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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Microstructure on Fracture and Fatigue Crack Growth of Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr Next Generation Turbine Blade Material

Dahar, Matthew Scott 29 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Development of a Lightweight Electric Vehicle Chassis and Investigation into the Suitability of TiAl for Automotive Applications

Lovatt, Carl Ryan January 2008 (has links)
A lightweight chassis for a battery electric vehicle being developed at the University of Waikato was required. The chassis was designed around a predetermined body shape and suspension setup. A chassis, built from 20mm thick aluminium honeycomb sandwich panel, was designed and built to LVVTA standards allowing the car to be driven on public roads. The chassis weighs a little over a third the mass of a mass production car chassis. The car has been driven over 1800km with only one minor problem, indicating the chassis is reliable and well suited to its purpose. Titanium aluminide properties were researched to identify where titanium aluminides could be used in an automobile. Titanium aluminides have a specific strength and stiffness near to steel yet only half the density making it an ideal replacement for steel components. Automotive applications identified that could benefit from the use of TiAl include valves, brake rotors and inside 'in-wheel' electric motors.

Influence de l'oxygène sur le comportement à la solidification d'aluminiures de titane binaires et alliés au niobium basés sur le composé intermétallique [gamma]-TiAI / Influence of oxygen on the solidification behaviour of binary and niobium containing gamma titanium aluminides

Zollinger, Julien 08 July 2008 (has links)
Cette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet européen IMPRESS, "Intermetallic Materials Processing in Relation to Earth and Space Solidification". Elle porte sur la compréhension des mécanismes fondamentaux qui contrôlent la solidification de l’alliage Ti-46Al-8Nb envisagés pour le développement d’aubes de turbines. La première partie de cette étude caractérise l’influence de l’oxygène sur le comportement à la solidification d’alliages de base TiAl coulés et contenant de 40 a 48 at.% d’aluminium. L’addition d’oxygène augmente la fraction volumique de phase [alpha] formée pendant la solidification péritectique et conduit au changement de la phase primaire de solidification de la phase [bêta] à la phase [alpha] dans les alliages ternaires Ti-44,3Al-1,5O, Ti-47,7Al-0,8O et Ti-47,3Al-1,5O (at.%). Les coefficients de partage pour l’aluminium et l’oxygène kAl[alpha]/l= 0,9 et kO[alpha]/l = 1,29, ont été déterminés pour l’alliage ayant [alpha] comme phase primaire de solidification. Dans un deuxième temps, l’étude du comportement à la solidification de l’alliage Ti-46Al-8Nb, est décrite en portant une attention particulière sur les effets de la contamination et des conditions de croissance sur la formation des microstructures et des microségrégations. Deux comportements différents ont été mis en évidence : dans la phase primaire de solidification [alpha] rencontrée pour des hauts niveaux de contamination en oxygène, une très faible rétrodiffusion est observée. Pour de faibles quantités d’oxygène, la phase primaire de solidification est la phase [bêta]. Dans ce cas la présence d’oxygène induit une augmentation de l’amplitude de ségrégation malgré une forte rétrodiffusion dans la structure cubique centrée / This study was performed in the framework of the IMPRESS, "Intermetallic Materials Processing in Relation to Earth and Space Solidification", and is dedicated to the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms that control solidification in a Ti-46Al-8Nb alloy selected for TiAl-based alloy turbine blade development. The first part of this work is devoted to study the influence of oxygen on the solidification behaviour of cast TiAl-based alloys containing from 40 to 48 at.% of Al. Increasing the oxygen content affects significantly the macrostructure of the as-cast ingots, increases volume fraction of the phase formed during the peritectic solidification and leads to a change of the [bêta] primary solidification phase to the [alpha] phase in the ternary Ti-44.2Al-1.4O, Ti-47.3Al-0.9O and Ti-47.2Al-1.5O (at.%) alloys. When [alpha] is the primary solidification phase, the partition coefficients has been determined as kAl[alpha]/l= 0,9 and kO(alpha]/l = 1,29. In a second part, the solidification behaviour of Ti-46Al-8Nb alloy is investigated, with a particular attention to the contamination and growth conditions effects on microstructures and microsegregation formations. For high contamination levels, the solidification phase is [alpha] where oxygen reduces solute mobility, leading to limited backdiffusion. In low oxygen containing alloys, [bêta] is the primary solidification phase, and oxygen leads to an extent of the segregation amplitude despite high level of back-diffusion in the bcc structure

