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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

OPQS – optical process and quality sensing : exemplary applications in the beerbrewing and polyurethane foaming processes

Engelhard, Sonja, Kumke, Michael U., Löhmannsröben, Hans-Gerd January 2006 (has links)
Optical methods play an important role in process analytical technologies (PAT). Four examples of optical process and quality sensing (OPQS) are presented, which are based on three important experimental techniques: near-infrared absorption, luminescence quenching, and a novel method, photon density wave (PDW) spectroscopy. These are used to evaluate four process and quality parameters related to beer brewing and polyurethane (PU) foaming processes: the ethanol content and the oxygen (O2) content in beer, the biomass in a bioreactor, and the cellular structures of PU foam produced in a pilot production plant.

Solid state characterisation and compaction behaviour of pharmaceutical materials

Gustafsson, Christina January 2000 (has links)
In this thesis, factors important in tableting operations and for tablet properties have been studied and characterised by different spectroscopic techniques as well as by some more conventionally used particle characterisation techniques. The spectroscopic techniques solid-state NMR, FT-IR and NIR spectroscopy, proved to be valuable tools in the estimation of particle and tablet properties, offering both specificity and sensitivity in the measurements. Because of the large amount of information obtained in a spectrum, multivariate data analysis was in some cases used in the processing of the spectral data. Correlations between the solid state structure measured by spectroscopy and the particle and tablet properties could be obtained including useful prediction models. The surface area obtained using different principles has in this thesis been shown to reflect different properties and tableting behaviour of a collection of pharmaceutical materials. The particle shape and the external surface area of the powders measured by permeametry, were found to be important factors for the tensile strength of tablets made of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Furthermore, the external surface area could be used to access dominating interparticulate bonding mechanisms in compacts of different materials by normalising the tablet tensile strength for the tablet surface area. It was also shown that for materials prone to develop solid bridges, the actual surface area participating in the bonding was more important than the average interparticulate distance. When studying the properties of microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose powder from the alga Cladophora sp., the cellulose fibril surface area estimated by solid-state NMR resulted in better correlations to the tableting behaviour and to tablet disintegration than the external permeametric surface area did. It was suggested that the difference in fibril surface area of the two celluloses was the primary factor responsible for properties like the crystallinity and the disintegration of the tablets.

Dissolving pulp : Multivariate Characterisation and Analysis of Reactivity and Spectroscopic Properties

Elg Christoffersson, Kristina January 2004 (has links)
Various chemical properties can be used to characterise dissolving pulp. The quality of the pulp must be carefully controlled to ensure that it meets the requirements for its intended use and the further processes to be applied. If it is to be used to prepare viscose, or other cellulose derivatives, the key prop-erties of the pulp are its accessibility and reactivity. The studies described in this thesis investigated the potential utility of multivariate analysis of chemi-cal and spectral data for determining the properties of dissolving pulp. Dis-solving pulps produced by a two-stage sulfite process, both in the laboratory and a factory were produced pulps for this purpose. The analyses showed that pulp with high reactivity had short cellulose chains, low molecular weight, low polydispersity, low hemicellulose content, high content of ace-tone-extractable compounds, and high surface charge compared to pulp with low reactivity. Important chemical properties of the pulp, such as viscosity and alkali resistance, were successfully predicted from near infrared spectra. Predicting the reactivity, or the viscose filterability, of the pulp was more complex. Several chemical methods for analyzing the reactivity of the pulp were examined. The influence of the cellulose structure at the supermolecu-lar level on the reactivity of the pulp was explored by multivariate analysis of solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. Structural variables considered included: differences in hydrogen bonding, contents of hemicel-lulose, amorphous cellulose and crystalline cellulose I and II. Pulps with high reactivity have higher contents of cellulose I and amorphous cellulose than pulps with low reactivity, which have higher contents of cellulose II and hemicellulose.

