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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verbesserung des Ernährungszustands bei Patienten mit Leberzirrhose nach Implantation eines transjugulären intrahepatischen portosystemischen Stent-Shunts (TIPS)

Gebhardt, Deborah Patricia 24 November 2000 (has links)
Bei 22 Patienten mit Leberzirrhose wurde prospektiv der Ernährungszustand mit seinen Komponenten Energieverbrauch, Nahrungsaufnahme und Körperzusammensetzung sowohl vor Anlage eines TIPS, als auch 1, 6 und 12 Monate nach TIPS-Implantation untersucht und in Beziehung zu Daten gesunder Probanden gesetzt. Im Vergleich zu gesunden Kontrollpersonen waren bei Patienten vor TIPS-Anlage Körpergewicht und body-mass-index nicht vermindert, während Muskel- und Körperzellmasse (BCM) reduziert waren. Im Grundumsatz (REE) bestand kein Unterschied zu Kontrollen, wenn der gesamte Grundumsatz betrachtet wird. Dagegen war der spezifische, auf die Körperzellmasse bezogene Grundumsatz (REE/BCM) bei Patienten signifikant erhöht. Patienten wiesen also gegenüber Kontrollen einen hypermetabolen Status auf. Die Substratoxidation der Patienten war durch eine bevorzugte Verwendung von Lipiden gekennzeichnet. Nach TIPS-Anlage nahmen Körpergewicht und BMI der Patienten zu aufgrund einer Verbesserung in der Körperzusammensetzung mit signifikantem Anstieg von Muskelmasse, Körperzellmasse und dem Quotienten von Körperzellmasse und Körpermasse. Darüberhinaus war eine signifikante Abnahme der Aszitesmenge zu verzeichnen. Die Fettmasse blieb trotz Zunahme der Körpermasse unverändert. Entsprechend der Zunahme der Körpermasse stieg der Grundumsatz nach TIPS-Anlage signifikant an, die Betrachtung des spezifischen Energieumsatzes zeigte jedoch eine abnehmende Tendenz im Sinne einer Normalisierung des bei Zirrhosepatienten gegenüber Kontrollen erhöhten Energieumsatzes. Dieser Abnahme des spezifischen Energieverbrauchs stand eine zunehmende Nährstoffaufnahme gegenüber, so daß diese Verbesserung der Energiebilanz als eine der Ursachen für die Verbesserung des Ernährungzustandes zu sehen ist. Unbeeinflußt von der TIPS-Anlage blieb die Bevorzugung von Fett als oxidativem Substrat. Bezüglich der Organfunktionen war nach TIPS-Anlage eine partielle Verminderung der hepatischen Syntheseleistung (Quick, nicht aber Albumin) und eine signifikante Verbesserung der Nierenfunktion und psychometrisch gemessenen hirnorganischen Leistungsfähigkeit zu beobachten. Die Anlage und Funktionserhaltung eines TIPS war bei Patienten mit Leberzirrhose mit einer bedeutsamen Verbesserung des Ernährungszustandes und insbesondere des prognostisch relevanten Kompartiments Körperzellmasse und Muskelmasse verbunden. Bei unveränderten Ernährungsempfehlungen waren die Patienten in höherem Maße in der Lage, diese Empfehlungen zu realisieren und insbesondere eine höhere Eiweißmenge ohne Verschlechterung der Enzephalopathie zuzuführen. Welchen Einfluß die einzelnen Faktoren wie verminderte Aszitesmenge, Verbesserung der intestinalen Absorption oder Vermeidung erneuter kataboler Situationen (gastrointestinale Blutungen, Parazentese und Endotoxinämie durch Reduktion der portalen Hypertension) an diesem Ergebnis haben, muß durch weitere Untersuchungen geklärt werden. / 22 patients with liver cirrhosis were examined prospectively regarding their nutritional state and its components energy expenditure, energy intake and body composition before and 1, 6 and 12 months after implantation of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent - shunt (TIPS). These data were compared to those corresponding of a group of healthy control subjects. Compared to these healthy individuals body weigth and body mass index (BMI) of the patients were not reduced while muscle mass and body cell mass (BCM) were impaired before TIPS-implantation. There was no difference in resting energy expenditure (REE) between both groups. The ratio REE/BCM is called specific resting energy expenditure. This ratio was found to be increased in the patient group which means that patients were hypermetabolic when compared to controls. Lipids turned out to be the prefered fuel in patients. After TIPS-insertion body weight and BMI increased in patients because muscle mass, BCM and BCM/body weight all increased significantly in the patient group. Meanwhile the amount of ascites was reduced significantly. Fat mass remained stable after TIPS. Because of this increase of body weight energy expenditure had to increase, too. On the contrary, the specific REE showed a decrease which means normalization of the pathological high results of this parameter. A decrease in specific REE and an increase in energiy intake lead to an improvement of energy balance. This is probably one min cause of the improvement in the nutritional state of the patients after TIPS. After TIPS lipids remained to be the main source of substrate for oxidation. Partly, the synthetical function of the liver was impaired after TIPS (thromboplastin time, but not Albumin) while renal function and mental performance measured by psychometric tests improved significantly. The implantation of TIPS and surveillance of its function in patients with liver cirrhosis was accompanied by an improvement of their nutritional state. Even more important, there was an improvement of body cell mass and of muscle mass which both are of significantly prognostic value in this kind of patients. Dietary recommendations were not changed after TIPS but patients were able to realize them in a better way and they tolerated an increased intake of protein without an increase in the rate of hepatic encephalopathy. Furthe studies will have to be performed in order to find out the influences of different factors as reduced amount of ascites, improvement of intestinal absorption or avoiding of catabolic periods (gastrointestinal bleeding, paracentesis and endotoxinaemia by reduction of portal hypertension).

