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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Continuous parallel plate waveguide lenses for future low-cost and high-performances multiple beams antennas / Lentilles continues en guide d’ondes à plans parallèles pour des applications multi-faisceaux à bas coût et à haute performance

Doucet, François 25 February 2019 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur l’étude et la conception de lentilles continues en guide d’ondes à plans parallèles (PPW) pour des applications multi-faisceaux. La conversion du front d'onde est assurée par une lentille formée d’une lame et d'une cavité transversale. Ce concept, proposant une approche mécanique simplifiée et possiblement purement métallique, est particulièrement attractif pour les futurs systèmes de communications par satellites (GEO/LEO) requérants des solutions à moindre coût tout en maintenant de hautes performances. La première partie de cette thèse présente la réalisation d’un outil d’analyse numérique basée sur l’optique géométrique (GO). Une prédiction rapide et précise des performances en rayonnement est obtenue. En combinant cet outil avec des processus d’optimisation, des performances en dépointage sur un large secteur angulaire sont ensuite démontrées, incluant une stabilité des diagrammes en rayonnement (ouverture à mi-puissance, niveaux de lobes secondaires et pertes en dépointage). Un prototype fonctionnant dans la bande Ka est réalisé, validant les performances précédemment obtenues. De hautes efficacités de rayonnement sont également mises en avant sur l’ensemble de la plage de fréquence. Enfin un second prototype plus compact basé sur de multiples lentilles est proposé et étudié, démontrant des performances similaires à la première solution fabriquée et mesurée. / The activities presented in this PhD focus on the study and development of continuous parallel plate waveguide (PPW) lenses for multiple beam applications. The wave front conversion is ensured by a PPW transversal ridge and cavity. The proposed concept, based on a simplified mechanical approach and possibly full-metal, is particularly suitable for future satellite communication systems (GO/LEO) requiring low-cost antennas while maintaining high performances. The first part of the thesis deals with the development of a numerical analysis tool based on geometrical optics (GO). A fast and accurate prediction of the radiation performance is provided.Combining the tool with optimization processes, large scanning performances have been demonstrated, including a stability of the radiation pattern performance (HPBW, SLL, scan loss). A prototype working at Ka band has been manufactured, validating the performances demonstrated previously. High radiation efficiencies are also proved over the entire frequency range. Finally, a second prototype targeting performances in compactness and based on multiple lenses is proposed and studied, showing similar performances as the first solution fabricated and measured.

Efficient broadband antenna array processing using the discrete fourier form transform

Sayyah Jahromi, Mohammad Reza, Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Processing of broadband signals induced on an antenna array using a tapped delay line filter and a set of steering delays has two problems. Firstly one needs to manipulate large matrices to estimate the filter coefficients. Secondly the use of steering delays is not only cumbersome but implementation errors cause loss of system performance. This thesis looks at both of these problems and presents elegant solutions by developing and studying a design method referred to as the DFT method, which does not require steering delays and is computationally less demanding compared to existing methods. Specifically the thesis studies and compares the performance of a time domain element space beamformer using the proposed method and that using an existing method, and develops the DFT method when the processor is implemented in partitioned form. The study presented in the thesis shows that the processors using the DFT method are robust to look direction errors and require less computation than that using the existing method for comparable performance. The thesis further introduces a broadband beamformer design which does not require any steering delays between the sensors and the tapped delay line section as is presently the case. It has the capability of steering the array in an arbitrary direction with a specified frequency response in the look direction while canceling unwanted uncorrelated interferences. The thesis presents and compares the performance of a number of techniques to synthesize an antenna pattern of a broadband array. These techniques are designed to produce isolated point nulls as well as broad sector nulls and to eliminate the need for the steering delays. Two of the pattern synthesis techniques presented in the thesis allow optimization against unwanted interferences in unknown directions. The techniques allow formulation of a beamforming problem such that the processor is not only able to place nulls in specified directions but also able to cancel directional interferences in unknown directions along with a specified frequency response in the look direction over a band of interest. The thesis also presents a set of directional constraints such that one does not need steering delays and an array can be constrained in an arbitrary direction with a specified frequency response. The constraints presented in the thesis are simple to implement. Based on these constraints a pattern synthesis technique for broadband antenna array is also presented.

Tvarování přijímací charakteristiky mikrofonních polí / Beamforming using microphone arrays

Bartoň, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis is to sum up theoretical information about beamforming methods of microphone arrays and to verify their functionality. At the beginning of this work there are simulated different varietes of linear uniform and nonuniform microphone arrays and circular arrays. The results are verificated by a practical measurement in ideal conditions. Then I will focuse on implementation of the DAS(Delay And Sum), SAB(Sub Array Beamforming), CDB(Constant Directivity Beamforming), CDB-CA(CDB-Circular Arrays) beamformer including theoretical and practical verification of the functionality in ideal conditions. At the end of this thesis are all beamforming methods compared with each other at SNR(signal to Noise Ratio) and directivity parameters.