Binding Studies of Near Infrared Cyanine Dyes with Human Serum Albumin and Poly-L-Lysine Using Optical Spectroscopy Methods

Watson, Amy Dawn 07 January 2008 (has links)
The sensitivity of biological studies performed between 190 and 650 nm is greatly reduced due to the autofluorescence of biomolecules and impurities in this region. Therefore, the enhanced signal-to-noise ratios encountered at longer wavelengths makes biological analysis within the near infrared (NIR) region from 650 nm to 1100 nm far more advantageous. This dissertation describes the noncovalent binding interactions of near-infrared (NIR) carbocyanine dyes with human serum albumin (HSA) and poly-L-lysine (PLL) using UV-Vis/NIR absorption spectroscopy, emission spectroscopy, circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence detected circular dichroism (FDCD). The optical spectroscopy methods used in this work are described in detail in Chapter 1. The various applications of NIR dyes in protein analysis are introduced in Chapter 2. In general, the sensitivity of cyanines to the polarity of their local environment makes them quite suitable for protein labeling schemes. In aqueous media, cyanines have a high propensity for self-association. Yet in the hydrophobic binding sites of globular proteins, these aggregates often dissipate. Absorption and emission spectroscopy can be utilized to observe the differential spectral properties of monomer, intra-molecular and intermolecular aggregates. In Chapter 3, the photophysical properties of bis(cyanine) NIR dyes containing di-, tri-, and tetraethylene glycol linkers were each examined in the presence of HSA are discussed. Variations in chain length as well as probe flexibility were demonstrated through distinct differences in absorption and emission spectra. The observed changes in the spectral properties of the NIR dyes in the presence and absence of HSA were correlated to the physical parameters of the probes' local environment (i.e., protein binding sites and self-association). All three bis-cyanines examined exhibited enhanced fluorescence in the presence of HSA. The bis-cyanine dye containing the tri(ethylene glycol) spacer allowed for a complete overlap of the benzene rings, to form π-π interactions which were observed as intra-molecular H-aggregate bands. The dye exhibited no fluorescence in buffer, owing to the H-aggregation observed in the absorption data. In the presence of HSA, the intra-molecular dimers were disrupted and fluorescence was then detected. The "cut-on" fluorescence displayed by the dye in the presence of HSA made it ideal for noncovalent labeling applications. The utility of several NIR dyes for use as secondary structural probes was investigated in Chapter 4. NIR dyes were screened thoroughly using UV-Vis/NIR absorption spectroscopy dyes with spectral properties which were sensitive to protein secondary structure models of such as PLL in basic solution. Two NIR dyes were found to be quite sensitive to the structural features of uncharged α- and β-PLL. The chiral discrimination of these probes for basic protein secondary structures was also evaluated through CD measurements within the NIR probes' absorption bands.

The Mobilization of Actinides by Microbial Ligands Taking into Consideration the Final Storage of Nuclear Waste - Interactions of Selected Actinides U(VI), Cm(III), and Np(V) with Pyoverdins Secreted by Pseudomonas fluorescens and Related Model Compounds (Final Report BMBF Project No.: 02E9985)

Glorius, M., Moll, H., Bernhard, G., Roßberg, A., Barkleit, A. 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The groundwater bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens (CCUG 32456) isolated at a depth of 70 m in the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory secretes a pyoverdin-mixture with four main components (two pyoverdins and two ferribactins). The dominant influence of the pyoverdins of this mixture could be demonstrated by an absorption spectroscopy study. The comparison of the stability constants of U(VI), Cm(III), and Np(V) species with ligands simulating the functional groups of the pyoverdins results in the following order of complex strength: pyoverdins (PYO) > trihydroxamate (DFO) > catecholates (NAP, 6­HQ) > simple hydroxamates (SHA, BHA). The pyoverdin chromophore functionality shows a large affinity to bind actinides. As a result, pyoverdins are also able to complex and to mobilize elements other than Fe(III) at a considerably high efficiency. It is known that EDTA may form the strongest actinide complexes among the various organic components in nuclear wastes. The stability constants of 1:1 species formed between Cm(III) and U(VI) and pyoverdins are by a factor of 1.05 and 1.3, respectively, larger compared to the corresponding EDTA stability constants. The Np(V)-PYO stability constant is even by a factor of 1.83 greater than the EDTA stability constant. The identified Np(V)-PYO species belong to the strongest Np(V) species with organic material reported so far. All identified species influence the actinide speciation within the biologically relevant pH range. The metal binding properties of microbes are mainly determined by functional groups of their cell wall (LPS: Gram-negative bacteria and PG: Gram-positive bacteria). On the basis of the determined stability constants raw estimates are possible, if actinides prefer to interact with the microbial cell wall components or with the secreted pyoverdin bioligands. By taking pH 5 as an example, U(VI)-PYO interactions are slightly stronger than those observed with LPS and PG. For Cm(III) we found a much stronger affinity to aqueous pyoverdin species than to functional groups of the cell wall compartments. A similar behavior was observed for Np(V). This shows the importance of indirect interaction processes between actinides and bioligands secreted by resident microbes.

