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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ethnographie du mouvement des jardins pédagogiques des écoles primaires de la MRC de Portneuf au prisme de l’éducation à l’environnement

Benoit, Raphaël 13 December 2023 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 8 mai 2023) / Ce mémoire est une recherche anthropologique sur les manières dont l'éducation à l'environnement s'insère dans les initiatives de jardins pédagogiques des écoles primaires de la MRC de Portneuf, au Québec (Canada). En tant que véhicule de l'éducation à l'environnement, le jardinage pédagogique en milieu scolaire est un lieu où le politique, l'éducation et l'écologie s'enchevêtrent. À partir d'une écologie politique de l'éducation, ce mémoire interroge les processus politiques et économiques de l'éducation qui sont susceptibles d'affecter la relation des humains avec l'environnement. Cette étude vise à révéler comment l'accessibilité aux ressources nécessaires au jardinage pédagogique en milieu scolaire est négociée par différents acteurs des échelles locale, régionale et provinciale. Elle permet aussi de démontrer la tension entre les approches de l'éducation à l'environnement véhiculées dans les initiatives de jardins pédagogiques et l'éducation au développement durable qui s'érige comme hégémonique dans l'arène des politiques éducatives gouvernementales. / This thesis is an anthropological research about how environmental education manifest itself in the elementary school garden movement of Portneuf RCM, Quebec (Canada). As environmental education sites, school gardens play a political, educational, and ecological role. Guided by the political ecology of education framework, this thesis focuses on the political and economic forces of education and how it might affect human and environmental relationships. This research aims to reveal how the access over school garden resources is negotiated by actors at various educational interconnected scales. It also shows the tension between the environmental education approaches of school gardening and the hegemonic education policy of education for sustainable development.

Évaluation de l'effet combiné des contraintes psychosociales au travail et du poids sur la pression artérielle

Guedes de Oliveira, Joao Carlos 09 December 2024 (has links)
OBJECTIF : Déterminer si les participants exposés à l’effet combiné du déséquilibre effort-reconnaissance (DER) et du poids, présentent des élévations de pression artérielle (PA) après 36 mois. MÉTHODES : Cohorte prospective chez 1684 cols-blancs. La PA a été prise aux 15 minutes lors d’une journée de travail. Le poids, la taille et le DER ont été mesurés avec des méthodes validées. RÉSULTATS : Les femmes et les hommes en surpoids exposés à une augmentation du DER, présentaient des moyennes de PA systolique de 2 à 4 mm Hg plus élevées que les non-exposés. L’exposition chronique au DER et au surpoids n’étaient pas associée à une élévation de PA. CONCLUSION : Cette étude supporte partiellement l’effet délétère du DER combiné au surpoids sur la PA. Les résultats suggèrent que la réduction de ces expositions pourrait contribuer à prévenir les atteintes cardiovasculaires. / OBJECTIVE: To determine if participants exposed to the combined effect of effort-reward imbalance (ERI) and weight, have blood pressure (BP) means higher than unexposed participants. METHODS: A prospective cohort study composed of 1684 white-collar works. Ambulatory BP was measured every 15 minutes during a work day. Participant’s height, weight and ERI were measured using validated methods. RESULTS: Female and male workers with overweight, who experienced an increase in their exposure to ERI, presented systolic BP means of 2 to 4 mm Hg higher than unexposed women and men. There was no observed association between repeated exposure to ERI and BP. CONCLUSION: This study partially suggests that exposure to combined effect of ERI and overweight were associated with significant increases in BP. Additional studies are needed to evaluate the combined effect of job strain and weight on BP.

Approche socio-cognitive en réadaptation cardiaque : effets sur l'observance à l'activité physique, les facteurs de risque et la qualité de vie

Houle, Julie 18 April 2018 (has links)
L'étude visait à évaluer l'efficacité d'une intervention socio-cognitive, utilisant un podomètre sur l'activité physique, la perception d'efficacité personnelle, les facteurs de risque et la qualité de vie. Une étude randomisée contrôlée a été menée auprès de 65 sujets répartis dans un groupe expérimental (N=32) ou dans un groupe contrôle (N=33). L'activité physique a été mesurée chaque 3 mois suivant un syndrome coronarien aigu à l'aide d'un podomètre (NL-2000). Les autres variables ont été mesurées à 6 et 12 mois suivant le congé. L'intervention a eu un impact sur l'activité physique après 3 mois (interaction [groupe.temps], p<0.001) et 12 mois (interaction [groupe.temps], p<0.003). Après 12 mois, un effet a été observé sur la réduction du tour de taille (interaction [groupe.temps], p=0.043) et sur l'amélioration de la perception de la qualité de vie globale (interaction [groupe.temps], p=0.048) ainsi que la perception de la santé et capacité fonctionnelle (interaction [groupe.temps], p=0.036). Les résultats encouragent l'utilisation de cette approche afin d'améliorer la santé durant l'année suivant un syndrome coronarien aigu.

