Spelling suggestions: "subject:"& uml""
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Fragility Based Assessment Of LowOzun, Ahsen 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the seismic fragility assessment of low-rise and mid-rise reinforced concrete frame buildings which constitute approximately 75 % of the total building stock in Turkey is investigated to quantify the earthquake risk. The inventory used in this study is selected from Dü / zce damage database which was compiled after the devastating 1999 earthquakes in the Marmara region. These buildings are not designed according to the current code regulations and the supervision in the construction phase is not adequate.
The building database is divided into sub-classes according to the height and absence of infilled walls. Each building in the database is represented by an equivalent single degree of freedom system with three structural parameters: period, strength, and post-elastic stiffness ratio. The ground motion records are selected from different parts of the world covering a wide range of characteristics. The capacity of the structure is represented for each sub-class by the limit states. Hence, a set of fragility curves for low- and mid-rise reinforced concrete structures are developed by making use of the building characteristics in the database. The generated fragility curve set is referred as &ldquo / reference&rdquo / since it forms the basis of a parametric study. A parametric study is conducted to examine the influence of post-elastic stiffness ratio, simulation and sampling techniques, sample size, limit state definition and degrading behavior on the final fragility curves. Estimated damage distribution after two consecutive major earthquakes is compared with the actual field data in order to investigate the validity of the generated fragility curves.
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Edimentology And Stratigraphy Of Turbeyani Marl Sequences And Inpiri Limestones (late Barremian - Albian): Implications For Possible Source And Reservoir Rocks (nw Turkey)Nabiyev, Anar 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Anar Nabiyev
M.Sc., Department of Geological Engineering
Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. i. Ö / mer Yilmaz
April 2007, 105 pages
Sedimentology, cyclostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Tü / rbeyani
Marls (Albian) and the inpiri Limestone (Upper Barremian-Albian) members of Ulus
Formation (incigez, Bartin, Amasra) were interpreted in this study.
In the Tü / rbeyani Marls total of five different facies were defined. Marl and
limestone facies are the most abundant in the succession. The depositional
environment of the succession was defined as an outer shelf area. Within the pelagic
marls 39 smaller order and 9 higher order cycles were recognized. These cycles
correspond to the parasequences and parasequence sets of sequence stratigraphy,
respectively. In the measured section only one type-3 sequence boundary was
In the inpiri Limestones great variety of limestone facies are represented.
Bioclastic, peloidal, intraclastic wackestone-packstone-grainstone facies are the most
abundant. Moreover, occurrence of lime mudstone, fenestral limestone, ooid
packstone-grainstone, and sandstone facies are present as well. In the measured
section of the inpiri Limestones 25 fifth order and 6 fourth order cycles were defined.
These cycles correspond to the parasequence sets and systems tracts of the sequence
stratigraphy, respectively. Total of three transgressive and three highstand systems
tract were defined. Only one type 2 sequence boundary was identified in the measured
section, the rest of them are interrupted by covers.
This study revealed that the Tü / rbeyani Marls and the inpiri Limestones are not
economically valuable as petroleum source and reservoir rocks, respectively. The total
organic carbon (TOC) values of marl facies of the Tü / rbeyani marls are very low, and
the pore spaces observed in the inpiri Limestone are cement filled making it
unsuitable reservoir rock.
Keywords: sedimentology, cyclostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, Tü / rbeyani Marls,
inpiri Limestones, Albian, Upper Barremian, Amasra, Bartin.
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Social And Spatial Production Of Ataturk Boulevard In AnkaraKocak, Feryal Aysin 01 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Space is a social product and produced socially. For a social analysis, it is therefore necessary to put equal emphasis on conceptualisations of time and space and to analyse the production process of space.
This thesis aims to analyse the production of capitalist space and it is based on Lefebvre&rsquo / s conceptualisation of &lsquo / production of space&rsquo / within the context of Marxist urban space theories. It is based on the argument that every mode of production creates its own spaces and the new spaces call for new social relations. In the analysis of space, historical geographical materialism and realist geography are used.
In this thesis, the production of urban space of Ankara is analysed with an emphasis on social relations of planning and architecture. Ankara as the capital city is a spatial representation of nation state and national identity. Spatial representations and practices are analysed in terms of Atatü / rk Boulevard and the squares of Ulus, Sihhiye and Kizilay. Within this scope, public buildings and monuments, housing, transportation and commercial spaces are examined by drawing on Lefebvre&rsquo / s conceptual triad of &lsquo / spatial practices&rsquo / , &lsquo / representations of space&rsquo / and &lsquo / spaces of representation&rsquo / .
