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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Mergers & Acquisitions on Credit- and Investment risk. : -Evidence from Sweden

Dahlberg, Casper, Lundberg, Max January 2022 (has links)
We examine the impact of Mergers & Acquisitions on credit- and investment risk using a sample of 402 acquisitions by 215 Swedish firms from 2000 to 2020. We find significant evidence that, on average, M&A increases the credit risk and inversely decreases the investment risk of the acquiring firm. Our results indicate that firm credit risk however is positively correlated with investment risk. After controlling for specific deal- and firm characteristics, our findings suggest that managerial hubris decreases the level of credit risk and increases the level of investment risk in acquiring firms. Our results are consistent with the asymmetric information hypothesis that managers may exploit the volatility of their stock price to hide risk-increasing activities. We also observe that acquirers with high pre-deal credit risk undertake acquisitions that decrease credit risk and increase investment risk. We find no significant impact from neither method of payment nor valuation errors.

Study of DD Neutrons and their Transmission in Iron Spheres

Dhakal, Sushil January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Einfluß der magnetischen Ordnung auf Supraleitung und Kristallstruktur in Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbid-Verbindungen / Influence of the magnetic order on superconductivity and crystal structure in rare earth nickel borocarbides

Kreyßig, Andreas 05 September 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Rare-earth nickel borocarbids RNi2B2C are particularly suitable for investigations on one of the most interesting problems in modern solid-state physics: these compounds display competition and coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism. Depending on the R3+ ion, the transition temperatures are in an experimentally easy accessible range of 1 K to 25 K. This thesis presents experimental studies on the interplay of both ordering phenomena. Neutron diffraction is used to determine the magnetic order and the resulting changes of the crystal structure. Experiments are performed on polycrystalline and single crystal samples in dependence on temperature and external magnetic fields. The Ni-B stoichiometry of the tetragonal RNi2B2C compounds is systematically varied and the magnetic R3+ ions are partially substituted by other magnetic or nonmagnetic R?3+ ions. The experimental results are compared with macroscopic magnetic and electrical properties. For HoNi2B2C three different magnetic structures are found in a narrow temperature range. While for two magnetic structures the Ho3+ moments are modulated along the c axis, a third magnetic structure with a modulation in a direction is observed. Both, partial substitution of Ho3+ ions and variation of the Ni-B stoichiometry, strongly modify the formation of these different types of magnetic order. The comparison with the concomitant changes of the superconducting properties yields the following scenario for HoNi2B2C-based compounds: superconductivity coexists with both magnetic structures with modulations in c direction. However, the onset of magnetic order weakens the superconductivity. For the magnetic structure with modulation along the a axis, components of the magnetic moments arise in c direction. The resulting local magnetic fields on Ni sites yield a strong suppression of the superconductivity. The observed competition between superconductivity and the magnetic structure with modulation along the a axis strongly suggests that the modification of the electronic structure due to the superconducting state influences the magnetic ordering. As a further impact of the magnetism in RNi2B2C compounds with R = Ho, Dy, Tb and Er changes of the crystal structure are investigated. Using high-resolution neutron diffraction, tetragonal-to-orthorhombic lattice distortions are found. They are induced by those magnetic structures with either parallel or anti-parallel alignement of R3+ magnetic moments. The direction of the lattice distortions, the dependence of their size on the square of the effective ordered magnetic moment and on the type of the R3+ ions indicate that the magneto-elastic interactions are determined by