Spelling suggestions: "subject:" eyes"" "subject:" yes""
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Click Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes for Nano-Bio ApplicationsManoharan, Gririraj 08 November 2021 (has links)
One of the main subjects of this thesis is to design a novel synthetic route to covalently functionalize carbon nanotubes with various molecules in a non-toxic way on both surface and suspension. Functionalized carbon nanotubes are of great interest in the field of molecular electronics, materials science and nano-bio applications because of their remarkable structural, chemical and physical properties.
First, the single-walled carbon nanotubes are functionalized with gold nanoparticles by the route, which involves silanization and copper-free click chemistry (SPAAC). We characterize the functionalized nanotubes through XPS, IR and Raman spectroscopic techniques to identify the surface attachment of molecules after each step. We observe a drastic change in homogeneity and functionalization density of single-walled carbon nanotubes with gold nanoparticles concerning solvent through TEM.
Employing the same route, biomolecules such as fluorescent dyes and single-stranded DNA molecules are integrated with SWNTs. Fluorescence lifetime analysis of AF647 functionalized SWNTs is reduced compared to free dye due to the fluorescence quenching phenomenon of carbon nanotubes. Functionalized SWNTs are characterized with FLIM, SEM, and Raman for better correlation at the same area of interest. Furthermore, the nanotubes are resolved at the nanoscale level through STORM imaging technique with a limited photon budget. Single-stranded DNA molecules of different lengths are used to investigate the fluorescence quenching as they are distance-dependent. DNA-PAINT is engaged in imaging the functionalized SWNTs with an unlimited photon budget, overcoming STORM's challenge.
Lastly, the route is transferred to surface-grown CNTs through the CVD technique, in which both the gold nanoparticles and fluorescent dyes are grafted with nanotubes selectively. CVD is carried out on different substrates Si/SiO2, quartz substrate and quartz coverslip for substrate functionalization. Catalyst deposition plays a significant role in not only the CVD growth but also in the lifetime analysis of the substrate functionalized nanotubes. We observe similar fluorescence quenching of nanotubes in the substrate compared with nanotubes functionalized in suspension. Surface-grown nanotubes in the optically transparent substrate can be resolved through STORM at the nanoscale level.
In conclusion, we demonstrate a synthetic design to functionalize SWNTs which provides the possibility to be versatile and non-toxic. Moreover, we show that the nanotubes can be functionalized through this route homogeneously and selectively on both surface and suspension. This work lays the foundation for tailoring SWNTs with not only a wide range of molecules and to study their functional characteristics but also to carry out functionalization on different substrates for various applications.
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Barvení bavlny reaktivními barvivy. / Reactive dyeing of the cotton.Březinová, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to find out the change of the hue lightness saturation after the change of composition of dyeing liquor. The reactive dye Bezaktiv rot S-B was used for dyeing cotton. Dyeing was performed in the laboratory by exhaustion method with two concentrations of dye 0,5 and 2 %. The influence of the change of alkali and electrolyte concentration additions to dyeing bath liquor at different liquors dye ratio was studied. Sodium chloride and Glauber's salt as elektrolyte were used. The dyed samples were washed and then fixed by two types of fixative agents REWIN ACP and REWIN EL. After that the measurement of hue control and the evaluation of fastness to water and rubbing fastness were done. The results were displayed in L*a*b* space and CIE differences between chosen standards and samples were performed by Datacolor International DC 3890.
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Fotochemická degradace azobarviv / Photochemical degradation of azo-dyesUhrová, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes monitoring of photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide thin films and photocatalytic degradation of azo dyes, the degradation was also experimentally researched in thin film with polymer matrix. Suitable dye for construction of optical sensor for UV light was chosen from the rate of the azo dyes fading by UV and VIS light. The bleaching rate of the sensors was influenced by addition of another dye into the composition and also by concentration of photocatalyst, polymer and calibration agents. At the end of this thesis, the reciprocity test of prepared compositions was made.
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Tištěný ozonový dozimetr / Printed ozone dosimeterVédlová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with ozone measurement methods, especially focusing on opto-chemical methods, when the color change of the sample is examined. Moreover it deals with dyes that are sensitive to ozone and their degradation kinetics. In the experimental part kinetics of dyes Orange I, Orange II and Indigo carmine is examined, These dyes are prepared in the form of ink of different composition. These inks are applied to diverse substrate materials by the material printing method, further by using a Baker film aplicator and in the end by the screen printing method. The properties of the samples are evaluated as well as factors affecting their degradation.
