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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Care Exploitation: Recognizing and Preventing a Pervasive Injustice

McKittrick-Sweitzer, Lavender M. 30 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Exploitation of international opportunities : (A case study of Nordic cleantech firms in emerging markets)

Andem, Edet Daniel, Naser, Mir Abu January 2023 (has links)
This master’s research investigates how Nordic cleantech firms exploit opportunities in emerging markets. Emerging markets showcase significant opportunities for provision of sustainable cleantech solutions, which can be exploited by cleantech firms to enhance their commercial viability. Opportunity exploitation studies in emerging market contexts have been largely understudied in international entrepreneurship. This qualitative research utilized semi-structured interviews, a multi case study design involving three Nordic cleantech firms, and thematic data analysis to collect detailed information on Nordic cleantech opportunity exploitation activities and stages. Analyzing the findings using a conceptual framework based on the opportunity exploitation theory, we discover that Nordic cleantech firms exploit opportunities in emerging markets in three phases namely, exploitation pre-operationalization phase, exploitation operationalization phase and exploitation post-operationalization phase. Exploitation pre-operationalization stages involve making evaluation of the opportunity, assessing stakeholders, and developing a project management plan for the exploitation operationalization; the exploitation operationalization phase covers the market entry modes, and describes activities and strategies deployed by cleantech firms to commence commercial activities within the market; and the exploitation post-operationalization phase describe steps taken to increase the firms’ knowledge and leverage such experiential knowledge for further opportunity exploitation. The research findings showed a variance from the theoretical opportunity exploitation propositions for new technology intensive firms including cleantech firms. The insights generated from this research have implications for the decision making of managers of Nordic cleantech firms looking to exploit international opportunities within emerging markets and theoretical implications for making further opportunity exploration studies considering the emerging market context.

Living in the shadows : street culture and its role in the development and maintenance of survival strategies of socially marginal young people

Melrose, Margaret January 2005 (has links)
This text demonstrates that my work on young people who are exploited through prostitution and young people involved in problematic drug use in Britain at the end ofthe twentieth and beginning ofthe twenty-first century constitutes a significant contribution to advancing our knowledge ofthese inter-related issues. The text demonstrates that, in Britain, at the end of the twentieth and beginning ofthe twenty-first century, young people exploited through prostitution and young people involved in problematic drug use share in common lived experiences in poverty at the margins of society. The common theme demonstrated here is that, as a result ofthe poverty generated by social and economic policies adopted in Britain in response to gIobalisation, 'street cultures' play an important role in the development and maintenance of survival strategies adopted by socially marginalised and economically disadvantaged young people. The discussion argues that these cultures perform important functions in time and space for socially and economically marginal young people. They do so in different ways for different young people. At the same time, however, they serve to further entrench their social and economic exclusion and disadvantage.

Stratégies robustes pour le suivi et la prédiction de l'endommagement de structures composites à l'aide de piézocéramiques embarquées