CAD-CAM ceramic veneers : tooth preparation status, accuracy of Intra Oral Scanner and mechanical behavior / Facettes céramiques et CFAO : évaluation des états de surface des préparations : précision de l’empreinte optique intra-orale : comportement mécanique de la restauration

Yusuf Solieman, Osama 26 November 2018 (has links)
Au cours des vingt dernières années, les facettes céramiques sont devenues une solution esthétique très répandue en raison de leur conception de préparation peu invasive, de leurs propriétés biocompatibles, de leur similitude avec la couleur naturelle des dents, ainsi que de leur translucidité et de leur résistance mécanique aux forces occlusales et à l’usure [1]. La définition des facettes dentaires est celle de « coquilles » très minces, faites sur mesure de matériaux de la couleur de la dent, conçues pour recouvrir la face avant ou la face supérieure des dents afin d' en améliorer l'esthétique et/ou corriger des problèmes occlusaux. Elles sont collées aux dents et pourront en modifier la couleur la forme, et le volume [2].Elles trouvent ainsi de multiples indications à différents endroits sur les arcades dentaires sur les faces vestibulaires des dents antérieures ou plus récemment pour restaurer les surfaces occlusales corriger une occlusion déficiente [3, 4].Ces restaurations modernes se sont développées avec l'arrivée de nouveaux matériaux de reconstructions et de collages, ainsi que de nouveaux modes de conception et fabrication répondant à des exigences de simplicité, de rapidité et de précision.Pour préparer la dent à recevoir une facette, l'oscillation d’inserts ultrasonores a été proposée pour améliorer la finition des lignes marginales et optimiser l’état de surface [5].Pour leur fabrication, outre les méthodes prothétiques classiques, la CFAO (conception assistée par ordinateur - fabrication assistée par ordinateur) au développement exponentiel [6, 7 permet de réaliser une prothèse restauratrice en une seule visite en clinique avec la précision que permettent l’optique (empreintes) et la robotique (fabrication de la facette) ;[8-14]. D’autre part l’apparition de nouvelles céramiques a permis d'améliorer leur esthétique et d'augmenter leur durabilité, qu'elle soit antérieure ou occlusale.Notre première étude portait sur de nouveaux outils permettant d'optimiser la procédure de préparation des facettes. L'utilisation ou non d‘inserts oscillants sur la qualité de l'état de surface de la dent traitées pour une telle préparation. Cette question importante et récurrente, [15] pose le problème de la qualité de l'état de surface destiné à recevoir par collage une pellicule de céramique de faible épaisseur. La pérennité de ce type de prothèse dépend essentiellement du collage avec les tissus dentinaires préparés [16, 17]. La littérature, atteste d’une meilleure qualité de collage entre des surfaces dentaires rugueuses et les matériaux de restauration [18-22]. Toutefois, une question se pose concernant la qualité de cette rugosité lorsque / The first chapter of the thesis relieved the dentists from thinking a lot about the produced roughness regardless to the preparation tool. The roughness is a critical factor to the stability, to the retention, and eventually to the success of the ceramic veneers especially for the esthetic anterior veneers. This will speed up the procedure of achieving a fast treatment for the patients with the CAD-CAM systems. For the upcoming steps, an investigation is recommended to estimate the amount of the inquired roughness to achieve the minimum necessary adhesion value for the retention of the ceramic veneers, and vice versa, another investigation to evaluate the capability of the preparation tools in transferring the same roughness from the preparation tool grains to the target surface (dentin or enamel).152The second study had filled the gap of how to evaluate the IOS systems regardless to the recent common criteria, and the thesis created a novel measure (noise) to be used. The study asks the dentists to pay attention to other criteria to consider when buying an IOS system regardless to the criteria that already exists and had been directed by the producing companies. The thesis states that the noise increases when the direction of the IOS is changed. More attention should be paid at the transitional lines between the scanned surfaces while designing the digital model. An enhancement is demanded to compensate for (or if possible, to eliminate) this noise.