crystal-field effects. This fact also facilitates the elucidation of the magnetic phase diagrams by neutron diffraction experiments in external magnetic fields. For a given phase, absence or presence of magneto-elastic lattice distortions restrict the set of possible magnetic structures. For HoNi2B2C the magnetic phases reported in literature are confirmed. The experimental results for DyNi2B2C are interpreted using a simple model to determine the magnetic structures. Based on mean field calculations, the differences in the magnetic structures for increasing and decreasing magnetic fields can be understood as very strong hysteresis effects in connection with first-order phase transitions. / Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbid-Verbindungen RNi2B2C sind bestens zur Untersuchung eines der interessantesten Probleme der modernen Festkörperphysik geeignet: Diese Substanzen weisen Konkurrenz und Koexistenz von Supraleitung und Magnetismus auf, wobei die vom R3+-Ion abhängigen Übergangstemperaturen in einem experimentell gut zugänglichen Bereich von 1 K bis 25 K liegen. Die vorliegende Dissertation stellt experimentelle Arbeiten zum Wechselspiel der beiden Ordnungsphänomene vor. Für poly- und einkristalline Proben werden die magnetischen Ordnungen und resultierende Veränderungen der Kristallstruktur mittels Neutronendiffraktion in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur und vom äußeren Magnetfeld bestimmt und mit den makroskopischen magnetischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften verglichen. Hierbei werden die tetragonalen RNi2B2C-Verbindungen gezielt in ihrer Ni-B-Stöchiometrie variiert sowie die magnetischen R3+-Ionen partiell durch andere magnetische als auch unmagnetische R?3+-Ionen substituiert. Für HoNi2B2C werden in einem engen Temperaturbereich drei verschiedene magnetische Strukturen nachgewiesen. Während in zwei magnetischen Ordnungen die Ho3+-Momente entlang der c-Achse moduliert sind, wird für die dritte magnetische Ordnung eine Modulation in a-Richtung beobachtet. Sowohl durch die partielle Substitution der Ho3+-Ionen als auch durch die Ni-B-Stöchiometrievariation wird die Ausprägung der magnetischen Strukturen stark modifiziert. Der Vergleich mit den ebenfalls veränderten supraleitenden Eigenschaften ergibt das folgende Bild für die HoNi2B2C-Verbindungen: Die Supraleitung koexistiert mit den beiden c-Achsen-modulierten magnetischen Strukturen, das Einsetzen der magnetischen Ordnung führt jedoch zu einer Schwächung der Supraleitung. Die a-Achsen-modulierte magnetische Struktur weist Momentkomponenten in c-Richtung auf, die auf Grund der resultierenden lokalen Magnetfelder an den Ni-Plätzen eine starke Unterdrückung der Supraleitung bewirken. Die beobachtete Konkurrenz zwischen der Supraleitung und der a-Achsen-modulierten magnetischen Struktur gibt andererseits einen starken Hinweis darauf, daß die Modifizierung der elektronischen Struktur im supraleitenden Zustand auf das magnetische System rückwirkt. Als weitere Auswirkung des Magnetismus kommt es in RNi2B2C-Verbindungen mit R = Ho, Dy, Tb und Er zu Veränderungen der Kristallstruktur. Mittels hochauflösender Neutronendiffraktion werden magnetisch induzierte, tetragonal-zu-orthorhombische Gitterverzerrungen für diejenigen magnetischen Ordnungen nachgewiesen, bei denen die magnetischen Momente der R3+-Ionen parallel bzw. antiparallel ausgerichtet sind. Die Richtung der Gitterverzerrung, die Abhängigkeit ihrer Größe vom Quadrat des geordneten magnetischen Momentes als auch von der Art der R3+-Ionen deuten darauf hin, daß die magneto-elastischen Wechselwirkungen durch Kristallfeldeffekte bestimmt werden. Diese Einsicht unterstützt auch die Aufklärung der magnetischen Phasendiagramme mittels magnetfeldabhängiger Neutronenbeugungsexperimente. Für eine magnetische Phase schränkt das Auftreten bzw. Fehlen der magneto-elastischen Effekte die Vielfalt der möglichen magnetischen Strukturen ein. Die aus der Literatur bekannten magnetischen Phasen von HoNi2B2C werden bestätigt. Für DyNi2B2C werden die experimentellen Ergebnisse unter Nutzung eines einfachen Modelles interpretiert und die magnetischen Strukturen bestimmt. Anhand von Molekularfeldrechnungen können die Unterschiede in den magnetischen Strukturen für ansteigendes und für abnehmendes Magnetfeld als sehr starke Hystereseeffekte in Zusammenhang mit Phasenübergängen erster Ordnung gedeutet werden.

