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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modèle économique de l'information écrite à l'ère numérique. Peut-on encore créer de la valeur ? / Economic model for print media in the digital age. Is it still possible to create value ?

Lablanche, Pascal 02 April 2012 (has links)
Alors que la création de valeur demeure un objectif légitime et naturel de l’évolution d’une firme, cette recherche a montré que les éditeurs de presse d’information se trouvent, depuis le début du XXIe siècle, d’une part, dans une situation financière dégradée et subséquemment dans une spirale de destruction massive de valeur au point de mettre en péril leur pérennité – certains étant d’ailleurs en faillite virtuelle – et, d’autre part, dans l’incapacité à l’horizon 2016, au-delà du simple équilibre opérationnel, d’inverser la tendance, dès lors que le raisonnement se conduit à périmètre structurel constant. Pour autant, en considérant une interdépendance systémique de plusieurs facteurs d’influence – des déterminants de la performance qui puisent leur origine dans l’histoire et la nature même du bien informationnel et qui s’enrichissent d’éléments structurels et environnementaux –, et en acceptant que chaque industrie ne soit plus que le maillon d’une chaîne de valeur globale dans laquelle l’éditeur n’a plus le monopole, il ressort, par une mise en scène de différents scenarii construits, entre prévision et prospective, sur une période allant de 2010 à 2020, que les différentes conditions requises pour une dynamique vertueuse, malgré les pierres d’achoppement possibles, s’articulent autour de trois axes majeurs – reconquête des marchés, recherche de marges de manoeuvre opérationnelles et financières, changement de référentiel. La dynamique se construit dans un enchaînement de circonstances contraint, ajusté et structuré en trois grandes étapes, qui permet finalement à quelques groupes de se réorganiser pour constituer des firmes de taille critique et ainsi dégager, grâce à une équation de valeur efficiente, simplement réajustée et différenciée, les moyens de migrer vers ce nouveau paradigme informationnel né de cet univers numérique. / Creating value is the natural aim of any private company. This study shows however that from the beginning of the 21st century print media publishers have been losing money and getting into a spiral of value-destruction so vicious as to jeopardise their very survival. Some are practically bankrupt. Nor is there any sign they will have turned the corner or even be breaking even by 2016 if the industry doesn’t restructure. There are three ways for print media firms to turn this round and regain positive momentum: recapturing market-share, improving their operational freedom and their margins and changing market perception. To do this however they will need to understand and take account of some big and interrelated themes – the ways in which the new uses of data, its ‘history’, its location and its very nature have enriched the value of information itself. They will also need to accept that publishers no longer have a monopoly of information and that they are only a link in a global value chain. To reach this conclusion the study runs a range of scenarios comparing confident short term forecasts and foresights for the longer term, from 2010 to 2020. We find that there will probably be three key stages of constraint, change and restructuring. A few publishers probably will manage to reorganise themselves, reach critical size and create value in this new world. To do so they will have a profoundly new and efficient value-creation ‘equation’, readjusted and differentiated from what has gone before. It is this that will allow them to migrate into and flourish in the new informational paradigm born from this digital universe.

L'opinion publique en Chine et son évolution au travers de la presse écrite française depuis l'été 2007 / Public opinion in China through the prism of french press since the summer 2007