Le rôle de l'ASP dans la résistance à l'insuline et le diabète de type 2

Munkonda, Mercedes Nancy 19 April 2018 (has links)
L'accumulation de tissu adipeux viscéral associée à l'obésité s'accompagne de profondes altérations du métabolisme lipidique et du système immunitaire, desquelles découle une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline. Le complement C3, composante du système immunitaire innée, est le précusseur de la protéine stimulant l'acylation (l'ASP), une adipokine produite par le tissu adipeux et impliquée dans le métabolisme des lipides et du glucose. Par ailleurs, la dérivation biliopancréatique avec commutation duodénale et gastrectomie pariétale (BPD-DS) est à ce jour le seul traitement efficace pour l'obésité morbide (IMC>40 kg/m ) et le diabète de type 2 qui y est associée. Les travaux décrits dans cette thèse sont effectués d'abord chez l'humain puis chez la souris afin d'établir le rôle de l'ASP comme cibles thérapeutiques moléculaires pour le traitement de la résistance à l'insuline et du diabète de type 2. L'étude clinique, chez des patientes diabétiques et non diabétiques de type 2 avec BPD-DS, a montré une association partielle (r2=0.454, p<0.001) entre les baisses aiguës de niveaux sériques d'ASP postopératoire et l'amélioration de la sensibilité à l'insuline dès la cinquième journée post-chirurgie. Afin d'élucider les mécanismes qui sous tendent cette relation, une étude de gain de fonction a été effectuée chez la souris déficiente du gène du complément C3 et conséquemment déficiente en ASP (C3KO). Nos résultats ont montré que l'ASP, par ses effets métaboliques et immunitaires délétaires dans le tissu adipeux, le muscle et le foie, potentialise sur la signalisation de l'insuline les effets adverses d'un environnement hyperlipidique, lequel est favorable au développement de la résistance à l'insuline. De façon générale nos travaux suggèrent que les états métaboliques et inflammatoires du tissu adipeux, du muscle et du foie seraient déterminants dans l'amélioration aiguë de la résistance à l'insuline et du diabète de type 2 après une chirurgie bariatrique de type BPD-DS. En outre, nos données suggèrent aussi que l'ASP, qui est partiellement responsable de cette amélioration observée, serait une voie de signalisation compensatoire/alternative à celle de l'insuline défectueuse, devenant ainsi une nouvelle cible thérapeutique dans le diabète.

Aspect and modality in Biblical Hebrew

Bae, Yunjung 03 September 2009 (has links)
This thesis attempts to provide an encompassing account for the centuries-old question concerning how aspect and modality are grammaticalized in the verbal system in Biblical Hebrew. To this end, the semantics of the three verb forms qatal, yiqtol, and qotel are investigated by means of a theory-unbiased observation on the Biblical text. It is argued that Biblical Hebrew has an aspectual opposition of the perfective and the imperfective and that the two aspects are encoded by the verb forms qatal and qotel, respectively. Concerning the modal system in Biblical Hebrew, it is suggested that the Biblical Hebrew broadly distinguishes the realis and irrealis and that the irrealis is marked by a single verb form yiqtol. Finally, the verbs occasioned in the Book of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 are thoroughly examined in the light of the present study. The examination on the Isaiah passage consequently ascertains that the present study largely removes the existing obstacles in understanding Biblical Hebrew verb conjugations and lays the significant grounds toward the proper linguistic understanding of the Biblical text. / text

