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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gamybinių tvarkaraščių sudarymo uždavinio algoritmai ir analizė / Algorithms and analysis of the scheduling problem

Simonavičius, Julius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo pradžioje supažindinsiu su gamybinių tvarkaraščių sudarymo uždaviniu. Jo tikslas rasti tvarkaraštį tam tikrai gamybinei situacijai. Uždavinys turi pilnai nusakyti kas ir kur turi įvykti ir apibrėžti visus apribojimus, o gautas sprendinys turi tenkinti šiuos reikalavimus ir vienareikšmiškai nusakyti operacijų vykdymą. Ši problema aktuali gamyklose, personalo valdyme, krovinių gabenime, oro uostuose, traukinių stotyse ir daugelyje kitų. Kadangi matematinis gamybinių tvarkaraščių sudarymo apibūdinimas sudaromas atsižvelgiant į realaus pasaulio problemas, egzistuoja daug šio uždavinio variantų. Dėl to teko pasirinkti kurį konkretų uždavinį nagrinėti. Pirmajame skyriuje supažindinu su šiuo konkrečiu uždaviniu, pateikiu apibrėžimus, s��vokas ir egzistuojančias problemas sprendžiant gamybinių tvarkaraščių uždavinį. Galiausiai parodysiu, kad tai yra sunkiai sprendžiamas ir dėl to vienas iš aktualių kombinatorinio optimizavimo uždavinių. Tuomet plačiau apibūdinu genetinį ir skruzdžių kolonijos optimizavimo algoritmus. Šie algoritmai ir naudojami sprendžiant mano konkret�� gamybinių tvarkaraščių sudarymo uždavinį. Aš apibūdinu visus parametrus ir koeficientus. Vėliau aš pristatau sukurtą programinę įrangą, skirtą rasti spręsti gamybinių tvarkaraščių sudarymo uždavinį ir vaizdžiai pateikti gautus sprendinius. Taip pat grafikų lentelių ir kitų priemonių pagalba pateikiu atliktų eksperimentų rezultatus. Tuomet apžvelgiu gautus rezultatus ir aptariu pastebėtas tendencijas ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / At the begining of this work introduction to the scheduling problem and its basics is given. The goal of a scheduling problem is to make a schedule for a certain production situation. In the problem it is stated what must take place, and the solution describes exactly what should happen at what time. These problems occur in factories, personnel planning, transportation, airfields, railroad stations etcetera. Since mathematical descriptions of scheduling problems are often distilled from practical situations there are many variants of scheduling problems. A selection had to be made which problem is going to be a target of the study. The job shop scheduling problem was chosen. In the first chapter there is definitions of the problems we are trying to solve, introduction of important concepts (properties, bounds, definitions) from the field of scheduling. The last section takes a small detour into theoretical computer science in order to make precise that scheduling problems are hard to solve. In the second chapter introduction of genetic and ant colony optomization algorithms and its basius is given. It is used to solve scheduling problem, which was mentioned before. Introduction of all genetic and ant colony optimization algorithm operators and settings are given here. Then follows the introduction to software witch was made to solve and visualize solutions of scheduling problem. A great number of plots and figures are used in the experimental chapter to explain what... [to full text]

Telekomunikacijų prieigos tinklo optimizavimo uždavinių analizė ir realizacija / Analysis and realization of telecommunication network approach optimization algorithms