Caracterização microestrutural e comportamento à oxidação em temperaturas elevadas de ligas TiAl / Microstructural characterization and oxidation behavior of high temperatures of TiAl alloys

Oliveira, Rafaela Cerqueira Batista de 16 October 2018 (has links)
As ligas γ-TiAl são atraentes para diversos segmentos industriais, tais como aeronáutico, aeroespacial e automobilístico, visto a sua combinação única de propriedades mecânicas aliadas a sua baixa densidade, alto ponto de fusão (1400 - 1500 °C), boa resistência à oxidação e à fluência, dentre outros. Contudo, apresentam como limitadores de aplicação uma baixa ductilidade à temperatura ambiente e insuficiente resistência à oxidação quando submetida às temperaturas superiores a 800 °C. Portanto, diversos elementos de liga têm sido adicionados à liga γ-TiAl com o intuito de melhorar estas propriedades. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar a microestrutura e o comportamento em oxidação em temperaturas elevadas das ligas γ-TiAl: Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr-0,5B (% at.) e Ti-44Al-4Nb-1Mo-0,5B (% at.). Os lingotes foram fundidos em um forno a arco elétrico sob atmosfera de argônio e a partir deles foi realizada a caracterização microestrutural por meio de difração de raios X, microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As análises permitiram identificar em ambas as ligas as fases γ-TiAl (matriz), α2-Ti3Al e β (B2). A microestrutura ao longo da seção transversal das ligas apresentou-se heterogênea, com grãos equiaxiais e uma estrutura lamelar na região central do lingote. Outro fato a ser evidenciado é a presença de regiões dendríticas em ambas as ligas, sendo que na liga Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr-0,5B(% at.) também foram observadas colônias de fragmentos dendríticos. O ensaio termogravimétrico foi realizado sob 1000 °C, ao ar por 7 h, e a partir dele observou-se que a resistência à oxidação de ambas as ligas apresentaram baixo ganho de massa quando submetidas a temperaturas inferiores a 850 °C, entretanto, a 1000 °C o comportamento das curvas evidencia que a liga Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr-0,5B(% at.) possui uma melhor resistência a oxidação do que Ti-44Al-4Nb-1Mo-0,5B (% at.) nesta temperatura. / γ-TiAl alloys are attractive to a number of industrial segments such as aeronautics, aerospace and automotive, since their unique combination of mechanical properties combined with their low density, high melting point (1400 - 1500 ° C), good oxidation and creep resistance, and others. However, they have as application limiters a low ductility at room temperature and insufficient oxidation resistance when exposed to temperatures exceeding 800 °C. Several alloying elements have been added to the γ-TiAl alloy in order to improve these properties. Therefore, the objective of this study is to characterize the microstructure and oxidation behavior at high temperatures of two γ-TiAl alloys: Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr-0.5B (wt.%) and Ti-44Al-4Nb-1Mo-0.5B (wt.%). The ingots were melt in an electric arc furnace under an argon atmosphere and then, the microstructural characterization was carried out by diffraction X-ray, optical microscopy (OM) and scanning (SEM). By the analyzes was possible to identify the phases γ-TiAl (matrix), α2-Ti3Al and β (B2) in both alloys. The microstructure along the cross section of the alloys was heterogeneous showing equiaxial grains, and dendritic regions in both alloys. In the Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr-0.5B (wt.%) alloy colonies of dendritic fragments were also observed. The thermogravimetric test was performed under 1000 °C in air for 7 h. As result it it was observed that the oxidation resistance of both alloys showed low mass gain when the temperature was up to 850 °C, however, at 1000 °C the curves\' behavior evidence that the Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr-0.5B (wt.%) alloy has a better oxidation resistance than Ti-44Al-4Nb-1Mo-0.5B (wt.%) at this temperature.