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Synthesis and characterization of Prussian red derived microparticles for the heterogeneous photo-fenton oxidation of azo-type textile dyes as pollutantsLai, Joshua 29 October 2020 (has links)
Inorganic colloidal synthesis, without a doubt, lies at the foundation of many contemporary areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. At the advent of the 21st century, much progress has been made in the size, shape / morphological control and surface engineering of metal oxides resulting in a diverse library of macroscopic crystal architectures with well-defined surface properties. In this thesis, we start by introducing the self-assembly of the iron(oxy-, hydro-)xide while briefly reviewing some fundamental concepts of solid-state chemistry. Specific information on the family of iron oxide and iron(oxy-, hydro-)xide, as relevant to crystalline phase control, has been highlighted to direct our discussion of the synthesis of diverse crystal morphologies. Furthermore, we briefly underline and discuss the kinetic and thermodynamic control of colloidal crystal morphologies through reasonably established knowledge of anisotropic growth rates in the perspective of iron oxides' facets or crystalline planes. Lastly, we review the state-of-the-art wet chemical synthetic approaches, while using different iron(oxy-, hydro-)xide crystals as examples, for the purpose of explaining our synthetic work of choice. The main work of this thesis is entirely focused on the "facile synthesis and fine morphological tuning of branched hematite (??-Fe2O3) crystals for photodegradation of azo-type dyes".. We would discuss the crucial parameters for fine morphological tuning in the context of controlling the anisotropic growth rates of branched ??-Fe2O3 crystals instead of phase transformation. In our work, we have significantly improved the synthesis of dendritic "feather-like" and "starfish-like" for their size reduced variants for use in photocatalysis.
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Selective synthesis and reactivity of indolizinesGonzález Soria, María José 26 July 2018 (has links)
Se ha llevado a cabo la síntesis multicomponente de una serie de 1-aminoindolizinas y pirrolo[1,2-a]quinolonas de manera efectiva a partir de derivados de 2-piridincarbaldehído, aminas secundarias y alquinos terminales utilizando CuNPs/C como catalizador en diclorometano a 70 ºC. La metodología se ha aplicado a una variedad de aminas y alquinos, los últimos incluyendo arilacetilenos así como alquilacetilenos, con rendimientos de moderados a altos. Dicho catalizador ha demostrado ser superior a una serie de catalizadores de cobre comerciales. Finalmente, se ha propuesto un mecanismo de reacción basado en la probada participación de aminas propargílicas como intermedios de reacción. Se han sintetizado indolizidinas a través de la hidrogenación catalítica heterogénea de indolizinas usando PtO2 como catalizador en ácido acético como disolvente y a una presión de 3,7 atm. Las indolizidinas se han obtenido con una elevada diastereoselectividad, incluso en el caso de poseer cuatro estereocentros. Se ha demostrado experimentalmente que la hidrogenación de la indolizina se produce a través del intermedio pirrólico 5,6,7,8-tetrahidroindolizina. Además, estas indolizidinas se han podido mono- o di-desbencilar usando un catalizador diferente. Se ha sintetizado una nueva familia de compuestos orgánicos por reacción de las indolizinas en medio ácido. Estos productos son tintes de indolizina de color violeta-rojizos que tienen una estructura D-A-π-A bien definida. La estructura de los tintes de indolizina se ha establecido mediante análisis de rayos X en estado sólido, pero se pueden distinguir dos rotámeros en disolución. Se ha propuesto un mecanismo de reacción en el que la propia indolizina actúa como nucleófilo y electrófilo; en éste, una molécula sufre hidrólisis en medio ácido y la adición Michael de la segunda molécula de indolizina. Un estudio de las características ópticas de estos tintes ha revelado un cambio de color dependiente del tamaño de partícula, un alto poder de coloración y un carácter solvatocrómico (es decir, que el color de la disolución del compuesto depende de la polaridad del disolvente usado), también en materiales plásticos. Finalmente, se ha estudiado la reactividad de las indolizinas con nitrosocompuestos, obteniendo dos productos diferentes según el sustituyente en la posición tres de éstas. En el caso de poseer un sustituyente aromático se obtienen β-enaminonas. Se ha realizado un estudio del alcance de esta metodología cambiando los sustituyentes 1, 3 y 6 de las indolizinas y usando compuestos nitrosoaromáticos con distintos sustituyentes en orto y para, obteniendo las correspondientes β-enaminonas con rendimientos aislados de moderados a buenos. El uso de esta metodología ha demostrado ser el más apropiado para obtener ese tipo de regioisómero, comparado con las metodologías clásicas de condensación de compuestos 1,3-dicarbonilos con aminas que dan el regioisómero opuesto. Para sustituyentes alifáticos, se han obtenido pirroles tetrasustituidos con rendimientos de moderados a buenos, variando los cuatro sustituyentes en la estructura de pirrol. Se han llevado a cabo varios experimentos para elucidar el mecanismo de reacción. Se ha demostrado que proceden vía iónica, no radicalaria. La presencia de agua es beneficiosa para la obtención de β-enaminonas, en cambio, una atmósfera de oxígeno o de argón no lo son. Con todo ello, se ha propuesto un mecanismo para la obtención de éstas en el que participa una estructura de isooxazol como intermedio. En el caso de los pirroles, se ha demostrado que hay una migración de la dibencilamina en la estructura. Tras varios experimentos, enfocados en la obtención de un posible intermedio de reacción, se ha propuesto la secuencia del mecanismo para la obtención de pirroles. En primer lugar, se ha propuesto el ataque nucleófilo al nitrosocompuesto, abriendo la estructura y perdiendo dibencilamina, formando así una cetona α,β-insaturada, seguido del ataque de la dibencialamina y posterior ciclación para la obtención del pirrol.