Giraudeau, Fanny 05 October 2012 (has links)
A travers le prisme d’articles parus dans la presse écrite française, nous réfléchissons à la question de l’opinion publique en Chine entre l’été 2007 et la fin 2010. L’objectif est double : d’une part appréhender l’opinion publique en Chine et d’autre part envisager l’opinion publique en France sur la Chine. L’opinion publique en Chine transperce dans des aspects sociaux. Pour mieux réfléchir à la question, il importe de comprendre les conditions mêmes de l’élaboration de l’opinion publique : l’évolution du contexte chinois et de son image internationale, la mouvance économique qui fait osciller la population entre tradition et modernité…Divisée entre capitalisme et communisme, la Chine est soumise à des inégalités importantes. L'analyse examine la vie sociale et politique, et l'opinion que les Chinois ont d'eux mêmes et du monde qui les entoure. Enfin, le regard occidental sur la Chine amène à la question de la démocratie. Le nombre récurrent d’émeutes est-il l’indice d’une volonté de démocratisation ? La Chine nourrit ainsi des illusions occidentales qui voient dans la démocratie la solution universelle. Le gouvernement chinois lui-même utilise régulièrement le terme de démocratie, mais « à la chinoise ». Dès lors une vision synthétique de la probabilité d'évolution de la politique chinoise est discutée. Est-il possible de conjuguer socialisme et démocratie ou bien la Chine s’achemine-t-elle vers une acculturation du Régime actuel ? Par ailleurs, l’étude étant basée sur les articles de la presse écrite française, il apparaît utile de se poser la question de la partialité de ce média. Qualitativement, quantitativement…quels sont les thèmes de l’opinion chinoise dans la presse écrite française ? Les articles sont-ils nombreux ? Qui écrit, à quelle fréquence ? Il saura apparaître que la Presse peut être assez partisane et structure l’opinion publique française. Or, une meilleure communication, plus ouverte sur la Chine, paraît absolument essentielle. / Through the prism of articles edited in the French print media, we think about the question of the public opinion in China between the summer 2007 and the end of 2010. The objective is double: on one hand understand the public opinion in China and on the other hand comprehend the public opinion in France on China. The public opinion in China pierces in social aspects. To think better about the question, it is important to consider the conditions of the elaboration of the public opinion: the evolution of the Chinese context and its international image; the economic sphere of influence which makes the population oscillate between tradition and modernity … Divided between capitalism and communism, China is suffering from important disparities. The analysis examines the social and political life, and the opinion the Chinese have of themselves and of the world which surrounds them. Finally, the western glance on China leads to the question of the democracy. Is the recurring number of riots the indication of a will of democratization? China feeds western illusions which see in the democracy the universal solution. The Chinese government itself regularly uses the term of democracy, but "Chinese-style". From then a synthetic vision of the probability of evolution of the Chinese politics is discussed. Is it possible to conjugate socialism and democracy either does China move towards an acculturation of the current Regime? Besides, the study being based on articles of the French print media, it seems useful to ask the question of the partiality of this media. Qualitatively, quantitatively what are the themes of the Chinese opinion in the French print media? Are articles many? Who writes, with which frequency? It will appear that the Press can be rather partial and structures the French public opinion. Yet, a better communication, bigger and more opened on China seems absolutely essential.

Vývoj reklamy na léčiva, zdravotní produkty a služby v tištěných médiích - komparace časopisů Světozor a Týden / Development of medical advertising in printed media-comparison between periodicals "Světozor" and "Týden"

Kadlec, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis observes representation and evolution of medical advertisement, products and services in print. This evolution is shown on comparing the two eras, the "first republic" and modern Czech Republic. The studied years of 1928 and 2008 demarcate the period of 80 years of transformation of advertisement market, but some of the rules are the same. The goal of this diploma thesis is to describe contemporary advertisement in chosen printed media, the magazines for public without specialization or further attributes "Světozor" and "Týden" serve for the research. The thesis observes which services and products were offered, in context of what and which methods were used. The text goes on from introduction to the topic and issues and analysis of particular samples from magazines to their comparation. The results of diploma thesis is the evaluation of used rules, according to the media themselves and the timeline. Thesis deals with the regulation of medical advertisement aswell. To compare them and increase the number of samples, the advertising of cosmetics sold in pharmacies is added. .