Estudo da difusão entre a fase intermetálica  Υ-TiAl e Fe / Aço / Study of the diffusion between ?-TiAl intermetallic phase and Fe / Steel

Silva, Paulo Ricardo Soares Azevedo e 25 August 2015 (has links)
Compostos intermetálicos baseados em Aluminetos de Titânio são considerados promissores para aplicações estruturais em altas temperaturas. Eles apresentaram, principalmente, baixa massa específica (3,2 - 4,2 g/cm3), alto ponto de fusão (1400 - 1500 °C) e alta resistência mecânica entre 600 e 950 °C. O estudo de difusão entre ?-TiAl e materiais ricos em ferro é importante para observar fenômenos e obter dados relevantes a junção desses materiais com o Aço - a liga metálica mais versátil conhecida. Componentes como turbocompressores automotivos serão beneficiados com o desenvolvimento e a aplicação das ligas TiAl, sendo um aspecto importante a junção do rotor de TiAl com o eixo de aço do componente. O presente trabalho foi executado em três etapas: obtenção do intermetálico monofásico ?-TiAl; estudo de pares de difusão ?-TiAl/Fe; e estudo de pares de difusão ?-TiAl/Aço. Ligas com composições Ti50Al50 e Ti47Al53 foram confeccionadas e caracterizadas por microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microanálise EDS, difratometria de raios-X e ensaios de dureza. As fases ?-TiAl e ?2-Ti3Al foram observadas em diversas microestruturas de acordo com a composição química e tratamento térmico da amostra. Os parâmetros de rede e as frações volumétricas das fases ?-TiAl e ?2-Ti3Al foram determinados por difração de raios-X através do refinamento pelo método de Rietvelt. A dureza média encontrada nas amostras TiAl foi de 272 a 340 HV500. A liga Ti47Al53 tratada termicamente a 1200 °C por 7 dias apresentou-se monofásica ?-TiAl e foi a escolhida para os estudos de pares de difusão. Caracterização microestrutural por MO e MEV/EDS, ensaio de dilatometria, ensaios de dureza e análise química foram executados no Aço retirado de um eixo do turbocompressor automotivo. Os pares de difusão ?-TiAl/Fe e ?-TiAl/Aço foram confeccionados e tratados a 800, 1000 e 1200 °C por 24 horas e caracterizados microestruturalmente com auxílio de um MEV/EDS. Nos pares confeccionados com Ferro, menores temperaturas de tratamento térmicos possibilitaram maiores regiões de ligação dos materiais e observou-se menores quantidades de trincas, provavelmente relacionado a menores tensões internas no resfriamento. Já nos pares confeccionados com Aço, observou-se a formação de carbonetos ricos em Titânio que atuaram como barreira de difusão, reduzindo consideravelmente as regiões de ligação em comparado com os pares confeccionados com Ferro. Em todos os pares de difusão, diversas regiões reacionais na interface de difusão foram observadas e através de dados da literatura, sugeriu-se as prováveis fases presentes em cada região. / Intermetallic compounds based on titanium aluminides are considered promising for structural applications in high temperatures. They presented mainly low density (3.2 to 4.2 g/cm3), high melting point (1400 to 1500 °C) and high mechanical strength between 600 and 950 °C. The study of diffusion between ?-TiAl and Fe-rich materials is important to observe phenomena and obtain relevant data joining these materials with steel - the most versatile metal alloy known. Components such as automotive turbochargers will benefit from the development and application of TiAl alloys, and represents an important aspect the junction between TiAl wheel and steel shaft component. The work was performed in three steps: obtaining ?-TiAl intermetallic single-phase; investigation of ?-TiAl/Fe diffusion couples; and investigation of ?-TiAl/Steel diffusion couples. Alloys with Ti50Al50 and Ti47Al53 compositions were made and characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and EDS microanalysis, X-rays diffraction and hardness tests. The ?-TiAl and ?2-Ti3Al phases were observed in several microstructures according to the chemical composition and the sample heat-treatment. The lattice parameters and volumetric fractions of ?-TiAl and ?2-Ti3Al phases was determined by X-ray diffraction by the Rietveld method. The average hardness found in TiAl samples was 272-340 HV500. The Ti47Al53 alloy heattreated at 1200 °C for 7 days showed ?-TiAl single-phase and it was chosen for diffusion couples investigations. Microstructural characterization, dilatometry tests, hardness tests, and chemical analysis was performed on a steel sample removed from the automotive turbocharger shaft. The ?-TiAl/Fe and ?-TiAl/Steel diffusion couples were made and heattreated at 800, 1000, 1200 °C for 24 hours and were microstructurally characterized by SEM/EDS. In couples made of Iron, lower heat-treatment temperatures allowed the highest attachment regions of the material and smaller amounts of cracks was found, probably due to lower internal stress during cooling. In the couples made of steel, it was observed the formation of Ti-rich carbides that worked as diffusion barrier, reducing considerably the binding regions compared with Iron couples. In all diffusion couples samples, several reaction regions on the diffusion interface were observed and through the literature it was suggested the probable phases present in each region.