Einfluß der magnetischen Ordnung auf Supraleitung und Kristallstruktur in Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbid-Verbindungen

Kreyßig, Andreas 04 July 2001 (has links)
Rare-earth nickel borocarbids RNi2B2C are particularly suitable for investigations on one of the most interesting problems in modern solid-state physics: these compounds display competition and coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism. Depending on the R3+ ion, the transition temperatures are in an experimentally easy accessible range of 1 K to 25 K. This thesis presents experimental studies on the interplay of both ordering phenomena. Neutron diffraction is used to determine the magnetic order and the resulting changes of the crystal structure. Experiments are performed on polycrystalline and single crystal samples in dependence on temperature and external magnetic fields. The Ni-B stoichiometry of the tetragonal RNi2B2C compounds is systematically varied and the magnetic R3+ ions are partially substituted by other magnetic or nonmagnetic R?3+ ions. The experimental results are compared with macroscopic magnetic and electrical properties. For HoNi2B2C three different magnetic structures are found in a narrow temperature range. While for two magnetic structures the Ho3+ moments are modulated along the c axis, a third magnetic structure with a modulation in a direction is observed. Both, partial substitution of Ho3+ ions and variation of the Ni-B stoichiometry, strongly modify the formation of these different types of magnetic order. The comparison with the concomitant changes of the superconducting properties yields the following scenario for HoNi2B2C-based compounds: superconductivity coexists with both magnetic structures with modulations in c direction. However, the onset of magnetic order weakens the superconductivity. For the magnetic structure with modulation along the a axis, components of the magnetic moments arise in c direction. The resulting local magnetic fields on Ni sites yield a strong suppression of the superconductivity. The observed competition between superconductivity and the magnetic structure with modulation along the a axis strongly suggests that the modification of the electronic structure due to the superconducting state influences the magnetic ordering. As a further impact of the magnetism in RNi2B2C compounds with R = Ho, Dy, Tb and Er changes of the crystal structure are investigated. Using high-resolution neutron diffraction, tetragonal-to-orthorhombic lattice distortions are found. They are induced by those magnetic structures with either parallel or anti-parallel alignement of R3+ magnetic moments. The direction of the lattice distortions, the dependence of their size on the square of the effective ordered magnetic moment and on the type of the R3+ ions indicate that the magneto-elastic interactions are determined by crystal-field effects. This fact also facilitates the elucidation of the magnetic phase diagrams by neutron diffraction experiments in external magnetic fields. For a given phase, absence or presence of magneto-elastic lattice distortions restrict the set of possible magnetic structures. For HoNi2B2C the magnetic phases reported in literature are confirmed. The experimental results for DyNi2B2C are interpreted using a simple model to determine the magnetic structures. Based on mean field calculations, the differences in the magnetic structures for increasing and decreasing magnetic fields can be understood as very strong hysteresis effects in connection with first-order phase transitions. / Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbid-Verbindungen RNi2B2C sind bestens zur Untersuchung eines der interessantesten Probleme der modernen Festkörperphysik geeignet: Diese Substanzen weisen Konkurrenz und Koexistenz von Supraleitung und Magnetismus auf, wobei die vom R3+-Ion abhängigen Übergangstemperaturen in einem experimentell gut zugänglichen Bereich von 1 K bis 25 K liegen. Die vorliegende Dissertation stellt experimentelle Arbeiten zum Wechselspiel der beiden Ordnungsphänomene vor. Für poly- und einkristalline Proben werden die magnetischen Ordnungen und resultierende Veränderungen der Kristallstruktur mittels Neutronendiffraktion in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur und vom äußeren Magnetfeld bestimmt und mit den makroskopischen magnetischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften verglichen. Hierbei werden die tetragonalen RNi2B2C-Verbindungen gezielt in ihrer Ni-B-Stöchiometrie variiert sowie die magnetischen R3+-Ionen partiell durch andere magnetische als auch unmagnetische R?3+-Ionen substituiert. Für HoNi2B2C werden in einem engen Temperaturbereich drei verschiedene magnetische Strukturen nachgewiesen. Während in zwei magnetischen Ordnungen die Ho3+-Momente entlang der c-Achse moduliert sind, wird für die dritte magnetische Ordnung eine Modulation in a-Richtung beobachtet. Sowohl durch die partielle Substitution der Ho3+-Ionen als auch durch die Ni-B-Stöchiometrievariation wird die Ausprägung der magnetischen Strukturen stark modifiziert. Der Vergleich mit den ebenfalls veränderten supraleitenden Eigenschaften ergibt das folgende Bild für die HoNi2B2C-Verbindungen: Die Supraleitung koexistiert mit den beiden c-Achsen-modulierten magnetischen Strukturen, das Einsetzen der magnetischen Ordnung führt jedoch zu einer Schwächung der Supraleitung. Die a-Achsen-modulierte magnetische Struktur weist Momentkomponenten in c-Richtung auf, die auf Grund der resultierenden lokalen Magnetfelder an den Ni-Plätzen eine starke Unterdrückung der Supraleitung bewirken. Die beobachtete Konkurrenz zwischen der Supraleitung und der a-Achsen-modulierten magnetischen Struktur gibt andererseits einen starken Hinweis darauf, daß die Modifizierung der elektronischen Struktur im supraleitenden Zustand auf das magnetische System rückwirkt. Als weitere Auswirkung des Magnetismus kommt es in RNi2B2C-Verbindungen mit R = Ho, Dy, Tb und Er zu Veränderungen der Kristallstruktur. Mittels hochauflösender Neutronendiffraktion werden magnetisch induzierte, tetragonal-zu-orthorhombische Gitterverzerrungen für diejenigen magnetischen Ordnungen nachgewiesen, bei denen die magnetischen Momente der R3+-Ionen parallel bzw. antiparallel ausgerichtet sind. Die Richtung der Gitterverzerrung, die Abhängigkeit ihrer Größe vom Quadrat des geordneten magnetischen Momentes als auch von der Art der R3+-Ionen deuten darauf hin, daß die magneto-elastischen Wechselwirkungen durch Kristallfeldeffekte bestimmt werden. Diese Einsicht unterstützt auch die Aufklärung der magnetischen Phasendiagramme mittels magnetfeldabhängiger Neutronenbeugungsexperimente. Für eine magnetische Phase schränkt das Auftreten bzw. Fehlen der magneto-elastischen Effekte die Vielfalt der möglichen magnetischen Strukturen ein. Die aus der Literatur bekannten magnetischen Phasen von HoNi2B2C werden bestätigt. Für DyNi2B2C werden die experimentellen Ergebnisse unter Nutzung eines einfachen Modelles interpretiert und die magnetischen Strukturen bestimmt. Anhand von Molekularfeldrechnungen können die Unterschiede in den magnetischen Strukturen für ansteigendes und für abnehmendes Magnetfeld als sehr starke Hystereseeffekte in Zusammenhang mit Phasenübergängen erster Ordnung gedeutet werden.

