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Predicting the Physicochemical Properties of Amorphous Polymer Mixtures with Atomistic Molecular Simulation and Data-driven ModelingGao, Ziqi January 2023 (has links)
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations play a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of complex molecular systems, offering insights into the behavior of molecules at the atomic level, while their accuracy heavily depends on the force field parameters used. In this study, we present an investigation focusing on two distinct aspects: the validation of MD simulations for plasticizers, and the development of a quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR) model to fit data derived from these simulations. Our goal is to provide researchers with valuable insights into the choice of force fields to improve the accuracy of simulations in various scientific domains and the modeling of prediction of properties of plasticizers. In the first part, We explore various aspects of validation, including force field accuracy, equilibration protocols, and comparison of simulation results of plasticizers with experimental data. We begin by validating popular force fields: PCFF, SciPCFF and COMPASS. By examining the behavior of small molecules, we aim to ensure the reliability of force fields for these compounds with specific desired functional groups. Density, heat of vaporization and shear viscosity results are used for the validation of force fields. We compare various equilibration methods and their impact on simulation outcomes to address issues related to system stability and convergence, for enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of simulations. The second part of our research shifts focus to the prediction modeling of plasticizers, a class of chemical additives commonly used in the polymer industry to enhance the flexibility of plastic materials. We attempt to predict the solubility parameters of plasticizers by QSPR. Simple counts, Wiener Indices and Randic Branching Indices are used as descriptors in the QSPR. Our prediction model results show the dependence of plasticizers on the descriptors while the QSPR equation obtained from our current data-set with five descriptors has the R2 = 0.73. In conclusion, this comprehensive study bridges the gap between force field validation and equilibration for plasticizers. Moreover, the integration of QSPR models offers insights to a robust approach for predicting molecular behaviors. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Prédiction de la toxicocinétique des composés organiques volatils à partir de leur structure moléculaireKamgang, Ervane January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Chemoinformetics for green chemistryLiu, Tao January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSPR) models for physicochemical properties, e.g., vapor pressure and partitioning coefficients. Such models can be used to estimate environmental distribution and transformation of the pollutants or to characterize solvents properties. Here, chemoinformatics was used as an efficient tool for modeling to produce safe chemicals based on green chemistry principles. Experimental determinations are only available for a limited number of the chemicals; however, theoretical molecular descriptors can be used for modeling of all organic compounds. In this thesis, we developed and validated a global and local QSPR model for vapor pressure of liquid and subcooled liquid organic compounds, in which perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) as outliers appeared in the model due to their molecular properties. Subsequently, after the update of the previous model, the vapor pressure of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) for which no reliable experimental data are available was successfully predicted. At the same time, we used partitioning between n-octanol/water (Kow) and water solubility (Sw) to investigate the similarities and differences between linear solvation energy relationship (LSER) and partial least square projection to latent structures (PLS) models. Further, we developed QSPR model for prediction of melting points and boiling points of PFCs using multiple linear regression (MLR), PLS and associative neural networks (ASNN) approaches, meanwhile, the applicability domain of PFCs was also investigated. Experimental, semi-empirical and theoretical quantitative structure-retention relationship (QSRR) models were used to accurately predict retention factors (logk) in reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC). These models are useful to characterize solvents for determination of the behavior and interactions of molecular structure and develop chromatographic methods. In both of QSPR and QSRR models using the PLS method, the first and second components captured main information which is related to van der Waals forces and polar interactions, and their results coincide with those from LSER. The results showed that the models of physicochemical properties and retention factors (logk) in chromatographic system can be successfully developed by the PLS method. PLS models were able to predict physicochemical properties of organic compounds directly from theoretical descriptors without prior synthesis, measurement or sampling. Further, the PLS method could overcome colinearity in data sets, and it is therefore a rapid, cheap and highly efficient approach
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Prédiction de la toxicocinétique des composés organiques volatils à partir de leur structure moléculaireKamgang, Ervane January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships Modeling of Rate Constants of Selected Micropollutants in Drinking Water Treatment Using Ozonation and UV/H2O2Jin, Xiaohui 16 May 2012 (has links)
Concern over the occurrence of micropollutants in drinking water and their health effects is increasing. Therefore, there is a growing interest in understanding micropollutant removal during drinking water treatment. Ozonation and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been found to be effective in the degradation of many micropollutants. Ozonation involves reactions with both molecular ozone (direct pathway) and hydroxyl radicals (indirect pathway), while hydroxyl radicals are the main oxidants in advanced oxidation processes. Reaction rate constants of micropollutants with molecular ozone (kO3) and hydroxyl radicals (kOH) are indicators of their reactivity and are therefore useful in assessing their removal efficiency in ozonation and AOPs. However, to date, only a limited number of rate constants are available for micropollutants, especially emerging micropollutants such as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals. Quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR) are therefore desirable for predicting rate constants of numerous untested micropollutants without experimentation. The overall objective of this thesis was to develop predictive QSPR models which correlate the rate constants of a wide range of structural diverse micropollutants to their structural characteristics.
