Spelling suggestions: "subject:" depresentation"" "subject:" prepresentation""
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Breda Ledare : eller snäv representation?Fahlén, Anna, Modin, Lisa January 2013 (has links)
Denna studie behandlar framställningen av ledare i ledarskapstidskrifter. Studien utgår från ledarbegreppet som en social konstruktion och syftar till att synliggöra vad som ingår i den bild som framställs. Med avseende på ledarbegreppet bidrar framställningen av ledare i media till att skapa föreställningar om vem som kan vara ledare och hur ledare bör vara. Studien avgränsar sig till ledarskapstidskriften Chef. Denna tidskrift har valts genom ett subjektivt urval. Metoden för denna studie är en innehållsanalys samt textanalys av tidskriftens innehåll i form av texter och bilder. Resultatet av denna studie visar att den framställda bilden är relativt snäv. Bilden visar upp få yngre ledare samt ytterst få ledare av någon annan etnicitet än Europeisk och Nordamerikansk. Fördelningen mellan ledare av manligt och kvinnligt kön är relativt jämn under åldern 45 år. Ledare över 45 år är enligt bilden oftare män än kvinnor. Ledarrollen framställs även som problematisk att kombinera med familjeliv och barn för ledare av kvinnligt kön, men inte för ledare av manligt kön. En ledare önskas också ha goda egenskaper inom ett antal olika områden, exempelvis kommunikation, personliga egenskaper samt handlingskraft och eftertänksamhet. Mycket ryms inom varje område och vissa önskade egenskaper står i direkt konflikt med varandra. En ledare önskas med andra ord vara allsidig. Utöver det förväntas ledare inte ha ett uttalat intresse för ledarskap. Ledare förväntas heller inte vara öppna med sitt privatliv varken i offentligheten eller bland medarbetare. Slutligen visar bilden att ledare oftast är verksamma inom stora statliga organisationer eller media. Ledare inom exempelvis tillverkningsindustri får inte utrymme i tidskriften och ingår alltså inte i bilden. Den snäva representationen i framställningen av ledare medför att det för vissa personer saknas förebilder i tidskriften. Detta är en del av det som påverkar hur de upplever sina möjligheter att bli ledare vilket utgör ett problem för mångfalden inom yrkesgruppen.
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Western NGOs representation of“Third World women” : - A comparative study of Kvinna till Kvinna (Sweden) and Women for Women International (USA)Hansson, Jessica, Henriksson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this descriptive study is to examine how two Western women‟s NGOs represent women in the “Third World”. The examined cases are the progressive NGOs Kvinna till Kvinna (Sweden) and the American counterpart Women for Women International (US).Qualitative research methodology has been utilized throughout this study. This thesis is also based on the social theory of constructivism and its ontological assumptions. Since both Sweden and USA are said to be strong promoters of gender equality- a comparative study design, examining two progressive NGOs is one suitable way to analyze the specified research questions. The analysis is based upon the article “Under Western Eyes” (1986) in which Chandra Mohanty discusses Western feminists‟ representation of “Third World women”, summarized in six main stereotypes. Mohanty‟s six claims regarding Western representation of “Third World women” designed the framework that has been used to analyze the collected data, which consists of the two organization‟s own material that is available on their individual websites. The formulated research questions asks whether Kvinna till Kvinna and Women for Women International represent “Third World women” as a homogeneous group sharing a similar experience of oppression in the ways described by Mohanty and if there are any differences in the ways of representation when comparing Kvinna till Kvinna and Women for Women International.
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CBKR+: A Conceptual Framework for Improving Corpus Based Knowledge RepresentationIvkovic, Shabnam January 2006 (has links)
In Corpus Based Knowledge Representation [CBKR], limited association capability, that is, no criteria in place to extract substantial associations in the corpus, and lack of support for hypothesis testing and prediction in context, restricted the application of the methodology by information specialists and data analysts. In this thesis, the researcher proposed a framework called CBKR+ to increase the expressiveness of CBKR by identifying and incorporating association criteria to allow the support of new forms of analyses related to hypothesis testing and prediction in context. <br /><br /> As contributions of the CBKR+ framework, the researcher (1) defined a new domain categorization model called Basis for Categorization model, (2) incorporated the Basis for Categorization model to (a) facilitate a first level categorization of the schema components in the corpus, and (b) define the Set of Criteria for Association to cover all types of associations and association agents, (3) defined analysis mechanisms to identify and extract further associations in the corpus in the form of the Set of Criteria for Association, and (4) improved the expressiveness of the representation, and made it suitable for hypothesis testing and prediction in context using the above. <br /><br /> The application of the framework was demonstrated, first, by using it on examples from the CBKR methodology, and second, by applying it on 12 domain representations acquired from multiple sources from the physical-world domain of Criminology. The researcher arrived at the conclusion that the proposed CBKR+ framework provided an organized approach that was more expressive, and supported deeper analyses through more diagnostic and probability-based forms of queries.