Effect of melt convection on microstructure evolution of peritectic Nd-Fe-B and Ti-Al alloys

Biswas, Kaushik 25 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss der Schmelzkonvektion auf das erstarrende Gefüge von peritektischen Nd-Fe-B – und TiAl-Legierungen mit Hilfe neuartiger Methoden untersucht. Da die magnetischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften dieser technisch relevanten Legierungen stark vom Gefüge und insbesondere vom Volumenanteil der properitektischen Phase abhängen, sind diese Untersuchungen von großem Interesse. Auf der Basis der numerischen Simulationen der Schmelzkonvektionsmoden und des elektromagnetischen Problems in einer induktiv beheizten Schmelze, die am Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf durchgeführt wurden, wurden am IFW Dresden neuartige Versuchsaufbauten entwickelt, die die Modifizierung der Konvektion in einer Metallschmelze ermöglichen. Dies sind ein Aufbau zur erzwungenen Schmelzrotation in einem Tiegel und eine modifizierte Floating-Zone-Anlage. Die erzwungene Schmelzrotation, bei der der Schmelztiegel mit einer definierten Frequenz rotiert, führt in Übereinstimmung mit der Simulation zu einer starken Reduzierung der Konvektion in Abhängigkeit von der Frequenz. Diese Methode wurde auf Nd-Fe-B-Legierungen angewendet mit dem Ziel, die Bildung der unerwünschten weichmagnetischen Eisenphase zu unterdrücken bzw. deren Volumenanteil zu reduzieren. Im Ergebnis konnte der Volumenanteil der properitektischen Phase mit diesem Verfahren um 38.5 % reduziert werden. Das dendritische Gefüge wurde einer ausführlichen statistischen Analyse unterzogen, bei der die Abstände der sekundären Dendritenarme (SDAS) gemessen wurden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die SDAS sich mit steigender Frequenz der Tiegelrotation, was einer reduzierten Schmelzkonvektion entspricht, verringern. Die Verringerung des Volumenanteils der properitektischen Eisenphase und der SDAS wird mit dem reduzierten konvektiven Massentransport unter reduzierter Schmelzkonvektion erklärt. Starke interdendritische Strömung reduziert die Dicke der Diffusionsgrenzschicht um die properitektische Phase. Dadurch wird der Stofftransport durch die Grenzschicht erleichtert. Kleinere Dendritenarme werden in die Schmelze zurückgeschmolzen, wodurch sich der Abstand zwischen den verbleibenden Dendritenarmen vergrößert. Eine Floating-Zone-Anlage, die das tiegelfreie Prozessieren von Metallschmelzen erlaubt wurde so modifiziert, dass mit Hilfe eines Doppelspulensystems eine zusätzliche wohl definierte elektromagnetische Kraft eingebracht wird, über die eine sehr intensive (Zweiphasenrührer in Parallelschaltung) bzw. stark verringerte Strömung (Doppelspule in Reihenschaltung) in der Schmelze eingestellt werden kann. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen am Nd-Fe-B-System mit der Doppelspule in Reihenschaltung zeigten, dass sich bei einem optimalen Spulenabstand von 5,1 mm die geringste Schmelzkonvektion ergab, wobei der Anteil des a-Eisen-Volumenanteils weiter verringert werden konnte. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde mit dem Zweiphasenrührer in Parallelschaltung eine sehr starke Schmelzkonvektion mit einem maximalen Volumenanteil der a-Eisen-Phase eingestellt, wobei durch die starke Rührung ein Wechsel der Morphologie von dendritisch zu globular zu beobachten war. Die Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der starken Schmelzkonvektion wurden auf ein weiteres peritektisch erstarrendes System ausgedehnt, um eine generalisierte Aussage zum Einfluss der Konvektion auf Gefüge und Eigenschaften peritektisch erstarrender Legierungen zu erhalten. Die ausgewählte Ti45Al55 - Legierung erstarrte unter starker Schmelzkonvektion ebenfalls globulitisch, wobei Reste dendritisch erstarrter properitektischer Phase gefunden wurden. Der Volumenanteil der properitektischen Phase steigt dabei mit zunehmender Rührwirkung an. Der Wechsel der Morphologie von dendritisch zu globular/dendritisch kann mit sphärischem Wachstum oder Fragmentierung der Dendritenarme erklärt werden. