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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bollspel som underlag för betyg i Idrott och Hälsa : En studie om likvärdig betygssättning

Lagercrantz Varvne, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
Abstract As part of the 1990;s school reform one aim was to reinforce the objective of knowledge, and physical education and health (PE) went from being a recreational subject to a subject of knowledge among others. As part of the reform a new criterion-referenced grading system was introduced. Several studies and reports since, has shown that teachers in PE have a hard time interpreting and implementing the national criteria in relation to a very traditional content, mainly consisting of ball games. Consequently, fair and equivalent grading in the subject have been questioned. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the dominance of ball games as content, together with teacher’s difficulty in interpreting national grading criteria, impacts equivalent grading in PE. The study is carried out with a didactic and curriculum-theory framework, using survey as method. In the survey the respondents were to make an assessment of three different students, using the same marks used in the national grading system. As a basis for the assessment, three movieclips containing twelve students from a seventh grade class, playing basketball were used. The selection of respondents were 17 licensed teachers from upper- secondary school. The results show a remarkably low conformity among the respondents, where the same performance was graded differently by different respondents. Attached to each assessment the respondents were to formulate their grounds for the grade given. These motivations seem to consist of a mix of languages, partly resembling that of the curriculum and syllabus, and partly resembling that of traditional sports-logic. The latter seems harder to seperate from the specific activity being assessed, and does not seem to reflect the more universal description of quality in movement used in the syllabus. I conclude in my discussion that my results indicate that verbally formulated criteria can be questioned as a method for measuring students’ knowledge in a high-stakes grading system. Where such a method lacks, other frame factors seem to exercise influence over the teachers grading practices, threatening reliability as well as validity of the grades. As a conclusion, I can establish that the dominance of ball games as content in PE may result in grades being given without reliable and valid basis. Dominance of one activity also seems to favour certain pupils over others, often boys, participating in organised sports in their spare time. Keywords: assessment, ball games, equivalent grading, frame factors, physical education

Motivationsklimatets betydelse vid undervisning av lagbollsport / The importance of motivational climate in teaching team ball games

Eriksson, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Lagbollsport i idrottsundervisningen har kritiserats för att likna föreningslivets resultatorienterade sätt att bedriva den. Något jag märkte när jag gjorde min idrottslärarpraktik var att många elever inte blev delaktiga under lektionerna då lagbollsport utövades. Kan man som idrottslärare genom att påverka motivationsklimatet få flertalet elever att uppleva mer glädje, delaktighet, variation och tid att lära nytt i lagbollsport? Syfte: Syftet med fältexperimentet är att skapa två olika motivationsklimat, processorienterat/resultatorienterat, samt utföra dem under fyra idrottslektioner i fotboll. Detta för att kunna påvisa eventuella för- och nackdelar mellan de båda motivationsklimaten genom resultaten från elevers upplevelser i glädje, delaktighet, variation och tid att lära nya saker. Metod: I studien användes en kvantitativ metod i form av enkäter. Totalt deltog 45 årskurs 7 elever från en skola i södra Värmland. Resultat: Resultaten visade att eleverna upplevde båda experimentsituationerna/lektionerna processorienterade och inga större skillnader kunde mätas gällande glädje, delaktighet, variation och tid att lära sig något nytt. Totalt sett så upplevde båda könen ett starkare samband mot samtliga bakgrundsvariabler (glädje, delaktighet, variation, tid att lära nytt) i ett upplevt processorienterat motivationsklimat jämfört med ett upplevt resultatorienterat. Vid könsjämförelser hittar man starka samband att speciellt flickor som upplevt motivationsklimatet resultatorienterat kände mindre glädje, delaktighet, variation och tid att lära sig nya saker jämfört med pojkar. Diskussion: Idrottslektioner är olikt föreningsidrotten i stort då flickor och pojkar idrottar tillsammans, detta är en viktig del av utbildningen i det sociala och livslånga färdigheter av sammarbete samt fysisk aktivitet. Då ett processorienterat motivationsklimat tyder på effektivare inlärningsstrategier samt tron på idrott och hälsa är till för att utveckla sociala och livslånga färdigheter borde varje idrottslärare vara medveten om vad som händer med en grupp om man påverkar motivationsklimatet process- eller resultatorienterat. / Background: Team ball games in physical education have been criticized for resembling association’s ego-oriented way of conducting it. Something I noticed when I did my PE internship was that many students were not involved in class when team ball game was exercised. Can you as a PE teacher by influencing the motivational climate get most of the students to experience more enjoyment, participation, variety and time to learn new things in team ball games? Aim: The aim of the field experiment is to create two different motivational climates, task-oriented / ego-oriented, and conduct them to four PE lessons in football (European).This to demonstrate any advantages or disadvantages between the two motivational climates by using the results of students' experiences in enjoyment, participation, variety and time to learn new things. Method: The study used a quantitative method in the form of questionnaires. A total of 45 grade 7 students participated in the study.  Result: The results showed that students experienced both experimental situations task-oriented and no major differences were noticed regarding to enjoyment, participation, variety and time to learn new things. Overall, both genders correlated stronger against all background variables (enjoyment, participation, variety, time to learn new things) in an experienced task-oriented motivational climate compared to an experienced ego-oriented. In gender comparison you can find strong correlations that especially girls who have experienced the motivational climate ego-oriented felt less enjoyment, participation, variety and time to learn new things compared to boys. Discussion: PE lessons are different compared to association’s sports in overall when it includes girls and boys playing sports together. This is an important part of education in social and life-long skills of cooperation and physical activity. As a task-orientated motivational climate proves to be more effective in learning strategies and the belief that physical education is to develop social and life-long skills every PE teacher should be aware of  the consequences both motivational climates (task-orientate/ego-orientated) influences a group.

