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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Family growth response to fishmeal and plant-based diets shows genotype x diet interaction in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Pierce, Lindsey Renea 31 July 2008 (has links)
The ability of rainbow trout to efficiently utilize plant-based diets for growth and the genetic variation for that trait have not been thoroughly examined. In this study, growth of a pedigreed population from the commercial Kamloop strain was assessed while feeding plant-based or traditional fishmeal-based diets. Both fish oil (5.00%) and soybean oil (8.43%) were included in the plant-based diet, and only fish oil was used in the fishmeal diet (10.10%). Ninety-five full-sib families nested within 47 half-sib families were reared in a common environment. Parentage assignment was performed on approximately 1,000 fish fed each diet using eight microsatellite markers chosen for non-duplication, a minimum of five alleles with no known null alleles, at least 50% heterozygosity, and unambiguous scoring. Progeny were assigned to parental pairs using two allocation programs, PAPA and FAP, to increase accuracy and to test assignment efficiency. The fish fed the fishmeal/oil diet were approximately 8% larger than the fish fed the plant-based diet (P < 0.05). A significant genotype x diet effect accounted for 5% of the random variation. The genetic correlation for growth on the two diets was 73%, with a heritability of 30% across the diets. With this, I conclude that substantial genetic variation for utilizing pant-based diets containing soybean meal and oil exists in this widely used commercial rainbow trout strain. The genetic variation can be explored to detect and select for genes involved in proved utilization of plant-based diets containing soybean meal and oil if growth on plant-based meals becomes a long-term breeding goal in rainbow trout production. / Master of Science

Experimental analysis of intra- and interspecific competitive interactions between cutthroat trout and sculpins in small streams

Ramirez, Ben S. 02 December 2011 (has links)
In the Pacific Northwest ecoregion of North America, sculpins represent a major constituent of freshwater assemblages in coastal rivers. Based on their prevalence and abundance, sculpins are likely important ecologically, yet little is known of their interactions with co-occurring species, such as widely studied salmon and trout (salmonines). In this study, I evaluated inter- and intraspecific interactions involving cottids (Cottus sp.) and coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii). I used a response surface experimental design to independently evaluate effects of cutthroat trout and sculpin biomass on growth and behavior. There was evidence of both intra- and interspecific interactions between cutthroat trout and sculpins, but the interactions were asymmetrical with biomass of cutthroat trout driving both intra- and interspecific interactions, whereas sculpins had little influence overall. Cutthroat trout biomass was positively related to conspecific aggressive interactions and negatively related to growth. Sculpin exhibited increased use of cover during the day in response to greater biomass of cutthroat trout, but not sculpin biomass. Nocturnal use of cover by sculpins was unaffected by biomass of either species. This experiment provides insights into the species interactions and the mechanisms that may allow sculpins and salmonines to coexist in nature. As cutthroat trout appear to be superior competitors, coexistence between sculpins and cutthroat trout may depend on some form of refuge, either in the form of in-stream cover or crypsis coupled with diel resource segregation. Cutthroat trout are usually active during the day, indicating that nocturnal foraging by sculpins may in part represent a behavior that minimizes interspecific competition with cutthroat trout. / Graduation date: 2012

Potrava vydry říční (Lutra lutra) v závisloti na vysazení potoční formy pstruha obecného (Salmo trutta m. fario) a lipana podhorního (Thymallus thymallus) / Diet of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in relation to the stocking of brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario) and grayling (Thymallus thymallus)

Lyach, Roman January 2014 (has links)
This study aimed to evaluate otter predation on stocked trout and grayling. The diet composition of piscivorous Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) was studied on the stream Chotýšanka in central Bohemia using spraint (otter faeces) analysis during one winter period (90 days). Stocking took place mostly in the second half of 2005. Around 5000 hatchery-reared brown trouts (Salmo trutta m. fario) of size about 10 cm, 600 graylings (Thymallus thymallus) of the same size and 480 rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) of size about 30 cm were stocked into the stream. Spraints were collected in December 2005 and January 2006. We found and identified 1531 fish in the spraints. The primary food source of otters was fish (almost 85 % of biomass). The main fish prey was small - sized, below 20 g in weight and 13 cm in length. The bulk of otter's diet consisted of less - valued species, especially the gudgeon (Gobio gobio). Other frequently consumed fish species were the European chub (Squalius cephalus), the common carp (Cyprinus carpio), the European perch (Perca fluviatilis), the brown trout and the rainbow trout. Consumption of stocked brown trout was 1,80 %, while cosumption of stocked rainbow trout was 10,90 % of biomass. Otters in this area consumed about 723 - 1446 brown trouts and 72 - 144 rainbow trouts...