In the production process of the urban space of Ankara, history of space is considered as the history of its forms and representations and the production of urban space is examined in historical periods. The exploratory type of research used in this study is primarily based on documentary-historical data.
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The Changing Morphology Of Urban Greenways, Ankara, 1923-1960Burat, Sinan 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Despite the abundance of descriptive studies on the urban development plans of Ankara, analytical studies on specific features of these plans, especially on implementation and modification processes are scarce. This study examines the green space structure brought in Jansen&rsquo / s 1932 development plan of Ankara, the way it was implemented and the modifications that a component of this structure was subject to. The 1932 Jansen plan is a holistic and comprehensive plan that contained a conceptual green space structure, integrated with other public uses and social facilities. An in depth evaluation of Jansen&rsquo / s 1928 and 1932 plans is made and a typology of the components of the green space structure
is formed. It is found that the plan principles and the components of the green space structure of Jansen&rsquo / s plan for Ankara are perfectly congruent with German planning approach and principles of the time. From the analysis of the plan modifications of the Gü / ven Park- Tandogan Greenway a typology of modifications is developed. It is argued that the 1933 and 1957 development laws and regulations lacked definitions for realizing and sustaining the green space types proposed by Jansen, which consequently lead to their modifications. In reality the land ownership status, &ldquo / hâ / lî / arazi&rdquo / , under which the greenways of Jansen plan were placed, illustrates the difficulty of translating these spatial categories into the Turkish legislative framework. In this respect, this study is an attempt to provide a contribution to the study of green spaces in relation with the implementation of development plans.
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Wind And Wave Climate In Eastern Mediterranean BasinKislakci, Ahmet Umud 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The wind and wave (wind wave/swell wave) climate has an important role in the design and operation of coastal and marine structures, harbors and ports. The objective of this study is to identify the statistical characteristics of the winds, wind waves and swell waves in Eastern Mediterranean, and coastline of Tü / rkiye. For this purpose, the data of wind speed and direction, swell and wind wave height, period and direction for a certain duration with the six hours time intervals are obtained from ECMWF for the wind and wave climate computations. The data covers the area of eastern
Mediterranean region. In order to compute the wind and wave climate at any selected coastal location, a software is developed by Serhan Aldogan in his MSc thesis. For every location, the wind wave roses, significant height of wind wave and swell wave versus mean period of primary wind directions, extreme probability analysis and distribution, and log-linear cumulative probability analysis and distributions is presented, compared and discussed. By the help of the specifically developed software, it is possible and convenient to analyze the wind and wave climate using ECMWF data at any coordinate.
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Family, School And Neighbourhood Influences On The Educational Attainment Of Youth: Guzelyaka Case StudyKaya, Gokhan 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the master thesis is to understand how neighborhood, family and school
influence on the educational attainment of young people. Within the scope of this
work, I conducted thirty two in-depth interviews with youth living in the Gü / zelyaka
gecekondu (squatter) neighborhood in Ankara. Gecekondu neighborhoods are
residential areas where rural migrants might initially or permanently move when they
come to the city in order to improve their life standards. However, many of them
have to survive here against conditions such as poverty and the insufficiency of
social services during the early years of their migration. Nevertheless, families can
develop survival strategies based on self-help networks like kinship and hemSehri
(people with same geographic origins) connections. Throughout this master thesis, I
discuss how young people&rsquo / s interactions within the disadvantaged neighborhoods,
school climate around the neighborhood, family background, conditions at home and
parental involvement influence the educational attainment of youth
The research revealed that despite the specific conditions of gecekondu
neighborhoods and heterogeneity amongst working class families, there is little
variation in educational attainment of the youth. The main reason for this low level
of educational attainment is the poverty they experienced or are still experiencing at
home. While such poverty may compel them to take up positions in the labor market
participation early in life, the influence of peer groups also discourages school
attendance, as the environment is one in which schools provide neither a good
quality education, nor a competitive educational environment.
Furthermore, poverty, the disadvantaged nature of the neighborhood and the strength
of the family network among the residents all serve to reproduce the inferior value of
education in their life. On the other hand, family practices regarding education vary
with the transformation towards a nuclear family life, improvement in household
income and with increasing length of stay. Early migrant families who have better
life standards are more likely to encourage their children to stay in school in order to
find regular income jobs than are newcomer families who need a supplement to the
family budget since they are exposed to the worst conditions in the neighborhood.
The younger parents among early migrant families are more involved in their
children&rsquo / s schooling, and provide personal space for their children, enabling them to
adequately complete school work.