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Matrix Representations and Extension of the Graph Model for Conflict ResolutionXu, Haiyan January 2009 (has links)
The graph model for conflict resolution (GMCR) provides a convenient
and effective means to model and analyze a strategic conflict.
Standard practice is to carry out a stability analysis of a graph
model, and then to follow up with a post-stability analysis, two
critical components of which are status quo analysis and coalition
analysis. In stability analysis, an equilibrium is a state that is
stable for all decision makers (DMs) under appropriate stability
definitions or solution concepts. Status quo analysis aims to
determine whether a particular equilibrium is reachable from a
status quo (or an initial state) and, if so, how to reach it. A
coalition is any subset of a set of DMs. The coalition stability
analysis within the graph model is focused on the status quo states
that are equilibria and assesses whether states that are stable from
individual viewpoints may be unstable for coalitions. Stability
analysis began within a simple preference structure which includes a
relative preference relationship and an indifference relation.
Subsequently, preference uncertainty and strength of preference were
introduced into GMCR but not formally integrated.
In this thesis, two new preference frameworks, hybrid preference and
multiple-level preference, and an integrated algebraic approach are
developed for GMCR. Hybrid preference extends existing preference
structures to combine preference uncertainty and strength of
preference into GMCR. A multiple-level preference framework expands
GMCR to handle a more general and flexible structure than any
existing system representing strength of preference. An integrated
algebraic approach reveals a link among traditional stability
analysis, status quo analysis, and coalition stability analysis by
using matrix representation of the graph model for conflict
To integrate the three existing preference structures into a hybrid
system, a new preference framework is proposed for graph models
using a quadruple relation to express strong or mild preference of
one state or scenario over another, equal preference, and an
uncertain preference. In addition, a multiple-level preference
framework is introduced into the graph model methodology to handle
multiple-level preference information, which lies between relative
and cardinal preferences in information content. The existing
structure with strength of preference takes into account that if a
state is stable, it may be either strongly stable or weakly stable
in the context of three levels of strength. However, the three-level
structure is limited in its ability to depict the intensity of
relative preference. In this research, four basic solution concepts
consisting of Nash stability, general metarationality, symmetric
metarationality, and sequential stability, are defined at each level
of preference for the graph model with the extended multiple-level
preference. The development of the two new preference frameworks
expands the realm of applicability of the graph model and provides
new insights into strategic conflicts so that more practical and
complicated problems can be analyzed at greater depth.
Because a graph model of a conflict consists of several interrelated
graphs, it is natural to ask whether well-known results of Algebraic
Graph Theory can help analyze a graph model. Analysis of a graph
model involves searching paths in a graph but an important
restriction of a graph model is that no DM can move twice in
succession along any path. (If a DM can move consecutively, then
this DM's graph is effectively transitive. Prohibiting consecutive
moves thus allows for graph models with intransitive graphs, which
are sometimes useful in practice.) Therefore, a graph model must be
treated as an edge-weighted, colored multidigraph in which each arc
represents a legal unilateral move and distinct colors refer to
different DMs. The weight of an arc could represent some preference
attribute. Tracing the evolution of a conflict in status quo
analysis is converted to searching all colored paths from a status
quo to a particular outcome in an edge-weighted, colored
multidigraph. Generally, an adjacency matrix can determine a simple
digraph and all state-by-state paths between any two vertices.
However, if a graph model contains multiple arcs between the same
two states controlled by different DMs, the adjacency matrix would
be unable to track all aspects of conflict evolution from the status
quo. To bridge the gap, a conversion function using the matrix
representation is designed to transform the original problem of
searching edge-weighted, colored paths in a colored multidigraph to
a standard problem of finding paths in a simple digraph with no
color constraints. As well, several unexpected and useful links
among status quo analysis, stability analysis, and coalition
analysis are revealed using the conversion function.