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften unter unterschiedlicher Schmelzkonvektion erstarrter Ti45Al55 – Legierung wurden bei Druckversuchen untersucht. Es wurde eine signifikant höhere plastische Verformbarkeit an der unter starker Schmelzkonvektion erstarrten Ti45Al55 – Legierung gefunden. Dies wird der isotropen spherischen Morphologie der lamellaren a2/g-Phase zugeordnet, während die anisotrope Orientierung der dendritisch- lamellaren Phase unerwünschte plastische Eigenschaften zeigt. Die Untersuchungen des Einflusses der Schmelzkonvektion auf das Gefüge peritektisch erstarrender Legierungen zeigten, dass ein maßgeschneidertes Gefüge durch optimale Wahl der Schmelzkonvektion möglich ist und damit magnetische bzw. mechanische Eigenschaften verbessert werden können. Die Kontrolle der Schmelzkonvektion ist daher ein geeignetes Mittel gewünschte Gefüge und Eigenschaften in Abhängigkeit von den Prozessabläufen einzustellen. / In this work, the effect of melt convection on the microstructure evolution of peritectic Nd-Fe-B and Ti-Al alloy systems was studied using novel techniques. The microstructural formation including the change in volume fraction and morphology of the properitectic phase influences the magnetic and mechanical properties for the Nd-Fe-B and Ti-Al alloy systems, respectively. On the basis of numerical simulations by the research group of Dr. Gunter Gerbeth from Department of Magnetohydrodynamics, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, two types of specially designed facilities were developed where melt convection can be altered by changing a number of parameters. These are: forced rotation facility and modified floating zone facility. According to the numerical simulation, an additional crucible rotation suppresses the internal melt motion significantly during forced rotation experiments, where the molten alloy is rotated at a well-defined frequency. This method was applied during the solidification of Nd-Fe-B alloys with the aim to suppress the volume fraction of undesired soft magnetic a-Fe phase. As a result, the volume fraction of properitectic phase with this method can be reduced up to 38 %. A detailed statistical analysis of secondary dendritic arm spacing (SDAS) measurements of a-Fe showed that the SDAS decreases as the rotational frequency increases and melt convection decreases. The reduction in the phase fraction and SDAS of properitectic phase is attributed to the reduced convective mass transfer under reduced melt motion. At high fluid velocity and low rotational frequency, the stronger interdendritic flow reduces the solute boundary layer and increases the transfer of solute through the interface. The smaller dendrite arms dissolve into the melt and thus the SDAS becomes higher than that of the samples solidified at higher rotational frequencies with reduced melt convection. Floating zone facility, which allows contactless heating without any contamination for highly reactive melts, was modified with a double coil system so that an additional electromagnetic force is introduced inside the melt. This induces either very intensive (two-phase stirrer in parallel connection coil system) or very reduced flow (series connection coil system) inside the melt The experimental results of series connection coil system showed that a reduced melt convection state is achieved near 5.1 mm coil distance where a-Fe volume fraction becomes minimum. On the contrary, the parallel coil system experiments showed that a-Fe volume fraction becomes maximum when the phase shift between the coils is close to 90°. The morphology of the a-Fe becomes globular due to spherical growth under strong convection. The study on the effect of strong stirring was extended to another alloy to get a generalized idea about the influence of melt convection on the microstructure development and resulting properties of peritectic alloys. Peritectic Ti45Al55 alloys were investigated by the two-phase stirrer using the coils connected in parallel to study the effect of enhanced melt convection. The increase in the properitectic phase fraction together with a strong change in the morphology from dendritic to spherical were observed in the stirred samples. The increase in the properitectic phase fraction occurs due to the enhanced effective mass transfer under strong melt convection. The change in morphology of the properitectic phase is attributed to spherical growth or fragmentation of dendrite arms under strong convection. The mechanical properties of Ti45Al55 alloys, which are solidified at different convection states, were studied. There was a significantly higher plastic deformability of stirred samples compared to unstirred samples. The coarse anisotropic orientation of the dendritic lamellar phase is detrimental for the plastic deformability, which is absent in the stirred samples due to the spherical and discrete morphology of the properitectic phase. This study indicates that tailored microstructure can be obtained either by decreasing (e.g. for Nd-Fe-B alloy) or increasing (e.g. for Ti-Al alloy) the convection state using effective techniques inside the melt to improve the magnetic and mechanical properties, respectively. Thus, controlling convection is a useful way to get favorable microstructure according to the process need.