ReadNPlay for a Bright Future Materials My Baby Book, Healthy Active Living Tips, and three posters (Play More, Play Together, Play Safely)

Schetzina, Karen E. 01 January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Quelle fonction pour la CLIP-170 ? Recherche de partenaires et nouveaux outils d'investigation.

Cordelières, Fabrice 24 April 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Le terme de CLIP-170 désigne la protéine de lien cytoplasmique de 170 KDa, isolée par Rickard et Kreis (1990). In vitro, elle constitue un lien statique entre les endosomes et les microtubules (MTs). En chacun des points où la CLIP-170 est localisée, elle se co-distribue avec le complexe moteur dynéine/dynactine (D/D). Les auteurs ont initialement établi un modèle de fonctionnement de concert de ces trois protagonistes : la CLIP-170 établirait le lien initial entre le cargo et le MT. Le complexe D/D serait recruté sur le cargo. Une fois le moteur associé au MT, le lien statique serait levé, rendant possible le mouvement. Ce modèle offrait une explication aux données d'immunolocalisation. Toutefois, le fonctionnement de concert de la CLIP-170 et du moteur moléculaire nécessitait que l'on puisse trouver une interaction entre les protagonistes. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse apportent pour la première fois la preuve d'une interaction indirecte entre le complexe D/D et la CLIP-170. LIS1 est une protéine codée par le gène causal du syndrome de Miller-Dieker, une forme de lissencéphalie de type I. Elle sert d'adaptateur entre le domaine carboxy-terminal de la CLIP-170 et le complexe moteur dont elle régule l'activité. Nos résultats établissent que le domaine d'interaction de la CLIP-170 avec LIS1 est requis pour l'adressage de la première aux kinétochores prémétaphasiques. Il est nécessaire à l'adressage de LIS1 (et du complexe moteur) aux bouts (+) des MTs interphasiques. Nous présentons deux nouvelles approches permettant d'interférer avec le fonctionnement de la CLIP-170 tant en interphase qu'en mitose : la microinjection d'anticorps dirigés contre les domaines extrêmes de la protéine, ainsi que l'utilisation de siRNA dirigés contre l'ARNm la codant. Combinées aux techniques de suivi de protéines fluorescentes par vidéomicroscopie 3D développées au laboratoire, elles permettront d'interférer avec le fonctionnement de la CLIP-170 et de définir ainsi son rôle.