To ensure the wide applicability of the QSPR models, the training set compound selection is critical and a group of heterogeneous compounds which are structurally representative of many others is preferred. A systematic compound selection approach which involves principal component analysis (PCA) and D-optimal onion design was applied for the first time in water treatment research. As a result, 22 micropollutants with diverse structures were selected as representatives from a large pool of micropollutants of interest (182 compounds). In addition, 12 molecular descriptors were identified which link relevant structural features to the removal mechanisms of oxidation processes.
The kO3 and kOH values of the 22 selected micropollutants were then determined experimentally in bench-scale reactors at neutral pH using high performance liquid chromatography equipped with a photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA). Three methods, competition kinetics, compound monitoring, and ozone monitoring were used for kO3 measurement, and competition kinetics was used for kOH measurement. As expected, kO3 values span a wide range from 10-2 to 107 M-1 s-1 because of the selective nature of molecular ozone. The general trends of micropollutant reactivity with ozone can be explained by the micropollutant structures and the electrophilic nature of ozone reactions. The kOH values range from 108 to 1010 M-1 s-1 because hydroxyl radicals are relatively non-selective in their reactions. For the majority of these micropollutants kO3 and kOH values were not reported prior to this study. Thus they provide valuable information for modeling and designing of ozonation and AOP treatment.
QSPR models for kO3 and kOH prediction were then developed with special attention to model validation, applicability domain and mechanistic interpretation. With the experimentally determined rate constants, QSPR models were developed for predicting kO3 values using the selected 22 micropollutants as the training set and the 12 identified descriptors as model variables. As a result, two QSPR models were developed using piecewise linear regression (PLR) both showing an excellent goodness-of-fit. Model 1 was governed by average molecular weight and number of phenolic functional groups, and Model 2 was dominated by two principal components extracted from the descriptor matrix. The models were then validated using an external validation set collected from the literature, showing good predictive power of both models. Prior to applying these models to unknown micropollutants they need to be classified as high-reactive (logkO3 > 2 M-1 s-1) or low-reactive (logkO3 2 M-1 s-1), so that the appropriate submodel of the PLR can be applied. A classification function using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was therefore developed which worked very well for both training and validation sets. With the help of additional compounds collected from the literature, and DRAGON molecular descriptors, a QSPR model for kOH prediction in the aqueous phase was developed using multiple linear regression. As a result, 7 DRAGON descriptors were found to be significant in modeling kOH, which related kOH of micropollutants to their electronegativity, polarizability, presence of double bonds and H-bond acceptors. The model fitted the training set very well and showed great predictive power as assessed by the external validation set. In addition, the model is applicable to a wide range of micropollutants. The model’s applicability domain was defined using a leverage approach.
The main contributions of this thesis lie in the successful development of QSPR models for kO3 and kOH value prediction which, for the first time, can be used for a wide range of structurally diverse micropollutants. In addition, all QSPR models were externally validated to verify their predictive power, and the applicability domains were defined so that the applicability of the models to new compounds can be determined.
Finally, the applicability of the model to natural water was explored by combining the QSPR models with the established Rct concept which predicts micropollutant removals during ozone treatment of natural water but requires kinetic data as input. Results show that the kinetic data from the QSPR model predictions worked well in the Rct model providing reliable estimations for most of the selected micropollutants. This approach can therefore be used in water treatment for initial assessment and estimation of ozonation efficiency.