Lazaravičius, Saulius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – sukurti bendrą prieigos tinklo modeliavimo metodiką bei jos programinę realizaciją, atitinkančią šiuos reikalavimus: • n užduotų prieigos tinklo parametrų reikšmių optimalus nustatymas pagal m užduotų prieigos tinklo kokybės apribojimų, kai n ≥ 1, o m ≥ 0; • optimalus stočių koordinačių nustatymas mobiliojo telefono ryšio tinklui; • optimalus stočių koordinačių nustatymas laidinio telefono ryšio tinklui; Darbo pradžioje apžvelgiamos telekomunikacijų sektoriaus užduotys, kurios gali būti sprendžiamos kombinatorinio optimizavimo metodais. Taipogi pristatomi ir suklasifikuojami galimi šių užduočių sprendimo metodai. Tiriamojoje darbo dalyje pristatomas daugiaparametrinis prieigos tinklo optimizavimo algoritmas integruotas su stočių išdėstymo algoritmais. Stočių išdėstymui pateikiami du meta-euristiniai algoritmai: • Skruzdžių kolonijos algoritmas, papildytas lokalios paieškos procedūra; • Genetinis algoritmas, papildytas lokalios paieškos procedūra. Minėtų algoritmų realizacijos skirstomos pagal šias prieigos tinklo ryšio topologijas: • Mobiliojo telefono ryšio tinklui; • Fiksuoto telefono ryšio tinklui. Esminiai darbe pasiekti rezultatai: • Sukurta universali metodika, leidžianti kurti realius prieigos tinklo modelius; • Sukurta šios metodikos programinė realizacija. Darbe nagrinėjamų uždavinių ir algoritmų pagrindu buvo paskelbti ir pristatyti šie straipsniai: • „Prieigos tinklo parametrų optimalaus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective of this work is creation of telecommunication network approach algorithm and its realization. The created algorithm must fulfill following requirements: • optimal values evaluation of n given network approach parameters with m given network approach quality constrains, where n ≥ 1, o m ≥ 0; • optimal solution for transmitters placement problem in mobile phone network; • optimal solution for transmitters placement problem in fixed phone network; In the beginning of this paper we present a set of telecommunication segment problems which can be solved using combinatorial optimization methods. Also we present a set of combinatorial optimization methods which can be used for solving these problems. Finally we present a graphical classification of analyzed problems and connect it with algorithms which are capable for solving it. In the research part of this paper we present a multi parametric network approach optimization algorithm united with algorithms for placing transmitters. Next we present two Meta heuristics based optimization algorithms: • Ant Colony Optimization algorithm with local search procedure; • Genetic algorithm with local search procedure. The realization of these two algorithms depends on the topology of the network approach being analyzed. In this paper we analyze two most common types of network approaches: • Mobile phone network approach; • Fixed phone network approach. The two main achievements of... [to full text]

Role of membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell trafficking

Shirvaikar, Neeta Chandan Unknown Date
No description available.

A history of native education in Natal between 1835 and 1927.

Emanuelson, Oscar Emil. January 1927 (has links)
This account of Native Education in Natal has been written to make available for the first time a mass of valuable information, which will, it is hoped, prove useful to Government Officials and leading Missionaries. For this purpose, details have been entered into where they would otherwise have been unnecessary, and schemes which have borne no fruit have often been discussed as thoroughly as those which have been adopted. Especially is this so in the first four chapters. The earliest reports, at present terra incognita to the Natal Education officials, are in manuscript, are bound with Miscellaneous Reports of the Secretary for Native Affairs, and are now filed for preservation in the Natal Archives. Concerning even the Zwaart Kop Government Native Industrial School (1886 - 1891) very little information has been found available in the records kept by the Natal Education Department. The writer's chief object has been to give the history of "formal" education. For those interested in "informal" education, many excellent books on the customs and kraal-life of the Natives of South Africa are available. Questions of policy have been dealt with from the stand-point of the historian, rather than from that of a political or an educational administrator. Consequently no attempt has been made to advocate any one method of solving the problems of Native Education. Information concerning Zululand before its annexation to Natal in 1897 is unobtainable, because the documents collected in the Office of the Governor of Zululand are of too recent a date to be consulted by the public. Such material as is available points to the presence of only a few missionaries in Zululand before l898, owing to the attitude of the Zulu Kings towards them. The absence of accurate records has made it impossible to deal with such interesting subjects as The largest Mission Societies and The oldest Mission Stations. The inclusion of any account of unaided missionary effort has also been impossible; but it is quite safe to assume that all missionary effort which has produced good educational results has received either Government comment or Government grant. When the spelling of any Zulu name differs from the normal modern form of such a name, the variation is due to the fact that the documents consulted make various spellings possible. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-Natal University College, Pietermaritzburg, 1927.