Characterisation of chromatin extracellular traps in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Van, Andre P. January 2018 (has links)
One of the greatest challenges in finfish aquaculture is combating losses caused by infectious bacterial diseases, and a better understanding of the interactions between the host immune system and pathogens is essential for developing new methods to manage infections and outbreaks. Extracellular traps (ETs) are decondensed nuclear chromatin released by neutrophils into the extracellular matrix that can ensnare and kill microbes. Since the discovery of ETs in humans, these innate immune effectors have been characterised across the animal kingdom, including in some fish species, though their existence the salmonids has yet to be confirmed. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to confirm and characterise the release of ETs in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and investigate the interaction of these structures with fish pathogenic bacteria. To do this, a triple-layer Percoll gradient technique was employed to give highly enriched cell suspensions of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) derived from head-kidney tissue preparations. Treatment of PMN-enriched cell suspensions with the nucleic-acid-specific stain, SYTOX Green, revealed the presence of ET-like structures that had been released without stimulation. These ET-like structures were confirmed by immunostaining techniques to contain the diagnostic proteinaceous markers of ETs: neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase and the H2A histone. Previously characterised inhibitors and inducers of ET release from phagocytic immune cells in other animals confirmed that calcium ionophore (CaI), flagellin, and cytochalasin D shared similar activities for ET-release by rainbow trout PMNs. However, interestingly, as the common ET-inducer phorbol-myristate acetate (PMA) and ET-inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) did not exert their expected potency in ET release assays with the PMNs, perhaps indicating that these fish cells are less dependent on NADPH oxidase signalling for ET release compared to mammals and most invertebrate species. The PMN-derived ETs were demonstrated to bind to and trap the extracellular nuclease-deficient bacterial fish pathogen, Vibrio anguillarum (Vib 87) when co-cultured. Finally, extracellular nuclease activity produced by a V. anguillarum isolate (Vib 6) during culture was able to degrade ETs released by rainbow trout PMNs in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, viable colony counts, fluorescent and phase contrast microscopy demonstrated that V. anguillarum Vib 6 eluded trapping by ETs, while an extracellular nuclease-deficient isolate did not. These observations are consistent with the suggestion that nucleases are a microbial virulence factor during host infection. Confirming the existence and antimicrobial potential of extracellular traps released by rainbow trout PMNs may provide a platform towards the development of novel therapeutics to reduce mortalities in finfish aquaculture caused by infectious microbial pathogens.

Temperature dependent sex differentiation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) / Temperaturabhängige Geschlechtsdifferenzierung bei der Regenbogenforelle (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Magerhans, Andreas 20 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Using radiocesium (137Cs) to measure and compare the bioenergetic budgets of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in the field

Tucker, Strahan. January 1998 (has links)
Through the 137Cs mass balance method, annual consumption rates were estimated for juvenile Atlantic salmon parr and precocious males, as well as brook trout from 4 sites within the Ste Marguerite river system, Quebec. With explicit age analysis, feeding rates and growth rates were derived on an individual fish and age class basis. These represent the first consumption estimates for Atlantic salmon in the wild. The individual fish approach provided a range of data for a single site, as opposed to a single estimate per age class, allowing for an evaluation of the relationship between consumption and growth for each species or life-history variant. Subsequently, the concept of field maintenance ration was introduced as the intercept of consumption over growth. / Salmonid feeding rates were coupled with density estimates to derive total fish exploitation rates for two streams. The application of age- and site-specific feeding rates derived from the 137Cs mass balance method, solved a long standing paradox in stream ecology as all previously inferred salmonid exploitation rates have been in excess of prey turnover. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Does Shape Predict Performance? An Analysis of Morphology and Swimming Performance in Great Basin Fishes

Aedo, John R. 08 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Swimming performance strongly influences fitness in aquatic organisms and is closely tied to external body morphology. Although this connection has been closely examined at the individual and species level, few studies have focused on this relationship as it pertains to functional group assemblages. Using functional groups based on similarities in habitat use and morphology, I tested the hypothesis that swimming performance can be reliably predicted by functional group composition. I measured swimming performance as burst speed using a simulated predator attack and as prolonged speed using a step-endurance test in a laboratory flume. I measured morphology using geometric morphometric techniques. A difference in swimming behavior in four of the seven species was observed in the step-endurance test. Benthic species exhibited bracing behavior as an alternative to body-caudal fin (BCF) propulsion in the prolonged speed trials. Swimming performance exhibited a weak relationship with functional groups based on habitat or morphology. Rather a species-based model was the best predictor of swimming performance. Although species exhibited variation in swimming performance, body size was the strongest predictor of absolute swimming performance across all models. Relative swimming performance (measured in body lengths/sec) was negatively related to body size. The results of this study suggest that functional groups are not always reliable predictors of performance and they necessitate empirical testing to validate their effectiveness. This study also provides critical swimming performance data for previously unstudied Great Basin fishes which could be valuable for predicting fish passage through culverts, weirs and fish ladders.