Mulligan, Kyle January 2013 (has links)
À l'heure actuelle, il existe de nombreuses machines de la vie quotidienne instrumentées avec des capteurs responsables de récolter des données. Plusieurs de ces capteurs sont installés dans le but d'exploiter les données à des fins de diagnostic. Dans la plupart des cas, les données abondantes et complexes ne peuvent être analysées facilement par un être humain. Ces données ne sont souvent que très partiellement exploitées. Ceci est également le cas dans le domaine de l'aéronautique. Le fonctionnement moderne des avions commerciaux génère de vastes quantités de données issues non seulement des capteurs à bord de l'avion, mais aussi des données obtenues à partir des procédures de maintenance. Comme pour des machines de la vie quotidienne, ces données ne sont pas exploitées de manière suffisamment efficace. Le pronostic par exploitation de données, basé sur des algorithmes d'apprentissage, est depuis peu envisagé dans le traitement des données. Ce projet présente son application dans le domaine de l'aéronautique pour la prédiction de la durée de vie résiduelle des structures en composite faisant partie d'un avion suite à un endommagement par impact. Ce mémoire par articles est divisé en cinq parties. Les principaux sujets traités concernent les matériaux composites, la propagation d'ondes, la surveillance embarquée des structures ainsi que la méthode de pronostic. La première partie expose l'état de l'art. La seconde partie présente une étude de la propagation des ondes guidées dans une structure transparente et isotrope contenant un ou plusieurs défauts. Cette étude est menée à l'aide d'un système de surveillance piézocéramique qui peut lui aussi être affecté d'un défaut. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que la couche adhésive sous les capteurs piézocéramiques se dégrade avec la présence d'impact. Des courbes de calibration expérimentales peuvent être construites pour compenser la dégradation de la couche adhésive suite à un impact. En détectant et en compensant une dégradation du système de surveillance piezocéramique ceci permet une amélioration de la robustesse du pronostic. Le troisième chapitre présente une étude des ondes guidées dans une structure isotrope et opaque. Plutôt que d'utiliser des courbes de calibration expérimentales, un modèle numérique est développé. Ce modèle rend possible la compensation de défauts dans les systèmes de surveillance piézocéramiques installés sur des métaux et sur des matériaux composites. Les quatrième et cinquième parties dérivent l'étape de pronostic. Dans un premier temps le traitement des données d'un système de surveillance piézocéramique monté sur des échantillons en composite est présenté. Suit la transformation des informations brutes mesurées par les transducteurs en paramètres permettant d'identifier des tendances lors d'un dommage important sur l'échantillon. Ces paramètres sont alors entrés dans les modèles basés sur des algorithmes d'apprentissage génériques. La cinquième partie détaille la méthode de compensation d'une dégradation du système de surveillance piézocéramique en exploitant les données récoltées identifiées dans les deux premières études (chapitre deux et trois).

A control theoretic perspective on learning in robotics

O'Flaherty, Rowland Wilde 27 May 2016 (has links)
For robotic systems to continue to move towards ubiquity, robots need to be more autonomous. More autonomy dictates that robots need to be able to make better decisions. Control theory and machine learning are fields of robotics that focus on the decision making process. However, each of these fields implements decision making at different levels of abstraction and at different time scales. Control theory defines low-level decisions at high rates, while machine learning defines high-level decision at low rates. The objective of this research is to integrate tools from both machine leaning and control theory to solve higher dimensional, complex problems, and to optimize the decision making process. Throughout this research, multiple algorithms were created that use concepts from both control theory and machine learning, which provide new tools for robots to make better decisions. One algorithm enables a robot to learn how to optimally explore an unknown space, and autonomously decide when to explore for new information or exploit its current information. Another algorithm enables a robot to learn how to locomote with complex dynamics. These algorithms are evaluated both in simulation and on real robots. The results and analysis of these experiments are presented, which demonstrate the utility of the algorithms introduced in this work. Additionally, a new notion of “learnability” is introduced to define and determine when a given dynamical system has the ability to gain knowledge to optimize a given objective function.

Soul, body, and house : a feminist critique of contemporary state practices in Korea

Hoang, Young-ju January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Agile Ambidexterity : Multiple case study of Finnish software development organizations

Castrén, Emma, Gylling, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Background: Exploring the ambidexterity literature in the context of agile software development organizations from the perspective of how the organizational characteristics that result from the application of agile methods affect the achievement of ambidexterity Aim: To gain insight into how agile software development organizations achieve ambidexterity. Methodology: How agile software development organizations achieve ambidexterity was studied through a multiple case study where the total of four case projects in two different organizations were examined. Findings: This study indicated how the characteristics of agile software development organizations have an essential role in how ambidexterity is achieved in these organizations.