The Interaction of Modality, Aspect and Negation in Persian

Hojatollah Taleghani, Azita January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the verbal system of Persian and is focused on the interaction of modality, tense, aspect and negation in this language. The dissertation challenges the idea that the syntactic structure maps on to the semantic interpretation or vice-versa.It is argued that modals are raising constructions in some languages (Wurmbrand 1999). Modals in Persian, which do not have subject-raising constructions, show different behavior. First, the root complex modals are generally syntactic control in Wurmbrand's (1998, 2001) proposal. There are just a few gaps with respect to dynamic root modals. Second, all epistemic modals which are either defective auxiliary modals or complex modals take default agreements and are pseudo-raising constructions. Third, the syntactic structures of modals show that there is no one-to-one correspondence between the structural positions and semantic interpretations of modals in Persian except in the auxiliary modal bâyad 'must'.The second contribution of this dissertation is that the class of restructuring verbs varies across languages. German semantic control verbs are instances of restructuring constructions (Wurmbrand 2001) while the only case of restructuring in Persian is the functional restructuring which appears in auxiliary modals such as bâyad 'must' and šâyad 'may' since they are mono-clausal and do not have a CP.This dissertation also investigates the structure of complex verbal forms in Persian. It is argued that Persian future tense is an instance of Serial Verb Constructions. However, progressives which are bi-clausal constructions are Aspectual Complex predicates.In the case of the structural analysis of the interaction of Persian modals and negation, this dissertation shows that the syntactic structure maps on the semantic interpretation or vice-versa. There are just a few gaps with respect to the scope possibilities of particular modals.The final contribution of this dissertation is related to the problem of the word order of NV elements and LV within complex predicates. This research provides three suggestions regarding the clausal complement position in complex predicates, and suggests that the vP remnant movement is the most reasonable one, since it is compatible with the recent trends of syntactic theories and suggested for some other languages (Mahajan 2003).

Aspectual Scope and Contrast in English and Japanese

Clarke, Sarah 08 January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a feature-based approach to aspect. I argue that both viewpoint aspect and lexical aspect are generated from the presence of functional properties that operate at three levels of syntactic structure: lexical, predicate, and clausal. The same aspectual feature has a different effect on the aspectual properties of the clause as a whole depending on the level at which it is active and the contrasts in which it participates. I illustrate this for English and Japanese, showing that a small number of syntactic features can capture the differences and similarities between the aspectual systems. I propose that aspect in English is determined by two functional heads: AspQ, which encodes quantity (i.e., telicity), and AspA, which encodes atomicity (i.e., punctuality). AspQ may either be a root modifier, lexically encoding quantity, or head a separate functional projection within the vP system, where it is licensed by a quantized argument. AspA may also be a root modifier, lexically encoding atomicity; it may also appear in the inflectional domain, where it encodes clausal non-atomicity (i.e., imperfective aspect). I propose that Japanese is like English in that AspA may be active at the root level; however, it differs from English in that AspA may also be active at the vP level, where it encodes the fact that the predicate is represented as a single unit. Japanese also differs from English in that it does not make use of the feature AspQ, meaning that Japanese has no quantity distinction, and makes use of the feature State, which heads a functional projection where light verbs such as iru &lsquo;be&rsquo; are merged. Thus, the differences in the aspectual systems of English and Japanese are attributed to a few features that are active at different levels of syntactic structure.

Aspectual Scope and Contrast in English and Japanese

Clarke, Sarah 08 January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a feature-based approach to aspect. I argue that both viewpoint aspect and lexical aspect are generated from the presence of functional properties that operate at three levels of syntactic structure: lexical, predicate, and clausal. The same aspectual feature has a different effect on the aspectual properties of the clause as a whole depending on the level at which it is active and the contrasts in which it participates. I illustrate this for English and Japanese, showing that a small number of syntactic features can capture the differences and similarities between the aspectual systems. I propose that aspect in English is determined by two functional heads: AspQ, which encodes quantity (i.e., telicity), and AspA, which encodes atomicity (i.e., punctuality). AspQ may either be a root modifier, lexically encoding quantity, or head a separate functional projection within the vP system, where it is licensed by a quantized argument. AspA may also be a root modifier, lexically encoding atomicity; it may also appear in the inflectional domain, where it encodes clausal non-atomicity (i.e., imperfective aspect). I propose that Japanese is like English in that AspA may be active at the root level; however, it differs from English in that AspA may also be active at the vP level, where it encodes the fact that the predicate is represented as a single unit. Japanese also differs from English in that it does not make use of the feature AspQ, meaning that Japanese has no quantity distinction, and makes use of the feature State, which heads a functional projection where light verbs such as iru &lsquo;be&rsquo; are merged. Thus, the differences in the aspectual systems of English and Japanese are attributed to a few features that are active at different levels of syntactic structure.

An approach to aspect-oriented model-driven code generation using graph transformation /

Bennett, Jeannette Donyell, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Texas at Dallas, 2007. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-105)

Third-party composition of AOP mechanisms

Kojarski, Sergei. January 1900 (has links)
Title from title page (viewed March 10, 2009) College of Computer and Information Science. Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-182).

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