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Dégradation photocatalytique de colorants sur TiO2 Degussa P25 et argile pontée au titane / Photocatalytic degradation of dyes on TiO2 Degussa P-25 and TiO2 pillared claysMeguedad, Karima 12 December 2009 (has links)
Ces dernières années, les problèmes d’environnement et de dépollution sont devenus cruciaux. En particulier, les industries textiles sont une source très importante de pollution des milieux aquatiques. De 60 à 70 % des colorants de l’industrie textiles contiennent une ou plusieurs fonctions azoïques et sont pour la plupart d’entre eux toxiques, mutagènes et cancérigènes. L’objectif de la thèse a été d’évaluer l’efficacité du procédé photocatalytique pour éliminer des colorants anioniques et cationiques seuls ou en mélange en présence de dioxyde de titane et d’argile pontée au titane, synthétisé au laboratoire. Trois colorants sont étudiés comme modèle le bleu de Méthylène (BM), le noir Rémazol 5 (NR5) et le réactif rouge 2 (RR2). La première partie du travail est une étude cinétique de l’adsorption, de la dégradation et de la minéralisation de ces colorants à différents pH. Plusieurs conclusions émergent (1) l’isotherme d’adsorption n’est pas une isotherme de Langmuir (2) aucune corrélation n’est observée entre les quantités adsorbées et les vitesses de dégradation et (3) à forte concentration en colorants, une partie de la lumière est absorbée et la vitesse de dégradation diminue. La seconde partie du travail concerne l’étude du mélange des deux colorants anioniques. L’influence du rapport molaire, du pH et de la concentration initiale sur l’isotherme d’adsorption, la cinétique de décoloration et de minéralisation des deux colorants dans le mélange sont étudiés et comparés à celle obtenues pour les colorants pris individuellement. Aucun complexe n’est formé. Des compétitions entre les deux colorants sont observées après saturation de la surface de TiO2. Au-delà de la saturation du catalyseur un ralentissement de la minéralisation du COT et des hétéroatomes est observé. La troisième partie de l’étude est dédiée à l’étude de la préparation, caractérisation et propriétés photocatalytique de l’argile pontée au TiO2 (MMT-TiO2) et du matériau composite : argile pontée au TiO2 dopée avec de l’argent (MMT-TiO2/Ag). Cette étude est réalisée sur le colorant cationique (BM) et le colorant anionique (NR5). Une adsorption totale du colorant BM est observée, contrairement au NR5 qui ne s’adsorbe pratiquement pas, suggérant une adsorption par liaison ionique. L’argile pontée dopée ou non ne présente pas des propriétés photocatalytiques plus importantes que celle de TiO2 mais joue un rôle important sur l’adsorption des colorants cationiques, ce qui favorise leur élimination de la solution aqueuse. La présence d’Ag diminue les propriétés d’adsorption et de photocatalyse de l’argile pontée. / The problems of environment become crucial. In particular, textile industries are important sources of pollution of the aquatic system. 60% to 70% of dyes used in these textiles industries are azo dyes containing one or more; some of them are toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds. The aim was to evaluate the efficiency of photocatalytic processed for the elimination of anionic and cationic dyes alone or in combination with titanium dioxide and clay pillared with titanium, synthesized in the laboratory. The photocatalytic processing is interesting because solar flux can be used. Three dyes were studied as model: methylene blue (BM), black Remazol 5 (NR5) and reactive red 2 (RR2). The first part of this work is a kinetic study of adsorption, degradation and mineralization of these dyes at different pH. Several conclusions emerge (1) the adsorption isotherm is not of Langmuir type(2) no correlation exists between the quantities adsorbed and the degradation rates and (3) at high concentration, a part of UV is absorbed by the dye and the degradation rate decreases. The second part of the work involves the study of the mixture of two anionic dyes. The concentration of both dyes in the mixture, the influence of molar ratios, pH and initial concentration on the adsorption isotherm, kinetics of decolorization and mineralization of the two dyes in the mixture are compared to that obtained for the individual dyes. No complex is formed and competition between the two dyes occurs only after saturation of the photocatalyst surface. Beyond the saturation of the catalyst a slower mineralization of TOC and heteroatoms are observed. The third part deals with the preparation, characterization and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 pillared clay (MMT-TiO2) and of a composite material: TiO2 pillared clay doped with silver (MMT -TiO2/Ag), performed on the cationic dye (MB) and the anionic dye (NR5). A total adsorption of the BM dye is observed. Constrasting with the NR5 adsorption suggesting an adsorption by ionic bond. The pillared clay doped or not with silver but favors the elimination of dyes from the aqueous solution by adsorption. The presence of silver reduces the adsorption properties and photocatalysis properties of the pillared clay.