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Diseño y análisis de significancia estadística de descriptores en la elección de moléculas a reformar utilizando CAMPDValenzuela Venegas, Guillermo Andrés January 2014 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Químico / Hoy en día, para cubrir las necesidades energéticas a nivel industrial, de transporte y social, se utilizan combustibles fósiles, los que dañan el medio ambiente. Una alternativa para reemplazar esta fuente es el hidrógeno, el que puede ser producido a través del reformado de compuestos orgánicos como el metanol, metano, etanol, glicerol, pentano, hexadecano, entre otros. Pero, ya que se tiene un conjunto de compuestos reformables, cabe pensar lo siguiente ¿Son éstas las mejores moléculas para reformar? ¿Cuál es la mejor? ¿Cómo se podría determinar? Estas preguntas resultan difíciles de responder, ya que corresponden a un problema inverso y de optimización, cuya resolución es lenta y costosa. La solución que se propone, es utilizar CAMPD (Computer Aided Molecular and Process Design), que considera la definición de descriptores y QSPRs, para estimar el comportamiento de las propiedades macroscópicas (variables de salida que se desean optimizar) a partir de propiedades microscópicas (variables de entrada), para así facilitar el ciclo de optimización. CAMPD por su parte, está vinculado con el concepto de piezas, que se utilizan para generar los compuestos candidatos que cumplen las propiedades macroscópicas objetivo.
Es por eso, que el presente trabajo, se enmarca en la primera etapa de CAMPD, lo que corresponde a definir descriptores estadísticamente significativos para el desempeño de moléculas en el proceso de reformado y proponer un tamaño de piezas que pueda representar al conjunto de moléculas a analizar y que genere la menor cantidad estructuras infactibles fisicoquímicamente.
En cuanto al tamaño de piezas, se selecciona al grupos de átomos, ya que logran representar la totalidad del conjunto de compuestos y generar alrededor de 140 estructuras infactibles.
Por otro lado, se determina que los descriptores que se obtienen para las propiedades macroscópicas: rendimiento de hidrógeno, emisiones y costo de producción; son el número de carbonos (Z1), hidrógenos (Z2) y grupos OH (Z3). Por su parte, a través del PCA, se obtienen dos variables, v1 = Z1 y v2 = 0.42Z2 + 0.903Z3 que resumen y explican el comportamiento de las tres propiedades macroscópicas. Cabe señalar, que podrían existir más descriptores (como el ángulo de enlace o la accesibilidad al carbono), pero no se opta por ellos, ya que su cálculo es muy complejo.
Por último, se debe señalar que muchos de los datos que se utilizan en el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo, son estimados, por lo que las relaciones obtenidas, podrían no ser tan acertadas. Además, el análisis cuantitativo, solo determina si existe alguna relación lineal entre las variables, por lo que puede generar sesgo en los resultados. Sin embargo, se debe destacar el desarrollo de una estrategia para abordar este problema (o alguno similar), una vez que se posean todos los datos necesarios y, así, obtener las relaciones correctas.