Tambins inverkan på naturligt förekommande pollinatörer

Lindqvist, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
Det här arbetet handlar om tambins inverkan på naturligt förekommande pollinatörer. Min frågeställning berör: tillgången på näring, hälsotillståndet och populationsnivån hos naturligt förekommande pollinatörer i förhållande till tambins närvaro. Det som framkommit av den här litteraturstudien är att introducerade tambin leder till att naturligt förekommande pollinatörer minskar i antal kring bikuporna, en del arter söker föda på andra blommor eller senare på dygnet än tidigare. Den minskade tillgången på föda som denna konkurrens innebär har en negativ inverkan på humlors kroppsstorlek och därmed deras överlevnad. Samt att tambin kan föra över patogener så som varroakvalster, nosemasjuka och deformed wing virus till humlor vilket leder till minskad livslängd och sämre fortplantning. / This study is about the impact of honeybees on native pollinators. My questions concerns: availability of food, the health and population level of native pollinators in relation to the presence of honeybees. What has emerged from this literature review is that the introduction of honeybees lead to a decline in numbers of bee and bumblebee pollinators in proximity of the hives and also alters their behaviour, some species choose to forage on other flowers, or later in the day than before honeybees where introduced. The reduced availability of food that this competition induces has a negative impact on the size of bumblebees body’s and thus their survival. What was also discovered was that honeybees can transfer pathogens such as varroa mites, the microsporidium Nosema ceranae and deformed wing virus to bumblebees, leading to reduced life expectancy and poor propagation.

“What shall we do with Cyprus?”: Cyprus in the British Imperial imagination, politics and structure, 1878-1915

Varnava, Andrekos Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
In 1878, Britain occupied Cyprus to protect imperial interests in the Near East and India, interests, both strategic and economic, that Russian expansion threatened and Ottoman weakness undermined. By 1912, Cyprus had become a pawn. The island had not been converted into the strategic, economic or political base to protect and extend British interests in the Near East. The policy of 1878 had failed because it was perceived rather than actual benefits that underlay the imposition of British rule. / The primary aim of this study is to present Cyprus as a failed case of imperialism. Historians have traditionally claimed that Cyprus was a strategic asset within the British imperial structure throughout British rule (1878-1960). That notion is challenged for the first phase of British rule – from the occupation of Cyprus in 1878 to when it was annexed in 1914 and then offered to Greece in October 1915. The approach is to situate the island within the British imperial imagination, which will help to understand why the island was occupied, and then to situate it within the British imperial structure after it was occupied to determine its place, value and viability. Understanding British politics and imperial policy is vital when trying to grasp the complexities of the imperial imagination(s) and the role of Cyprus within the imperial structure. This dissertation will show that perceptions generate reality and inform policy and that often these perceptions are imagined and exaggerated and thus, not based on evidence or reality. / This study will show that the British perceived Cyprus within two competing imaginaries that were at the heart of an imagined European spiritual identity: the Christian/Crusader/Holy Land tradition and that of Ancient Greece. The first tradition helps to explain why Cyprus was occupied; understanding the second provides one of the main reasons why the British failed in their imperial venture in Cyprus. Many British Conservative politicians and those that knew the Near East, through their imagined view of the Holy Land and their travels, diplomatic and military careers, situated Cyprus within the first tradition. They considered it strategically vital to the Levant and beyond to Armenia and Mesopotamia. Liberal leaders perceived Cyprus to be apart of Europe and, more significantly, within the unitary ideal of Modern Greece that the British had fashioned in continuum of the unitary ideal of Ancient Greece. Although the identity of the Cypriots was complex, the British imposed – unwittingly – modernity on the Cypriots. / Ultimately, it was the latter imagination that became dominant and with the failure of Cyprus to have a place within imperial strategy, it became a pawn to be parted to Greece with.