Dynamic Capabilities to Evolve an Ambidextrous IT Organization

Redden, Douglas 21 April 2016 (has links)
Digital disruptions are changing the healthcare ecosystem, requiring organizations to rethink IT strategies and develop new IT competencies. This study focuses on the exploitation and exploration tension that managers face within an IT organization of a global pharmaceutical company, and their response to the related environmental exigencies in healthcare. Dynamic capability theory (DC) provides the overall framing, while ambidexterity provides an understanding of top management’s response to the exploit–explore tensions that arise. This engaged scholarship longitudinal case study takes a shifting stories methodological approach to elicit participants’ reflections and interpretations of significant events, including their own role in evolving the ambidextrous posture of the IT organization. Through rich description stories, process related decisions have been revealed, and have provided an understanding into organizational reconfiguration of IT resources. Subsequently, this resulted in a situated grounded model for understanding DC and OA for this case. Practical insights are offered on how dynamic capability theory could be applied for IT management to be smarter at becoming more ambidextrous.

“Ending up in the streets” : A qualitative study about the process of support of leaving trafficking and re-entering the community in Kosovo. / “Ending up in the streets” : A qualitative study about the process of support of leaving trafficking and re-entering the community in Kosovo.

Skeja, Vlora January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study is to explore the trafficking situation in Kosovo, where the focus is on the shelter workers but also other professional’s experiences of working with trafficked women. The study is particularly focusing on the process of entering and leaving trafficking and how professionals support the women in the shelters. The study is carried out through an ethnographic approach, based on interviews inspired by semi-structured and open interviews with shelter workers coming from three different shelters in Kosovo, completed with shelter observations. That also includes aspects of psychologist and victims’ advocates working with trafficking in Kosovo. The findings presented four overlooking themes: Trafficking as created from the outside, Entering and leaving trafficking, In the shelter: The Household concept and lastly Re-integration: “re-trafficked”. The themes proclaimed a retrospective process of entering and leaving trafficking in Kosovo. In conclusion the process showed upon the difficulties the professionals experienced while supporting the women into the society that was related to the collectivistic way of living in Kosovo. Whereas the professionals support the women inspired by the individualistic concept, as they strive to support the women to be autonomous agents of their own lives. When the women leave the shelters and enter the community life, the professionals experience that the women are often stigmatized. This also showed upon the challenge the professional’s work of supporting women’s re-integration, as they experience that the women often end up in the streets.

Onde estão as meninas? Tensionando o conceito de exploração sexual a partir dos estudos sobre pedofilização e relações de gênero

