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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A trajetória do aglomerado de confecções de Petrópolis/RJ

Toledo, Pedro Henrique Vieira Martins January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe a analisar a trajetória do aglomerado de confecções de Petrópolis/RJ, destacando as transformações ocorridas em seu evoluir, com o propósito de compreender o seu desempenho e as relações existentes de competição e cooperação entre as empresas e instituições que o compõem. Para atingir esse objetivo, realiza-se o resgate dos conceitos teóricos sobre aglomerados produtivos e sua inserção em uma economia globalizada e caracteriza-se a cadeia têxtil-confecções, apresentando as suas etapas de produção e sua contextualização nacional e internacional, para, então, analisar os aspectos históricos, econômicos e institucionais da trajetória do aglomerado. A análise é feita através do estudo da formação industrial de Petrópolis, da coleta de dados primários quantitativos sobre a cadeia têxtil-confecções do município e de pesquisa de campo com a realização de entrevistas junto a instituições e empresas para a obtenção de informações qualitativas do aglomerado. Por fim, este trabalho aponta as forças do aglomerado e quais são os desafios a serem enfrentados para resgatar o seu desenvolvimento. / This dissertation aims to analyze the path of clothing cluster of Petropolis city, highlighting the changes that occurred in its evolution, in order to understand its performance and the relationship of competition and cooperation between companies and institutions that compose it. To attain this end, theoretical concepts of clusters and their insertion in a globalized economy are redeemed and the textile clothing chain is characterized with its stages of production and its national and international context, to then analyze the historical, economic and institutional aspects of cluster’s path. The analysis is done by studying Petropolis’ industrial origin, collecting primary quantitative data of Petropolis’ textile clothing chain and through a field research with institutions and companies in order to obtain cluster’s qualitative data. Finally, this work points out cluster’s strength and what are the challenges to be faced to rescue its development.

Análise do desempenho de cadeias produtivas agroindustriais da mandioca : estudo de caso das principais regiões de produção do Brasil