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Simulationsstudien zur ortsspezifischen Biokonjugation maßgeschneiderter Polymere / Simulation Studies on the Site-Specific Bioconjugation of PolymersKehrein, Josef January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Polymer-Biokonjugationen, vornehmlich mit dem Goldstandard PEG, führen zu einer verbesserten Pharmakokinetik, beeinflussen aber auch die konformative Stabilität von Proteinen. Bisherige Mutationsstudien, in denen überwiegend (Asn)PEG4 -Konjugate der Beta-faltblattstrukturreichen, humanen Pin 1 WW-Domäne untersucht wurden, postulieren auf einer Proteindesolvatation beruhende Stabilisierungsmechanismen: eine Stärkung intramolekularer Salzbrücken und NH-pi-Bindungen, sowie entropisch günstige Wasserverdrängungen um apolare Aminosäuren und Hydroxylgruppen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Protein-Polymer-Dynamik auf molekularer Ebene zu charakterisieren, um damit rationale Ansätze zum Design neuer Biokonjugate voranzutreiben und mögliche PEG-Alternativen zu etablieren. Hierzu wurde eine Vielzahl an Deskriptoren mittels Molekulardynamik-Simulationen der WW-Konjugate gewonnen und mit publizierten Stabilitätsdaten in multivariaten Regressions- und logistischen Klassifikationsmodellen korreliert. Die gewonnenen QSPR-Modelle decken im Vergleich zu einer bereits publizierten, kristallstrukturbasierten Richtlinie einen größeren und strukturell vielfältigeren Datensatz an Konjugaten ab und zeigen gleichzeitig, auch für ein Konjugat der Src SH3-Domäne, eine deutlich verbesserte Leistung. Die Modelldeskriptoren beschreiben sowohl eine Modulation der Solvatation als auch Protein-Polymer-Interaktionen. Metadynamik-Simulationen zeigten zudem die Polymerdynamik während einer partiellen Proteinentfaltung auf. Mithilfe weiterer Simulationen von Konjugaten des alpha-helikalen Her2-Affibodys wurde die Dynamik von PEG und verschiedener Alternativen (LPG, PEtOx, PMeOx) systematisch studiert. PEG interagierte mit positiv geladenen Lysinen und Argininen in der Nähe hydrophober Aminosäuren. LPG zeigte zusätzliche Wechselwirkungen der Hydroxylgruppen mit Aspartaten und Glutamaten. POx-Polymere interagierten mit Phenylalaninen, Tyrosinen und über Carbonylgruppen mit HB-Donatoren. Größere Konjugate (10 - 50 kDa PEG/LPG/PEtOx) des antiviralen Biologikums Interferon-alpha2a wurden mittels gaußbeschleunigter MDs und einer CG-Simulation analysiert. Charakteristische Wechselwirkungspartner stimmten mit den Beobachtungen zu Oligomer-Konjugaten überein. In Einklang mit experimentellen Daten der Kooperationspartner zu den 10-kDa-Varianten deuteten zusätzliche Constrained-Network-Analysen, welche die Proteinflexibilität evaluieren, auf eine thermische Destabilisierung hin. Die Bioaktivität der untersuchten Konjugate wurde weiterhin erfolgreich mit den Gyrationsdurchmessern der modellierten Strukturen korreliert. / Bioconjugation of polymers, mainly the gold standard PEG, can improve pharmakokinetic properties but also modulate conformational stability of proteins. Mutation studies on (Asn)PEG4 conjugates of the beta-sheet rich human Pin 1 WW domain suggest various desolvation effects playing a crucial role: strengthening of intramolecular salt-bridges and NH-pi bonds, as well as entropically favorable water expulsion around hydrophobic patches and hydroxyl groups. The goal of this study is to characterize protein-polymer dynamics on a molecular level to drive forward rational design of new bioconjugates and establish viable PEG alternatives. A variety of descriptors was calculated from molecular dynamics simulations of WW conjugates and correlated with published stability data generating multivariate regression and logistic classification models. Compared to a previously published crystal structure-based guideline, QSPR models covered a structurally more diverse and bigger dataset and showed significantly improved predictions, including for a conjugate of the Src SH3 domain. Model descriptors captured modulations of solvation as well as protein-polymer interactions. Metadynamics simulations depicted PEG dynamics upon partial protein unfolding. Combined with simulations for conjugates of the alpha-helical Her2 affibody, data was further used to systematically dissect the dynamics of PEG and its alternatives LPG, PEtOx and PMeOx. PEG interacted with lysines and arginines near hydrophobic patches. LPG additionally adressed aspartates and glutamates via its hydroxyl groups. POx variants interacted with phenylalanines, tyrosines, as well as hydrogen bond donors via carbonyl groups. Larger conjugates (10 - 50 kDa PEG/LPG/PEtOx) of antiviral biologic Interferon-alpha2a were analyzed via Gaussian accelerated MDs and an exemplary CG simulation. Interaction patterns agreed with observations for oligomer conjugates. In accordance with experimental data of collaboration partners for 10 kDa variants, constrained network analyses, assessing protein flexibility, suggested a thermal destabilization upon bioconjugation. Bioactivity of conjugates was further successfully correlated with diameters of gyration of modeled structures.