The key input of stability analysis is the reachable list of a DM,
or a coalition, by a legal move (in one step) or by a legal sequence
of unilateral moves, from a status quo in 2-DM or $n$-DM ($n
> 2$) models. A weighted reachability matrix for a DM or a coalition along
weighted colored paths is designed to construct the reachable list
using the aforementioned conversion function. The weight of each
edge in a graph model is defined according to the preference
structure, for example, simple preference, preference with
uncertainty, or preference with strength. Furthermore, a graph model
and the four basic graph model solution concepts are formulated
explicitly using the weighted reachability matrix for the three
preference structures. The explicit matrix representation for
conflict resolution (MRCR) that facilitates stability calculations
in both 2-DM and $n$-DM ($n
> 2$) models for three existing preference structures. In addition,
the weighted reachability matrix by a coalition is used to produce
matrix representation of coalition stabilities in
multiple-decision-maker conflicts for the three preference
Previously, solution concepts in the graph model were traditionally
defined logically, in terms of the underlying graphs and preference
relations. When status quo analysis algorithms were developed, this
line of thinking was retained and pseudo-codes were developed
following a similar logical structure. However, as was noted in the
development of the decision support system (DSS) GMCR II, the nature
of logical representations makes coding difficult. The DSS GMCR II,
is available for basic stability analysis and status quo analysis
within simple preference, but is difficult to modify or adapt to
other preference structures. Compared with existing graphical or
logical representation, matrix representation for conflict
resolution (MRCR) is more effective and convenient for computer
implementation and for adapting to new analysis techniques.
Moreover, due to an inherent link between stability analysis and
post-stability analysis presented, the proposed algebraic approach
establishes an integrated paradigm of matrix representation for the
graph model for conflict resolution.
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Combinatorics and the KP HierarchyCarrell, Sean January 2009 (has links)
The study of the infinite (countable) family of partial differential equations
known as the Kadomtzev - Petviashvili (KP) hierarchy has received much interest in
the mathematical and theoretical physics community for over forty years. Recently
there has been a renewed interest in its application to enumerative combinatorics
inspired by Witten's conjecture (now Kontsevich's theorem).
In this thesis we provide a detailed development of the KP hierarchy and some of
its applications with an emphasis on the combinatorics involved. Up until now, most
of the material pertaining to the KP hierarchy has been fragmented throughout the
physics literature and any complete accounts have been for purposes much diff erent
than ours.
We begin by describing a family of related Lie algebras along with a module
on which they act. We then construct a realization of this module in terms of
polynomials and determine the corresponding Lie algebra actions. By doing this
we are able to describe one of the Lie group orbits as a family of polynomials and the
equations that de fine them as a family of partial diff erential equations. This then
becomes the KP hierarchy and its solutions. We then interpret the KP hierarchy
as a pair of operators on the ring of symmetric functions and describe their action
combinatorially. We then conclude the thesis with some combinatorial applications.
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91 DaysGreathouse, Candice M 01 May 2012 (has links)
91 Days is a multi-channel video installation composed over a period of ninety-one days, and comprised of thousands of photographs. The photographs create a visual archive of the daily experiences of the home. The corresponding text discusses the link between privacy and self-representation, specifically in relation to the family album.
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Representations of Haiti in Western News Media: Coverage of the January 2010 Earthquake in HaitiBrown, Hillary L 06 July 2012 (has links)
On January 12, 2010, the Caribbean nation of Haiti suffered from one of the most devastating earthquake in recent history. The purpose of this study is to explore representations of Haiti in Western news media coverage of the disaster. The researcher utilized Jiwani’s (2006) theoretical framework of common sense stock knowledge to explore the relationship between the Western news media and Haiti, with an emphasis on media framing. Additionally, the method of journalistic discourse analysis was employed as a means of analyzing the 90 article sample. The researcher found that there were several frames that dominated coverage of the disaster which resulted in the marginalization of Haiti and Haitians.