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The Application of Ru(II) Polypyridyl Photoinduced Ligand Exchange from Drug Delivery to Photoactivation of Fluorescent DyesRohrabaugh, Thomas Nelson, Jr. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The main aim of work presented here is to understand photophysical processes of organic dyes and to design better organic molecules/systems which can be applied in many applications such as solar cells, photodynamic therapy, and fluorescence sensors. Developments of novel multichromophore organic materials for the above mentioned applications were made using computational tools. A brief description of the history of computational chemistry was given based on the photochemistry of organic dyes in the introductory chapters and also the importance of basis sets and functionals was discussed in order to produce accurate computational results. Density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) calculations were performed to understand the photophysical processes in the porphyrin-perylene bisimide (HTPP-PDI) dyad that exhibited long-lived triplet states. The DFT results show that breaking the rigidity of PDI in HTPP-PDI was responsible for the generation of long-lived triplet states. Furthermore, six porphyrin derivatives were designed by introducing a 4,4’-dicarboxybutadienyl functional group to the porphyrin moiety and studied to investigate the substituent effects on the non-coplanarity, molecular orbitals, and excitation wavelength of the porphyrin donor. Five of the six proposed porphyrin derivatives are promising donors in the HTPP-PDI dyad to replace HTPP for its potential use in photodynamic therapy. Six donor- accepter(s) systems were designed for their potential application in solar cells. Four D-A1-A2 architectural triads, MTPA-TRC-AEAQ, MTPA-TRC-HTPP, MTPA-TRC-PDI, and MTPA-TRC-PBI were designed. The cascade electronic energy levels were obtained and experimentally observed, which lead to sequential electron transfers from 1MTPA* to TRC and then to AEAQ (HTPP/PDI/PBI) module as well as a hole transfer from 1AEAQ*(1HTPP*/1PDI*/1PBI*) to MTPA module. Therefore, all the D-A1-A2 systems we have designed are ambipolar. Interestingly, the lifetime of charge separated states of the newly designed MTPA*+-TRC-AEAQ*- was elongated to 650 ns, an eightfold of that of the donor-acceptor MTPA-TRC parent molecule (80 ns). However, different charge separated state lifetimes were obtained for MTPA*+-TRC-PDI*-(22ns) and MTPA*+-TRC-PBI*-(75ns). The photophysical results suggested that the charge separated state may decay to the triplet state when the charge separated state exhibits a higher energy level than the triplet state. Further, the photovoltaic tests indicated potential applications of MTPA-TRC-AEAQ in solar cells. DFT and TDDFT calculations were performed together with experimental studies to explore the nature of fluorescence enhancement in the anthracene-based sensor after the addition of Zn2+. A 23-fold fluorescence emission was quenched via non-radiative decay pathway in the absence of Zn2+. However, when the Zn2+ chelated to the sensor fluorescence intensity was increased remarkably. A 32-fold fluorescence increase was overserved and calculation results suggested this could be due to the inhibition of the electron-transfer pathway and enhanced rigidity of sensor-Zn2+ complex. The response selectivity of Zn2+ over Ca2+, Mg2+, Cu2+, and Hg2+ ions was also studied using DFT calculations and it was found that Zn2+ has a strong binding affinity to the sensor, which could be a potential application in the detection of Zn2+.
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Characterization of histidine-tagged NaChBac ion channelsKhatchadourian, Rafael Aharon. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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