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Inclusion et libération de molécules antioxydantes dans un emballage à base d’Acide Poly Lactique en contact alimentaire / Inclusion and release of antioxidants in poly lactic acid film in contact with foodsJamshidian, Majid 13 December 2011 (has links)
Les emballages actifs permettent d’étendre la durée de conservation des aliments, réduisent l'utilisation d'additifs et de conservateurs dans les préparations alimentaires, préservent mieux les saveurs et la qualité des aliments. La libération contrôlée des antioxydants à partir d'emballages alimentaires étend la stabilité des produits (oxydation des lipides réduite) par enrichissement continu en antioxydants alimentaires en surface de l’aliment. L'objectif général du présent travail était d'étudier l'applicabilité de l'acide poly lactique (PLA, polymère biodégradable fabriqué industriellement) comme l'emballage actif. Pour cela, nous avons choisi plusieurs antioxydants synthétiques ou naturels, comme l'alpha-tocophérol, le palmitate d'ascorbyle, le BHA, le BHT, le gallate de propyle et le TBHQ pour produire les emballages antioxydants. En premier lieu, le mode de d’inclusion de ces antioxydants dans la matrice de PLA et leurs effets sur diverses propriétés structurale, thermique, mécanique et barrière du PLA ont été étudiés. L'étude la libération des antioxydants a été réalisée à partir de films de PLA-antioxydants en contact avec trois simulateurs d'aliments (95%, 50%, et 10% d'éthanol) à deux températures (20°C et 40°C). Les résultats ont montré que le PLA a la capacité de contenir et de libérer des antioxydants dans certains produits alimentaires. Enfin, un modèle mathématique basé sur des relations quantitatives structure/propriété (QSPR) a été développé pour prédire la diffusion antioxydants dans les systèmes aliments simulés /emballage actif / Active packaging generates longer shelf-life foods, lower usage of additives and preservatives in food formulations, higher protection of flavors and higher food qualities. Antioxidant controlled release from packaging provides longer food stability (reduced lipid oxidation) by continuously liberating antioxidants at food surface. The overall objective of the present work was to study the suitability of Poly Lactic Acid (PLA, biodegradable polymer industrially produced) as active packaging. We chose various synthetic or natural antioxidants including alpha-tocopherol, Ascorbyl palmitate, BHA, BHT, Propyl gallate and TBHQ to produce the antioxidant packaging. Firstly, the mode of incorporation of these antioxidants in PLA matrix and also their potential effects on diverse structural, thermal, mechanical and barrier properties of PLA were investigated. The release study of antioxidants was accomplished from PLA-antioxidants films into three food simulants, i.e. 95%, 50%, and 10% ethanol at two temperatures (20°C and 40°C). The results showed that PLA has the capability for being as a suitable carrier for antioxidant-active packaging for some food products. Finally, a mathematical model based on quantitative structure property relationships (QSPR) was developed to predict antioxidant diffusion in food simulant/ active packaging system
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Relation structure-propriété pour la cinétique de la réaction amine-CO2 en solution [i.e.solutions] aqueuses / Structure-property relationship for kinetics of the amines-CO2 reaction in aqueous solutionsCouchaux, Gabriel 24 October 2013 (has links)
Le procédé de captage du CO2 en post-combustion par lavage aux amines est actuellement le plus mature pour réduire les émissions de dioxyde de carbone industrielles. Cependant, s'il existe de nombreux démonstrateurs, son coût en termes d'investissement et de fonctionnement est encore trop important pour être mis en oeuvre à une large échelle. La cinétique de réaction amine-dioxyde de carbone est un des principaux facteurs influençant ces coûts. Les objectifs de ces travaux portent sur l'étude et la compréhension de la cinétique de réaction amine-CO2 et de la mise en place d'un modèle structure-propriété prédictif. Cette démarche est adaptée au grand nombre d'amines envisageables pour le procédé. Dans un premier temps nous avons étudié cinq types d'amines (primaires, secondaires acycliques, secondaires cycliques, tertiaires et multi-amines) représentatifs des molécules candidates. Parmi ces molécules deux comportements peuvent être distingués : d'une part les amines qui forment des carbamates et d'autre part celles qui n'en forment