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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The most important barriers inhibiting the sustainability and growth of energy service companies (ESCOs) in South Africa

Kellermann, Johann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It has been established worldwide that energy efficiency undertakings are the fastest, most cost-effective and cleanest way to extend energy supplies. When the energy supply made available through energy efficiency projects are compared with increasing primary supply through building new conventional generation facilities, the former is in most cases also safer, more reliable and a more secure form of investment. Energy service companies (ESCOs) are the recognised implementation vehicles of energy efficiency projects and have been in use internationally for many years for this purpose. Globally, however, ESCOs do not have a good history of being viable business enterprises. The most important barriers identified internationally hindering ESCOs’ growth and sustainability were the potential customers’ lack of awareness, information and understanding regarding energy efficiency projects, the financing of these projects, as well as the support of government on energy efficiency policies and regulations. The urgency of implementing energy efficiency measures in South Africa is critical based on the precarious situation of the national electrical suppliers’ ability to provide electricity unfailingly to all its current and future customers. The South African electrical energy situation should therefore provide tremendous opportunities to the local ESCO industry. The aim of this study was therefore to reiterate the importance of energy efficiency projects and to describe the barriers to growth and sustainability experienced by ESCOs in South Africa against the international backdrop. This was done by way of a survey sent out to all registered ESCOs in South Africa. Based on the responses to the survey, the South African industry is in dire straits and is hindered by various barriers to their growth and sustainability. The study identified eight major barriers in the South African ESCO industry which are similar to those experienced by ESCOs internationally. The uniqueness of the local barriers however, is that the industry operates in a highly regulated environment and that these regulators, being the government and Eskom, are recognised as the main perpetrators responsible for most of these barriers, largely due to a lack of dedicated action. Furthermore, the study shows that it is critical for all role players in the South African energy efficiency industry, and specifically the South African government and Eskom, to recognise these barriers and to assist in solving them to improve the growth opportunities in the ESCO industry. Removal of these barriers will not only improve the electricity situation, but will also have a number of positive effects on the micro and macro-economic levels of South Africa, as well as the environment. Finally, the study makes suggestions about the way forward through a number of actions to be taken to lower or remove the most important of these barriers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is reeds wêreldwyd bevestig dat energie-effektiwiteitsprojekte die vinnigste, kostedoeltreffendste en omgewingsvriendelikste manier is om energiebronne uit te brei. Wanneer die energieverskaffing wat beskikbaar gestel word deur energieeffektiwiteitsprojekte vergelyk word met die vermeerdering van primêre energie deur die bou van nuwe konvensionele opwekkingsfasiliteite, is eersgenoemde in die meeste gevalle ook veiliger en ’n meer betroubare en stabiele beleggingsvorm. Energie-diensmaatskappye (energy service companies (ESCOs)) is die erkende implementeringsmediums vir energie-effektiwiteitsprojekte en word reeds baie jare lank internasionaal vir hierdie doel aangewend. ESCOs het egter wêreldwyd nie ’n goeie rekord as lewensvatbare sake-ondernemings nie. Die vernaamste hindernisse wat ESCOs se groei en welvaart stuit is internasionaal geïdentifiseer as voornemende kliënte se gebrek aan bewustheid, inligting en begrip rakende energie-effektiwiteitsprojekte, die finansiering van sodanige projekte, asook die ondersteuning van die regering ten opsigte van energieeffektiewiteitsbeleide en -regulasies. Daar is groot dringendheid om energie-effektiewe projekte en maatreëls in Suid Afrika te implementeer, gebaseer op die huidige onsekerheid of die nasionale elektrisiteitsverskaffer wel in staat is om ’n betroubare bron van elektrisiteit aan sy huidige en voornemende kliënte te voorsien. Die Suid Afrikaanse elektriese energie situasie behoort daarom heelwat geleenthede te skep vir die plaaslike ESCO-industrie. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om die belangrikheid van energie-effektiwiteitsprojekte te beklemtoon en om die hindernisse te omskryf wat ESCOs in Suid Afrika se groei en welvaart stuit, gesien vanuit ‘n internasionale perspektief. Dit was gedoen deur ‘n vraelys aan alle geregistreerde ESCOs te stuur. Na aanleiding van die terugvoering op die vraelyste, sukkel hierdie industrie om kop bo water te hou weens verskeie hindernisse wat hulle groei en welvaart stuit. Hierdie studie identifiseer agt belangrike hindernisse in die Suid-Afrikaanse ESCO industrie wat ooreenstem met die wat deur internasionale ESCOs ondervind word. Die uniekheid van die plaaslike hindernisse is egter dat die industrie werksaam is in ‘n streng gereguleerde omgewing en dat die reguleerders, die regering en Eskom, ook uitgewys word as die vernaamste skuldiges wat verantwoordelik is vir meeste van die hindernisse, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van hulle gebrek aan toegewyde uitvoering van take. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie toon verder dat dit krities is vir al die rolspelers in die Suid-Afrikaanse energie-effektiwiteitsindustrie, spesifiek die Suid-Afrikaanse regering en Eskom, om hierdie hindernisse te erken en om saam te werk om hulle te oorkom en sodoende die groeigeleenthede in die ESCO-bedryf te verbeter. Die verwydering van hierdie hindernisse sal nie alleen die elektrisiteitsituasie verbeter nie, maar sal ook ’n aantal positiewe invloede hê op die mikro- en makro-ekonomiese vlak van Suid-Afrika, sowel as die omgewing. Die studie sluit af met voorstelle rakende die uitvoering van verskeie aksies wat die verwydering van die vernaamste hindernisse tot gevolg sal hê, of die hindernisse se impak op die industrie sal verminder.