AIRBUS Generic Flight Test Installation

Caturla, Jean-Pascal 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2011 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Seventh Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2011 / Bally's Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada / This paper describes new concepts of test mean and processes to perform flight test for all Airbus aircraft family. The FTI (Flight Test Installation) designed for A320, A340, A380 and A350 programs include acquisition system, recorder, data processing, visualisation, Flight Test Engineer Station and optional functionalities (video acquisition, DGPS, telemetry ...) In the past, these test means were specific for each test aircraft. Due to the large number of Aircraft development in parallel Airbus has designed and standardized new tests means for development and production aircraft. The first goal is to generate significant benefits regarding time and costs savings by simplifying installation and reusing all the test installations components. This paper shows the opportunities and challenges of these new concepts.

Investigarion of Activated Phosphaidylinositol 3’ Kinase Signaling in Stem Cell Self-renewal and Tumorigenesis

Ling, Ling 31 August 2012 (has links)
The phosphatidylinositol 3' kinase (PI3K) pathway is involved in many cellular processes including cell proliferation, survival, and glucose transport, and is implicated in various disease states such as cancer and diabetes. Though there have been numerous studies dissecting the role of PI3K signaling in different cell types and disease models, the mechanism by which PI3K signaling regulates embryonic stem (ES) cell fate remains unclear. It is believed that in addition to proliferation and tumorigenicity, PI3K activity might also be important for self-renewal of ES cells. Paling et al. (2004) reported that the inhibition of PI3K led to a reduction in the ability of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) to maintain self-renewal causing cells to differentiate. Studies in our lab have revealed that ES cells completely lacking GSK-3 remain undifferentiated compared to wildtype ES cells. GSK-3 is negatively regulated by PI3K suggesting that PI3K may play a vital role in maintaining pluripotency in ES cells through GSK-3. By using a modified Flp recombinase system, we expressed activated alleles of PDK-1 and PKB to create stable, isogenic ES cell lines to further study the role of the PI3K signaling pathway in stem cell fate determination. In vitro characterization of the transgenic cell lines revealed a strong tendency towards maintenance of pluripotency, and this phenotype was found to be independent of canonical Wnt signal transduction. To assess growth and differentiation capacity in vivo, the ES cell lines were grown as subcutaneous teratomas. The constitutively active PDK-1 and PKB ES cell lines were able to form all three germ layers when grown in this manner – in contrast to ES cells engineered to lack GSK-3. The resulting PI3K pathway activated cells exhibited a higher growth rate which resulted in large teratomas. In summary, PI3K signaling is sufficient to maintain self-renewal and survival of stem cells. Since this pathway is frequently mutationally activated in cancers, its effect on suppressing differentiation may contribute to its oncogenicity.