Lokalizace pohyblivých akustických zdrojů / Localization of moving acoustical sources

Bezdíček, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on localization static (entering semester project) and moving acoustic sources (entering master's thesis) by the help of microphonic arrays. In the first part deal with common problems of localization. Further are here described types of microphonic arrays, simplifying possibilities which delimited this problems and general information about room acoustics. In the next part of this master's thesis are step by step mentioned methods localization of acoustic sources. In practical part were used algorithms: Steered-Beamformer-Based Locators and TDOA-Based Locators. Last part of this master's work includes results of these algorithms.

Mikrofonová pole pro prostorovou separaci akustických signálů / Microphone arrays for spatial separation of acoustic signals

Grobelný, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this master’s thesis is to explore the possibilities of multichannel localization of acoustic signal sources and their following application on a real signal localization and separation, using Beamforming methods. During this thesis two beamforming methods were selected, namely Delay and Sum a Constant Directivity Beamforming - Circular Arrays, and were applicated on real environment signals using two microphone arrays’ geometries ULA (Uniform linear array) and UCA (Uniform Circular array).

Improved Methods for Phased Array Feed Beamforming in Single Dish Radio Astronomy

Elmer, Michael James 09 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Among the research topics needing to be addressed to further the development of phased array feeds (PAFs) for radio astronomical use are challenges associated with calibration, beamforming, and imaging for single dish observations. This dissertation addresses these concerns by providing analysis and solutions that provide a clearer understanding of the effort required to implement PAFs for complex scientific research. It is shown that calibration data are relatively stable over a period of five days and may still be adequate after 70 days. A calibration update system is presented with the potential to refresh old calibrators. Direction-dependent variations have a much greater affect on calibration stability than temporal variations. There is an inherent trade-off in beamformer design between achieving high sensitivity and maintaining beam pattern stability. A hybrid beamformer design is introduced which uses a numerical optimizer to balance the trade-off between these two conflicting goals to provide the greatest sensitivity for a desired amount of pattern control. Relative beam variations that occur when electronically steering beams in the field of view must be reduced in order for a PAF to be useful for source detection and imaging. A dual constraint beamformer is presented that has the ability to simultaneously achieve a uniform main beam gain and specified noise response across all beams. This alone does not reduce the beam variations but it eliminates one aspect of the problem. Incorporating spillover noise control through the use of rim calibrators is shown to reduce the variations between beams. Combining the dual constraint and rim constraint beamformers offers a beamforming option that provides both of these benefits.