pas. Des mesures réalisées sur des solutions diluées d'amine, à différentes concentrations et à 25°C, obtenues par la technique d'écoulement bloqué ont permis de caractériser la cinétique intrinsèque de chacune des 87 amines par deux constantes cinétiques. Pour chaque type d'amine les principaux facteurs structuraux, électroniques et géométriques influant sur la cinétique de réaction ont été identifiés. Un modèle statistique utilisant des descripteurs moléculaires pour décrire les différents paramètres de chaque amine a permis d'établir une relation structure - propriété pour différentes constantes cinétiques. Un nouveau descripteur de l'encombrement stérique de l'azote a également été calculé pour décrire les résultats et prédire la réactivité des amines / The post-combustion process by amine scrubbing is currently the most mature to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from industry. However, if there are numerous demonstrators, the investment and operating cost of this process are still too important to develop it in a large scale. The kinetics of reaction between the amine and the carbon dioxide is one of the major factor which influence the costs. The objectives of this work are to study and understand the kinetics of the amine-CO2 reaction and to set up of a predictive structure-property model. This approach is adapted to the large number of possible amines which can be candidates for the process. In a first time we study five kinds of amines (primary, acyclic secondary, cyclic secondary, tertiary and multi-amines) representatives of candidate molecules. Among those molecules, two behaviours can be distinguished: one the one hand amines which form carbamates and on the other hand those which do not form carbamates. Measurements have been realised at 25 °C in diluted solutions by stopped-flow technique to characterize the intrinsic kinetics of each of the 87 studied amines using two kinetic constants. For each kind of amine, the main structural factors, electronic and geometric, which impact the kinetics of reaction have been identified. Then, from a statistical model using molecular descriptors to describe the different parameters of each amine, a structure-property relationship has been set up with the different kinetic constants. A descriptor of the steric hindrance has been developed
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QSPR/SAR em derivados 5-nitro-heterocíclicos com atividades antichagásica. Estudo das relações entre o potencial de redução do grupo nitro e propriedades físico-químicas / QSPR/SAR in 5-nitro-heterocyclic derivatives with antichagasic activity. Study of relationships between the reduction potential of nitro group and the physicochemical propertiesPaula, Fávero Reisdorfer 02 May 2007 (has links)
Alguns nitrocompostos apresentam atividade antichagásica resultante do processo de redução do grupo nitro com conseqüente formação de radical nitro ânion e de intermediários tóxicos ao parasita. A variação estrutural dos derivados 5-nitroheterocíclicos pode interferir no processo de redução destes compostos e, também, na atividade biológica. Neste aspecto, o estudo da redução dos nitrocompostos por meio de técnicas voltamétricas, como a voltametria cíclica e a voltametria de onda quadrada é uma forma de avaliar ou até simular o mecanismo de ação destes derivados. Assim, a avaliação de processos eletródicos e a determinação dos potenciais de redução dos nitrocompostos fornecem subsídios para a compreensão do mecanismo da atividade antiparasitária. Neste trabalho, desenvolveram-se procedimentos eletroquímicos utilizados para a determinação do potencial de redução e do potencial de meia onda de vinte e três nitrocompostos (5-nitro-2-tiofilideno 4-R-benzidrazidas e 5-nitro-2-furfurilideno 4-R-benzidrazidas), visando o emprego destes em estudos de QSPR e SAR. As determinações foram realizadas empregando-se Voltametria Cíclica e Voltametria de Onda Quadrada em célula eletroquímica de 10 mL nos meios prótico (solução tampão PIPES com eletrólito de suporte NaNO3 0,1 mol L-1), misto de DMSO/solução tampão PIPES (50% v/v) e em meio aprótico de DMSO (com eletrólito de suporte Bu4NH4BF4). O eletrodos de referência e auxiliar utilizados foram Ag/AgCl saturado e platina. Os eletrodos de trabalho utilizados foram o carbono vítreo (meio aprótico e misto), pasta de carbono (meio misto e prótico) e pasta de carbono modificada com nitrocompostos (meio prótico). Foram realizados estudos teóricos, de modelagem molecular, e experimental, espectrofotometria UV/visível, com o objetivo de