Masiero, Silvia Maria Krug 23 June 2006 (has links)
The granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) is a hematopoietic cytokine that stimulates and regulates the proliferation and differentiation of neutrophil precursor cells of the bone marrow. The recombinant hormone (rhG-CSF) non-glycosylated, filgrastim, is used to treat the neutropenia induced by chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantion. The identification and characterization was carried out by electrophoresis and western blotting, showing the typical band in the region of 18.8 kDa. The neutropenia mouse bioassay was standardized with the BALB/c strain, previously treated with ifosfamide and used for the potency assessment of pharmaceutical products. A gradient reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RP-LC) was validated for the analysis of rhG-CSF in pharmaceutical formulations. The LC method was carried out on a Jupiter C4 column 300 Å (250 mm x 4.6 mm i.d.), maintained at ambient temperature. The mobile phase A consisted of water:acetonitrila (90:10, v/v) with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid and the mobile phase B was water:acetonitrile (20:80, v/v) with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid, run at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min with detection at 280 nm. The chromatographic separation was obtained with the retention time of 31.9 minutes and the method was linear in the range of 10 300 μg/mL. Validation parameters such as sensitivity, precision, accuracy, detection limit, quantitation limit and robustness were evaluated giving results in the acceptable range. The specificity was evaluated by the peak purity of the rhG-CSF biological reference preparation subjected to oxidative conditions. The proposed method was applied for the analysis of filgrastim pharmaceutical products, evaluating the sulphoxides and deamidates forms as well. Moreover, the size-exclusion chromatography (SE-LC) was performed for the potency evaluation of 7 filgrastim, dimers and high-molecular-mass forms. Samples of pharmaceutical formulations were subjected to aggregation, degradation and than each one evaluated by the neutropenia mouse bioassay giving biological activities of 14.60%, 13.47% and 15.63%, for the dimers, high-molecular-mass substances and the sulphoxides/deamidates, respectively. The pharmaceutical samples were analysed by the chromatographyc methods and compared to the bioassay showing mean difference between the estimated potencies of 2.04% lower for the RP-LC, and 4.03% lower for the SE-LC, with significant correlation (p>0.05). Due to the reduced bioactivity of the rhG-CSF-related proteins, the SE-LC is proposed in combination with the RP-LC as an alternative to the bioassay for the potency assessment of filgrastim in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The alternative established represents a contribution towards the replacement of the animals improving the quality control and assuring the safety and efficacy of the biological product. / O fator estimulador da colônia de granulócitos humanos é uma citocina hematopoiética que estimula e regula a proliferação e diferenciação de células precursoras de neutrófilos da medula óssea. O hormônio recombinante (rhG-CSF) sob a forma nãoglicosilada, filgrastima, é usado para o tratamento de neutropenias. Realizou-se a identificação de filgrastima em produtos farmacêuticos por eletroforese, transferência e detecção com anticorpos específicos, demonstrando-se banda única na região de peso molecular de, aproximadamente, 18,8 kDa. Avaliou-se a atividade pelo ensaio biológico da neutropenia em camundongos da linhagem BALB/c, pré-tratados com ifosfamida. Desenvolveu-se e validou-se o método por cromatografia líquida em fase reversa (CL-FR), utilizando coluna Júpiter C4 300 Å (250 mm x 4,6 mm, i.d.), mantida a temperatura ambiente. A fase móvel A foi constituída de água/acetonitrila (90:10, V/V)/ 0,1% ácido trifluoroacético e a fase móvel B de água/acetonitrila (20:80, V/V)/ 0,1% ácido trifluoroacético, eluída em gradiente na vazão de 0,5 mL/min com detecção no ultravioleta a 280 nm. A análise cromatográfica viabilizou a separação da filgrastima no tempo de retenção de 31,9 min, sendo linear na faixa de concentração de 10 300 μg/mL. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros de precisão, exatidão, limite de detecção, limite de quantificação e robustez. Estudou-se também a especificidade, através da determinação da pureza do pico da Substância biológica de referência de rhG-CSF, submetida à degradação sob condições oxidativas. O método proposto foi utilizado para análise de filgrastima em produtos farmacêuticos, determinando-se as formas de sulfóxidos e desamidados. Paralelamente, efetuaram-se avaliações de potência por cromatografia líquida por exclusão molecular (CL-EM), determinando as formas diméricas e de alta massa molecular. Amostras de produtos farmacêuticos foram submetidas a condições de agregação e degradação e, então, avaliadas pelo bioensaio da neutropenia em 5 camundongos, obtendo-se atividades biológicas de 14,60%, 13,47% e 15,63%, para os dímeros, substâncias de alta massa molecular e sulfóxidos/desamidados, respectivamente. Estudou-se a correlação entre métodos e demonstrou-se que as análises dos produtos farmacêuticos forneceram diferenças médias 2,04% menor por CL-FR, e significativa de 4,03% menor por CL-EM, em relação ao ensaio biológico. Devido à reduzida bioatividade das formas alteradas, conclui-se sugerindo a adoção do método por CL-EM para a avaliação de potência de filgrastima, em combinação com CL-FR. Desse modo, estabeleceu-se alternativa no contexto da substituição do uso de animais, contribuindo para aprimorar o controle da qualidade, garantindo a segurança e eficácia terapêutica do produto biológico.