Komparativní analýza obrazového pokrytí Olympijských her v Londýně 2012 v tištěném deníku a internetových novinách / Comparative analysis of pictorial coverage of the olympic games in London 2012 in choses czech printed media and internet media

Šarešová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "Comparative Analysis of Pictorial coverage of the Olympic games in London 2012 in chosen printed media and internet media" deals with photographs published in MF DNES and on the Aktuálně.cz news server. The main focus is comparison of the photographs in the means of content, quantity and quality and to elucidate function of photo editors in media. In the first part the theoretical background necessary to understand this issue is presented - news values, gatekeeping, photography, photojournalism and mainly sport photography, photojournalism and ethics, difference between print and online media. The second part is the analysis. All the necessary information was gained using three approaches - quantitative content analysis, qualitative pictorial analysis and interviews with professionals. The quantitative analysis determines quantity and content of given photographs. The qualitative analysis refines the information regarding visual quality and content of the images. Interviews with employees of the selected media companies provide answers about choosing and editing the published photographs and explain the role of a gatekeeper. The thesis also verifies hypothesis that "online media prefer speed of publication over quality of photographs while printed newspapers prefer quality".

Jazyk a styl reklamy (srovnání reklamy 80. let 20. století a současné reklamy v tištěných denících) / Language and style of the advertisement

Vrábľová, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the advertisement that was published in three selected national newspapers and a weekly magazine. It focuses on the period last thirty years (comparison with the 80`s of the 20th century, the 90`s of the 20th century and the period after 2000). It is trying to show changes that occurred during the processing period of advertising texts in thematic, language and style area. The thesis concentrates on the selected sample of advertising texts and as well the most common principles of creation, it compares with scientifically based facts from reference book relating to advertising language. Advertising language is based on the changing society and its value which is constantly in progress. The year 1989 symbolized not only the changing political and social conditions in our country but also allowed the access of foreign capital onto the Czech market and its increase in competition that the advertisement responded with huge development. The advertisement could no longer rely on the information but it had to develop more features like the attraction and persuasive function. The thesis divides the advertising into two main parts. The first thematic part focuses on the texts from the point of their formal aspects (e.g. size and position of advertising in newspaper, colorful scheme, graphic...

Komparativní analýza veřejné sféry na internetu a v tištěných médiích / Public sphere in printed media and on Internet: comparative analysis

Čížková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents an analysis of the public sphere in the environment of two different media types. The analysis is performed on the basis of the extent of different participants in the media contents which were related to the declaration of the ban on selling alcohol spirits in the Czech Republic in September 2012. The theoretical part of the paper is focused primarily on the definition of the basic concepts, such as new and traditional media, the public and the public sphere, then also on normative theories in general, along with a more detailed view on the normative theory of the public sphere, within which the paper is focused on participatory and discursive model of Jürgen Habermas. The second part of the paper provides on the basis of quantitative research, which was preceded by qualitative analysis, an empirical comparison of the extent of different participants and their access to the content of both media types. It also provides an overview of applied topics and contextual frameworks through which was a declaration of the ban on selling alcohol spirits in the media reported. In the conclusion, there is a statement which is based on the evaluation of the collected data. It was concluded, that the public sphere in the internet environment is not, considering the extent of participation of...

Analýza měsíčníku Roš chodeš (1990-2015) / Analysis of the Monthly Magazine Roš chodeš (1990-2015)

Bronec, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis Analysis of Rosh chodesh (1990-2015) is to analyze the Jewish monthly magazine Rosh chodesh in the specific period of 1990-2015, and make a comparison with another Jewish magazine Maskil. The theoretical part provides general information about the Jewish media and life in the First Czechoslovak Republic, the Second World War and the Communist era. The practical part of my thesis brings the detailed description of the journal's history, purpose, graphic design, columns, journalist committee, authors, distribution and the way of financing. Quantitative analysis of the Rosh chodesh and Maskil gives an insight into the development of both periodicals during 2005-2015 in comparison with the previously conducted research. The changes in the composition, structure and the editing system are captured. More than 1 504 coding units were the subject to detailed analysis. Moreover, there is also the general research dealing with the Czech Jewish Media and selected international media together with a concise content analysis