determinar a conformação de menor energia mínima global e confirmar a ocorrência de disposição estrutural co-planar. No estudo teórico, utilizou-se as metodologias de otimização de geometria, e análise conformacional dos nitrocompostos calculadas por meio de AM1 e HF3-21G* e HF6- 31G* para obtenção dos confôrmeros de menor energia mínima. Estes confôrmeros foram submetidos a cálculo de carga de ponto único (AM1), onde determinou-se os valores de energia de diversas propriedades de caráter eletrônico (energias de formação em vácuo e meio solvatado, de HOMO, de LUMO, momento de dipolo, dureza, potencial químico, afinidade eletrônica, potencial de ionização, cargas de potencial eletrostático), geométrica (volume molecular) e mapas 3D de densidade de potencial eletrostático, de HOMO e de LUMO. Todos os cálculos foram realizados empregando-se os pacotes computacionais Spartan O2 for Linux, Spartan O4 for Windows e ClogP 4.0 (para determinar os valores de hidrofobicidade). Os valores do potencial de pico catódico (Epc 1) e de meia onda bem como as propriedades físico-químicas, obtidos a partir de cálculos de química quântica, de σp e σR, ClogP e π) foram utilizados em análise de QSPR aplicando-se a Análise de Hansch e regressão multivariada, PLS. Avaliou-se ainda, a atividade antichagásica de dez nitrocompostos (oito derivados tiofilidênicos e dois derivados fufurilidênicos) visando investigar a possibilidade de influência do processo de redução dos nitrocompostos sobre a atividade biológica. Realizaram-se ensaios que permitiram avaliar o efeito antiproliferativo dos nitrocompostos sobre o parasita, em 24 horas, por meio de contagem do número de unidades viáveis em câmara de Neubauer. Os métodos voltamétricos utilizados mostraram-se adequados para a avaliação da redução eletroquímica dos nitrocompostos, e foram apropriados para a obtenção dos potenciais de redução de pico catódico e dos potenciais de meia onda de todos os derivados em meio aprótico e misto. Em meio aquoso, obtiveram-se os valores dos potenciais de redução de pico catódico apenas para os derivados tiofilidênicos. A partir dos resultados obtidos na análise conformacional, observou-se a quebra de efeito co-planar estrutural na região do anel benzênico substituído e porção hidrazídica molecular. Adicionalmente, nos mapas de densidade de potencial eletrostático, registrou-se a ocorrência de efeito mesomérico conjugado reduzido entre as porções moleculares citadas acima. De posse destes dados, em conjunto com as visualizações de sinais característicos para grupos cromóforos distintos em espectros UV/visível, sugere-se a ausência de efeito conjugado molecular e, como conseqüência, de influência dos grupos substituintes em posição para do anel benzênico sobre o grupo nitro ligado ao anel heterocíclico. Nos resultados obtidos a partir das análises de QSPR, observou-se que não ocorre correlação entre as propriedades físico-químicas, determinadas para os nitrocompostos, e os descritores eletroquímicos, obtidos em diferentes meios de reação. Diante deste fato, sugere-se que a quebra do efeito co-planar interfere diretamente na intensidade da influência das propriedades físico-químicas de grupos substituintes sobre o potencial de redução dos nitrocompostos. Observou-se, também, que a maioria dos compostos apresentou atividade antichagásica superior ao fármaco de referência, o benznidazol. Verificou-se que os compostos não substituído e cloro derivado da série dos 5-nitro-2-furfurilidênicos são mais ativos que os correspondentes análogos das 5-nitro-2-tiofilideno benzidrazidas. Em análise preliminar, observou-se que o potencial de redução e o potencial de meia onda não exercem influência sobre a atividade antichagásica dos nitrocompostos. / Some nitrocompounds have show activity against to Trypanosoma cruzi. Those biological activity are resulting from nitro group reduction with subsequent formation of radical nitro anion and other reaction\'s intermediates, which are toxic to the parasite. The structural difference among the 5-nitro-heterocyclic derivatives might exert influence on these compounds reduction and also on the antichagasic activity. In this way, the study of reduction process by voltammetric techniques, such as cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry, is a mode of evaluate the biological action mechanism. Therefore, the evaluation of the electrodic process and the determination of nitrocompounds reduction potential provide information for elucidating the antitrypanosomal activity mechanism. In the present work, the procedures