Alves, Admar Bezerra January 2012 (has links)
Diversas abordagens têm pautado a questão da eficiência e competitividade de cadeias agroindustriais no Brasil. Neste contexto se insere a cadeia produtiva da mandioca que se apresenta com diversos indicadores estagnados nos últimos anos, com isso perdendo competitividade. Muitos fatores restringem o seu desempenho, principalmente no segmento da fécula, um dos principais produtos derivados da mandioca, estendendo-se aos outros derivados. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar como os direcionadores de valor ou de custo críticos interferem na eficiência e eficácia da agroindústria processadora de mandioca nas principais regiões do Brasil tendo como referência indústrias de farinha de mandioca, fécula e farinha de tapioca localizadas na região Nordeste do Estado do Pará e as regiões Noroeste e Oeste do Estado do Paraná. Para tanto, utilizou-se o método de estudo de casos com suporte na teoria de cadeia de valor de Porter e outros referenciais teóricos correlatos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa onde foram entrevistados dez especialistas do segmento agroindustrial da mandioca, dos quais, seis internos e quatro externos. O estudo revela que houve avanço significativo no elo de fornecedores de máquinas e equipamentos, principalmente para a agroindústria de fécula; estabilização da produção de matéria-prima (raiz) não acompanhando a demanda da agroindústria; alto nível tecnológico das agroindústrias de fécula e farinha de mandioca; avanços no elo de distribuição por meio da diminuição de agentes intermediários; tendência de queda do consumo per capita da farinha de mandioca e aumento do consumo de produtos de valor agregado. Quanto aos principais gargalos destaca-se: a instabilidade na oferta de matéria-prima; baixo rendimento das agroindústrias de farinha de mandioca e farinha de tapioca associado aos problemas de segurança alimentar; relacionamento instável entre fornecedor de matéria-prima e a agroindústria associado ao baixo nível de organização destes segmentos e a concorrência em desvantagem com cadeias produtivas tradicionais mais competitivas. Referente aos casos estudados conclui-se que existem diferenças significativas de desempenho das cadeias produtivas focadas sob a ótica da teoria de cadeia de valores: os direcionadores determinantes do comportamento dos custos de atividades de valor sinalizam que as agroindústrias da região Nordeste do Pará se apresentam em geral com baixa competitividade, enquanto que nas regiões Noroeste e Oeste do Estado do Paraná os direcionadores de valor são muito explorados. / Several approaches have guided the issue of efficiency and competitiveness of agribusiness chain in Brazil.In this context we insert the production chain of cassava that presents itself with several stagnated indicators in the recent years, thus losing competitiveness. Many factors limit its performance, mainly in the starch, one of the main products of cassava and extending to other derivatives.This study aimed to analyze how the value drivers interferes with critical cost efficiency and effectiveness of the processing of cassava in the main regions of Brazil with reference to the industries of cassava flour, potato starch and tapioca flour located in the Northeastern state of Para and the Northwest and west regions of Parana state. For this, we used the method of case studies supported by the theory of Porter's value chain and other related theoretical frameworks. This is an exploratory qualitative approach in which ten experts from agribusiness segments of cassava were interviewed, being six internal and four external. The study reveals that there was significant improvement in link suppliers of machinery and equipment, primarily for the agricultural industry of starch; stabilization of raw material (roots) not following the demand of agribusiness for a high technological level of starch and flour cassava; advances in the link distribution through the reduction of intermediaries; downward trend in per capita consumption of cassava flour and increased consumption of value-added products. As to the main bottlenecks stands out: the instability in the supply of raw materials, low yields of cassava flour agro-industries and tapioca flour associated with food security problems, unstable relationship between the supplier of raw materials and agricultural industry associated with low level organization of these segments, competition against the traditional supply chains that are more competitive. Referring to the cases studied, it appears that there are significant differences in performance of focused production chains from the perspective of the theory of value chain: the drivers of cost determinants of value activities, indicates that the agricultural industries of the Northeast of Para are presented in generally low competitiveness, while in Nortwest and West regions of the State of Paraná the value drivers are very exploited.

Análise da evolução da competitividade e da inserção externa do complexo soja brasileiro

Zemolin, Evandro Marcos January 2013 (has links)
O enfoque das análises apresentadas neste estudo concentra-se na oferta e demanda da soja em seus três estados básicos, que possuem as características de padronização aceitas mundialmente na comercialização dessas commodities. São eles, a soja em grãos e os derivados gerados após o esmagamento, farelo de soja e óleo bruto. Existem atualmente três grandes produtores e exportadores de produtos do complexo soja, Estados Unidos, Brasil e Argentina, que concentram o fornecimento mundial dessa matéria-prima. Este estudo busca analisar os fatores que explicam o expressivo crescimento da produção, esmagamento e exportação brasileira observados nos últimos anos. O desempenho brasileiro é comparado ao de seus principais concorrentes através de indicadores de competitividade, tais como: custos, produtividade e capacidade de penetração no mercado externo, buscando identificar os elementos que indicam as vantagens e limitações do Brasil frente à Argentina e aos Estados Unidos. As análises indicam que a produção e exportação brasileira de soja, especialmente do produto em grãos, são competitivas, dado o alto grau de penetração no mercado externo, que absorve aproximadamente dois terços da produção nacional. A disponibilidade terras com clima e topografia favorável ao cultivo e o uso intensivo de tecnologia são os fatores competitivos mais evidentes. / The focus of the analysis presented in this study focuses on the supply and demand of soybean in its three basic states, which have the characteristics of standardization accepted worldwide in the marketing of these commodities: they are the soybeans and derivatives generated after crushing, soybean meal and crude oil. There are currently three major producers and exporters of soy, United States, Brazil and Argentina, which concentrate the world's supply of this raw material. This study assesses the factors that explain the significant growth in production, crushing and Brazilian exports observed in recent years. The Brazilian performance is compared to its main competitors through competitiveness indicators such as cost, productivity and ability to penetrate foreign markets, seeking to identify the elements that indicate the advantages and limitations of Brazil against Argentina and the United States. The analyzes indicate that the production and export of Brazilian soybeans, especially in grain product, are competitive, given the high degree of penetration in foreign markets, which absorbs about two-thirds of national production. The availability of land with topography and climate favorable to the cultivation and extensive use of technology are the most obvious competitive factors.