Samizdat v informační době: Jak ovlivnil Web 2.0 kulturu fanzinů / Printed DIY media in information age: how Web 2.0 influenced culture of fanzines

Hroch, Miloš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims to explore changes in the production of music fanzines brought about by the advent of new media. Fanzines are defined as nonofficial magazines published independently in compliance with the code of DIY ethics. The theoretical part of this work focuses on the history of fanzine production as well as on concepts of alternative media, which is necessary in order to examine the current state of the aforementioned alternative media sphere. Furthermore, the theoretical part describes fans' behaviour, as they are the most prominent representatives of active audiences. This behaviour is a key to understanding the motivation behind fanzine production as well as the nature of media communication in the cyberspace, where boundaries between producers and consumers of media messages disappear. The main part of this work analyses interviews with ten figures from the Czech community of both pre-internet authors and those of post-internet era, the latter being used to internet communication. Described discursive patterns reveal the existence of two separate worlds: traditional fanzine community and online environment, coexisting in mutual awareness. Yet the former strives to guard its boundaries, protecting its products from the internet, albeit oftentimes entering the virtual space in search for...

Vývoj periodika Sport Magazín v letech 1997-2012 / Development of the Sport Magazin journal in the years 1997-2012

Molitoris, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the journal Sport Magazine-a Friday supplement of Daily Sport-from 1997 to 2012. The introductory part of the thesis deals with the history of the journal and its publishing company, using MML research and other surveys to determine which sports were popular among readers and which themes readers prefer in the magazine. The thesis follows the development of the magazine at five-year intervals. It analyses the content of all magazine editions in each of the years 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012, and attempts to define the range of the magazine - to which sports themes was the magazine devoted, regular sections, and what was the proportion of advertising. In the end, all years are compared and the thesis observes the development of the magazine over the entire fifteen-year period.

Tatouage robuste d’images imprimées / Robust watermarking for printed images

Riad, Rabia 19 December 2015 (has links)
Le tatouage invisible d’images d’identité imprimées sur un support en plastique est un problème difficile qui intéresse le monde industriel. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé un algorithme de tatouage robuste aux diverses attaques présentes dans ce cas. Ces attaques sont liées aux processus d’impression/numérisation sur le support plastique ainsi qu’aux dégradations qu’une carte plastique peut rencontrer le long de sa durée de vie. La méthode de tatouage opère dans le domaine de Fourier car cette transformée présente des propriétés d’invariances aux attaques géométriques globales. Une méthode préventive consiste en un prétraitement de l’image originale avant le processus d’insertion qui réduit la variance du vecteur support de la marque. Une méthode corrective comporte deux contre-attaques corrigeant le flou et les variations colorimétriques. Pour une probabilité de fausse alarme de 10⁻⁴, nous avons obtenu une amélioration moyenne de 22% par rapport à la méthode de référence lorsque seule la méthode préventive est utilisée. La combinaison de la méthode préventive avec la méthode corrective correspond à un taux de détection supérieur à 99%. L’algorithme de détection prends moins de 1 seconde pour à une image de 512×512 pixels avec un ordinateur classique ce qui est compatible avec l’application industrielle visée. / Invisible watermarking for ID images printed on plastic card support is a challenging problem that interests the industrial world. In this study, we developed a watermarking algorithm robust to various attacks present in this case. These attacks are mainly related to the print/scan process on the plastic support and the degradations that an ID card can encounter along its lifetime. The watermarking scheme operates in the Fourier domain as this transform has invariance properties against global geometrical transformations. A preventive method consists of pre-processing the host image before the embedding process that reduces the variance of the embeddable vector. A curative method comprises two counterattacks dealing with blurring and color variations. For a false alarm probability of 10⁻⁴, we obtained an average improvement of 22% over the reference method when only preventative method is used. The combination of the preventive and curative methods leads to a detection rate greater than 99%. The detection algorithm takes less than 1 second for a 512×512 image with a conventional computer, which is compatible with the industrial application in question.

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