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The British Threat To The Ottoman Presence In The Persian Gulf During The Era Of Abdulhamid Ii And The Responses Towards ItBiral, Bilal Emre 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes how the Ottomans attempted to survive under the intensified British threat in the Persian Gulf during the period of Abdü / lhamid II (1876-1909). British statesmen at that time and Western sources inspired by these political elites
have argued that there was no British menace that aimed to undermine the Ottoman presence in the Persian Gulf but that the Ottomans could not rule and hold the region. This thesis argues the contrary, that there was a formidable British threatening policy toward the Ottoman presence in the Persian Gulf which aimed at keeping the Ottomans out of the region by various effective means, particularly by using local
autonomous sheikhs who served as proté / gé / s in undermining the Ottoman administration in the Gulf region. Furthermore, this thesis argues that the Ottomans generated policy for the region that has formed in response to the British threat. In
this regard, the Ottoman government generated several responses, which were also reforms for the local people and administration in the Gulf region, to avert the British threat / however the Ottomans faced the serious challenges of Britain and the autonomous sheikhs in the realization of these responses. In all, this study concludes that the Ottoman Empire did not control the region completely and effectively owing not to its incompetence, yet the British policy did not allow for the Ottoman presence in the region.
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A Case Study Of Impact Analysis: Tubitak Research Support ProgrammesTanrikulu Erden, Ilkay 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey is the major academic research management and funding agency in Turkey. As a policy-maker, the council has undertaken very important responsibility in designing a science and technology policy of Turkey. By means of impact analysis, evaluating the ongoing research support programmes is important for designing more effective ones. However, impact of academic research are widely disseminated, journal articles being published and cited, number of academic staff involved in the supported projects, patents, and prototypes could be used as an evaluation instrument for impact analysis. In this study first time, we have figured out the social benefits (in 2008 TL fixed prices) of academic research projects, specifically physics academic research projects that were supported during 1998-2008 by TÜ / BiTAK. Return of funds of TÜ / BiTAK supported physics projects during 2005-2008 was calculated as 142%, when rate of return was taken 28%.
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Experiencing Class Differences: The Case Of Food Retail Store Workers In Ankara Sinifsal Farkliliklarin Deneyimlenmesi: Ankara Market Iscileri OrnegiKoptekin, Derya 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to examine the class experiences of workers who work in food retail stores in Ankara. In this respect, it focuses on the structure of food retailing as interactive service work, working conditions of workers, stratification, fragmentation and unionization of workers in stores. In addition, it examines how workers experience class as a matter of self-esteem in their workplaces, how they cope with discourtesy of costumers, how they classify costumers and whether they develop a sense of deprivation if it is taken into consideration that they work in a consumption area. It is also analyzed gender and family relations of store workers, and their future hopes and unfulfilled dreams. The study argues that stores with their workers, their managers and their diverse costumers profiles are significant places so as to observe how class differences are continuously reconstructed in everyday life through work and consumption practices. In regard to these issues, the field research of the thesis was employed through semi-structured in-depth interviews with 37 store workers who deal directly with customers and works in various food retail stores in Ankara.
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Change In The Status Of Turkish Women During The Ottoman Modernization And Self-evaluation Of Women In Kadinlar Dunyasi Of 1913Aygul, Ceren 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study, which aims to portray the circumstances of Ottoman women&rsquo / s movement during the first years of Second Constitutional Era from the eyes of the writers of Kadinlar Dü / nyasi Periodical, makes an analysis of the meanings ascribed to the efforts for the restoration of women&rsquo / s position in social life and the roles claimed for women during Ottoman modernization period.
This research intends to confirm the fact that the basis for the mentality of defenders voicing women&rsquo / s rights was the progressive outlook which chose the &ldquo / women question&rdquo / as the focus on the way of securing not only social progress but also social integration, solidarity, national consciousness and progressiveness. Thus, the ideas expressed in the articles all written by women writers of Kadinlar Dü / nyasi are evaluated with the question in mind that whether the boundaries of Ottoman women&rsquo / s movement and the social role granted for them in the modernization process were wholly determined by the women themselves or theorized predominantly by the policymakers of the state who were all men. Deducing from the self-evaluation of women in Kadinlar Dü / nyasi of 1913, this thesis consequently underlines the fact that the struggle for women rights, which were carried out on behalf of patriotic and nationalist claims in accordance with the socio-political conditions of the time, could not overcome their invariable position of being &ldquo / historical objects&rdquo / despite of the fact that women held a considerable progress in their status during the Second Constitutional Era which laid the parameters of the &ldquo / women question&rdquo / during the early Republican Era.
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