gain up to 60% duringwinter days) and the annual electricity production is increased by 12.59%. The influence of frost on themirrors during cold and humid nights was also estimated with a simple model of the energy needed toheat up a constant layer of ice. Depending on the assumptions, the electricity production losses werebetween 1.27 and 2.84% of annual electricity production. The losses due to plant shutdowns set by theelectrical network manager RTE during the snowmelt months were also estimated. The annualelectricity production could decrease by 8.02 to 11.57 % because of the load management, dependingon the days during which the plant is shutdown.Finally, an economic optimisation was led with prices estimated by CNIM, which gave an optimal solarfield design with 31 lines and 5 steam accumulators. The payback time would then be 9.887 years.

PKI based Encryption for Document Sharing, Optimized Storage, and Proof of Existence in the Cloud

Ratnayake, Yohan January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Thermocline storage for concentrated solar power : Techno-economic performance evaluation of a multi-layered single tank storage for Solar Tower Power Plant

Ferruzza, Davide January 2015 (has links)
Solar Tower Power Plants with thermal energy storage are a promising technology for dispatchable renewable energy in the near future. Storage integration makes possible to shift the electricity production to more profitable peak hours. Usually two tanks are used to store cold and hot fluids, but this means both higher related investment costs and difficulties during the operation of the variable volume tanks. Another solution can be a single tank thermocline storage in a multi-layered configuration. In such tank both latent and sensible fillers are employed to decrease the related cost by up to 30% and maintain high efficiencies.  The Master thesis hereby presented describes the modelling and implementation of a thermocline-like multi-layered single tank storage in a STPP. The research work presents a comprehensive methodology to determine under which market structures such devices can outperform the more conventional two tank storage systems. As a first step the single tank is modelled by means of differential energy conservation equations. Secondly the tank geometrical design parameters and materials are taken accordingly with the applications taken into consideration. Both the steady state and dynamic models have been implemented in an existing techno-economic tool developed in KTH, in the CSP division (DYESOPT). The results show that under current cost estimates and technical limitations the multi-layered solid PCM storage concept is a better solution when peaking operating strategies are desired, as it is the case for the two-tier South African tariff scheme. In this case the IRR of an optimal designed power plant can be decreased by 2.1%. However, if a continuous operation is considered, the technology is not always preferred over the two tank solution, yet is a cheaper alternative with optimized power plants. As a result the obtained LCOE can be decreased by 2.4%.

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