Analysis of Bacterial Surface Properties using Atomic Force Microscopy

Dorobantu, Loredana Stefania 11 1900 (has links)
The morphology and physicochemical properties of bacterial cells at the molecular level influence their adhesion to surfaces and interfaces. In this study, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to explore the morphology of soft, living cells in aqueous buffer, to map bacterial surface heterogeneities, to directly correlate the results in the AFM force distance curves to the macroscopic properties of the microbial surfaces, and to model the experimental AFM force curves using classical Derjaguin-Landau-Verweij-Overbeek (DLVO) theory of colloidal stability. The surfaces of two bacterial species exhibiting different macroscopic surface hydrophobicity, measured as the oil/water contact angle (Ө): Acinetobacter venetianus RAG-1 (Ө =56.4°) and Rhodococcus erythropolis 20SE1c (Ө =152.9°) were probed with chemically functionalized AFM tips, terminated in hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups. All force measurements were obtained in contact mode and made on a location of the bacterium selected from the tapping mode image. AFM imaging revealed morphological details of the microbial-surface ultrastructures with about 20 nm resolution. The heterogeneity in surface morphology was directly correlated with differences in adhesion forces as emphasized by retraction force curves and also with the presence of external structures, either pili or capsules, as confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. The AFM retraction force curves for A. venetianus RAG-1 and R. erythropolis 20S-E1-c showed differences in the interactions of the external structures with hydrophilic and hydrophobic tips. A. venetianus RAG-1 exhibited an asymmetrical pattern with multiple adhesion peaks suggesting the existence of biopolymers with different lengths on its surface. R. erythropolis 20S-E1-c showed long-range attraction forces accompanied by single rupture events indicating a more hydrophobic and smoother surface. The magnitude of the adhesion forces was proportional to the water contact angle on the two bacterial lawns. The experimental force curves between the two microbial cells and functionalized AFM probes presented discrepancies when compared to the classical DLVO theory. Therefore, an extended DLVO model incorporating an acid–base component to account for attractive hydrophobic interactions and repulsive hydration effects was used to assess the additional interactions. Extended DLVO predictions agreed well with AFM experimental data for both A. venetianus RAG-1, whose surface consists of an exopolymeric capsule and pili, and R. erythropolis 20S-E1-c, whose surface is covered by mycolic acids as well as an exopolymeric capsule. The extended model for the bacteria-AFM tip interactions was consistent with the effects of acid base and steric forces, in addition to classical DLVO theory. / Chemical Engineering

Analysis of Bacterial Surface Properties using Atomic Force Microscopy

Dorobantu, Loredana Stefania Unknown Date
No description available.

Melhorias no desempenho dos injetores supersônicos em operação em um forno elétrico a arco