The value of an energy efficiency strategy : the case for Pioneer Foods

Le Roux, Andries 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research study explored energy efficiency and the possible implications for a South African company, the Pioneer Foods Group (Pioneer Foods). “What value could Pioneer Foods derive from an energy efficiency strategy?” is the research question posed in this study. The case study analysis revealed that Pioneer Foods recently listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and therefore needed to implement an environmental management strategy as part of their carbon footprint reporting. Energy efficiency turned out to be one aspect that could have a significant impact on their carbon footprint. The most important barrier to energy efficiency identified at Pioneer Foods was found to be the lack of real-time electrical consumption information as this could result in a lack of ownership taken by mill management. Further barriers included the use of wrong information for benchmarking purposes as well as a possible misunderstanding of the different electricity tariffs shown on the electrical utility bill. Possible ways to overcome the barriers to energy efficiency at Pioneer Foods included installation of energy meters for real-time monitoring of the energy consumption, empowerment of people to ensure buy-in, as well as key performance indicators for mill managers linked to energy efficiency. It was suggested that the energy efficiency strategy be implemented in stages covering short-term, medium-term and long-term objectives. This way the implementation process would seem less intrusive to people and also give the energy efficiency team the opportunity to learn more and perhaps adjust the strategy throughout the implementation process. This research project should act as a starting point for Pioneer Foods to grow from being unconsciously incompetent to becoming consciously competent in the field of energy efficiency. The observations made throughout this study, should convince companies that energy efficiency should not just matter to high energy users. All companies should explore their own drivers for implementing energy efficiency and act on it. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingstudie het die effektiewe gebruik van energie, en die moontlike implikasies vir ‘n Suid Afrikaanse maatskappy, die Pioneer Voedsel Groep (Pioneer Voedsel) ondersoek. “Watter waarde sou Pioneer Voedsel kon put uit ‘n energie-effektiwiteit-strategie?” is die navorsingsvraag wat in hierdie studie gestel is. Uit die analise blyk dat Pioneer Voedsel onlangs op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs genoteer is. Daar word dus van hulle verwag om ‘n omgewingsbestuur-strategie in plek te stel as deel van hul koolstofvoetspoor-verslaggewing. Dit blyk dat energie-effektiwiteit een aspek is wat ‘n groot impak op hulle koolstofvoetspoor kan hê. Die grootste struikelblok tot energie-effektiwiteit by Pioneer Voedsel geïdentifiseer, was die tekort aan intydse elektriese verbruiksinligting. Dit kan veroorsaak dat die bestuur nie eienaarskap neem van energie-effektiwiteit nie. Verdere struikelblokke sluit in die gebruik van foutiewe inligting vir metingsdoeleindes asook ‘n moontlike gebrek aan begrip van die verskillende elektrisiteitstariewe uiteengesit op die elektrisiteitsrekening. Moontlike maniere om die struikelblokke by Pioneer Voedsel te oorkom sluit in die installasie van energiemeters vir intydse monitering van energieverbruik, bemagtiging van mense om inkoop te verseker, en sleutelprestasie-aanwysers vir bestuurders gekoppel aan energie-effektiwiteit. Dit word voorgestel dat die energie-effektiwiteit-strategie in fases geïmplementeer word om sodoende kort-, medium- en langtermyn-mikpunte te bereik. Sodoende sal die implementering van die proses minder indringend vir personeel wees. Dit gee ook die energie-effektiwiteit-span die kans om meer te leer asook die strategie aan te pas soos nodig tydens die implementeringsproses. Hierde navorsingsprojek moet dien as die vertrekpunt vir Pioneer Voedsel om te groei van onwetend onbekwaam tot wetend bekwaam in die veld van energie-effektiwiteit. Verder behoort dit maatskappye te oortuig dat energie-effektiwiteit nie net ‘n verskil maak vir hoë energie verbruikers nie, maar dat alle maatskappye hulle eie drywers vir die implementering van energie-effektiwiteit behoort te identifiseer en daarvolgens aksiestappe te neem.