Serpa, Monise Gomes January 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo se propôs a discutir e tensionar o conceito de exploração sexual a partir do referencial teórico dos Estudos de Gênero, dos Estudos da Sexualidade e dos Estudos Culturais. A pesquisa buscou problematizar de que forma as redes de atendimento que deveriam se constituir como redes de proteção à infância e adolescência compreendem esse fenômeno e de que modo crianças e adolescentes do gênero feminino em situação de exploração sexual vivenciam tal realidade. Para tanto, foram produzidos materiais de pesquisa a partir de três fontes. O material 1 partiu de uma pesquisa documental realizada durante um período de 3 meses em uma delegacia especializada em violência contra crianças e adolescentes, sendo selecionados três inquéritos envolvendo casos de exploração sexual. O material 2 consistiu de entrevistas realizadas com seis participantes profissionais atuantes tanto nas organizações de enfrentamento como nos serviços de atendimento, utilizando-se um roteiro semiestruturado. O material 3 partiu do acompanhamento a três meninas/jovens, com idades entre 11 e 14 anos, identificadas em situação de exploração sexual e atendidas nos serviços de acolhimento na modalidade casa-lar e abrigo. Foram realizados encontros com grupos focais e entrevistas individuais seguindo-se um roteiro semiestruturado. Os resultados apontaram que, nos processos de erotização precoce, analisados aqui como processos de pedofilização e que dão sustentação à cultura do estupro, a/o violência/abuso sexual se fez presente na vida das meninas/jovens interlocutoras desta pesquisa. O forte investimento erótico no corpo jovem feminino, em suas pedagogias de gênero e de sexualidade vivenciadas nas relações afetivas familiares, perpassou desde as figuras masculinas mais próximas, como padrasto, padrinho, tio, avô e irmão, além das próprias mães, que, de alguma forma, reconheciam (ou atribuíam) esse poder em suas filhas pelo simples fato de serem jovens. Por parte dos homens, esse corpo jovem exerce um fascínio, despertado a partir de uma erotização das desigualdades, seja pela questão geracional ou ainda pelos atravessamentos de classe social, reafirmando, assim, uma masculinidade heteronormativa e perpetrando uma sexualidade vista como “desenfreada” e facilmente cedida aos “apelos” femininos juvenis. Tal perspectiva é legitimada pela figura materna, que, nas negociações de suas filhas com esses homens, colocam os corpos jovens de suas meninas como disponíveis, para também terem acesso ao poder econômico por eles exercido. Diante de toda a estimulação sexual impressa nessas meninas/jovens, a exploração sexual acaba por ser uma das possibilidades de expressão e exercício da sexualidade, sendo uma estratégia utilizada por elas para serem reconhecidas e apreciadas enquanto mulheres. O trabalho das instituições de proteção torna-se complexo e dificultoso, principalmente por chegarem até as meninas tardiamente, quando elas já encontraram suas formas próprias de lidar com a violência sexual sofrida. Ao se darem conta dessa dificuldade, as meninas constroem estratégias para burlar as regras cotidianas desse controle institucional, emergindo como insubordinas, chegando mesmo a fugir dos abrigos ou casas-lares. Diante do quadro de insubordinação, elas passam a ser alvo de controle e normatização por parte do estado por meio da administração de um forte tratamento medicamentoso. Muito mais do que combater ou erradicar a exploração sexual – entendendo aqui que essa dimensão não pode ser abandonada – para que essa “proteção” possa cumprir os seus propósitos, as questões envolvidas nesses processos de erotização precoce necessitam ser reconhecidas, assim como os seus efeitos na vida dessas meninas/jovens. / The present study proposed to discuss and stress the concept of sexual exploitation as a theme based on the theoretical framework of Gender Studies, Studies of Sexuality, and Cultural Studies. The research aimed to discuss how the Child and Teenager Protection Network understands this phenomenon and how female children and adolescents that experience sexual exploitation live this reality. To this end, research material from three different sources was produced. Material 1 came from a documentary research conducted over a period of three months in a Police Station specialized in violence against children and adolescents. Three surveys that involved cases of sexual exploitation have been selected. Material 2 consisted of interviews conducted with six professional participants working both in coping and in customers service organizations following a semi-structured guide. Material 3 started from monitoring the three girls/young people aged between 11 and 14 identified in a situation of sexual exploitation assisted in childcare services in private-home and shelter. Meetings were held with focus groups and individual interviews following a semi-structured guide. The results indicated that, in cases of early eroticism analyzed here as processes of pedophilização lending support to the rape culture, violence/sexual abuse was present in the life of the surveyed girls/young women. The strong erotic investment in the young female body, in its pedagogies of gender and sexuality experienced in the family, affective relations ranged from the closest male figures such as stepfather, godfather, uncle, grandfather and brother besides the mothers themselves who somehow recognized (or attributed to) that power in their daughters simply because they were young. On the part of men, this young body exerts a fascination, awakened from an erotization of the inequalities, either by the generational question or by the crossings of social class, thus reaffirming a heteronormative masculinity and perpetrating a sexuality seen as “wild” and easily transferred to the young feminine “appeals”. Such a perspective is legitimized by the mother figure who in the negotiation of their daughters with these men, make their young bodies available, to have access, also, to the economic power they exercise. And in the face of all sexual stimulation printed in these girls/young women, sexual exploitation ends up being one of the possibilities of expression and exercise of sexuality. It is also a strategy used by girls to be recognized and appreciated as women. The work of the protection institutions becomes complex and difficult mainly because they arrive too late to young people when they have already found their own ways of dealing with their suffered sexual violence. And when they realize this difficulty, the girls construct strategies to circumvent the daily rules of this institutional control, emerging as insubordinate fleeing from the private-homes and shelters. In face of the insubordination they become the target of control and standardization on the part of the state through the administration of a strong drug treatment. Much more than combat or eradicate sexual exploitation - understand here that this dimension cannot be abandoned – so that this “protection” can fulfill its purposes, the issues involved in these processes of early erotization need to be recognized as well as its effects on the lives of these girls/young people.

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