John, Alexandre Libório January 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo para verificar as melhores condições de vazão das atuais lanças supersônicas utilizadas no forno elétrico a arco 3 da Siderúrgica Riograndense. Também foi realizado um teste comparativo entre o modelo de lança supersônica atual e um novo modelo de injetor proposto. Para determinar as melhores condições de vazão das injetoras atuais, avaliou-se parâmetros como o consumo de oxigênio, energia elétrica, teor de FeO da escória, condições de desgaste do refratário e erosão dos bicos injetores. Para os testes comparativos com o novo modelo de injetores, foram usinados dois bicos de cobre com menor diâmetro de garganta. As novas pressões e vazões de oxigênio, tanto para o trabalho no modo alta vazão como para o modo purga, foram estabelecidas com base em estudos das características dos bicos utilizados atualmente. Os testes foram realizados em caráter comparativo no próprio forno 3. Nos atuais modelos de injetores utilizados, verificou-se que a pressão no modo purga deve variar entre 0,9 e 1,1 kgf/cm2 na rede de oxigênio. Assim, a vazão de O2 varia entre 65 e 75 Nm3/h, intervalo no qual foi observada a melhor eficiência na operação, considerando principalmente o controle do FeO da escória e a ocorrência de entupimento dos bicos supersônicos. Na alta vazão foram definidas pressões entre 9,0 e 9,5 kgf/cm2, onde as vazões variam entre 350 e 375 Nm3/h por bico. Estes valores foram definidos avaliando-se principalmente o controle do consumo de refratário na região do injetor e o desgaste dos bicos causado por jato subacelerado. Os injetores com diâmetro de garganta menor possibilitaram a operação com vazões de O2 menores na purga em relação ao modelo atual. Assim, foi possível operar com vazão em torno de 50 Nm3/h a uma pressão de 0,9 kgf/cm2, sem a ocorrência de entupimentos. Porém no modo alta vazão, para garantir a vazão mínima de 350 Nm3/h, a pressão no bico foi elevada para 12,5 kgf/cm2. Com este novo modelo de injetor, os consumos médios de oxigênio e de energia elétrica reduziram 0,8 Nm3/t e 12,9 kWh/t, respectivamente, em relação ao injetor atual, e verificou-se o aumento de 0,92% no rendimento metálico. / In this work, a study to verify the best conditions of oxygen flow to operate the supersonic injectors currently used in the Electric Arc Furnace 3 (EAF 3) of Siderúrgica Riograndense was carried out. Also, a comparative study between the supersonic injector model currently used and a new proposed model was made. To determine the best flow conditions of current injectors, parameters such as oxygen and electricity consumption, and slag FeO content were evaluated. Moreover, refractory wear conditions and copper lance tips erosion were analyzed. For the comparative tests with the new model, two copper lance tips have been machined, with a smaller throat diameter. The new oxygen pressure and oxygen flow (high and low flow operating modes) were established based on studies of features of the currently used lance tips. The tests were carried out comparatively in the same EAF 3. For the currently used injector models, it was verified that the pressure in the low flow mode must be kept between 0.9 and 1.1kgf/cm2 in the oxygen system. Thus, the O2 flow varies between 65 and 75 Nm3/h, interval in which the best efficiency in the operation was observed, considering mainly the control of FeO of the slag, and the occurrence of clogging of the supersonic lance tips. High flow pressures were defined between 9.0 and 9.5 kgf/cm2, where the flow varies between 350 and 375 Nm3/h per lance tip. These values were defined evaluating mainly the control of the refractory wear in the region of the injector, and the erosion of the lance tips caused by under-blown jet. The new lance tips with smaller throat diameter made it possible to operate with smaller O2 flow, 50 Nm3/h with pressure of 0.9 kgf/cm2, without clogging in low flow steps. However, in the high flow, to guarantee the minimum flow of 350 Nm3/h, the pressure in the lance tips was raised to 12.5 kgf/cm2. With this new model of injector, the average consumption of oxygen was lowered by 0.8 Nm3/h compared to the current injector and an increase of 0.92% was verified in the metallic yield. Furthermore, there was a reduction of 12.9 kWh/t in the consumption of electric energy.