Synthese, spektroskopische Charakterisierung und Untersuchung des elektrochromen Verhaltens der Diphthalocyanine des Dysprosiums, Holmiums, Erbiums, Thuliums und Ytterbiums

Graehlert, Xina 27 January 1998 (has links)
Die Diphthalocyanine der Seltenerdmetalle werden durch Reaktion von Seltenerdmetallacetat mit o-Phthalsaeuredinitril hergestellt. Die Diphthalocyanine existieren in zwei Formen, die sich in der Existenz eines delokalisierten freien Elektrons (Radikalform) oder eines ¨zusaetzlichen¨ Wasserstoffatoms unterscheiden. Die Charakterisierung der beiden Diphthalocyaninformen erfolgt mittels der IR-Spektroskopie und UV/VIS/NIR-Spektroskopie. Detailliert wird das spektroskopische Verhalten der Diphthalocyanine in unterschiedlichen Loesungsmitteln untersucht. ESR-spektroskopisch ist das freie Elektron der Radikalform nachweisbar. Zur Untersuchung des elektrochromen Verhaltens der Diphthalocyanine werden Schichten durch Sublimationsverfahren oder durch LB-Technik hergestellt. Die Analyse der Schichtstruktur erfolgt mittels HRTEM. Das elektrochrome Verhalten wird unter Beruecksichtigung des Schichtherstellungsverfahrens, der Diphthalocyaninform und der Art des verwendeten Elektrolyten untersucht. Die beobachteten Farbaenderungen reichen von violett, blau, gruen, blass-gelb, orange nach rot. Die entsprechenden UV/VIS-Spektren werden im Zusammenhang mit den ablaufenden Oxidations- und Reduktionsreaktionen diskutiert.

Thermal lensing in ocular media

Vincelette, Rebecca Lee 09 April 2012 (has links)
This research was a collaborative effort between the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and the University of Texas to examine the laser-tissue interaction of thermal lensing induced by continuous-wave, CW, near-infrared, NIR, laser radiation in the eye and its influence on the formation of a retinal lesion from said radiation. CW NIR laser radiation can lead to a thermal lesion induced on the retina given sufficient power and exposure duration as related to three basic parameters; the percent of transmitted energy to, the optical absorption of, and the size of the laser-beam created at the retina. Thermal lensing is a well-known phenomenon arising from the optical absorption, and subsequent temperature rise, along the path of the propagating beam through a medium. Thermal lensing causes the laser-beam profile delivered to the retina to be time dependent. Analysis of a dual-beam, multidimensional, high-frame rate, confocal imaging system in an artificial eye determined the rate of thermal lensing in aqueous media exposed to 1110, 1130, 1150 and 1318-nm wavelengths was related to the power density created along the optical axis and linear absorption coefficient of the medium. An adaptive optics imaging system was used to record the aberrations induced by the thermal lens at the retina in an artificial eye during steady-state. Though the laser-beam profiles changed over the exposure time, the CW NIR retinal damage thresholds between 1110-1319-nm were determined to follow conventional fitting algorithms which neglected thermal lensing. A first-order mathematical model of thermal lensing was developed by conjoining an ABCD beam propagation method, Beer's law of attenuation, and a solution to the heat-equation with respect to radial diffusion. The model predicted that thermal lensing would be strongest for small (< 4-mm) 1/e² laser-beam diameters input at the corneal plane and weakly transmitted wavelengths where less than 5% of the energy is delivered to the retina. The model predicted thermal lensing would cause the retinal damage threshold for wavelengths above 1300-nm to increase with decreasing beam-diameters delivered to the corneal plane, a behavior which was opposite of equivalent conditions simulated without thermal lensing. / text