Using radiocesium (137Cs) to measure and compare the bioenergetic budgets of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in the field

Tucker, Strahan. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Salmonid behaviour under winter conditions

Watz, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Winter conditions are believed to play an important role in the population dynamics of northern temperate stream fish, challenging the ability of fish to physiologically and behaviourally adapt. Climate change is predicted to increase both mean temperature and temperature fluctuations, especially during winter, leading to dynamic environmental conditions in terms of river ice production and flow. Therefore, knowledge about the winter ecology of stream fish is important for predicting and mitigating anthropogenic impacts on fish production in boreal streams. Stream salmonids are relatively active throughout winter, and behavioural responses to different winter conditions may be critical for survival. Yet, relatively little is known about overwintering behaviour of salmonids, particularly in streams with ice. In this doctoral thesis, I report the results from experimental field and laboratory studies on the behavioural ecology of juvenile salmonids under winter conditions. My results from the field show that salmonids grow more and use a broader range of habitats in the presence of surface ice than in its absence. Results from the laboratory experiments show that the presence of surface ice increases food intake rates, reduces stress and affects social interactions. These laboratory results may explain the positive effects of ice cover on growth that was found in the field experiment. Moreover, I show that drift-feeding ability is reduced at low temperatures, and that nocturnal drift foraging under winter conditions has a low efficiency. / Vinterförhållanden kan spela en avgörande roll för förekomsten av fisk i våra vattendrag. Laxfiskar, som till exempel lax, öring och harr, är vinteraktiva och måste därför anpassa sin fysiologi och sitt beteende till en miljö som karakteriseras av låga och föränderliga vattenflöden, liten tillgång på föda, kallt vatten, is och mörker. Trots att dessa anpassningar är avgörande för chansen att överleva vintern, vet man relativt lite om laxfiskars vinterbeteende, speciellt i vattendrag som täcks av is. I denna avhandling presenterar jag resultat från fält- och laboratoriestudier av laxfiskars beteende under vinterförhållanden och resultaten visar att närvaron av yttäckande is ökar tillväxt och födointag, minskar stress samt påverkar var fiskar uppehåller sig och hur fiskarna interagerar med varandra. Jag har också undersökt hur laxfiskars beteende i rinnande vatten påverkas av ljusintensitet och vattentemperatur i samband med födointag. Resultaten visar att den minskade dagaktiviteten som laxfiskar uppvisar på vintern medför en kostnad i form av försämrad förmåga att fånga byten. / Winter conditions are believed to play an important role in the population dynamics of northern temperate stream fish, challenging the ability of fish to physiologically and behaviourally adapt. Climate change is predicted to increase both mean temperature and temperature fluctuations, especially during winter, leading to dynamic environmental conditions in terms of river ice production and flow. Therefore, knowledge about the winter ecology of stream fish is important for predicting and mitigating anthropogenic impacts on fish production in boreal streams. Stream salmonids are active throughout winter, and behavioural responses to different winter conditions may be critical for survival. Yet, relatively little is known about overwintering behaviour of salmonids, particularly in streams with ice. This doctoral thesis focuses on the behavioural ecology of salmonids under winter conditions, and results from field and laboratory experiments show that the presence of surface ice increases food intake rates, reduces stress and affects social interactions, with effects on growth and habitat use. Moreover, drift-feeding ability is reduced at low temperatures, and nocturnal drift foraging under winter conditions has a low efficiency. / <p>Artikel 1 i avhandlingen som manuskript. Nu publicerad.</p>

Spawning Site Selection and Fry Development of Invasive Lake Trout in Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Simard, Lee 01 January 2017 (has links)
Since their discovery in Yellowstone Lake in 1994, Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) have been the object of an intensive gillnet suppression program due to their predation on native Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri). Managers are also interested in targeting early life stages to augment suppression. A benthic sled was used to sample for Lake Trout eggs at 24 locations, hypothesized to be spawning sites, that encompassed a range of depths, slopes, and substrate composition to determine the location and characteristics of spawning sites in Yellowstone Lake. Lake Trout eggs were collected at seven sites, five of which had not been previously confirmed as spawning sites. Habitat characterization at these sites indicate Lake Trout spawning in Yellowstone Lake is limited to areas with rocky substrate, but is not constrained to areas with interstitial spaces or contour breaks as is seen within the species' native range. Lake Trout fry were captured around Carrington Island, an additional spawning site in Yellowstone Lake, in 2014 and 2015. These fry were significantly larger at each developmental stage, consumed more food beginning at earlier stages, and were captured much later into the summer than fry captured at a spawning site in Lake Champlain. The lack of potential egg and fry predators in Yellowstone Lake could be driving these differences in spawning site selection and fry behavior. This information will allow managers to identify additional spawning locations for suppression and evaluate the impact their efforts might have on the Lake Trout population in Yellowstone Lake.

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