Investigarion of Activated Phosphaidylinositol 3’ Kinase Signaling in Stem Cell Self-renewal and Tumorigenesis

Ling, Ling 31 August 2012 (has links)
The phosphatidylinositol 3' kinase (PI3K) pathway is involved in many cellular processes including cell proliferation, survival, and glucose transport, and is implicated in various disease states such as cancer and diabetes. Though there have been numerous studies dissecting the role of PI3K signaling in different cell types and disease models, the mechanism by which PI3K signaling regulates embryonic stem (ES) cell fate remains unclear. It is believed that in addition to proliferation and tumorigenicity, PI3K activity might also be important for self-renewal of ES cells. Paling et al. (2004) reported that the inhibition of PI3K led to a reduction in the ability of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) to maintain self-renewal causing cells to differentiate. Studies in our lab have revealed that ES cells completely lacking GSK-3 remain undifferentiated compared to wildtype ES cells. GSK-3 is negatively regulated by PI3K suggesting that PI3K may play a vital role in maintaining pluripotency in ES cells through GSK-3. By using a modified Flp recombinase system, we expressed activated alleles of PDK-1 and PKB to create stable, isogenic ES cell lines to further study the role of the PI3K signaling pathway in stem cell fate determination. In vitro characterization of the transgenic cell lines revealed a strong tendency towards maintenance of pluripotency, and this phenotype was found to be independent of canonical Wnt signal transduction. To assess growth and differentiation capacity in vivo, the ES cell lines were grown as subcutaneous teratomas. The constitutively active PDK-1 and PKB ES cell lines were able to form all three germ layers when grown in this manner – in contrast to ES cells engineered to lack GSK-3. The resulting PI3K pathway activated cells exhibited a higher growth rate which resulted in large teratomas. In summary, PI3K signaling is sufficient to maintain self-renewal and survival of stem cells. Since this pathway is frequently mutationally activated in cancers, its effect on suppressing differentiation may contribute to its oncogenicity.

A population-based comparative study of health and health care utilization of Manitoba children in care with and without developmental disabilities

Heinrichs, Dustin 02 September 2015 (has links)
Population-based administrative data (2009-2012) from several sources were used to compare the health status and access to health services between a cohort of children in care with developmental disabilities (DD) (n=1,212) and a matched comparison group of children in care without DD (n=2,424). The two study groups were compared on a number of measures, including total respiratory morbidity, prevalence of diabetes, mood and anxiety disorders, continuity of care, injury-related hospitalizations, hospital-based dental care, and total number of ambulatory physician visits. Children in care with DD were significantly more likely to have a history of mood and anxiety disorders, respiratory illnesses, diabetes, hospital-based dental care, and injury-related hospitalizations compared to the matched comparison group. Children in care with DD also had significantly higher number of physician visits than children in the matched comparison group. No significant difference between the two study groups was found for continuity of care. / October 2015