Interpretação racional do ensaio DPL / Rational interpretation of DPL test

Bastos, Nélio José [UNESP] 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by NELIO JOSE BASTOS null (njbastos@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-22T23:04:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação-Nélio-Jose-Bastos.pdf: 16350068 bytes, checksum: dddb1a9d279d04aa8e052ef55a31b375 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-04-26T19:24:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 bastos_nj_me_bauru.pdf: 16350068 bytes, checksum: dddb1a9d279d04aa8e052ef55a31b375 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T19:24:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 bastos_nj_me_bauru.pdf: 16350068 bytes, checksum: dddb1a9d279d04aa8e052ef55a31b375 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / As propriedades geomecânicas do solo são dados imprescindíveis na elaboração e execução de um projeto de engenharia geotécnica. Para isso, diversos métodos são comumente utilizados na prática tais como o ensaio à percussão (SPT) e o ensaio de cone (CPT), entre outros. Cada tipo de equipamento vai apresentar vantagens e desvantagens em função da geologia, das condições de acesso e área de montagem e trabalho. O Penetrômetro Dinâmico Leve modificado por Nilsson (2001), com medida de torque, é um equipamento leve e simples que apresenta grande mobilidade, permitindo realizar ensaios em regiões de difícil acesso, como relevo acidentado, florestas e áreas inundadas. Esse equipamento é pouco difundido no Brasil e a interpretação dos seus resultados é feita através do índice N10 que fornece uma ideia da resistência do solo, assim como o NSPT faz com o SPT. Este trabalho procurou interpretar racionalmente os resultados do DPL aplicando os mesmos conceitos de energia e propagação de onda unidimensional de tensão, hoje amplamente usados para interpretar o SPT. Foi investigada a influência da geometria de ponta no atrito mobilizado, constatando que pode-se substituir a ponteira de 90° do DPL por uma com 60° de ápice, como as usadas no CPT. É proposto uma nova formula relacionando o torque medido no DPL com o atrito lateral da ponteira, considerando as contribuições da luva cilíndrica e da ponta cônica. Ensaios de campo mostraram que esta fórmula proposta contabiliza mais adequadamente o atrito lateral, especialmente quando se usa a medida do torque residual e não a do torque máximo, além de que o peso do sistema DPL tem influência nas medidas de torques máximo e residual. Foi desenvolvida uma haste instrumentada com célula de carga e acelerômetros, com o objetivo de medir os sinais de força e aceleração durante a propagação de onda de tensão no topo da composição das hastes, através de um sistema de aquisição digital de dados. Os sinais obtidos em um ensaio de campo, realizado em conjunto com ensaios CPT, foram tratados através do próprio programa de aquisição de dados e de software desenvolvido para esta finalidade. A partir dos sinais de força e aceleração medidos foram determinadas as quantidades de energia transmitidas às hastes pela queda do martelo, determinando as perdas de energia na cravação da ponteira no solo. Verificou-se que a relação entre a energia potencial do sistema e a energia medida EFV é constante a partir de certa profundidade. Foram determinadas as forças dinâmicas mobilizadas na cravação a partir dos sinais de força e do deslocamento permanente médio da ponteira, e também através da aplicação do método CASE aos sinais de F e Zv. A partir da força dinâmica calculada, e dos atritos laterais calculados através da formula proposta, usando as medidas de torque máximo e residual, foi possível utilizar o ábaco de Robertson et al. (1986) para classificar o solo ensaiado até a profundidade de 12m, obtendo grande correspondência com os resultados apresentados na classificação através dos resultados do CPT elétrico. / Geotechnical properties of soil are given essential in the preparation and execution of a geotechnical engineering design. For this, several methods are commonly used in practice such as percussion test (SPT) and cone test (CPT), among others. Each type of equipment will have advantages and disadvantages depending on the geology, the conditions of access and mounting area and work. The Dynamic Light Penetrometer modified by Nilsson (2001), to measure torque, is a lightweight and simple tool that exhibits high mobility, allowing perform tests in areas of difficult access, such as rugged terrain, forests and wetlands. This equipment is not yet widespread in Brazil and the interpretation of results is done via the N10 index that provides an idea of the strength of the soil, as well as the NSPT makes the SPT. This study sought to rationally interpret the DPL results of applying the same concepts of energy and one-dimensional wave propagation of tension, now widely used to interpret the SPT. The influence of the tip geometry the mobilized friction was investigated, noting that one may substitute the tip 90 of the DPL by a 60 ° apex, as used in CPT. It is proposed a new formula relating the torque measured in DPL with the lateral friction of the tip, considering the contributions of the cylindrical sleeve and the conical tip. Field trials have shown that this accounts for proposed formula more suitably the lateral friction, especially when using the measurement of the residual torque, and not the maximum torque, and the weight of the DPL system has an influence on the measurements of maximum and residual torques. An instrumented with load cell rod and accelerometers, for the purpose of measuring the force and acceleration signals during stress wave propagation at the top of the stems of the composition via a digital acquisition system data has been developed. The signals obtained in a field test, carried out in conjunction with CPT trials were treated by own data acquisition software and software developed for this purpose. From the signs of strength and measured acceleration were determined amounts of energy transmitted to the rods by the hammer fall, causing energy losses in crimping the ferrule on the ground. It was found that the relationship between the potential energy of the system and the energy measure EFV is constant at a certain depth. We determined the dynamic forces mobilized in the piling from the force signals and the average displacement of the permanent ferrule, and also by applying the method to CASE signals F and Zv. From the calculated dynamic force, and the calculated lateral friction through the proposed formula, using the maximum and residual torque measurements, it was possible to use the abacus Robertson et al. (1986) tested for classifying the soil to a depth of 12m, achieving great correspondence with the results shown in sorting through the results of electric CPT.