Estudo da difusão entre a fase intermetálica  Υ-TiAl e Fe / Aço / Study of the diffusion between ?-TiAl intermetallic phase and Fe / Steel

Paulo Ricardo Soares Azevedo e Silva 25 August 2015 (has links)
Compostos intermetálicos baseados em Aluminetos de Titânio são considerados promissores para aplicações estruturais em altas temperaturas. Eles apresentaram, principalmente, baixa massa específica (3,2 - 4,2 g/cm3), alto ponto de fusão (1400 - 1500 °C) e alta resistência mecânica entre 600 e 950 °C. O estudo de difusão entre ?-TiAl e materiais ricos em ferro é importante para observar fenômenos e obter dados relevantes a junção desses materiais com o Aço - a liga metálica mais versátil conhecida. Componentes como turbocompressores automotivos serão beneficiados com o desenvolvimento e a aplicação das ligas TiAl, sendo um aspecto importante a junção do rotor de TiAl com o eixo de aço do componente. O presente trabalho foi executado em três etapas: obtenção do intermetálico monofásico ?-TiAl; estudo de pares de difusão ?-TiAl/Fe; e estudo de pares de difusão ?-TiAl/Aço. Ligas com composições Ti50Al50 e Ti47Al53 foram confeccionadas e caracterizadas por microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microanálise EDS, difratometria de raios-X e ensaios de dureza. As fases ?-TiAl e ?2-Ti3Al foram observadas em diversas microestruturas de acordo com a composição química e tratamento térmico da amostra. Os parâmetros de rede e as frações volumétricas das fases ?-TiAl e ?2-Ti3Al foram determinados por difração de raios-X através do refinamento pelo método de Rietvelt. A dureza média encontrada nas amostras TiAl foi de 272 a 340 HV500. A liga Ti47Al53 tratada termicamente a 1200 °C por 7 dias apresentou-se monofásica ?-TiAl e foi a escolhida para os estudos de pares de difusão. Caracterização microestrutural por MO e MEV/EDS, ensaio de dilatometria, ensaios de dureza e análise química foram executados no Aço retirado de um eixo do turbocompressor automotivo. Os pares de difusão ?-TiAl/Fe e ?-TiAl/Aço foram confeccionados e tratados a 800, 1000 e 1200 °C por 24 horas e caracterizados microestruturalmente com auxílio de um MEV/EDS. Nos pares confeccionados com Ferro, menores temperaturas de tratamento térmicos possibilitaram maiores regiões de ligação dos materiais e observou-se menores quantidades de trincas, provavelmente relacionado a menores tensões internas no resfriamento. Já nos pares confeccionados com Aço, observou-se a formação de carbonetos ricos em Titânio que atuaram como barreira de difusão, reduzindo consideravelmente as regiões de ligação em comparado com os pares confeccionados com Ferro. Em todos os pares de difusão, diversas regiões reacionais na interface de difusão foram observadas e através de dados da literatura, sugeriu-se as prováveis fases presentes em cada região. / Intermetallic compounds based on titanium aluminides are considered promising for structural applications in high temperatures. They presented mainly low density (3.2 to 4.2 g/cm3), high melting point (1400 to 1500 °C) and high mechanical strength between 600 and 950 °C. The study of diffusion between ?-TiAl and Fe-rich materials is important to observe phenomena and obtain relevant data joining these materials with steel - the most versatile metal alloy known. Components such as automotive turbochargers will benefit from the development and application of TiAl alloys, and represents an important aspect the junction between TiAl wheel and steel shaft component. The work was performed in three steps: obtaining ?-TiAl intermetallic single-phase; investigation of ?-TiAl/Fe diffusion couples; and investigation of ?-TiAl/Steel diffusion couples. Alloys with Ti50Al50 and Ti47Al53 compositions were made and characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and EDS microanalysis, X-rays diffraction and hardness tests. The ?-TiAl and ?2-Ti3Al phases were observed in several microstructures according to the chemical composition and the sample heat-treatment. The lattice parameters and volumetric fractions of ?-TiAl and ?2-Ti3Al phases was determined by X-ray diffraction by the Rietveld method. The average hardness found in TiAl samples was 272-340 HV500. The Ti47Al53 alloy heattreated at 1200 °C for 7 days showed ?-TiAl single-phase and it was chosen for diffusion couples investigations. Microstructural characterization, dilatometry tests, hardness tests, and chemical analysis was performed on a steel sample removed from the automotive turbocharger shaft. The ?-TiAl/Fe and ?-TiAl/Steel diffusion couples were made and heattreated at 800, 1000, 1200 °C for 24 hours and were microstructurally characterized by SEM/EDS. In couples made of Iron, lower heat-treatment temperatures allowed the highest attachment regions of the material and smaller amounts of cracks was found, probably due to lower internal stress during cooling. In the couples made of steel, it was observed the formation of Ti-rich carbides that worked as diffusion barrier, reducing considerably the binding regions compared with Iron couples. In all diffusion couples samples, several reaction regions on the diffusion interface were observed and through the literature it was suggested the probable phases present in each region.