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Structure of Knowledge Representation and ReasoningJanuary 1988 (has links)
This thesis deals with one important aspect of Artificial Intelligence,
knowledge representation and reasoning. Problems like knowledge representation
hypothesis, production systems, and the proceduralist and declarativist controversy
are discussed. The conventional concept of Al system is based on a
model where the reasoning and knowledge base are separate. A different model
is proposed in this thesis. In this model, the sensory knowledge is considered the
basic elements of the knowledge base, and the higher level knowledge form a
hierarchical structure. Reasoning power, in this model, is only part of the,
knowledge structure.
A frame-based knowledge representation system, WenLy, is presented. It is
designed to construct a knowledge base from the bottom up, which is conformed
to the proposed model in this thesis. The unique characteristic of WenLy is that
its reasoning is accomplished by the code imbedded in the knowledge base
instead of a separate inference engine. This is the correct approach according to
the knowledge structure model herein proposed.
An example of the application is shown. WenLy can be used by a robot to
represent the robot's understanding of the outside world. The understanding,
however, is limited by the bandwidth of the perception capabilities. It can be
shown that the conflict between the declarative and procedural aspects of
knowledge can be resolved by following the proposed model.
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Syns du inte - finns du inte : En kvantitativ studie om inverkan av kön och andra sociala kategorier på människorssynlighet i Aktuellt och RapportHuhta, Helena January 2009 (has links)
Title: If you can not be seen - You do not exist: A quantitative study of how gender and other socialfactors affect the degree of visibility in the Swedish newscasts of Aktuellt and Rapport. (Syns duinte � finns du inte: En kvantitativ studie om inverkan av kön och andra sociala aspekter påmänniskors synlighet i Aktuellt och Rapport).Number of pages: 46Author: Helena HuhtaTutor: Martin FredrikssonCourse: Media and Communication Science CPeriod: Autumn of 2009University: Division of Informatics and Media, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this study has been to investigate to what degree women and menparticipate in the newscasts of Aktuellt and Rapport, broadcast on the Swedish public servicechannels of SVT 1 and SVT 2. Furthermore, I have also looked into how social identities, such asage and ethnicity, affect the degree of representation for each gender, respectively. Some of thebasic research questions comprise: 1. how much space is given to men compared to women in termsof: number of participants for each gender, speaking time and position in the news order? 2. Howdo the roles differ for male and female participants in terms of position and topic? 3. How do ageand ethnicity affect the degree of visibility for men and women in Aktuellt and Rapport?Material/Method: This study has been carried out as a quantitative content analysis of Aktuellt andRapport, during ten weekdays in October and November of 2009. The research units included in thestudy consist of all people visible and talking actively, on screen during the domestic news, of saidperiod, in Aktuellt and Rapport.Main results: The results show that men are more visible than women, due to there being a largernumber of male participants, and men also having a tendency to get longer speaking times.Regarding roles, women participate to a much greater extent as private persons than men - the latterrather being made visible as representatives. The main subject areas between the genders also differ, where women usually occur in a “soft news” context, and men in “hard news” context.When looking into the intersection between gender and age, the newscasts have a tendency todisplay younger females and older males. Hence, the female participants seem to have adiminishing chance of being seen as they grow older, while there is an opposite tendency for maleparticipants.Finally, regarding the intersection between ethnicity and gender, the study has shown that thegenders are more evenly represented among people of a non Swedish origin. The ethnic minoritiesare, however, underrepresented in these newscasts as a whole.Keywords: gender, ethnicity, age, intersectionality, news, media, representation.
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Women’s representation in spaces of participation and power : A study of tribal and non-tribal women in local systems of governance in Orissa, IndiaGaassand, Margrethe January 2011 (has links)
This study investigates the real representation of women in two villages in Orissa, India. Through my own feminist lens I have brought in theory of spaces of participation and power and hence linked this to the concept of real participation. Women from three different ranges within the local social hierarchies have participated in this study by sharing their knowledge, and I have tried to connect their stories and knowledge to political geography by captivating how they are represented in local governance. Representation is an important concept throughout this study, and it concerns how people feel that their interests are being represented and listened to. The study reveals women’s constrains and enabling factors to participate in formal or public spaces of governance. The studied women show that they lack real access to the invited spaces of participation in their local villages and thus they lack access to real representation through public spaces. This study also investigates the links between different spaces of representation, and shows that real representation is vital in women’s lives. When in practice excluded from the local public spaces of governance, these women claim spaces of participation and power by creating their own spaces of representation in the counter-publics.
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