Melhorias no desempenho dos injetores supersônicos em operação em um forno elétrico a arco

John, Alexandre Libório January 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo para verificar as melhores condições de vazão das atuais lanças supersônicas utilizadas no forno elétrico a arco 3 da Siderúrgica Riograndense. Também foi realizado um teste comparativo entre o modelo de lança supersônica atual e um novo modelo de injetor proposto. Para determinar as melhores condições de vazão das injetoras atuais, avaliou-se parâmetros como o consumo de oxigênio, energia elétrica, teor de FeO da escória, condições de desgaste do refratário e erosão dos bicos injetores. Para os testes comparativos com o novo modelo de injetores, foram usinados dois bicos de cobre com menor diâmetro de garganta. As novas pressões e vazões de oxigênio, tanto para o trabalho no modo alta vazão como para o modo purga, foram estabelecidas com base em estudos das características dos bicos utilizados atualmente. Os testes foram realizados em caráter comparativo no próprio forno 3. Nos atuais modelos de injetores utilizados, verificou-se que a pressão no modo purga deve variar entre 0,9 e 1,1 kgf/cm2 na rede de oxigênio. Assim, a vazão de O2 varia entre 65 e 75 Nm3/h, intervalo no qual foi observada a melhor eficiência na operação, considerando principalmente o controle do FeO da escória e a ocorrência de entupimento dos bicos supersônicos. Na alta vazão foram definidas pressões entre 9,0 e 9,5 kgf/cm2, onde as vazões variam entre 350 e 375 Nm3/h por bico. Estes valores foram definidos avaliando-se principalmente o controle do consumo de refratário na região do injetor e o desgaste dos bicos causado por jato subacelerado. Os injetores com diâmetro de garganta menor possibilitaram a operação com vazões de O2 menores na purga em relação ao modelo atual. Assim, foi possível operar com vazão em torno de 50 Nm3/h a uma pressão de 0,9 kgf/cm2, sem a ocorrência de entupimentos. Porém no modo alta vazão, para garantir a vazão mínima de 350 Nm3/h, a pressão no bico foi elevada para 12,5 kgf/cm2. Com este novo modelo de injetor, os consumos médios de oxigênio e de energia elétrica reduziram 0,8 Nm3/t e 12,9 kWh/t, respectivamente, em relação ao injetor atual, e verificou-se o aumento de 0,92% no rendimento metálico. / In this work, a study to verify the best conditions of oxygen flow to operate the supersonic injectors currently used in the Electric Arc Furnace 3 (EAF 3) of Siderúrgica Riograndense was carried out. Also, a comparative study between the supersonic injector model currently used and a new proposed model was made. To determine the best flow conditions of current injectors, parameters such as oxygen and electricity consumption, and slag FeO content were evaluated. Moreover, refractory wear conditions and copper lance tips erosion were analyzed. For the comparative tests with the new model, two copper lance tips have been machined, with a smaller throat diameter. The new oxygen pressure and oxygen flow (high and low flow operating modes) were established based on studies of features of the currently used lance tips. The tests were carried out comparatively in the same EAF 3. For the currently used injector models, it was verified that the pressure in the low flow mode must be kept between 0.9 and 1.1kgf/cm2 in the oxygen system. Thus, the O2 flow varies between 65 and 75 Nm3/h, interval in which the best efficiency in the operation was observed, considering mainly the control of FeO of the slag, and the occurrence of clogging of the supersonic lance tips. High flow pressures were defined between 9.0 and 9.5 kgf/cm2, where the flow varies between 350 and 375 Nm3/h per lance tip. These values were defined evaluating mainly the control of the refractory wear in the region of the injector, and the erosion of the lance tips caused by under-blown jet. The new lance tips with smaller throat diameter made it possible to operate with smaller O2 flow, 50 Nm3/h with pressure of 0.9 kgf/cm2, without clogging in low flow steps. However, in the high flow, to guarantee the minimum flow of 350 Nm3/h, the pressure in the lance tips was raised to 12.5 kgf/cm2. With this new model of injector, the average consumption of oxygen was lowered by 0.8 Nm3/h compared to the current injector and an increase of 0.92% was verified in the metallic yield. Furthermore, there was a reduction of 12.9 kWh/t in the consumption of electric energy.