Context Effects in Early Visual Processing and Eye Movement Control

Nortmann, Nora 29 April 2015 (has links)
There is a difference between the raw sensory input to the brain and our stable perception of entities in the environment. A first approach to investigate perception is to study relationships between properties of currently presented stimuli and biological correlates of perceptual processes. However, it is known that such processes are not only dependent on the current stimulus. Sampling of information and the concurrent neuronal processing of stimulus content rely on contextual relationships in the environment, and between the environment and the body. Perceptual processes dynamically adjust to relevant context, such as the current task of the organism and its immediate history. To understand perception, we have to study how processing of current stimulus content is influenced by such contextual factors. This thesis investigates the influence of such factors on visual processing. In particular, it investigates effects of temporal context in early visual processing and the effect of task context in eye movement control. To investigate effects of contextual factors on early visual processing of current stimulus content, we study neuronal processing of visual information in the primary visual cortex. We use real-time optical imaging with voltage sensitive dyes to capture neuronal population activity in the millisecond range across several millimeters of cortical area. To characterize the cortical layout concerning the mapping of orientation, previous to further investigations, we use smoothly moving grating stimuli. Investigating responses to this stimulus type systematically, we find independent encoding of local contrast and orientation, and a direct mapping of current stimulus content onto cortical activity (Study 1). To investigate the influence of the previous stimulus as context on processing of current stimulus content, we use abrupt visual changes in sequences of modified natural images. In earlier studies, investigating relatively fast timescales, it was found that the primary visual cortex continuously represents current input (ongoing encoding), with little interference from past stimuli. We investigate whether this coding scheme generalizes to cases in which stimuli change more slowly, as frequently encountered in natural visual input. We use sequences of natural scene contours, comprised of vertically and horizontally filtered natural images, their superpositions, and a blank stimulus, presented with 10 or 33 Hz. We show that at the low temporal frequency, cortical activity patterns do not encode the present orientations but instead reflect their relative changes in time. For example, when a stimulus with horizontal orientation is followed by the superposition of both orientations, the pattern of cortical activity represents the newly added vertical orientations instead of the full sum of orientations. Correspondingly, contour removal from the superposition leads to the representation of orientations that have disappeared rather than those that remain. This is in sharp contrast to more rapid sequences for which we find an ongoing representation of present input, consistent with earlier studies. In summary, we find that for slow stimulus sequences, populations of neurons in the primary visual cortex are no longer tuned to orientations within individual stimuli but instead represent the difference between consecutive stimuli. Our results emphasize the influence of the temporal context on early visual processing and consequentially on information transmission to higher cortical areas (Study 2). To study effects of contextual factors on the sampling of visual information, we focus on human eye movement control. The eyes are actively moved to sample visual information from the environment. Some traditional approaches predict eye movements solely on simple stimulus properties, such as local contrasts (stimulus-driven factors). Recent arguments, however, emphasize the influence of tasks (task context) and bodily factors (spatial bias). To investigate how contextual factors affect eye movement control, we quantify the relative influences of the task context, spatial biases and stimulus-driven factors. Participants view and classify natural scenery and faces while their eye movements are recorded. The stimuli are composed of small image patches. For each of these patches we derive a measure that quantifies stimulus-driven factors, based on the image content of a patch, and spatial viewing biases, based on the location of the patch. Utilizing the participants’ classification responses, we additionally derive a measure, which reflects the information content of a patch in the context of a given task. We show that the effect of spatial biases is highest, that task context is a close runner-up, and that stimulus-driven factors have, on average, a smaller influence. Remarkably, all three factors make independent and significant contributions to the selection of viewed locations. Hence, in addition to stimulus-driven factors and spatial biases, the task context contributes to visual sampling behavior and has to be considered in a model of human eye movements. Visual processing of current stimulus content, in particular visual sampling behavior and early processing, is inherently dependent on context. We show that already in the first cortical stage, temporal context strongly affects the processing of new visual information and that visual sampling by eye movements is significantly influenced by the task context, independently of spatial factors and stimulus-driven factors. The empirical results presented provide foundations for an improved theoretical understanding of the role of context in perceptual processes.

Medical tax benefits to South African taxpayers : an overview

Moosa, R. 09 1900 (has links)
This study presents an overview of the medical expenditure allowed to taxpayers in the South African Income Tax Act, 58 of 1962 (hereafter the “Income Tax Act”). The study traces the changes made to the allowed expenditure over time. Changes made to the Income Tax Act, illustrating the effect of qualifying medical expenses on the income of persons with disabilities in terms of the Income Tax Act, are described. Certain provisions of the Income Tax Act, as well as other legislation dealing with persons with disabilities, were analysed. Furthermore, the research shows the effect of moderate to severe limitations on a person’s ability to claim qualifying medical expenses. In particular, the change over from the medical tax deduction system (section 18 of the Income Tax Act) to the medical tax rebate system (sections 6A and 6B of the Income Tax Act) to redress the inequality between high income and low income earners, was analysed. Case studies were used to illustrate that the medical tax deduction system (section 18 of the Income Tax Act) favoured high income earners over low income earners. Finally, the change over from the medical tax deductions (section 18 of the Income Tax Act) system to the current system of medical tax rebates (sections 6A and 6B of the Income Tax Act) was analysed. Except for a very small group of taxpayers, the medical tax rebate system (sections 6A and 6B of the Income Tax Act) was found to be financially more favourable to all taxpayers. / Taxation / M. Compt. (Taxation)

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