Etude sur fusion laser sélective de matériau céramique Zircone Yttriée

Liu, Qi 05 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La fusion sélective par laser est un procédé de la technologie de fabrication rapide de plus en plus utilisé dans l'industrie automobile, aéronautique, médicale, etc. Selon le principe de la fabrication rapide, la pièce est fabriquée couche par couche en fusionnant et soudant les particules fines par laser. Actuellement, les principaux matériaux utilisés sont les métaux métalliques ou les polymères. Le faible ou modeste point de fusion de ces matériaux conduit à une mise en œuvre par laser relativement facile. Cependant, en raison de leur point de fusion élevé, de la forte résistance à haute température et de la faible conductivité thermique, l'utilisation de matériaux céramiques est limitée dans la technologie de fusion laser sélective. Cette étude explore la fusion laser sélective de zircone stabilisée par yttrine avec un laser à fibre de longueur d'onde d'environ 1 µm. L'influence de différentes puissances de laser et de différentes vitesses de balayage sur la microstructure et la déformation de l'échantillon a été étudiée, et la densité relative et la microdureté ont été mesurées. Notamment, l'effet de différentes températures de préchauffage sur la microstructure sera étudié. En même temps, la structure cristalline céramique et la transformation des phases pendant le procédé de prototypage rapide ont été analysées. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent qu'il est possible de fondre complètement de la poudre YSZ avec un laser à fibre NIR, et avec l'optimisation des paramètres de fabrication, la densité relative de l'échantillon peut atteindre 91 %. Il est inévitable de voir se former des fissures et des pores dans les pièces fabriquées du fait de l'hétérogénéité de la distribution de l'énergie du laser. Cette distribution de l'énergie peut être améliorée grâce à l'optimisation des paramètres ; les longueurs de fissure peuvent être contrôlées et maîtrisées par un préchauffage du lit de poudre. Notamment, à haute température (1500°C, 2000°C et 2500°C) de préchauffage, la fissure verticale continue devient désordonnée et courte. Une transformation de la structure monoclinique et cubique en structure tétragonale s'est produite pendant le processus de fabrication.

Einsatz der Nah-Infrarot (NIR)-Spektroskopie zur quantitativen Bestimmung ausgewählter pflanzlicher Inhaltsstoffe

Fink, Margit. Unknown Date (has links)
Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2002--Braunschweig.