Decentralized multiantenna transceiver optimization for heterogeneous networks

Kaleva, J. (Jarkko) 19 June 2018 (has links)
Abstract This thesis focuses on transceiver optimization for heterogeneous multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications systems. The aim is to design decentralized beamforming methods with low signaling overhead for improved spatial spectrum utilization. A wide range of transceiver optimization techniques are covered, with particular consideration of decentralized optimization, fast convergence, computational complexity and signaling limitations. The proposed methods are shown to provide improved rate of convergence, when compared to the conventional weighted minimum MSE (WMMSE) approach. This makes them suitable for time-correlated channel conditions, in which the ability to follow the changing channel conditions is essential. Coordinated beamforming under quality of service (QoS) constraints is considered for interfering broadcast channel. Decomposition based decentralized processing approaches are shown to enable the weighted sum rate maximization (WSRMax) in time-correlated channel conditions. Pilot-aided decentralized WSRMax beamformer estimation is studied for coordinated multi-point (CoMP) joint processing (JP). In stream specific estimation (SSE), all effective channels are individually estimated. The beamformers are then constructed from the locally estimated channels. On the other hand, with direct estimation (DE) of the beamformers, only the intended signal needs to be separately estimated and the covariance matrices are implicitly estimated from the received pilot training matrices. This makes the pilot design more robust to pilot contamination. These methods show that CoMP JP is feasible even in relatively fading channel conditions and with limited backhaul capacity by employing decentralized beamformer processing. In the final part of the thesis, a relay-assisted cellular system with decentralized processing is considered, in which users are served either directly by the base stations or via relays for WSRMax or sum power minimization subject to rate constraints. Zero-forcing and coordinated beamforming provide a trade-off between complexity, in-band signaling and spectrum utilization. Relays are shown to be beneficial in many scenarios when the in-band signaling is accounted for. This thesis shows that decentralized downlink MIMO transceiver design with a reasonable computational complexity is feasible in various system architectures even when signaling resources are limited and channel conditions are moderately fast fading. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy lähetin- ja vastaanotinoptimointiin heterogeenisissä monikäyttäjä- ja moniantennijärjestelmissä. Tavoitteena on parantaa tilatason suorituskykyä tutkimalla hajautettuja keilanmuodostusmenetelmiä, joissa ohjaussignaloinnin tarve on alhainen. Erityisesti keskitytään hajautetun keilanmuodostuksen optimointiin, nopeaan konvergenssiin, laskennalliseen kompleksisuuteen sekä signaloinnin rajoitteisiin. Esitettyjen menetelmien osoitetaan parantavan konvergenssinopeutta ja vähentävän signaloinnin tarvetta, verrattaessa tunnettuun WMMSE-menetelmään. Nämä mahdollistavat lähetyksen aikajatkuvissa kanavissa, joissa kanavan muutosten seuraaminen on erityisen tärkeää. Näiden menetelmien osoitetaan mahdollistavan hajautetun ja priorisoidun tiedonsiirtonopeuden maksimoinnin monisolujärjestelmissä sekä aikajatkuvissa kanavissa käyttäjäkohtaisilla siirtonopeustakuilla. Pilottiavusteisten lähetys- ja vastaanotinkeilojen estimointia tutkitaan yhteislähetysjärjestelmissä. Yksittäisten lähetyskanavien estimoinnissa effektiiviset kanavat estimoidaan yksitellen, ja lähetys- ja vastaanotinkovarianssimatriisit muodostetaan summaamalla paikalliset kanavaestimaatit. Suoraestimoinnissa ainoastaan oman käyttäjän effektiivinen kanava estimoimaan erikseen. Tällöin kovarianssimatriisit saadaan suoraan vastaanotetuista pilottisignaaleista. Tämä tekee estimaateista vähemmän herkkiä häiriölle. Hajautetun yhteislähetyksen osoitetaan olevan mahdollista, jopa verrattain nopeasti muuttuvissa kanavissa sekä rajallisella verkkoyhteydellä lähettimien välillä. Viimeisessä osassa tutkitaan välittäjä-avusteisia järjestelmiä, joissa käyttäjiä palvellaan joko suoraan tukiasemasta tai välittäjä-aseman kautta. Optimointikriteereinä käytetään siirtonopeuden maksimointia sekä lähetystehon minimointia siirtonopeustakuilla. Nollaanpakottava sekä koordinoitu keilanmuodostus tarjoavat valinna laskennallisen kompleksisuuden, ohjaussignaloinnin sekä suorituskyvyn välillä. Välittäjä-avusteisen lähetyksen osoitetaan olevan hyödyllisiä useissa tilanteissa, kun radiorajanpinnan yli tapahtuvan signaloinnin tarve otetaan huomioon keilanmuodostuksessa. Tässä väitöskirjassa osoitetaan hajautetun keilanmuodostuksen olevan mahdollista verrattaen vähäisillä laskennallisilla resursseilla heterogeenisissä moniantennijärjestelmissä. Esitetyt menetelmät tarjoavat ratkaisuja järjestelmiin, joissa ohjaussignalointiresurssit ovat rajallisia ja radiokanava on jatkuvasti muuttuva.

Nedourčená slepá separace zvukových signálů / Underdetermined Blind Audio Signal Separation

Čermák, Jan January 2008 (has links)
We often have to face the fact that several signals are mixed together in unknown environment. The signals must be first extracted from the mixture in order to interpret them correctly. This problem is in signal processing society called blind source separation. This dissertation thesis deals with multi-channel separation of audio signals in real environment, when the source signals outnumber the sensors. An introduction to blind source separation is presented in the first part of the thesis. The present state of separation methods is then analyzed. Based on this knowledge, the separation systems implementing fuzzy time-frequency mask are introduced. However these methods are still introducing nonlinear changes in the signal spectra, which can yield in musical noise. In order to reduce musical noise, novel methods combining time-frequency binary masking and beamforming are introduced. The new separation system performs linear spatial filtering even if the source signals outnumber the sensors. Finally, the separation systems are evaluated by objective and subjective tests in the last part of the thesis.

Real-time Adaptive Cancellation of Satellite Interference in Radio Astronomy

Poulsen, Andrew Joseph 17 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Radio astronomy is the science of observing the heavens at radio frequencies, from a few kHz to approximately 300 GHz. In recent years, radio astronomy has faced a growing interference problem as radio frequency (RF) bandwidth has become an increasingly scarce commodity. A programmable real-time DSP least-mean-square interference canceller was developed and demonstrated as a successful method of excising satellite down-link signals from both an experimental platform at BYU, and the Green Bank Telescope at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in West Virginia. A performance analysis of this cancellation system in the radio astronomy radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation regime constitutes the main contribution of this thesis. The real-time BYU test platform consists of small radio telescopes, low noise RF receivers, and a state-of-the-art DSP platform. This programmable real-time radio astronomy RFI mitigation tool is the first of its kind. Basic tools needed for radio astronomy observations and the analysis and implementation of interference mitigation algorithms were also implemented in the DSP platform, including a power spectral density estimator, a beamformer, and an array signal correlator.

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