employed to determinate the cathodic reduction and reduction potentials were carried out on twenty three nitrocompounds (5-nitro-2-tiofilidenic benzhidrazides and 5-nitro-2-furfurilidenic benzhidrazides) with the aim using those data in QSPR and SAR analysis. Cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry techniques were used to determined the reduction potential in electrochemical cell of 10 mL in the protic media (PIPES buffer and electrolyte of support NaNO3 0.1 mol L-1), mixed media of DMSO and PIPES buffer 50:50 v/v (electrolyte of support NaNO3 0.1 mol L-1), and aprotic media of DMSO (electrolyte of support Bu4NH4BF4 0.1 mol L-1). The reference and counter electrodes used were Ag/AgCl (with KCl saturated) and platinum, respectively. In these studies, the work electrodes were glassy carbon (aprotic and mixed media), carbon paste (mixed and protic media) and carbon paste modified with nitrocompounds (protic media). Molecular modeling studies and UV/visible spectrophotometry were investigated with the aim for determining the lowest conformational energy and the occurrence of co-planarity molecular structure. In this work were performed the geometry optimization (using the quantum chemistry AM1, ab initio HF3-21G* and HF6-31G* level of theory), conformational analysis(AM1 and ab initio HF6-31G*) and single point calculations (AM1). All the lowest energy conformers from conformational analysis were submitted to single point calculations. These models were used to determine the physicochemical properties (energy of formation in vacuum and solvated media, energy of HOMO, energy of LUMO, dipole moment, hardness, chemistry potential, electronic affinity, ionization potential and charges of electrostatic potential) and the molecular electrostatic potential, HOMO and LUMO maps, respectively. All calculations were performed using the computational software Spartan O2 for Linux, Spartan O4 for Windows, and the ClogP 4.0 (only for hydrophobicity). The cathodic reduction and half-wave potentials values and the set of physicochemical properties, which are obtained from quantum chemistry calculations, as well as the electronic effect (σp and σR derived of σ Hammett) and the hydrophobicity property (ClogP, and π of Hansch) were used in QSPR analysis applying Hansch analysis and PLS methodologies. Afterwards, the antichagasic activity of ten compounds (eight thiofilidenic and two furfurylidenic derivatives) was evaluated considering the influence of nitrocompounds reduction on biological activity. This assay allows to analyse the antiproliferative effect of nitrocompounds on the parasites growing, in twenty-four (24) hours, reading the number of trypanosomes in Haemocytometer. The voltammetric methodologies allowed to determinate the cathodic reduction and half-wave potential values in aprotic and mixed media to all nitrocompounds. In protic media, however, the cathodic reduction potential values were obtained only for the 5-nitro-2-tiofilidenic benzhidrazides. Those procedures seen to be appropriated for perform the electrochemistry reduction evaluation. The geometry optimization and conformational analysis allows determining a lack of structural planarity in all derivatives located at the bond between the carbonilic carbon and benzhoyl group. Additionally, the electrostatic potential maps presented a decreased on the electronic conjugate effect of the structures of nitrocompounds investigated. The conformational analysis allows us to determine the nitroheterocyclic biosostere conformations dependence on the reaction phase studied. The UV/visible spectra presented two waves, which are indicating responses related to different chromophores. These results suggest the absence of conjugate effect in nitrocompound structure, indicating that the presence of groups attached to benzene ring do not exert influence on the nitro group attached to heterocyclic ring. In the QSPR analysis was not detected any correlations between thel physicochemical properties and the cathodic reduction and reduction potentials, in all reaction media investigated. Those results might be occurred due to the lack of molecular co-planarity, which is reducing the influence of any property on the nitrocompounds reduction. Almost all nitrocompounds investigated show higher antichagasic activity than the reference drug, benznidazol. In a preliminary analysis it was verified that the cathodic reduction and half-wave potentials do not exert influence on the nitrocompounds antichagasic activity.
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