Zkřehnutí TiAl intermetalik indukované oxidací povrchu / Embrittlement of TiAl intermetalics induced by surface oxidation

Fukátková, Pavla January 2010 (has links)
This work aimed to study the effect of surface oxidation of TiAl intermetallic alloys, its fracture behavior and study the formation and stability of picked coatings that could prevent these phenomena. ?-TiAl alloy (Ti46Al7Nb) was examined by three different coatings (AlCr, AlCrN and AlCrNAg). Firstly, it was carried out short-term exposure to high temperature in an inert atmosphere for all coatings. Secondly, there were experiments of cyclic exposure to high temperature in normal atmosphere and isothermal high-temperature exposure in a normal atmosphere. During high-temperature experiments in normal atmosphere mass gain was measured and it was monitored a surface texture. Finally, the most promising coatings were chosen, and those were evaluated in bending strength.

Úprava oxidačních vlastností TiAl intermetalik přetavováním povrchu v řízené atmosféře / Oxidation behavior adjustment for TiAl intermetallics by controled atmosphere surface remelting

Prehradná, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Rešerše se zabývá teorií technologického způsobu zpracování materiálů, tzv. povrchového tavení. V první části rešerše je popsána samotná technologie a základní parametry ovlivňující proces tavení. Ve druhé části je uvedeno srování dvou základních typů laserů, a to Nd:YAG a CO2 laser. CO2 laser byl použit v případě našeho experimentu. Třetí část se zabývá vlastnostmi TiAl intermetalických slitin, především jejich fázemi -TiAl a -Ti3Al. Na závěr teoretické části je zmíněna oxidace TiAl intermetalických slitin. Experimentální část je věnována přetavování povrchu slitiny Ti-46Al-0,7Cr-0,1Si-7Nb-0,2Ni, a to v ochranné atmosféře dusíku. Tato část obsahuje výsledky několika experimentů, na jejichž základě bylo nutné stanovit potřebné parametry pro požadovaný proces tavení. Posledním krokem experimentu byla snaha o zvýšení hmotnosti vzorků v důsledku následné oxidace.

Effects of Microstructure and Processing on Fracture And Fatigue Crack Growth Of Ti-43.5Al-4Nb-1Mo (TNM) Third Generation Turbine Blade Material

Dahar, Matthew Scott 02 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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