Modelo de análise da governança para apoiar a inserção competitiva de aglomerações industriais em cadeias globais de valor

Geiger, Albert January 2011 (has links)
A globalização da economia tem induzido as empresas a se integrarem em diferentes tipos de aglomerações industriais. Estas aglomerações geralmente podem ser definidas a partir de dois aspectos principais: a sequência de relacionamentos entre empresas para distribuição dos produtos nos mercados regionais e globais, as chamadas cadeias produtivas ou globais de valor, e a concentração geográfica das empresas em um determinado território, denominada de cluster ou aglomeração industrial. Neste sentido, a globalização e a regionalização andam juntas, pois quanto mais global é o consumo de um determinado bem, maior a tendência de concentração espacial de empresas complementares para a produção deste bem. Porém a simples concentração geográfica da produção, por si, só não é suficiente para aumentar a competitividade das empresas da aglomeração. É necessário que sejam articuladas ações coletivas de direção e coordenação, de forma a aumentar a competitividade do conjunto de empresas envolvidas no esforço denominado de governança. Buscando contribuir com esta questão, o trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um modelo de análise de governança e uma metodologia de implantação para inserção competitiva de aglomerações industriais em cadeias globais de valor. Para atingir este objetivo, a pesquisa inicia com a caracterização das aglomerações industriais sejam elas baseadas em produtos ou baseadas no território. Na sequência são identificados vários aspectos relacionados à governança de aglomerações industriais, de forma a identificar os elementos-base para a proposição de um modelo de análise da governança. Com os elementos identificados, é proposto um modelo inicial de análise de governança. Este modelo é aplicado inicialmente em algumas aglomerações industriais maduras, já inseridas competitivamente em cadeias globais de valor. A partir desta aplicação é proposto um modelo final e uma metodologia passo a passo para a sua implementação. Finalmente, buscando testar a aplicabilidade do modelo e da metodologia desenvolvidos, o mesmo é aplicado parcialmente em uma aglomeração industrial. Por fim, a partir de um estudo de caso, são apresentadas as conclusões e recomendações relativas ao modelo, à metodologia e ao estudo de caso decorrentes do trabalho desenvolvido. / The globalization of the economy has leaded the companies to integrate themselves in different kind of agglomerations. These agglomerations can be defined by two principal aspects: The sequence of relationships between companies organized to distribute the goods on regional or global markets, called productive chain or global value chains, and the geographic concentration of firms in a specific territory, called industrial agglomeration or cluster. On this way, globalization and regionalization can run together because how global is the consumption of a specific good, bigger is the tendency to concentrate complementary companies to produce it. But the geographic production concentration itself is not enough to increase the competitiveness of the agglomerated companies. It is necessary the articulation of collective actions to get direction and coordination to the group of companies in order to increase the competitiveness that are called governance. To contribute with this question, this paper proposes the development of a model of governance analysis and a methodology to promote the competitive insertion of clusters in global value chains. To achieve this goal the research begins with the characterization of industrial agglomerations in terms of products produced or based in a specific territory. In the sequence some aspects related to the governance of industrial agglomerations are acknowledged in order to identify the baseelements that will be used to propose a governance model. With the elements identified is proposed an initial governance analysis model. This model was preliminary applied in three mature industrial clusters that are actually inserted in global value chains. After this preliminary application, it is proposed a final governance model and a step-by-step methodology for their implementation. Finally to evaluate the applicability of the developing model and his methodology, the model is partially applied in an industrial agglomeration. In the end, based on this case study, are presented conclusions and recommendations related to the model, the methodology and the case study developed in this work.