Efeito de pontas de pulverização e da palha de milheto na deposição da calda aplicada em pós- emergência inicial das plantas daninhas

Tokura, Luciene Kazue [UNESP] 19 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-01-19Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:40:03Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 tokura_lk_dr_botfca.pdf: 1103503 bytes, checksum: c13458e08e332be0ff5bbff0fa6c279c (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de pontas de pulverização e da palha de milheto na deposição da calda aplicada sobre seis espécies de plantas daninhas. Foram utilizadas cinco pontas de pulverização (XR 11002; TJ60 11002; AI 110015; TJ60 11006 e TX-VK8), seis espécies de plantas daninhas (Ipomoea grandifolia; Euphorbia heterophylla; Commelina benghalensis; Bidens pilosa; Brachiaria plantaginea e Sida rhombifolia) e a condição sem e com presença de 5t.ha-1 de palha de milheto na deposição da calda aplicada. As pulverizações nas plântulas foram realizadas em pósemergência inicial (duas a quatro folhas) utilizando o corante FDC-1 Azul Brilhante (concentração de 0,8%), como solução traçadora. A pressão e o volume de aplicação (L.h-1) para cada ponta de pulverização foram realizados de acordo com as informações fornecidas pelo fabricante. No primeiro estudo foram realizados seis experimentos, sendo que 10 plântulas de cada espécie foram lavadas com 50mL de água destilada e a quantidade de solução tracadora estimada em densidade óptica de 630nm. No segundo estudo, cada plântula foi lavada com 25mL de água destilada permitindo estabelecer a quantidade de solução traçadora ou a solução de aplicação depositada em cada planta. Todos os experimentos foram realizados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições e 10 plântulas de cada espécie em esquema fatorial 2x5 e as médias comparadas pelo teste t ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. No segundo estudo, os valores de deposição foram ajustados ao modelo de Gompertz. Em termos médios, a presença de 5t.ha-1 de palha de milheto reduziu em 20,12%, a 2 deposição de calda de aplicação na condição de pós-emergência inicial. A grande variabilidade dos depósitos unitários inviabiliza a comparação das pontas a partir de valores médios, modais ou medianos para... . / The aim of this reserch was to evaluate the effects of pearl millet on the deposition of application solution on six weed species. It were studyed five nozzle tip types (XR 11002; TJ60 11002; AI 110015; TJ60 11006 and TX-VK8), six weed species (Ipomoea grandifolia; Euphorbia heterophylla; Commelina benghalensis; Bidens pilosa; Brachiaria plantaginea and Sida rhombifolia) and the conditions without and with 5t.ha-1 of pearl millet mulch. The applications were carried out in early post-emergence (two and four leaves) using the dye FDC-1 (at the concentration of 0,8%) as a tracer. The pressure and the application volume (L.ha-1) were selected for each nozzle tip types according to the information of the dealers. In the first set of six experiments, ten plants of each species were 4 washed in destilled water and the amount of traces was stimated by the aplical density at 630nm. In the second set of experiments, each plant was washed in destilled water allowing to stablish the ammount of tracer or application solution deposited on each plant. All the experiments were designed completelly randomized with four replications and ten plants of each species per plot. In average, the presence of 5t.ha-1 of pearl millet mulch reduced in 20,12% the deposition in early post-emergence. The great variability of the unitary deposits makes unfeasible the comparison of the application technologies using mean, modal and median values. The most apropriate characteristics to compare of the quality of the applications accomplished with different points, correspond to the functions of non accumulated frequencies and the values of deposits associated to the lowest percentis of the accumulated frequencies. In the presence of mulch, the species of E. heterophylla, B. pilosa, B. plantaginea and S. rhombifolia were the most difficult be reached by the application droplets. For these species, the best results... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below).

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