Assessment of hectolitre mass (HLM) equipment and HLM measurements of oats

Emvula, Sakeus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Hectolitre mass (HLM) measurements allow rapid and accurate determination of grain density. HLM devices from different countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States of America [USA]) have been investigated for their effect on the HLM measurements of oats. In addition, the potential of near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging has been evaluated to distinguish between oat samples with different HLM values. Comparing HLM measurements obtained from the respective devices, the USA and the South African devices resulted in significantly (P<0.05) lower HLM values compared to the other devices where as the German device resulted in higher values (P<0.05) than the other devices. HLM values from all the devices were highly correlated with intra-class correlation (ICC) consistency values of at least 0.90. These high correlations would allow direct replacement of the South African device with any of the other devices. The equipment selected as replacement should ideally be calibrated according to the ISO 7971-3 standard (i.e. the device currently used in Germany). HLM values significantly (P<0.05) increased when oat samples were rubbed before measurements were made, indicating the importance of continuation of this sample preparation step. The investigation on the effect of the operator on HLM determinations showed that the unskilled operator measured HLM values significantly different to those obtained by the skilled operator. This emphasises the importance of training in spite of HLM measurements being a simple procedure. A poor correlation (r = 0.18) was found between protein content and HLM values of oat samples. Moisture content significantly affected the HLM values of oats and results clearly showed a decrease in HLM values with increasing moisture content. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs revealed that the starch granules became swollen and that they increased in size with an increase in moisture content, resulting in a decrease in HLM. NIR hyperspectral imaging offers the testing of individual grains non-destructively. This is often required by plant breeders because they subsequently need to plant selected grains. NIR offers this option to plant breeders. NIR hyperspectral imaging, which combines NIR spectroscopy with digital imaging, was used to distinguish between six oat samples with varying HLM values. NIR spectroscopic differences were observed between the images of the two samples with the highest and lowest HLM values (60.2 and 49.35 kg.hL-1). Less distinct differences were observed in the NIR hyperspectral images of two samples differing by less than 2.0 kg.hL-1. Although mixed oat samples were used, these preliminary results established the possible use of NIR hyperspectral imaging in evaluating oat samples from breeding trials. The use of this technique could also be extended to evaluation of other quality characteristics of oats. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hektolitermassa- (HLM-)metings maak snelle en akkurate bepaling van korreldigtheid moontlik. HLM-toestelle van verskillende lande (Australië, Kanada, Frankryk, Duitsland, Suid-Afrika, die Verenigde Koninkryk en die Verenigde State van Amerika) is ondersoek vir hulle uitwerking op die HLM-metings van hawer. Daarby is die potensiaal van nabyinfrarooi- (NIR-)hiperspektrale beelding geëvalueer om tussen hawermonsters met verskillende HLM-waardes te onderskei. Tydens vergelyking van HLM-metings verkry van die onderskeie toestelle, het die Amerikaanse en die Suid-Afrikaanse toestelle beduidend (P<0.05) laer HLM-waardes opgelewer in vergelyking met die ander toestelle terwyl die Duitse toestel hoër waardes (P<0.05) as die ander toestelle getoon het. Daar was hoë korrelasies tussen die HLM waardes verkry van die apparate met intraklaskorrelasie (IKK) konsekwentheidwaardes van ten minste 0.90. Hierdie hoë korrelasies sou direkte vervanging van die Suid-Afrikaanse toestel met enige van die ander toestelle moontlik maak. Die toerusting gekies as vervanging sou ideaal gesproke in ooreenstemming met die ISO 7971-3 standaard gekalibreer kon word (bv. die toestel wat tans in Duitsland gebruik word). HLM-waardes het beduidend (P<0.05) verhoog toe hawermonsters gevryf is voor metings gemaak is, wat dui op die belang van verlengde gebruik van hierdie stap tydens die voorbereiding van monsters. Die ondersoek na die uitwerking van die operateur op HLM-bepalings het getoon dat die onervare operateur HLM-waardes beduidend verskillend gemeet het teenoor dié verkry deur die ervare operateur. Dit beklemtoon die belang van opleiding ten spyte daarvan dat HLM-metings ’n eenvoudige prosedure is. ’n Swak korrelasie (r = 0.18) is aangetref tussen proteïeninhoud en HLM-waardes van hawermonsters. Voginhoud het die HLM-waardes van hawer beduidend beïnvloed en resultate het duidelik ’n styging in HLM-waardes met verhoging van die voginhoud getoon. Aftaselektronmikroskoop- (AEM-)mikrobeelde het aangedui dat die styselgranules swel en in grootte toeneem met verhoging van die voginhoud, wat aanleiding gee tot ’n verlaging in HLM. NIR-hiperspektrale beelding maak die toets van individuele korrels op niedestruktiewe wyse moontlik. Dit word dikwels deur plantkwekers vereis aangesien hulle na toetsing uitgesoekte korrels moet plant. Nabyinfrarooi bied hierdie opsie aan plantkwekers. NIR-hiperspektrale beelding, wat NIRspektroskopie met digitale beelding kombineer, is gebruik om te onderskei tussen ses hawermonsters met wisselende HLM-waardes. NIR-spektroskopiese verskille tussen die beelde van die twee monsters met die hoogste en laagste HLM-waardes (60.2 en 49.35 kg.hL-1) is waargeneem. Minder duidelike verskille is in die NIR-hiperspektrale beelde van twee monsters wat met minder as 2.0 kg.hL-1 verskil het, waargeneem. Alhoewel gemengde hawermonsters gebruik is, het hierdie voorlopige resultate die moontlike gebruik van NIR-hiperspektrale beelding by die evaluering van hawermonsters van kweekproewe vasgestel. Die gebruik van hierdie tegniek sou ook uitgebrei kon word tot die evaluering van ander kwaliteitseienskappe van hawer.

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