The antimicrobial efficacy of a carbohydrate derived fulvic acid as a pre-periodontal procedure mouth rinse

Abrahams, Gadija January 2017 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium - MChD (Oral Medicine and Periodontics) / The aim of this study was to assess whether a mouthwash containing carbohydrate derived fulvic acid, is effective in reducing the salivary microbial count pre-operatively. Endeavours have been made to reduce the risk of infection, bacteraemia and cross-contamination during dental procedures by the application of topical antimicrobial agents. To date chlorhexidine is the most widely evaluated and efficacious agent against oral biofilms but there have been reports of adverse effects ranging from contact dermatitis to severe anaphylactic shock. A new mouth rinse containing carbohydrate derived fulvic acid are reported to have broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against specific oral microbes and Candida albicans with no side effects.

Inquisi??o em Vila Rica setecentista: aspectos das pr?ticas inquisitoriais no per?odo compreendido entre 1711 e 1750

Colen, Dalvan Charbaje 20 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-16T18:39:39Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dalvan_charbaje_colen.pdf: 1623212 bytes, checksum: ed8c1a89826cb5554b92169aa8f27739 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-20T13:21:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dalvan_charbaje_colen.pdf: 1623212 bytes, checksum: ed8c1a89826cb5554b92169aa8f27739 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-20T13:21:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dalvan_charbaje_colen.pdf: 1623212 bytes, checksum: ed8c1a89826cb5554b92169aa8f27739 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Este trabalho se desenvolveu atrav?s de pesquisas e contribui??es com a tem?tica Inquisi??o e seus aspectos Inquisitoriais, na busca de abstrair a atua??o do Tribunal do Santo Of?cio em Vila Rica - Minas Gerais, seus desdobramentos e experi?ncias nas primeiras d?cadas do s?culo XVIII. Ter acesso a documentos prim?rios da Inquisi??o, no inicio da forma??o territorial de Vila Rica viabilizou compreender mais a realidade do Santo Of?cio, os seus interesses e como atuavam, tendo em vista o car?ter m?ltiplo de julgador, controlador e repressor, atuando aparentemente como ide?rio da manuten??o da f? Cat?lica. Assim, selecionou-se Vila Rica, por se tratar de uma das principais Vilas no per?odo colonial do Brasil. Logo, houve delimita??o do espa?o e tempo; vale relatar que o principal expoente Inquisitorial em Vila Rica eram os Crist?os-Novos (1711-1750). / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Tecnologia, Sa?de e Sociedade, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / This work was developed through researches and contributions with the Inquisition and its Inquisitorial aspects, in the quest to abstract the actions of the Court of the Holy Office in Vila Rica - Minas Gerais, its developments and experiences in the first decades of the 18th century. Having access to primary documents of the Inquisition, at the beginning of the territorial formation of Vila Rica made it possible to understand more the reality of the Holy Office, its interests and how they acted, considering the multiple character of a judge, controller and repressor, apparently acting as maintenance of the Catholic faith. Thus, Vila Rica was selected because it is the main towns in the colonial period of Brazil. Therefore, there was delimitation of space and time; it is worth mentioning that the main Inquisitorial exponent in Vila Rica was the New-Christians (1711-1750).

The development of the secretaryship to the government at the Cape of Good Hope under John Montagu, 1843-1852

Breitenbach, J J January 1958 (has links)
The development of the Cape Colony during the 'forties and early 'fifties last century is, indeed, a fascinating study. And as one aspect of it, a critical study analysis of the public career of John Montagu, while he was Colonial Secretary at the Cape, is of particular interest. For, by tracing the influence of his office in relation to the changing political, social and economic structures of the colony, it is hoped some contribution will be made to the knowledge of the period. Thus, the present thesis is, in part, an examination of the duties and responsibilities of the Colonial Office; but more particularly, it is an examination of how Montagu, who virtually dominated the Cape scene for almost a decade interpreted these duties and responsibilities. By concentrating, then, on his role in the civil administration and political management of colonial affairs, other aspects are revealed. The authority of the Colonial Office, which had through the years become a sort of government 'archives', was developed to such an extent, that every memorandum issued by it seems to set the tone for government policy. More. The very fact that Montagu was, time and again, left in charge of civil affairs at the Cape, while it reveals the dominant native problem and the vital question of defence, accounts also for the patenalism in government. The most important primary sources for this study have been the British Parliamentary Papers on Cape Affairs, the Cape of Good Hope Blue Books, Government House Records and the relevant minutes of the Executive and Legislative Councils. The Annual Almanacs of the Cape proved to be invaluable; they contain a wealth of information on the institutions of government, central and local, as well as the most indispensable returns for all the many services at the Cape.

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