A cross-sectional study on sustainable solutions for commercial property in the city of Johannesburg for 2012

Crous, Jaco 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / This study determined the status, in 2012, of the implementation of Sustainable solutions (SS) to commercial buildings in the City of Johannesburg. The term “going green” was seen as an alternative approach to business, but demonstrated necessity in the property industry. As greenhouse gas emissions drive the rising average global temperature at an alarming rate, the business environment cannot only be aware of the impact that business industries have on the livelihood of the growing population, but need to act promptly to ensure sustainability. Environmental sustainability is an important topic in decision making for businesses in South Africa and this study grouped renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) to create sustainable solutions as the main concept of environmental sustainability. Renewable energy refers to finding an energy source like the sun or wind, but the main focus is on the purpose of sustainability of the energy resource and the supply. Eskom obtains 97% of their electricity for South Africa from coal power plants, but the reality is that coal is a limited resource that will not be available indefinitely unlike renewable energy. Energy efficiency on the other hand focuses on reducing the energy requirements of commercial buildings. As this concept received sufficient attention in South Africa, the present study was conducted to obtain further information to drive energy efficient practices. With energy efficiency, making basic adjustments in the design of new buildings to use less electricity can greatly contribute to their longevity and reduce the overall running costs that in turn enhance the sustainability for organisations that own or manage properties. By gathering the principals for renewable energy from natural resources and implementing energy efficient practices, the concept of sustainable solutions was conceived. The implementation of sustainable solutions also increases the value of properties, fosters economic enhancement, fosters socioeconomic improvement and most importantly improves the environment by reducing carbon emissions.

An Investigation into Water Usage and Water Efficient Design for Persian Gardens

Ansari, Shaghayegh Moalemzadeh January 2015 (has links)
Investigation and research into the Persian Gardens, leading this project into a step that these World Heritage Sites might have been known as sustainable construction, but the fact that water scarcity of their region is a serious threaten for all these amazing Gardens. Thus, enhancing and improving these gardens by merging, adding and adapting todays technologies can make them considered as constructions with water and energy conservation design. Based on nowadays world environment concerns, recognizing renewable and non-renewable sources of energies in a region or site can cause a miracle. Since, almost all Persian Gardens located in regions with arid and semi-arid climate, water poverty as a biggest issue and nonrenewable energy should be included as a problematic concern. There are many available active and passive strategies that can be applied in these heritage sites which decrease water consumption either directly or indirectly. Such as water harvesting, greywater reuse, photovoltaic panels and material changes. Water known as a vital element of each garden for irrigation purposes, but in Persian Garden water is more than a functional element. Thus, finding a way to provide and recycle water beside the underground sources is necessary. Subterranean, springs and wells are resources of water for Persian gardens which renew so slowly or non-renew these days. Being so close to a city with considerable population lunches and idea of using greywater for irrigation in these gardens. In this research, the doable options for energy conservation design for these sites will be discussed, then comparing some case studies in all over world where greywater reusing water system for irrigation is happening will be next step. In conclusion, greywater reusing system in urban scale in order to irrigate a filed or garden will be investigate on a Shazdeh Garden as a main case study of this research.

Transport, energy and environment: a model for policy evaluation in Hong Kong

Hung, Wing-tat., 熊永達. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Civil and Structural Engineering / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Opportunities for building energy conservation in Hong Kong (residential buildings)

Wong, Chun-hung, Samuel., 黃俊雄. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management

The 'green buildings' concept in Hong Kong

Lok, Shiu-choi., 駱兆才. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management

The role of town gas in Hong Kong: energy andenvironmental implications

Moy, Wai-lap., 梅偉立. January 1993 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management

Energy audit for building energy conservation

Li, Ka-ming., 李家明. January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management

A survey of environmental impacts of building energy codes on energy management in building services installations

Yeung, Chi-hung, 楊志雄 January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management

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