A relação treinador-atleta-percepção dos comportamentos de liderança e de coesão em equipas de futebol

Leitão, José Carlos Gomes de Carvalho January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Pelote basque, entre héritages et créations : identités et représentations / Basque pelota, between inheritances and creations : identities and representations

Mourguy, Renée Evelyne 13 December 2017 (has links)
L’étude a pour premier objet de découvrir les caractères communs aux jeux antiques, au jeu de paume et à la pelote basque à partir d’une étude des textes écrits par des contemporains de ces jeux. Puis, l’observation des héritiers de la paume, dans leur histoire et leur actualité, permet des comparaisons pour cerner héritages et créations à l’origine de la pelote. Dresser une carte des identités de la pelote basque, occupe une grande partie de l’ouvrage, à partir de l’analyse des archives des villes du Pays basque et des articles de presse, principalement Le Courrier de Bayonne (1851 - 1899). Des rares premières archives des XVIe et XVIIe siècles et des témoignages contemporains du jeu décrit jusqu’en 1899, on tire les mutations, les règles et les conditions spacio-temporelles ou socio-culturelles de la pratique de la paume/pelote basque, donc son histoire sur cette période. L’étude des lieux de mémoire, tant les aires de jeu que la langue basque, la géographie d’implantation de la pelote en France et dans le monde, ou encore l’installation de la tradition des fêtes basques initiées par Antoine d’Abbadie, rend compte d’autres éléments identitaires et de la complexité toujours plus étendue de “ la ” pelote basque. Enfin les représentations des jeux de balle et de la pelote, dans leurs formes, littéraire, des arts visuels, journalistique, publicitaire, sont questionnées pour mieux cerner, d’une part les symboles à l’œuvre depuis l’antiquité et, d’autre part, le phénomène pelote basque dans sa personnalité et sa modernité. Les premières archives et l’histoire du XIXe siècle montrent une pratique mêlant joueurs des Pays basque de France et péninsulaire mais une évolution différente des aires et des conditions se fera dans les années 1880 et la pelote se différencie durablement. Devenue sport au début du XXe siècle et sport international, la pelote assume des pratiques plurielles, des influences venues des pays d’Amérique et ses nombreux paradoxes. / The first aim of this thesis is to determine the commonalities between games of Antiquity, real tennis, and Basque pelota, based on a review of documents written by authors coeval to these games. Then, the observation of the descendants of real tennis, in their history and their actuality, allows for comparisons to identify inheritances and creations at the origin of Basque pelota. A large part of the work is devoted to mapping out the identities of Basque pelota, based on the analysis of town records in the Basque Country and press articles, mostly from Le Courrier de Bayonne (1851 - 1899). From the rare first records from the 16th and 17th centuries and testimonies contemporaries of the game described until 1899, we draw the mutations, the rules, and the spatio-temporal or socio-cultural conditions of the practice of real tennis / Basque pelota, thus its history over this period. The study of sites of memory, such as sports fields, Basque language, the geography of establishment of Basque pelota in France and in the world, or even the establishment of the tradition of Basque festival initiated by Antoine d'Abbadie, provides an account of other identity elements and of the ever growing complexity of "the" Basque pelota. Finally, the representations of ball games and pelota, in their literary, visual arts, journalistic, and publicity form, are questioned to better pinpoint, on the one hand, the symbols used since antiquity, and, on the other hand, the phenomenon of Basque pelota in its personality and its modernity. The first records and the history of the 19th century exhibit a practice mixing players from the Basque Countries of France and of Spain but a contrasting evolution of the fields and conditions will emerge in the 1880s, and Basque pelota will lastingly be differentiated. Institutionalised in the early 20th century and made international, Basque pelota adopts plural practices, influences from the Americas, and their many paradoxes.

Estudo da fadiga no futebol-respostas crónicas e agudas

Rebelo, António Natal Campos January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

O modelo societário como resposta organizativa no futebol profissional em Portugal e no Brasil-uma análise hermenêutico-dialéctica na perspectiva das ciências do desporto

Barbosa, Alberto dos Santos Puga January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Caracterização biomecânica do remate em suspensão com corrida no andebol-uma abordagem cinemática, dinâmica e electromiográfica

Graziano, Alberto da Conceição Liberto January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação da força muscular isocinética dos extensores e flexores do joelho-um estudo com voleibolistas masculinos portugueses

Filho, Rodolfo Gomes de Lima January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Limiar aeróbio-anaeróbio e distância percorrida em jogo-estudo numa equipa de futebol profissional da 1 liga portuguesa

Valente, António Pinto January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Exercícios complexos de treino-influência das variáveis espaço, tempo e número de jogadores na intensidade do esforço de um exercício de treino

Sá, Pedro João Ramos Amorim January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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