Význam komunikace se zákazníky / Importance of communication with customers

BARTOŠOVÁ, Zdeňka January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals a question what importance has for a company its communication with customers. It represents a suggestion on arrangement of complex care for current customers through introduction of new services including suitable communication with them. The first part of this work is focused on summary of basic theoretical knowledge concerning this problem. The other part contains an analysis of present situation of the company and results of questionnaire investigation realized. Individual suggestions based on these results were presented and evaluated from financial view, too. The thesis results in suggestions recommended to realization.

Hodnocení konkurenceschopnosti vybraného podniku pomocí metod strategického řízení / Evaluation of the competitiveness of the company selected by the methods of strategic management

MORŤANIKOVÁ, Iveta January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of the competitiveness of selected company. I used strategic analysis to evaluate the position of the Family brewery Bernard in the market. I assessed the external environment by STEP analysis and Porter´s model and internal environment by analysis of results in functional areas. Questionannire survey is part of the analysis. SWOT analysis was used for overall assessment of the competitiveness. In the last part, there are the suggestions and recommendations for suitable strategy on the market.

Posílení efektivity projektu internetového obchodu / Improve efficiency of project of e-shop

NOVOTNÁ, Renata January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to strengthen competitiveness of iProdukční s.r.o by means of application of marketing strategies and presentation of results on its adapted website. The company operates an interactive portal aukce.mimiweb.cz.

Posouzení vlivu tvorby organizační architektury na konkurenceschopnost podniku / Effect estimation of organizational architecture production to enterprise competitiveness

ROUBÍČKOVÁ, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The aim of diploma work with the topic {\clqq}Effect estimation of organizational architecture production to enterprise competitiveness`` was to suggest optimal organizational architecture for a chosen business subject. Organizational architecture is fundamental for every company which wants to be successful in both Czech and world markets. The introductory part of the diploma work contains of survey of theoretical knowledge from the sphere of organizational architecture. Basic source were books and magazines deal with modern trends in the sphere of organizational architecture and its regulation. In literature search are mentioned key cognisances and statements of well-known authors from the sphere of organizational architecture. The second part deals with detailed description and analysis of company ALPLA limited liability company Petrovice and its present organizational architecture. The main source of information were controlled talks with employees of company. Further the information was gathered from provided internal documents and from other intradepartmental documents, directions, statistical data, annual reports etc. In the conclusive part there are proposed certain steps pointing optimal organizational architecture of a chosen business subject and their positive economic impact upon an analysed company.

Konkurenceschopnost vybraného podniku a její hodnocení / Competitiveness of selected company and its evaluation

KARÁSKOVÁ, Alena January 2010 (has links)
My graduation thesis is focused on evaluation of present circumstances and position of AgorConsult Bohemia at the market. The first part of the thesis describes corresponding theory. The next part introduces the company and analyses of the internal environment of AgroConsult Bohemia by audit resources and the external environment by PEST analysis and basic characteristics around. There is a survey, too and its evaluation. The strategy position is describes by SWOT analysis. In the last part there are the suggestion and recommendations for the suitable strategy.

Analýza konkurenceschopnosti vybraného podniku / Analysis of the competitiveness of selected company

KAŠPAR, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is aimed to analyze the competitive abilities of a chosen enterprise ? STAKOPLAST cz, spol. s r.o., which produces plastic windows and doors on the Czech market. In the course of the work on this diploma thesis, the position of the enterprise on the relevant market was assessed, based on the internal and external environment analysis and the SWOT analysis, the strengths and weaknesses were identified. The enterprise will have to keep track of its customers and competitors. The customer and competitor orientation must be kept in balance. The company has to continuously evaluate its competitive abilities, its competitors and subsequently apply those strategies and competitive advantages, which will help it to keep and confirm its market position at given branch and region. The outputs of the analyses are the key to the market success of the company. The set targets meet the outputs of the analyses. The main target is to continuously improve all of the following areas ? meeting the customers? demands, improvement of the expertise of the employees, continuous improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the whole management system and production management system.

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